Community > Posts By > DeusImperator
Let me explain by syllogy It would appear the Deux's arguments are fallacious by choice, rather than as a consequence of ignorance. The syllogy was correct with regard to logical flow... I was attempting to educate. The arguments are not fallacious as they are at the core fairly truthful in that the left is more prone to violence and bigotry in their protests... a few of which I have been to. Right wing protests are fairly lame as there is no entertainment value attending them, they are not exciting like the leftist ones... no one is topless, no one is raging, no one is spewing irrationality that it is comedic, no fire bombings, they respect the cops enough that the cops are even intermingle with them freely so there are no altercations taking place meaning no one is getting their backsides kicked so there is no fight to watch for free, so I don't do the right wing protests; not much fun. I do like checking out the left-wing protests. In fact, interviewed some of the protesters at the G8 summit and at the Petroleum conference. There is a definite core group of ideologues and a whole bunch of hangers on who just want to be cool and be a part of something. I can attest that the Chinese Consulate was involved distributing Maoist literature through Chinese organizations during the G8 summit. One idiot called himself a communist so I questioned him about an aspect of Marxist theory. After much hmm-ing and hawing he decided to bring in his "handler". I am guessing that the handler was a good communist because he was distributing little red books courtesy of the consulate. But our good communist friend seemed lost as well not knowing much regarding Marx's dialectic as pertaining to the theory of history. I guess Reagan was correct when he said "How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin." However, both idiots probably did not bother reading Marx and were merely third-handers. Communism seems just a fad for some impressionable duds who have not much to do otherwise. The arson, mayhem and carnage they leave behind in their wake is a form of entertainment for them, they seem to enjoy it - all I want to see a few of them get beat up and roughed by the cops; whack 'em and stack 'em. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Fri 10/28/11 09:43 PM
Acorn, was never convicted of any crime. Members in Acorn did commit fraud though. Therefore is every employee of acorn guilty of fraud or being a criminal,,,,no Get it? The fraud committed by Acorn was systematic and widespread, no different from the mafia or the drug cartels. Vote fraud and racketeering was a mainstream and systematic within Acorn. Acorn is a criminal syndicate. Oh and remember the rot started at the very top wit the Rathkes. Top ten net ranks the most notorious charity scams as follows: 10. Tsunami cictim scam 9. VA Tech charity scam 8. Missouri AFCEF Charity Scam 7. The Foundation of Hope Scam 6. French Scientology Fraud 5. Deniz Feneri Foundation Fraud 4. Nigerian 419 E-Mail Scams 3. ACORN 2. Katrina Internet Scams 1. 9-11 Charity Scams opinion, not fact still falls in the category of guilt by association to take thousands of people working for an ENTITY and accuse them of the guilt for some who are convicted of wrong doing,, You have no idea of what guild by association is ... just like the fact that you either not well informed about topic of conversation and also have been known exaggerate or minimize your claims as they fit your ideology. Remember when you told an untruth about who authored a article you did a copy paste hack job on? Remember trying to weasel out when shown to the deception? Yeah I get it... At least in my defense, I do make it a point to get under the left's skin because they actually believe that they should be the arbiters of what is right and what is wrong. On the other hand, in my opinion Michelle Obama lacks class not because I disagree or er er er teleprompter-in-chief which her but because of the how she says and does things. On the other has Laura exhibited a lot of class with the way she spoke and carried herself, her poise. While I disagree with LBJ I thought his Ladybird carried herself with dignity. On the other had I think Nancy R. lacked class (but was not a cow) and Barbara B was a cow (with class). |
Acorn, was never convicted of any crime. Members in Acorn did commit fraud though. Therefore is every employee of acorn guilty of fraud or being a criminal,,,,no Get it? The fraud committed by Acorn was systematic and widespread, no different from the mafia or the drug cartels. Vote fraud and racketeering was a mainstream and systematic within Acorn. Acorn is a criminal syndicate. Oh and remember the rot started at the very top wit the Rathkes. Top ten net ranks the most notorious charity scams as follows: 10. Tsunami cictim scam 9. VA Tech charity scam 8. Missouri AFCEF Charity Scam 7. The Foundation of Hope Scam 6. French Scientology Fraud 5. Deniz Feneri Foundation Fraud 4. Nigerian 419 E-Mail Scams 3. ACORN 2. Katrina Internet Scams 1. 9-11 Charity Scams |
good for them, its a great exercise of their rights,,, Great now they have the right to rig votes, enable pimps and do their taxes, enable pimps to run child prostitution rackets... oh deary me what other rights do these purveyors of vice need. Oh that is right Acorn is even into the protection racket business!!! And then there is the Mau Mauer in Chief who was one of their community organizers. Wonder how many rackets that Obamanible Snowjober has been in. Needless to say these goons and thugs are supporting other goons and thugs. As I have always said birds of a feather flock together. more of the guilt by association tactic any idea how many employees ACORN had, or if the ones that are involved with the OWS are the very same individuals accused (and lter cleared) of the allegations arising from that edited farce of a video ? ,, and whether or not that information is known(which I doubt), how would that be relevant to their support of OWS or somehow make it any less of a valid and reasonable right than anyone else choosing to support them? They were working for the very same criminal syndicate. Enough said. Goons and thugs stick together. Let me explain by syllogy (No guilt by association here) Acorn is a criminal syndicate. Persons A and B are members of Acorn Persons A and B are members of a criminal syndicate. Guilt by association would be something like this... which at some level involves a inductive fallacy and/or a discordance in a syllogic statement. (A case of guilt by association) Michelle Obama is an uncouth classless cow. Michell Obama is a lawyer Lawyers are uncouth classless cows - Just because Michelle Obama who happens to be a lawyer is a classless cow does not mean that lawyers are classless cows. Get it? |
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Fri 10/28/11 07:59 PM
good for them, its a great exercise of their rights,,, Great now they have the right to rig votes, enable pimps and do their taxes, enable pimps to run child prostitution rackets... oh deary me what other rights do these purveyors of vice need. Oh that is right Acorn is even into the protection racket business!!! And then there is the Mau Mauer in Chief who was one of their community organizers. Wonder how many rackets that Obamanible Snowjober has been in. Needless to say these goons and thugs are supporting other goons and thugs. As I have always said birds of a feather flock together. |
just for balance, the great thing about americans is speech is not illegal , no matter how bigoted or 'goon' like and its difficult for any large group to keep out all such individuals even tea party were 'caught on tape' with such 'goon' antics If someone demands that we financially support him and is willing to use the coercive force of government enforce that financial support, the parasitic scum deserves scorn, derision and ridicule. At least that bloodsucking freeloading maggot got some $$$ out of the kind gentleman (whom you labeled a goon) who gave him free money like he demanded. After all being a plant by Progress Ohio (which he later admitted) a extremist socialist organization which was founded in the beginning on a NAZI ideology. a 'plant' also took down acorn, but thats irrelevant to how they chose to behave to the stimulant both groups were equally 'goon' in their approach of another human being,, calling someone jew is no less acceptible than taunting a disabled/ill person and treating them like dirt but some people assume noone ever needs help and anyone that ever asks for it deserves to be belittled I guess the sign merely said that he needed help, he didnt ask for money ![]() Actually now almost all the former employees of ACORN are now employed raising funds using various guises for the Occupy Everything Goons... Check this out!!! |
not quite he said 'Im a jew too' it would be like a house ginna saying 'Im a house ginna too' ,,, just a bit different as it implies inclusiveness as opposed to seperatenes,,, context is fairly significant in the english language,, Just because he "claims" to be a Jew does not mean that he is one. I/m not sure as to what a house ginna might be but I do not have a non-standard English dictionary to look it up. And if context as you say significant why is it that the video you posted for "balance" lacks the very same???? |
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Thu 10/27/11 09:18 PM
You really think one of the zionist conspiracy nuts represents most of the people there? If you think that, you must think the same about every other group, as the zionist conspiracy nuts are not just part of the occupy wall street group. I also mentioned perverts, reprobates, goons, thugs, ne'er-do-wells, rapists, gropers, NAZIs, communists - forgive me if I have missed one or two others. I am sure I can find more... |
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Thu 10/27/11 08:29 PM
I guess I was wrong there are some people who are not goons and thugs at the protests.
mea culpa mea culpa mea maxima culpa I guess there are perverts too... |
Here is another one of the antisemitic rants coming from another Occupy Everything Goon. Do you want her teaching your kids? And one wonders why public education has gone down the drain. |
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Thu 10/27/11 08:06 PM
a jewish man called another jewish man a jew, the unorthodox jew told the orthodox jew to go to israel,, that was the extent of it,,, Sure... sure... Like blacks calling better educated well adjusted blacks house n###ers. That is not racist I guess. The fact that he was playing this up for other anti-semites in the Occupy Everything Goon squad sure does not seem to disconcerting well here is another of Lotion Man's quotes... (Please understand that these are not my quotes but providing some insight into the psychosis of this anti-semitic Occupy Wall Street goon. Tell me why bums always be tryna fight me? Cuz I be crazzzzy up on the mic And why did I get arrested yesterday? For stealing from Hollister. Well they didn’t get this. And they did not get THIS. Just to show you that I got skills. N##er N##er N##er N##er. N##er means a NOUN. It means uneducated….person. Look it up in the dictionary. It means an uneducated person who….got nothing. |
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Thu 10/27/11 07:23 PM
just for balance, the great thing about americans is speech is not illegal , no matter how bigoted or 'goon' like and its difficult for any large group to keep out all such individuals even tea party were 'caught on tape' with such 'goon' antics If someone demands that we financially support him and is willing to use the coercive force of government enforce that financial support, the parasitic scum deserves scorn, derision and ridicule. At least that bloodsucking freeloading maggot got some $$$ out of the kind gentleman (whom you labeled a goon) who gave him free money like he demanded. After all being a plant by Progress Ohio (which he later admitted) does not seem to faze the poster. Progress Ohio is a extremist socialist organization which was founded in the beginning on a NAZI ideology. |
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Thu 10/27/11 06:07 PM
Occupy Everything Goon abusing a little Jewish man... antisemitism on parade. |
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Wed 10/26/11 10:00 PM
When the FedGov needs a bailout, the Federal Reserve board will print up a few trillion dollars for them. As long as the dollar continues to be the world's primary reserve currency, foreign credit holders will have to eat their losses (incurred by inflation). This will also result in a credit squeeze domestically. Prices for everything will go up. (Hopefully, this crisis will force the withdrawl of military forces from around the world back home) There will definitely be short term (though the "short term" could be years) pain as long as current policy doesn't change significantly. Agreed. However, you are going to see holders of the US dollar slowly wean away from the currency as many countries started to do. But with the the crisis in the EU (should say Greece, Spain and Italy in particular), many are rethinking the holding a larger percentage of the Euro instead. No one is going to dump the US currency as it would immediately devalue the currency. Internally, though expect as you have stated at higher inflation as prices rise in which will have a co-relation to the amount being printed, but can be tempered if the economy grows. The growth in the economy has been able minimize the impact of this practice which has been going on for 40 years. But a stagnant economy combined with a pessimistic outlook could very well let perils of this practice catch up. |
I agree the US remains quite different from other countries and people, in the fact that they can disagree about certain issues and still remain friends and colleagues while on another level agreeing on other issues. ??? A unique US phenomena? Perhaps its something in the water that is drunk in the US enables this "getalonginess"? I just have to wonder how they get along in other countries. Maybe those individuals are drinking water exported from the US? ??? In the US, we do not have to turn in a few, or be held accountable for what they do. just because they do not hand over an accused doesnt make another guilty, and accused doesnt on any level mean guilty. No but in essence not turning a known criminal in can be construed as being in agreement with the actions of the criminal. Creating a situation which would provide a cover for such criminals can is abetting. Stoning or assaulting LE personnel, relieving oneself in public, trespassing, groping passes by, are all crimes. The mob provides the cover for the crimes. So, please do not misplace your governmental views and mind sets and apply to a country or protestors that do not fit within your parameters. ??? ??? What governmental views? Like the Presidential-congressional system vs. the New Westminister System vs. Fifth Republic model? Republic vs. Dominion vs Confederacy? ??? ??? Protesters can protest to their heart's content as long as they do not commit criminal acts. But that is not what the extremist left-wing protests do. The commit acts of violence, destroy public and private property, and commit other crimes to numerous to provide an exhaustive list. |
So it looks like the Occupy Everything Goons and Thugs have made friends with Anti-Semitists, Communists, Socialists, Radical Islam, Islamic terrorists, Nazis. What good company these so sainted radical extremists left-wing protest movements keep. Oh yes I wonder what Bill Ayers a murderer and terrorist thug and fund raiser for Obama has to say about it.
Bernardine Dohrn and her husband Bill Ayers of 1960’s Weatherman infamy are both in their late 60’s now. But the past is never past for these two. In one way their 60’s “Days of Rage” militancy has paid off. The current president launched his political career in their living room in 1995. Ayers worked with Obama for 6 years in Chicago under the auspices of the Annenberg Challenge. And now in 2011 Ayers and Dohrn’s dream of overthrowing the system seems within reach. The Weatherman planned an anti-war “National Action” in 1968 from October 8-11 culminating in what is known as the “Days of Rage” riots in Chicago. They drafted a “resolution” at a meeting in Boulder, Colorado much like our own present “American Autumn” titled “The Elections Don’t Mean S…t-Vote Where the Power Is-Our Power Is In The Streets.” In a little viewed video of a small conference on March 17, 2011 at the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Alsaud Center for American Studies and Research, Dohrn and Ayers held a lecture entitled: "Another World is Possible: Movement-Building in the Age of Obama.” In the video Ayers and Dohrn demonstrate their hostility towards the Tea Party stating that the grass roots movement consists of white supremacists, religious fundamentalists and mega financial funders from Wall Street. A special guest at the small gathering is noted by the emcee: Rashid Khalidi, the anti-America Israel basher, and best friend of Ayers and Obama. Citing Khalidi’s presence the host boasts that the former will be speaking at another conference. Rashid Khalidi will be giving a talk tomorrow…it’ll be one of the most interesting talks since 1848. 1848 was a pivotal year for Marxists; it was the year of the Communist Manifesto. Communism and Islam have much in common—totalitarianism. Ayers, Dohrn and Khalidi all helped organize the flotilla last year which attempted to break through Israel’s legal blockade of Gaza. The anti-Israel rhetoric throughout the video is palpable. 6 months later we hear anti-Semitic comments from the OWS protesters. Zombie protestors have more in common with Ayers, Dohrn and Khalidi than mere Marxism. They all share a hatred of the state of Israel. Some of the protestors even ranted on about Jews being Hitler’s Bankers. The anti-Israel sentiment recalls the infamously suppressed 2003 video of a going away party for Khalidi. In attendance were Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn and the Obamas. The LA Times has never released the video for public scrutiny. Back in April, the Times published a gentle story about the fete. Reporter Peter Wallsten avoided, for example, any mention of the inconvenient fact that the revelers included Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, Ayers’s wife and fellow Weatherman terrorist. These self-professed revolutionary Leftists are friendly with both Obama and Khalidi — indeed, researcher Stanley Kurtz has noted that Ayers and Khalidi were “best friends.” (And — small world! — it turns out that the Obamas are extremely close to the Khalidis, who have reportedly babysat the Obama children.) 8 years later, not even a second in militant Marxist radical time, Ayers and Dohrn ostensibly turn on Obama, (their only hope for a fundamental transformation of the United States-mmm?) praise the Arab Spring especially the protests in Tahrir Square, call for “unruly citizenship” and disparage the Tea Party. At the 1-hour mark of the video, Dohrn answers an audience member’s question on what civil disobedience entails by praising the Madison Wisconsin union sit-in at the State capitol building. …the protestors in Madison, Wisconsin learned from Tahrir Square you need to occupy the space in order to build a movement…and so they actually occupied the space and they created a counter culture inside this ornate sort of wedding cake kind of capitol building that we have in all of our states…and they built themselves a culture that would allow themselves to clean the space to keep the space clean, to have bathroom facilities to feed people to have healthcare to have public safety, patrol themselves…we actually can do a lot of these things working together. How utterly prophetic of Dohrn to speak of the Madison protestors “occupying” the space of the capitol; and now we have the manufactured movement of Occupy Wall Street. Her husband Bill supports the movement and posted on his website on October 5, 2011 “the first official, collective statement of the protesters in Zuccotti Park.” In the most recent development New York’s Mayor Bloomberg has given the protesters in his city carte blanche to occupy a private park indefinitely. The city has already spent millions in police overtime while the organizers have paid nothing for electricity use or permit fees. The leftist groups have friends in very high places who in turn have radical friends determined to bring down the capitalist system. In California the other day, a protestor calling for a bloody revolution parroted Ayers and Dohrn from their March conference. Ayers talked about the myth of nonviolence fed the people by the ruling class, and brought up Martin Luther King’s march in Chicago in the summer of 1966. Then Dohrn piped in with “Mandela didn’t just pray inside his cell; he waged an armed struggle against the apartheid regime.” The California man spoke this into the microphone for the crowd: Gandhi today is a tumor that the ruling class is using constantly to mislead us. French Revolution made fundamental transformation. But it was bloody. India, the result of Gandhi, is 600 million people living in maximum poverty. So, ultimately, the bourgeoisie won’t go without violent means. Revolution! Yes, revolution that is led by the working class. Long live revolution! Long live socialism! Bernardine and Bill are dead serious in their Leninist-Trotskyist-Marxism. The two Weather Underground terrorists’ goals are many: create revolution through civil disobedience, both violent and nonviolent; do away with the two-party system of electoral politics and the Electoral College; to “build a social movement without the parties;” and to destroy the America which the founding fathers created. |
Birds of a feather I guess are flocking together
Muslim Extremists Joining Occupy Wall Street? It seems that every wacked out group has been jumping on the Occupy Wall Street bandwagon. There are anti-taxes, anti-Wall Street, anti-financial world, anti-capitalism, anti-employer, anti-work, anti-black and anti-Jewish groups all joined together for a supposedly common cause. There have already been complaints filed concerning anti-Semitic and racial statements and signs used by the Occupy Wall Street movement. The Anti-Defamation League’s national director, Abraham Foxman said, “While we believe that these expressions are not representative of the larger views of the OWS movement, it is still critical for organizers, participants and supporters of these rallies to condemn such bigoted statements clearly and forcefully.” Now, the organizers of the OWS have extended an invitation to a Muslim group that has ties to Islamic extremists, radicals, anti-Semites and terrorists. The group is part of the Council on American-Islamic Relations – New York. The parent organization located in Washington DC has had former employees and some current employees that have been deported or jailed for terrorist related offenses. As liberal as Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer from New York is known to be, he has criticized the Council on American-Islamic Relations in the past for their associations with Islamic terrorists. One of the OWS organizers, Matthew Bralow believes that reaching out to the Muslim community would help diversify the protest movement and make it stronger. It seems that they don’t care who they invite as long as they can get more people, more numbers and more press coverage. Perhaps they feel that they may one day actually represent the 99% if they add enough different groups and organizations to the protest. However, I for one will never claim to be one of their 99%, nor do I belong to the 1% they are supposedly protesting against. I continue to be part of the 54% of Americans who pay their taxes and disagree with the OWS movement. |
And this story from a Canadian Newspaper
Red, White and Angry: Communist, Nazi parties endorse ‘Occupy’ protests
By David Martosko Protestors participating in the Occupy Wall Street protests march towards Wall Street Friday, Oct. 14, 2011, in New York. At least ten people were arrested during the march, which began after protestors heard the news that the owners of Zuccotti Park had withdrawn their request to have the park cleaned by the New York Police Department. In a move that may redefine the term “strange bedfellows,” the American Nazi Party issued an official endorsement of the Occupy Wall Street protest movement on Sunday afternoon. The announcement put the organization, a self-described “National Socialist” political party, in company with the Socialist Party USA, which explained its own support for the left-wing protesters in a nationwide conference call last Tuesday night, crediting organized labor with the protests’ strength and sophistication to date. The American Nazi Party is the most politically sophisticated U.S. remnant — but by no means the only one — of white supremacist Adolph Hitler’s murderous 20th century movement, which sought to establish socialism for Aryans, and to subjugate non-Aryans. The party calls Hitler’s Mein Kampf “an ideological blueprint for healthy Aryan survival.” In its statement on Sunday, the Westland, Mich.-based Nazi party wrote that the Occupy Wall Street protests are “TAYLOR [sic] MADE for National Socialists, as well as WN [White Nationalists] who are serious about DOING SOMETHING.” “I urgently URGE all of you,” the statement’s unnamed author added, “to TAKE PART and JOIN IN when these protests hit your neck of the woods. Produce some flyers EXPLAINING the ‘JEW BANKER’ influence — DON’T wear anything marking you as an ‘evil racist’ — and GET OUT THERE and SPREAD the WORD!” While Nazis seem unenthusiastic about visibly linking their flagship organization to the vocal protests that have popped up in dozens of U.S. cities, the same can’t be said of the Communist Party USA. John Bachtell, an Illinois-based community organizer and Communist Party USA board member, addressed the “Occupy Chicago” protest on Saturday. “I bring greetings and solidarity from the Communist Party,” Bachtell said to hoots and applause. “We are here, marching side-by-side. We’ll sleep here. We’ll be with this movement ’til the very – ’til we make all the changes that we know we have to make.” Bachtell also organized the Tuesday evening conference call, with an online call to action that framed the Communist Party’s involvement as one part of a larger movement uniting the “Occupy” protesters with a “Week of Action for Jobs” organized by the AFL-CIO, and with congressional Democrats’ push to pass President Obama’s American Jobs Act. “While there is a wide range of political and ideological trends,” he wrote, “there is a consensus against corporate greed, getting money out of politics, taxing the rich and putting people before profits. “A big challenge for the CPUSA and left, progressive movements is to link these demonstrations with the labor led all-people’s coalition and help deepen understanding that the path to progress must be through electoral and political action including defeating Republican Tea Party reaction in 2012.” Communist Party USA Secretary/Treasurer Roberta Wood moderated the conference call, which she announced halfway through had attracted 88 callers. “’We are [the] 99 percent.’ What a beautiful idea. It re-draws the fault lines of society,” said Wood, a former executive board member of United Steel Workers Local 65 who has also been labor editor of the People’s Weekly World. “We as communists are also part of that 99 percent. Our deep involvement in our communities and workplaces and unions and neighborhood organizations [will] strengthen a new national conversation that will no doubt impact the future of our country.” Southern California Communist Party leader Arturo Cambron also addressed the call, praising “the growing of the occupying community.” “We’ve been getting a lot of support from an unusual amount of very, very broad forces,” Cambron added. “The movement has gone [on] to get the endorsement of a lot of trade unions, including the Los Angeles Federation of Labor, which is I think one of the most powerful, most progressive labor organizations in the country.” John Wojcik, labor editor for the People’s World, told the conference call that after a recent Occupy Chicago march, AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka “was speaking to law students at the Chicago-Kent Law School just a few blocks away. And they heard him urge support for Occupy Wall Street, and offered them use of union halls [and] other resources. And he was using their language. He said we have an economy, a political process, that isn’t serving ‘the 99 percent.’” Communist Party USA leader Jim Lane, calling in from Dallas, added that “the Texas AFL-CIO published contact information, urged participation everywhere, and sent their whole staff to the Austin action.” |
DeusImperator, do you for some reason think that a few anti-semitic protesters mean all the protesters are anti-semitic? That wouldn't surprise me, as you're considering all of the protesters goons and thugs. Considering the criminality of the protesters I would call them goons and thugs? Did they hand over to the LE personnel the "few" criminals and thugs in their midst or did they just gloss over the "few" criminals and thugs as they are of the same mindset and brothers in ideology? More to come... |
Looks like the Barak Hussein Obama's organization is leading the Occupy Everything Goons from behind just like the Salafists, Islamic Brotherhood lead the "democracy movements" in Egypt and Syria.
ACORN Linked To Occupy Wall Street Protest, Says DC Watchdog – by: Jim Kouri October 6, 2011 A famously corrupt leftist community organization with deep ties to President Barack Obama is largely behind the national movement to “end economic segregation” and social injustice in the United States, according to the blog on a Washington, DC-based watchdog group’s web site, . Best known as Occupy Wall Street, the rowdy protests have received quite a bit of mainstream media coverage around the world despite the relatively low number of participants. Besides New York, disruptive marches have been held in other major U.S. cities such as Los Angeles, Seattle, Miami, Chicago and Boston and more are scheduled in the coming days, Judicial Watch’s blogger reported Wednesday. The protests’ goal is to get major banks to stop preying on the poor and people of color, according to the organizer of a Boston offshoot of an Occupy Wall Street rally. The event, promoted as Take Back Boston, was organized by dozens of local community groups that claim big banks have a pattern of pushing “bad loans on people of color and the poor.” As a result of the “predatory lending,” foreclosures have skyrocketed in urban communities, the organizers say. Among the Take Back Boston organizers is a spinoff of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). Amid a massive fraud scandal and a series of criminal probes, ACORN supposedly dismantled but the reality is that it simply changed its name. In fact, Judicial Watch recently published a special report about the organization’s transformation into various spinoffs and affiliated groups. In this particular case, ACORN’s Boston office simply rebranded into New England United 4 Justice. Same questionable group with the same general mission and president, but a different name. Headed by Maude Hurd, the former president of ACORN and ACORN Housing, New England United 4 Justice promotes “social justice” for “low and moderate income families.” The group also seeks to educate the general public about social justice issues and the needs of poor and middle class families. This sort of rebranding has allowed ACORN to skirt a 2009 congressional ban on federal funding, consequence of its many transgressions. A few months ago a Judicial Watch investigation found the Obama Administration gave an ACORN reincarnation called Affordable Housing Centers of America (AHCOA) a $79,819 grant to “combat housing and lending discrimination.” “The ACORN-affiliated groups existing today are ACORN in all but name. These groups tend to occupy ACORN’s former offices, are staffed in many cases with former ACORN employees, and remain committed to ACORN’s mission. Overall, Judicial Watch attorneys have documented 17 ACORN-affiliated organizations in the following states/regions: Arizona, Arkansas, California, District of Columbia, Florida, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, New England, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Washington,” according to the Judicial Watch investigative report. This coming from a Liberal Left media organization The Eurasia Review |