Community > Posts By > MindyMindy

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Fri 11/21/08 06:54 PM

If you met one person, per second, starting from the day you were born, and never took a single second off to sleep or eat or go to the bathroom, it would take you about 31 years to meet ONE billion people.......

Lexfonteyne.... You sound just like a guy. :wink: lol. We girls don't care about math....we want love.

I know what you mean though.

.....But I learned -- better to be alone than be with the wrong person for the 95th time.

I don't have the experience yet to know if that's true for me. I do know I am afraid of being alone. I don't want to be alone.

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Fri 11/21/08 06:48 PM

I have found 2 people that spoke to my soul
not sure if there are any more

I think we create love because we need it in our lives
and love finds us when we least expect it

at least that has been my experience

You have the perfect user name for this topic. :smile:

I don't even know if I would know if someone spoke to my soul. Maybe I am too young.

Great profile you have. I need mine to be more like yours. Maybe I could get guys responding that are closer to what I am looking for.

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Fri 11/21/08 06:42 PM
Until it happens live on CNN it will be forever a mystery like bigfoot and the missing socks after clothes washing.

Wouldn't that be cool if it did happen live? Not to a good person....but maybe some real bad murderer.

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Fri 11/21/08 06:33 PM
I am posting in your thread.

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Fri 11/21/08 06:30 PM

One word of wisdom...

"Never (ever ever ever) get you honey where you make your money..."

Been there... done that... boy does it suck when it goes bad...

I know what you mean but most people in my town seem to eat where I work (it's a small town) so that use to be tough. Now I am on I will try to get my Honey from out of town.

You are right. My ex boyfriend still has lunch here. It get awkward.

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Fri 11/21/08 06:23 PM
Edited by MindyMindy on Fri 11/21/08 06:24 PM

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Fri 11/21/08 06:22 PM
Edited by MindyMindy on Fri 11/21/08 06:25 PM
To TelephoneMan regarding your post ^^two up. ....Ouch! Sorry for that. I do worry about that myself. When I meet guys I sometimes fall for their looks or sexiness and I wonder if I really like THEM or just their looks.

I see some hot looking guys at work that I know I would not get along with but boy do I wish I could .............stuff.

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Fri 11/21/08 06:19 PM
Edited by MindyMindy on Fri 11/21/08 06:19 PM
They should do like I did. Get on a dating site after they get out of school.

That is a funny story though. I guess I shouldn't complain about my small least I have never had to do that.

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Fri 11/21/08 06:15 PM
Edited by MindyMindy on Fri 11/21/08 06:24 PM
Who are you replying to TelephoneMan with your references post?

O I C it wasn't me. Never-mined

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Fri 11/21/08 06:11 PM
TelephoneMan thank you very much for the serious and thoughtful response. I was hoping for serious responses like yours.

This is my favorite line....."Love is deeper and more meaningful. Love is what you do all the rest of the time when you're NOT having sex"

I heard that somewhere else and it's something I say. I can't believe you know it too. I mean I can believe's just odd seeing one of my favorite lines popping up in someone else's post. I don't remember who first said it.

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Fri 11/21/08 06:05 PM

I will take true love hands down always I had a pretty good portfolio till the crashes and I have a decent career so I think I would rather learn to be poor and have the love of my life than a lot of money and always wondering if they wanted me or my money.

Same for me. What good is money if you live your life unloved?

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Fri 11/21/08 05:57 PM
To lighthouselover. I said " Most people marry people that live near them. People they work with or go to school with...etc. (so says a website on marriage statistics)"

Try google. There are dozens of websites that have stats on who people marry (and how long the marriage last). Most people marry those that they meet in their every day lives. People near says the sites.

Do you have anything constructive to add to the OP? If not I'll be skipping over your post then.

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Fri 11/21/08 05:45 PM
lighthouselover..sight my source for what?

I personally feel we can create love (with the right person). My source for that comment is ME. Where you asking about something else?

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Fri 11/21/08 05:41 PM

not want to date someone because theyre bad in bed...? i know it sounds like a horrible question, but....yeah.

Why would it be? Isn't love making or sex a big part of a relationship? We are not talking about dumping a spouse because she/he suddenly got bad in bed....right? You are just talking about dating. I wouldn't date a guy who was bad in bed unless.......1-he was a good learner and I could teach him well or 2-He had a lot of other really good qualities.

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Fri 11/21/08 05:37 PM
Try Here

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Fri 11/21/08 05:34 PM
To kidatheart70. I agree. When we do find someone special it is so easy to meet new people that we are always comparing the person we have found to the new people. Is the grass greener over there type deal.

It's not like the old days where the wife stayed home and the only guy she saw everyday was the mailman. The guys back then didn't see as many other women around because women were not in the work force.

Now we have competition everywhere. We can create love many times if we choose.

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Fri 11/21/08 05:18 PM
Edited by MindyMindy on Fri 11/21/08 05:22 PM


thx. :smile:

It's was the topic of a paper I wrote in High School 3 years ago. I had to get up in front of the class and give a speech on it. I got a 100% on my speech and a 96% on the paper (too many grammatical errors).

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Fri 11/21/08 05:16 PM
True love.

My tips are good (I am a waitress) . I don't need a million dollars.

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Fri 11/21/08 05:14 PM

Out of 6 billion people I'll bet I have at least a million "soul mates" out there, just not a single one anywhere near me.laugh

A million soul mates? I've never heard anyone say that before. That would make your job easier.

Good luck. Seriously.

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Fri 11/21/08 05:11 PM
I could never win this game. There will always be someone posting behind me.

*looks over shoulder*

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