Community > Posts By > MindyMindy
Actually I've got a daughter getting married in 3 1/2 weeks. I'm treasuring the time to help her .. Congratulations !!! I wish I was getting married in 3 weeks. *look through mail one more time* Nope.....gonna haveta |
I'm doing ok. For 2nd day unemployed (well officially I am not unemployed til next Friday LOL) I've been wicked busy .. crazy!! Just think of all the extra forum time you will have. Is that a good thing? |
I like a man in uniform as well................especially a fireman when he comes to rescue me with that long HOSE with his jacket which of course is unbuttoned and shows a set of oiled up.................well you know what im sayin............. ![]() No....tell me more....what were you saying? What was the topic of this thread? I forget. |
I happened to see your post and felt a need to reply. I would not say you're a bad looking guy. But with saying that you need to take this into consideration. This is a dating site, "site/sight" being the operative word here. When women and men are looking at profiles they are not sitting in front of the person learning their personality, they are flipping through profiles looking at pictures first, therefore visual first impressions are what make an impact. Is that shallow, in a real world setting yes, but this is the cyber world and in cyberland everything is visually based first. So with saying that here are a few suggestions to you and to all guys who may read this..... You want to grab the womans attention and for most women seeing a man who is dressed decent is one of the first things that catch our eyes, you don't have to be in a 3 piece suit but rather casual dress clothes are nice or even a nice pair of jeans and a clean pull over or sporty sweatshirt is good too. If the pictures you have posted show you in stained, old, torn up shirts, or hunting clothing after you've just offed Bambi, that is going to be an instant turn off for most women. Good hygiene and grooming is the next thing that catches our eye. So make sure you post a picture of yourself without hat hair or bed head. A good haircut/style will do wonders for a guys appearance and NO COMBOVERS are ever ok, if you're thinning on top then trim all your hair down to even it out. If you're not trying to grow a beard then make sure the picture you have up shows that you do know how to use a razor or trimmers. If you wear contacts, then don't have all your pictures posted with you in your glasses, we like to see your eyes as they are the next thing that that attracts most women. Glasses can be very attractive on a man you just want to make sure that the ones you wear didn't go out of style in 1970. And finally....SMILE!! A smile says so much about a person, a smile is inviting, it says "Hi, come talk to me"! Good luck in your search for true love, its out there for you somewhere! :) Wow TammyJo71. This was your first post on the forums and it's a great one. I am going to quote it so the guys see it again. I agree with her. On a dating site it's HOW you present what you have more than WHAT you actually have. I get too many messages from guys that look like they didn't even try looking nice for their pictures. I even get messages from guys wearing their pants so they are showing their underwear (mostly from my age group). Present yourself matters. |
Edited by
Tue 11/18/08 03:36 PM
Double post
How did that happen? I'll erase this one |
Does ur name fit u ???
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Tue 11/18/08 03:25 PM
M=Can be funny and dumb at times I =Good boyfriend or Friend N=Easy to fall in love with D=Cute Y=Has a smile to die for Most of the quotes seem pretty vague and fit most people. I fit about half the ones you listed. |
can someone please
I hate that guy. I taped a piece of paper over him a couple of times.
A man in a nice suit who walks like he is on top of the world.
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Tue 11/18/08 03:12 PM
These unconfident post are unattractive.
Confidence in a man is attractive. Confidence can't make you look like some super sexy movie start but it can make you seem more physically attractive than you are. The way you dress and walk and carry yourself helps. I see some business guys come into the diner where I work all dressed up in a suit and walking all self assured and they look hot. They would be average looking laying on a beach maybe but their suit and confidence really makes them seem hot. |
After work you do what?
What does everyone do after work? Gonna have me an ice cold beer. For the last four days I have been posting on this forum after work. Tonight though I am going dancing.....Yippppeeeeee |
Reese witherspoon. Okay...I am going to have to call you out on this one. You do not look like Reese Witherspoon. lol You clearly don't have the same color eyes. |
I bet you - part 3
... If I had known all I needed was a big belt buckle some wrnaglers and a stetson I would have bought that crap YEARS ago! "wrnagelrs?" Real cowboy's wear Levi's. Only Kmart cowboys wear wrnagelrs. |
gun ban law
No politician EVER upholds their campaign promises. Whoever can sell us false hopes and empty promises the best gets elected. For example in 2000 Bush ran on a platform of no nation building, no policing of the world, and a humble foreign policy. You see how that turned out. In his defense he did have 9/11 to deal with. That changes things. I bet if Obama has a 9/11 he will change his policies too. |
I bet you - part 3
Edited by
Tue 11/18/08 01:34 PM
oooooo I like this page of the thread. Such pretty pictures.
I wonder if that guy rides a horse? Hi everyone. edit o0O I love the way you guys rolled over the thread. I am talking about the first post. It's a great thread introduction. |
gun ban law
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Tue 11/18/08 01:24 PM
He can't do it. It doesn't matter if you are for a gun ban or you are not won't happen.
Too many congressmen get too much money from the NRA. Obama's heart is in the right place but even a 21 year old non college educated girl like me knows that he won't be able to do even half the stuff he promised in his campaign. The special interest groups, the bad economy, and even some of his own allies in congress will stop him from doing much of what he wants. CNN is on 24/7 at the diner I work at. I've fallen in love with a couple of their anchors. lol |
Lost in Translation
Emotionally, it seems like we are all speaking different languages most of the time. ![]() Yes. We all have different feelings and different experiences in life which make us who we are. We all are speaking our own emotional language. That's why the things a guy says aren't the things a woman hears and vice versa. |
am i the only guy in the world that finds these to be the most attractive physical feature on a girl? Mindy says to kirk443......"Hey Buddy over here with those eyes. My breast are here. Stop starting at the mole on my neck." |
Hey Mingle Land
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Tue 11/18/08 12:50 PM
I thought your boss being gone was a good thing? I never once said that my boss being gone was a good thing. I am also sorry that we can not all be perfect like you and not need to vent. I shall work one my perfectness just for you. How is that?
![]() I didn't mean "you" as in you personally. I thought when people's boss was away that it's usually a good thing. A lot of people like it. "When the boss is away the mice will play." That's the saying I think. I am sorry you can't be as perfect as me. I am sure if you try hard enough you can come a little closer. ![]() |
...just like??????? I hear Renee Zellweger often but I am sure if I see it. |
Hey Mingle Land
I am just slowly getting ready for work. Just found out that my boss is not going to be back until Friday. Not sure how much more stress I can take. People are starting to drive me NUTS. How is your day going so far? Great......I always am having a good day. If I am not you won't know because I don't share my bad days. I thought your boss being gone was a good thing? |