never deceive one self and feel smart because one read something another wished and wanted and purposed one self to read. sum be wise, and sum but wanna feel wise... and so sum the unwise fall for anything they hear as making them self as wise and knowing. the easily duped. the easily fooled. the easily played. Nicely said!!! Is this more of your self portrait philosophy you keep spouting? Seems to apply very readily! |
Correction, he is your president. To me he is just a psychopath that has assumed authority he doesn't have in an almost exact parallel to that other psychopath, Hitler. And this world contains many idiots that wish to remain ignorant of reality, a philosophy started many, many centuries ago by Plato, and that is plain wrong. If you're an American, then he's your president too, like it or not. Until you renounce your citizenship, you're in the same boat. Mortman, some people just can't cope with that piece of reality. ![]() Wow, that is one of the most truthful statements I have seen you admit to date. But you really should try reality other than that fictional world you claim to like so well. Bartender, I'll have whatever he is having. You really should pass, don't believe you could handle it, it's called reality. |
Correction, he is your president. To me he is just a psychopath that has assumed authority he doesn't have in an almost exact parallel to that other psychopath, Hitler. And this world contains many idiots that wish to remain ignorant of reality, a philosophy started many, many centuries ago by Plato, and that is plain wrong. If you're an American, then he's your president too, like it or not. Until you renounce your citizenship, you're in the same boat. Mortman, some people just can't cope with that piece of reality. ![]() Our Constitution states that we don't HAVE to acknowledge the person holding the office of president as sacred, or our leader, and offers us remedies and rights towards that end. They haven't completely destroyed it, or the peoples belief in it, yet..... Just sayin That is one of the few sensible statements I have seen in this thread. But I love to make these statements, cause the ignorant to come out of the woodwork and it's not done yet. Yeah for the marvels of Platonism. |
Correction, he is your president. To me he is just a psychopath that has assumed authority he doesn't have in an almost exact parallel to that other psychopath, Hitler. And this world contains many idiots that wish to remain ignorant of reality, a philosophy started many, many centuries ago by Plato, and that is plain wrong. If you're an American, then he's your president too, like it or not. Until you renounce your citizenship, you're in the same boat. Mortman, some people just can't cope with that piece of reality. ![]() Wow, that is one of the most truthful statements I have seen you admit to date. But you really should try reality other than that fictional world you claim to like so well. |
Correction, he is your president. To me he is just a psychopath that has assumed authority he doesn't have in an almost exact parallel to that other psychopath, Hitler. And this world contains many idiots that wish to remain ignorant of reality, a philosophy started many, many centuries ago by Plato, and that is plain wrong. If you're an American, then he's your president too, like it or not. Until you renounce your citizenship, you're in the same boat. Well as usual, you would be mistaken, he is not my president and I like that very much, thank you. And I need to renounce nothing as I am not a citizen of a fiction and not in any boat. You somehow believe that your ignorance seems to apply to me and it doesn't. I do not choose to remain ignorant, I am not a part of any collectivist society. And I'm not American, I am a citizen of these unites States and a member of the republic. |
McCarthy told Bloomberg the president called the bride to apologize and congratulate them. "Made their day," she said. A source familiar with the incident confirmed the phone call to Fox News. Still, the incident proved fast fodder for the president's critics. ,,,they moved from the tee hole to someplace PRETTIER on the golf course,,,,, What a real jerk the president was to not just cancel his plans anytime they happen anyplace where someone else's event is being held,, ![]() I am disappointed in you, for being the Fuhrer's number one cheerleader you took a long time to blindly come to his defense. I don't agree with a lot that Obama says or does.. but he is OUR President and he should NOT be spoken in the same sentence with a monster such as Hitler.. that's just plain wrong Correction, he is your president. To me he is just a psychopath that has assumed authority he doesn't have in an almost exact parallel to that other psychopath, Hitler. And this world contains many idiots that wish to remain ignorant of reality, a philosophy started many, many centuries ago by Plato, and that is plain wrong. |
1950's Mickey D's
And you forgot to mention that at that time, Hamburgers were made from real beef, french fries were real potatoes peeled and cut right before frying and milk came from cows without hormones and feed out on pasture, not GMO corn in feed lots. But dude, they get it to you faster :-) (I almost drooled when I saw this.) Don't know that I would agree with that. On one of my not often forays into that land of worthless calories and massive hormones, I could have gotten faster service from a sit-down restaurant and not to mention at a price tag not that far apart. |
I live in a country where we don't have a second amendment but it seems archaic to me that some countries sanction such medieval writings. The amendments were written many years ago and should be rewritten to reflect the current world climate regarding violence and unwarranted attacks on innocent people. The only people who should have the right to bear arms are the military, police and prison officers. The rest of us should be happy bearing the arms we are born with. It is not the rifles, weapons that kill, it's the idiots who believe they are the only solution to a situation that carry them who do the senseless killing. Bring back the death penalty and everyone bearing arms should be judged and sentenced accordingly. Idiots with weapons, makes no sense. Seems you do not have a very good understanding of what a RIGHT is! ![]() this certainly was suppose to be what the GOP wanted to do was over turn this law ... and if so telling every American that was not covered before an are now is what the GOP will have to do ... + seems more and more Americans are very happy with this... I can't see this happening not now ... really would be to much Chaos if they did ... so I say Good luck with that ... By GOP overturning a law I would take you are referring to Odumbocare, not the topic but we can go there for a moment. First off it is not law just a sham imposed upon a people that don't know the difference. And if you think the GOP are trying to overturn it, that would be another error, they are doing no such thing, just noise to keep the sheeple divided. But to infer there would be chaos if it were overturned, that would be comical. Chaos is what is existent now and manifests itself in the manner of what the sheeple seem to accept. |
1950's Mickey D's
![]() Wow, thanks for the memory :-) It was the only place you could feed a family of 4 that made everyone happy. And you forgot to mention that at that time, Hamburgers were made from real beef, french fries were real potatoes peeled and cut right before frying and milk came from cows without hormones and feed out on pasture, not GMO corn in feed lots. |
![]() Meanwhile in this world where one spends an entire lifetime without ever having to think, cute little slogans serve as excellent alternatives. But to be able to think would imply that Odumbo would never be capable of being anything other than what he is, a psychopathic and sociopathic little would be tyrant. However, in his little demented mind I am sure he aspires to all the above. |
1950's Mickey D's
![]() Ever hear of Inflation? How about declining dollar values? In the area I grew up, it was Carrol's over McDonald's. We had McDonald's but they weren't the best liked. Aah, but inflation, that hidden tax that is the ultimate destroyer. By the constitution, only gold and silver is money and for good reason, an ounce of either is still an ounce of either. But the dollar, used to be silver and worth a dollar is now worth $20 in metal content. Declining values based on the dollar, absolutely. When currency is but a fiat piece of paper valued only by its abundance or scarcity, there is no real value. And with the Fed pumping in the different QEs, at over a trillion a year, the tax is astronomical. I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs. -mistakenly attributed to Thomas Jefferson based on his letter stating: "But this [the issuance of currency by the government and backed by coinage],the only resource which the government could command with certainty, the States have unfortunately fooled away, nay corruptly alienated to swindlers and shavers, under the cover of private banks. Say, too, as an additional evil, that the disposal funds of individuals, to this great amount, have thus been withdrawn from improvement and useful enterprise, and employed in the useless, usurious and demoralizing practices of bank directors and their accomplices." Jefferson goes on to say: "It is not easy to estimate the obstacles which, in the beginning, we should encounter in ousting the banks from their possession of the circulation; but a steady and judicious alternation of emissions and loans, would reduce them in time." While Jefferson did write the latter, the former has manifested itself with a vengeance. |
At least if you gonna use (inappropriate) titles, get the spelling right .. And why you ppl need to knock Obama and call him by a title that is related to an inhuman monster is beyond me. The man called the couple to apologize, made their day! Some would say it's ridiculous that the so called most powerful man in the world would have to apologize for something he prolly didn't even have knowledge of. Inappropriate, don't think so, seems to fit perfectly. "fuh�rer also fueh�rer n. A leader, especially one exercising the powers of a tyrant." Seems the only inappropriate part would be "leader" of which Odumbo would only fit that role in word only, not in deed and in his strange little mind. Powerful, yes he kills with perfect impunity. At least this wedding party only had to move out of the way so he could "play". Unlike this one: Wedding Party Killed in Yemen Airstrike; Likely U.S. Drone |
The newlyweds got what they wanted after all. If they aren't complaining about President Obama, then why should anyone else complain? It's called freedom, a concept that seems to be foreign to many. And they didn't get what they wanted but had to settle for a forced choice not of their making. |
McCarthy told Bloomberg the president called the bride to apologize and congratulate them. "Made their day," she said. A source familiar with the incident confirmed the phone call to Fox News. Still, the incident proved fast fodder for the president's critics. ,,,they moved from the tee hole to someplace PRETTIER on the golf course,,,,, What a real jerk the president was to not just cancel his plans anytime they happen anyplace where someone else's event is being held,, ![]() And to think Odumbo to be so pretentious as to call and bride and apologize for ruining her dream while he still maintains the intention to do so. And to think that this one would condone such actions cannot be questioned. By the way tees do not have holes other than the a-holes like Odumbo as they transition there. |
I doubt that President Obama personally schedules the times and places of his golf games. Meanwhile, in the real world, the little dictator just issues his commands and all others be damned. Seems to be a trait of all the little psychopaths that believe they are gods even when bound by strings of his master gods. |
But the FBI will not switch their "opinion" a second time. Seems to be politically incorrect to tell the truth, must follow their leader.
Technically the only way to violate the 2nd ammendment is if a foreign power invades, institutes martial law and bans guns. If your own government does it, that's just called democratic reform. actually,that's blatant nonsense! Read the 2nd again! What about,"Shall Not Infringed On" you don't understand! That Right is an Individual Right,not a Privilege granted by Government,but residing in the Individual! A bit hard to understand in a System that basically still lives by Permission by Royal Decree,regardless of having a Parliament! System is still way to paternalistic! One lives by Right,NOT by Permission! Wow, one from a democracy chastising another from a different democracy. Perhaps you should read again, there are no rights whatsoever in "our" constitution nor the Bill of Rights. In fact collectively, the constitution, Bill of Rights, and other Amendments remit certain rights of the people to the state. And if as you say-one lives by right, not permission-then please explain the Swiss people, by democratic process, removing the rights of Muslims in Switzerland? Or is it that in Switzerland, rights only apply to certain classes? |
Technically the only way to violate the 2nd ammendment is if a foreign power invades, institutes martial law and bans guns. If your own government does it, that's just called democratic reform. Wow, one of the most ignorant statements I have seen in some time. First it shows a total lack of understanding of anything to do with government much less the attributes of a constitutional republic. Second, it shows total ignorance of even the basic concepts of rights and those that don't understand rights don't have any. Also, there are no rights in a democratic society, as mobs never grant rights, just privileges. A privilege granted can also be a privilege revoked. What democratic reform? And how do you reform "mob" rule? A democracy is nothing more than the emotional swells, first from one extreme then to the next. As the fable goes, "the difference between a republic and a democracy are two wolves and a sheep voting on what is for dinner and a well armed sheep. |
I live in a country where we don't have a second amendment but it seems archaic to me that some countries sanction such medieval writings. The amendments were written many years ago and should be rewritten to reflect the current world climate regarding violence and unwarranted attacks on innocent people. The only people who should have the right to bear arms are the military, police and prison officers. The rest of us should be happy bearing the arms we are born with. It is not the rifles, weapons that kill, it's the idiots who believe they are the only solution to a situation that carry them who do the senseless killing. Bring back the death penalty and everyone bearing arms should be judged and sentenced accordingly. Idiots with weapons, makes no sense. We hear this a lot. Do you really believe the world is more violent now than it was 300 years ago? What has changed? No, the world is not more violent, just has better communications and much more efficient weapons in which to instill the violence. Also, the same people are still committing the violence, the governments. I hope you also realize that government controls are blanket policies that effect the innocent as well as guilty. Not to quote a movie but, the government is a "broad sword" being called in for situations needing a "scalpel". And by what right is even a "scalpel" needed much less just where does the government get the "authority" to wield it? If you want to get technical, there is no such thing as government in a constitutional republic, they are but an institution that has been endowed with limited powers to protect the people, not control the people, that is a democracy which is a stepping stone to fascism. If we were to follow this popular policy of removing everyone's rights until no one can do any wrong, we we find ourselves literally being born into prison cells with strict rules. The flip side of that is the fact that prisons are very corrupt and violent institutions, rendering all of these supposed efforts to be vain. First of all it is important for everyone to acknowledge that the existence of utopia, in which there is no violence and no criminals, cannot exist in this physical universe. Nice little fable but that isn't reality. Man has an inherent tendency to always do wrong to some degree or another. However, it takes state control to absolutely accelerate that tendency to epic proportions such as we have now where everything is "against the law". Everything being defined as depending on which "class" to which you belong. Also, "against the law" has also had the definition redefined as malum prohibitum, that which is prohibited or to be more explicit, that which is lawful but illegal. Secondly, these tragic situations will continue to be more prevalent until mankind learns to accept and embrace personal responsibility, instead of forcing someone else to take responsibility for his/her action. Great statement but rather naivete. For the most part man will never willingly accept responsibility but they will accept that irresponsible act carries penalties. However when you have a society where penalties are less severe than the gain, what really do they matter. When you have a society where "victimless" so called crimes carry larger penalties than actual crime and what do you have? The world as we know it. |
Two Officers Assisinated
If you are talking about the boy that was in the streets of a neighborhood and looked like he was carrying a gun ... I certainly feel for the boy and the family ... I agree somehow thought it might have been treated differently ... but if the cop had no idea the gun was not real ...he had no other choice when pointed at him ... I am sure that cop does not feel good about that killing a child but i as i have asked before do not let your children run around in the streets with any type of weapon... people don't know what they may do or are carrying ... so they call the police ... and they do not know what they are carrying either ... that was very sad ... but young people today carry things they should not ... and people do not understand ...just turn away an call the police ... so they don't get involved ... I have been there before in NY said straight up to this guy ...who said he needed help... I was alone and said I am sorry I can not get involved and that was before cell phones ...and come to find out once we got on the train he met up with his partner that went around trying to scam people ...and they tried to make me feel bad ... that I did not help ... when they where the scammers ... Bull, sure he did, it's called using his brain. If he has such a fear of his life he can't act without gunning someone down, then he needs to find another profession. But I would lay 100 to 1 that this was the whole reason he became a law enforcement officer, an opportunity to kill without having to take responsibility. |