you see what im saying? he didnt overdose
Hereeeeees your sign!
those people, they overdosed themselves on the goods they purchased from his website (not directly from him). do you understand my point though archer? ill put it another way for you that may make it easier to understand ![]() ![]() if i go to the liquor store and buy a bottle of 151, and go home and pound it all down in 10 minutes, and die. is it the liquor stores fault for selling it to me? or is it my own fault for being dumb enough to drink a bottle of 151 in 10 minutes? its not the liquor stores fault, they were providing me with a product of which i am responsible for once i leave the store. the liquor store didnt cause me to drink it all in 10 minutes, i did it myself because i was uneducated and thought i would get drunk quicker. do you see my point? ![]() ![]() ![]() Yes, as the head chair. |
Edited by
Fri 05/29/15 09:33 PM
i agree, on the basis that he didnt really commit any crimes himself. he merely created a website that allowed people to anonymously exchange goods or services for bitcoins. he wasnt the drug dealer, or the hitman. all he did was create the site, what people posted on the site is on them. IMO they should have went after the people who were posting "murder for hire" ads and crap like that. investigators were prolly just lazy and figured they would go after him instead of taking the time to look for the actual criminals who posted on the site. Drugs are not a crime, it is but the color of law devised to keep the prison system full. Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Gots to have them slaves!!! |
Here is situation that is not a crime, there are no injured injuries, just deaths.....some of you people shlould pick your battles better, Good Lord lol
parties and he gets a life sentence without parole. Total lack of comprehension on just what "injured" means. If some idiot dies over something they did, who cares, there are still no injuries. And then we all wonder just how this country got so screwed up, anybody got a mirror? |
what people do with the goods once they get them is on them though archer. like i said this guy didnt sell drugs himself. all he did was create a website where people could anonymously buy services or goods with bitcoin. what people posted for sale on there is on them. if i go to mcdonalds and sit there and eat 100 cheeseburgers and die from a stroke, can my family sue mcdonalds and win? or would the judge say if your stupid enough to eat 100 cheeseburgers you deserved it. after all it wasnt mcdonalds that killed me, its was my own stupidity of what i did with the goods that i bought from them. you see what im saying? he didnt overdose those people, they overdosed themselves on the goods they purchased from his website (not directly from him). Exactly!!! The father of this "Bryan" was an idiot. Imagine the father calling Ulbricht a sociopath because his son had no personal responsibility, seems the son fulfilled his destiny. If it wasn't Silk Road, it would have been someone else. |
No, I disagree with you in two ways. First and most important, the fact that worse people have gotten away with less punishment is an entirely WRONG reason to let someone else off the hook. I would have it so that the people who DID get away with murder and worse would have been punished more, but I'm sure not going to let ANOTHER vile person go free because I'm mad about them. Second, this guy purposely made it possible to hurt thousands upon thousands of people, purely for his own profit. He doesn't even have the excuse of spur of the moment bad acts. I don't give a damn how talented he is. The other people you cited who got off with lesser punishments were creative too. All of them CHOSE to use their talents to harm the rest of us. Bye-bye. This rant reeks of a severe case of moral relativism, a severe lack of knowing the difference between right and wrong. Right is not what one wants to be right and wrong is not what one deems to be wrong because it goes against their desires. As for the "Second", just where are the thousands that were "hurt"? Want to talk about hurt, what about Odumbo and all those people he has killed, woman and children included, because he needs to teach another sovereign country a lesson. And of course you don't care about anything. The only harm to the "rest of you" are of your own making, that is if one where able to be responsible for personal action which is an impossibility for those suffering moral relativism. |
Am i the only one who thinks this is ridiculous? some rapists and murderers get off with lesser sentences. this guy gets 2 life sentences for creating a website that allowed people to exchange bitcoins for services or goods. Silk Road was mainly known as a site that people could anonymously buy drugs using bitcoins, but im not sure the owner ever actually sold drugs himself. given he has no prior record, im pretty sure a first time drug dealer doesnt usually get a life sentence. i feel the judge tried to make an example of him to discourage anyone from trying to start a new "silk road". i really think when he appeals he will be given a lower sentence. anyone have any opinions on this? It is well beyond ridiculous, it is a sign of the degradation into tyranny. Here is situation that is not a crime, there are no injured parties and he gets a life sentence without parole. But where there are injuries, like the bankers, they get little fines. It is the judge that should be hung on the court house steps for these treasonous acts. Go figure. |
Edited by
Sun 01/04/15 12:59 PM
The idea of intelligent robots is not resonating with me,,,,,yet....I keep thinking of that transition period when some are and some aren't and your can't tell the difference until you get between the sheets! ![]() ![]() ![]() "Intelligent" robots are already underway, emotional ones, like metalwing has just mentioned, may just be over the horizon. But the possibility of ethical/moral - ly capable ones is still a question, especially if we ourselves have always been divided on the basis of these very principles. It becomes rather obvious even at a cursory glance that one had no clue as to what was posted because of one did, then why were parts 1, 3 and 4 ignored? Even better, why using an analogy by another rather than going straight to the source? And if one actually did read the sources, why was not part 3 chosen as a better source to answer the question? Bostrom on Superintelligence (3): Doom and the Treacherous Turn But even more important, why not the original author, because only an analysis by another is available on a google search? 'cause someone as smart as you ought to be able to find the Rest without Problems! Besides,if you had paid attention,it is the Review of a Book,therefore not available! Try again,Smarthip! ![]() BTW,are you stalking me? ![]() You're sounding Bitter lately! Obama might have been correct about that Bitter Segment of the US! ![]() Oh and I did find the rest hence the link to part 3 which was the question, why wasn't part 3 used? Well, that would be wrong: Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies Available directly from the author right on Amazon, has been since September, even as Kindle, audiobook or as MP3. Stalking, another emotional complex? And I'm glad you bought up bitter, an actual misnomer but close enough: The fact of the matter is that truth itself, by it's very nature, is belligerent, because it wages war against all forms of deception and mind control. It is a logical fallacy to gauge the veracity of any information based upon how you feel when first seeing or hearing it. There is no bitter, just belligerent. I don't feel information, I question and research. If what I find is in conflict, then I challenge, not on emotion but findings. But I do find challenging you to be very entertaining. |
It's the future, coming soon. Thoughts on the possibilities, probabilities, eventualities Views on ethical, economic, political consequences When is it raising the bar, when is it going too far? Do machines think? Could a machine produce similar work as Shakespear, Strauss, or Einstein? In my opinion it is not going to happen anytime soon. Machines follow a program of instructions and react to input which causes a response, such as the next move in a chess game, but it is following a program of instructions. It could be said the Internet is an intelligent machine because we can use a search engine to ask a question, and then receive an answer to the question, but again it is following a program of instructions to provide the response. No machine as far as I know has ever written a play, composed a piece of music or made any scientific discovery, and in my opinion is never likely to. We will see advances in the use of machines in many areas such as driverless cars, trains, maybe even ships and aeroplanes, with the inevitable loss of jobs, which I guess is the usual price paid for progress. You could well be quite right. Before intelligence can be artificial, it would require an intelligence that could create. All one needs do is look around and see the outcome of that equation. It is true that human intelligence can, and will continue to produce machines that exhibit what could be called ' Artificial intelligence'. However, no machine I am aware of has ever and never will be produced, that is capable of creating new original works and ideas in literature, music, science. The media would be telling us all about these machine works and machine discoveries made if they did exist, it will never happen, this is just my opinion. I don't know I would totally agree as to your opinion as for example, music is but mathematics in operation. While a machines output would not insure a hit every time, by sheer volume there is no doubt it will succeed and as things are rejected get better and better over time. Science and literature, same thing and with the limits on the size of databases being astronomical, very likely. But from my standpoint , there are much more sinister things that do concern me. The source posted by Conway was a blog that referenced a book by Nick Bostrom: Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies. While I have not nor do I plan on reading the book, the reviews I have read from those that have is the book paints some pretty grim manifestation possibilities but actually gives no solutions. But it is the questions that cause concern, specifically because there are no solutions. |
| Veterans Today Radio says they can prove Dirty Dick Cheney designed 911. They talk about the Illuminati, secret societies, Satanic agenda and conspiracy theories. Interesting listen What a crock, nothing more than a rant. No proof, no links, just a two second mention. And then when links from VT today site are followed, more dead ends. Of course little dickie did it, but this crap doesn't prove anything and what does it matter, Odumbo pardoned him. |
y dontcha put your dictionary out there next to websters or Cambridge, and see how it until then, IM fine with the dictionary sources which state that the difference between objective and subjective is FACTS what I posted was a list of FACTS, nothing to do with my beliefs ,,couldn't be clearer than that , (whether it could be more clear is totally my SUBJECTIVE observation based on my feelings though,,,lol),,, Actually it is measurable facts, aren't any in your post, just perceptions, subjective. But I stand corrected, it isn't the dictionary that is needed. |
| What is Reality? Phenomena Vs. Noumena
This is a fairly short presentment on noumena (that which is in the material world) and phenomenal (that which is in the mental world). For those of you that don't bother with the video, feigning involvement without really becoming involved, excerpts: At 2:50, "So since we are only fully aware of the phenomena that we humans fully experience with our basic five senses, how can we be so sure of what reality really is..." At 3:32, "So while we are on sight we should talk about how we see the world around us aside from just colors. We look at objects and believe that we are seeing solid things. We believe our walls and doors are 100% matter, completely solid mass is how they seem." At 4:12, ...your hand doesn't go through, and these objects are classified as solids, but you never touch them. When you feel a solid object you are actually just feeling the repulsive molecular force of the object telling you that it does not want to combine with you and it is not molecularly able to." First, basic science has nothing to do with molecular structure nor the ability to define the exact nanometer wavelength of light. Basic science states the difference between solids and non-solids are based on displacement. Solids may not be displaced but non-solids will be thus flowing around a solid as it is displaced. But, there can be no disputing any of this on a scientific basic but that is not what is meant, this is a discussion on noumenal and phenomena, philosophy. This is an attempt to restructure the metaphysical and epistemological values to override the ethical values of philosophy. Why? Let's continue. But let's skip ahead past all the other stage setting of quantum physics and get to the meat. At 6:50, "So you are starting to see what a huge difference there is between what our senses tell us and what actually exists in our Universe. Life is a lesson in humility, the things we know as 'facts' today will change. They have and they always will. Science is starting to see all the flaws that arise from the Big Bang theory and from the theory of evolution. That isn't to say that any religion seems to have a perfect answer either, but a mixture of science, mysticism and patience we will continue to find answers. We just need to keep asking questions, never let somebodies "facts" make you a slave to their beliefs." [emphasis added] Well I would guess that this poor indoctrinated soul has never been introduced to natural law or this whole phenomena would have been understood, things don't change, man's perceptions do. But hey, that would be someone else's facts. But still this is just setting the stage. At 8:12, "...We have been collectively awakening to the damage that is being done to ourselves and our environment for many years, due to the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and many other factors. We also see the problems that arise when some have an abundance of economic resources and many feel a lack thereof. All of our societal successes and failures can be categorized and inspected in their phenomena and noumenal states. It is easy for us to fall into the blame game. The environmental issues are the fault of greedy industrial corporations, the inequality and failing economic system is the fault of a bloated and corrupt government, and all other problems are the fault of a nameable source, while all successes are attributed to individual hard work. Are these things truths or simply perceptions?" [emphasis added] Now at 9:18 starts the solution phase of the presentment. Of course this starts with a plea to the emotions followed at 11:04 with the ultimate emotion, a plea for love. But if the first part of the presentation is true, how would one know what "love" truly is, after all it is phenomenal? But at 12:24, we see the real destruction of the psyche, we are all but little cancers upon society if we don't share in the general welfare of all; collectivism, new world order, Agenda 21. And at 14:06, the death blow. Ladies and gentlemen, what you have experienced is the environment of Germany circa the 1920's and 1930's leading up to Nazism. There was no hostile takeover, it was but the death of a philosophy, the Age of Enlightenment (Aristotelianism) killed by the Age of Romanticism (Platonism). And now this country over generations has gone from the Industrial Age to the Entitlement Age, a stage set for the finale, collectivism whether by facist or communist, welcome to the New World Order. |
ahh,, the no spin = spin antagonist ,,, never doubted the input was coming,,,,thanx for not disappointing ![]() and thanks for yet another SUBJECTIVE critique of my post,,, and thanx mingle for the OBJECTIVE thread that supplies a place for multiple points of view,,, ![]() Wow, you really do need to buy a good dictionary and use it: Objective: Based upon observation of measurable facts. Subjective: Personal opinions, assumptions, interpretations and beliefs So what we really have is an objective analysis based on the observation of your subjective opinion of that which you haven't a clue, hence using any spin deemed necessary to arrive at a preconceived conclusion based on what one wants to be true. An emotional reaction. And to believe these threads have anything to do with the objective would be just another spin, the total lack of comprehension of what a "forum" entails. But by that reasoning, one could understand how another would consider opinions objective. |
The idea of intelligent robots is not resonating with me,,,,,yet....I keep thinking of that transition period when some are and some aren't and your can't tell the difference until you get between the sheets! ![]() ![]() ![]() "Intelligent" robots are already underway, emotional ones, like metalwing has just mentioned, may just be over the horizon. But the possibility of ethical/moral - ly capable ones is still a question, especially if we ourselves have always been divided on the basis of these very principles. It becomes rather obvious even at a cursory glance that one had no clue as to what was posted because of one did, then why were parts 1, 3 and 4 ignored? Even better, why using an analogy by another rather than going straight to the source? And if one actually did read the sources, why was not part 3 chosen as a better source to answer the question? Bostrom on Superintelligence (3): Doom and the Treacherous Turn But even more important, why not the original author, because only an analysis by another is available on a google search? |
It's the future, coming soon. Thoughts on the possibilities, probabilities, eventualities Views on ethical, economic, political consequences When is it raising the bar, when is it going too far? Do machines think? Could a machine produce similar work as Shakespear, Strauss, or Einstein? In my opinion it is not going to happen anytime soon. Machines follow a program of instructions and react to input which causes a response, such as the next move in a chess game, but it is following a program of instructions. It could be said the Internet is an intelligent machine because we can use a search engine to ask a question, and then receive an answer to the question, but again it is following a program of instructions to provide the response. No machine as far as I know has ever written a play, composed a piece of music or made any scientific discovery, and in my opinion is never likely to. We will see advances in the use of machines in many areas such as driverless cars, trains, maybe even ships and aeroplanes, with the inevitable loss of jobs, which I guess is the usual price paid for progress. You could well be quite right. Before intelligence can be artificial, it would require an intelligence that could create. All one needs do is look around and see the outcome of that equation. |
![]() No matter how good you make it,Homer will find a way to beach it up! Comforting Thought,though! ![]() Asimov wrote extensively on it! Yep, seems about the right speed. And Asimov, iRobot and other works of fiction, but we all add what we are capable of: Criticism of Asimov "Asimov: Humanist or Lacking Humanity? One notable criticism of Isaac Asimov came from Rachel Kennedy in the Washington post on the 25th August 1985 and read "In 1940, Asimov's humans were stripped-down masculine portraits of Americans from 1940, and they still are. His robots were tin cans with speedlines like an old Studebaker, and still are; the Robot tales depended on an increasingly unworkable distinction between movable and unmovable artificial intelligences, and still do." |
Happy New Year! But never forget history! It is the essence and creator of our future! Some of you say you don't watch videos...... that's kind of like saying "I have no need for knowledge or input". There is no bad knowledge, only bad choices and poor understanding. Interesting documentary, however it but begs the issue. Good material for those of the emotion to decry the inequality. This film is like having the problem with the hen house addressed by the foxes. It starts with the metaphysical based around economics and then addresses that issue with interviews with World Bank, IMF and Wall Street people. Welcome foxes. But still, it only addresses the effects not the causation of the problem. There is but one mention of the actual causation but that was by accident, not purpose. That was Plato and Platonism. |
![]() ![]() Wow, another superbly intellectual response. Must be careful though, too much use of the emotional will overwork that limbic system, brings on the guys in the white jackets. But I guess we all work within our capabilities, eh? |
Happy New Year! But never forget history! It is the essence and creator of our future! Some of you say you don't watch videos...... that's kind of like saying "I have no need for knowledge or input". There is no bad knowledge, only bad choices and poor understanding. Amen brother, amen. Back again when this finishes. |
Wedding guest: Move due to Obama golf game 'not a negative thing' Heimel, her groom, Ed Mallue Jr., and the wedding party found an "equally beautiful" spot at the Kaneohe Klipper Golf Course at Marine Corps Base Hawaii, according to Dryer. Not only was there an ocean view as they had envisioned, they could see some golfers on the course.
Adding to the unforgettable experience was an unexpected phone call from Obama, who phoned the couple to apologize for the mix-up. Dryer said the President told Mallue, also an Army captain, "If I had skipped the 16th hole, I would have had a better score." "He didn't know about it," Dryer said of Obama. Weeks before their wedding, Heimel and Mallue had invited the President to attend, knowing he and his family would be making their annual trip to Hawaii. The newlyweds got what they wanted after all. If they aren't complaining about President Obama, then why should anyone else complain? They aren't complaining because they know they would get some crap duty in the South Pole. Officer's of the military who value their career know better then to speak out against the Fuhrer. If the Fuhrer had any class, he would have attended. What a POS. or maybe they aren't complaining because they aren't crybabies and they had fair WARNING and KNOWLEDGE ahead of time that it might happen , complete with quite a beautiful back up plan,,,lol There would be almost NO warning. The presidents personal plans, dates and times are kept a secret for security purposes. They knew squat. so determined to find something to complain about,,,, there are WELL known places that presidents go,, and WHEN they travel through those areas there is a good chance they will GO THERE before people make reservations in these places, they can be INFORMED that IF the president comes through they will have to be moved this couple, BOTH MILITARY, worked with a planner who had IN THEIR CONTRACT the disclaimer that IF the president came through to play they would be moved this couple , BOTH MILITARY, understood that ahead of time this couple, BOTH MILITARY, picked several other locations IN THE CONTRACT with their planner that they wanted IN THE CASE that the president came through this couple , BOTH MILITARY, got to wed in a location they chose,, and they aren't complaining,, because they are disciplined and because they signed a CONTRACT agreeing to everything that happened,, and because they still married in a place THEY CHOSE ,,,,clear yet? Absolutely clear, still no clue eh? Absolutely clear, add any spin to keep from acknowledging reality! Absolutely clear, the subjective would be preferred over the objective any time by yourself!!! |
I never realized till now
search on forbes for keywords 'money grow' and you will have several answers from people that are 'educated' ,, although their source will most likely not be good enough for the constant antagonist,,, Webster says a resource is 1 a : a source of supply or support : an available means —usually used in plural ID say we do support ourselves through the primary RESOURCE of money which is bartered for our NATURAL and MANUFACTURED wants and needs Webster defines grow as to become larger : to increase in size, amount, etc in the money market people invest regularly to increase the AMOUNT Of money they have,,, as to the rest there are many opinions on the topic of overpopulation So in other words, you haven't a clue. Just another series of statements without knowledge of how they relate nor how they go together. A series of suppositions without a clue as to the understandings of causation and effects. And opinions little interest me as they mean nothing without understanding the metaphysics, epistemology and in this case ethics. But what does become especially clear is a response in the truest form of Plato and that Aristotle is truly dead. What is even clearer is the division of the metaphysical between us. |