" Dating "
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Sat 08/27/11 03:56 AM
Ok when you first meet a guy. And your talking and youve nly gone out a few times its ok to still meet other peopl. You guys arent dating yet and your still getting to know each other so its not like you have commitmntin that regard. But once youve gone out a while and agreed to be "exclusive" then yea I would not go out and be meeting or hanging out with guy "friends" alone anymore. Im not saying your not going to keep options open in cas the relationship doesnt work. Becuase most people will. But I am saying once your with someone officially its not really right or fair to the other person to be going out or hanging out with other guys like that. Unless of course you have an open relationship which is compltely up to the couple. Hope some of that made sense lol.. Its confusing though and its just my opinion everyone would have their own Im sure.
" Dating "
Edited by
Sat 08/27/11 03:47 AM
wow so one 'a friend is a friend' and one 'a male friend is unwanted and disrespectful competition' ,,,not helping me out alot here guys,,lol Well you got think of it from a guys perspective. If you like this guy and want to date him then why are you interested in meeting other guys? Most guys would be jealous if the girl they were seeing was meeting other guys even if they dont admit it. And honestly unless a guy is gay the only real reason he wants to hangout with a girl is because he s attractd to her more than just as a friend. The majority of guys will not put the effort in to hangout with a girl unless they think their is the possibilty there could be sex or something more. Sorry to say but its the truth and jut natural. Just be careful seeing "friends" because your guy might just end up seeing "friends" of his own. Im not saying you would cheat or anything but you just got to ask yourself what you want when your with someone I guess. Lol its late Im all over the place |
" Dating "
Also I didnt write this. But I agree with it pretty fully. Kind of deals with your question I think.
This may be a controversial topic, because I've seen SO many threads and posts where guys let their girlfriends hang out with their 'Guy Friends' because they are not 'Insecure'. It makes me ****ing rage. What's happening to the human male? I have no problem with my GF talking openly with other guys or being around other guys when I'm around. That's no big deal. But I would never let my GF go 'jogging' with a guy, 'Study' with him, 'grab a drink' with him. Why the phuck should I? If you worked all day for a well earned hot dinner when you got home. would you allow me, a stranger, to grab your plate and sniff it really, really well? Maybe even try biting it? Breathing all over it? Bit of slober on that steak? Phuck no there would be a topless fight between us and there damn right should be. It's dog eat dog with other men and your woman. Especially if they're strangers. If you think otherwise you deserve what you get in the end. Stand the phuck up and take control like a man. No you're not going to the bar with Mike for a drink. It's disrespectful to me and our relationship. Simple. the 'Insecure Male' has become a word used to describe men like myself. Those who don't share their girlfriends. Why? Because women have been given a sense of superiority by the males who allow their girlfriends to meet guys when they like. It shows utter disrespect to your partner. I say, Nay, I am not insecure, I'm just not naive. |
" Dating "
Edited by
Sat 08/27/11 02:57 AM
She's giving you all the signs, bro! There are still females out there who are just waiting for the guy to make the first move. With all the talking you two have done, I'm sure you're aware of her interests...ask her out! what do you have to lose?! If she's into you, great. If she declines, well hey, you still have a cool friend :))) Haha I dont know I have a bad time being friends with grils I was interested in for the most part. But maybe your right. Anyways hopefully she is interested. She wnt on a camping trip for the weekend but nce shes back Ill try and ask hr out for real. Im just interested to see where things could go |
For what it's worth....I think she is being rather obvious. However, sometimes we don't immediately recognize the obvious because we over-analyze the situation. Texting vs. phone call... She's feeling things out, trying to get close while maintaining some form of detachment. She's looking for an "in" without trying to get too close too quick. She's letting it build for when you see her again. If you want it, go for it. She made the first move. Anyhow, this has all been covered already. I just happened to stumble on the thread. If it was me in the same situation, I would have had the same exact thoughts you did. Been there a few times, and even had to tell a few that I wasn't interested in being more than friends. Of course, that was after I had spent a few months sorting it out inside my own head first. I don't like guessing games, so eventually I have to just buck up and roll the dice. Yea that's the thing at the end of the day I just have to ask her out and if she says yes then thats great and if she say no then thats fine too. We have agreed to do something though now lol I just have to try and make it a date or more than just as friends |
well clearly she is into you or she wouldn't bother. I mean it's one thing to talk to someone in class - it's another to be texting all day while you're apart. That is more than polite friendship. I just do not think you should do anything about escalating things unless you have broken things off with the other girlfriend as how you are (mis)handling things now is not fair to either of them. Once you are free & clear call her. It's more personal than texting, and ask her if she'd consider spending some time with you & pick something to do that you'd both enjoy and ask her to join you -nothing complicated- maybe a day hike or a bike ride & coffee, but something that is just the two of you. (In addition to the party invitation) just my thought since you asked. I agree. I think calling someone shows a higher level confidence and just overall is a better way of communicating. But yea Im definitely going to take her out once shes back..And to clarify Ive been single a while now. So no worries I dont have a girlfriend at the moment! hay it's OK - just a suggestion as a lot of people DO play the field I was merely suggesting it cuz u sounded fairly serious about schoolgirl and just don;t mess it up ![]() ![]() sounds like u got it covered tho ![]() The ex is history! And while I will still talk to other girls even if Im dating. I would never cheat or do anything dishonest. |
He probably wanted to hook up but nothing serious and just didnt want to tell you those were his intentions. Just my take on it though of course and I could be wrong.
well clearly she is into you or she wouldn't bother. I mean it's one thing to talk to someone in class - it's another to be texting all day while you're apart. That is more than polite friendship. I just do not think you should do anything about escalating things unless you have broken things off with the other girlfriend as how you are (mis)handling things now is not fair to either of them. Once you are free & clear call her. It's more personal than texting, and ask her if she'd consider spending some time with you & pick something to do that you'd both enjoy and ask her to join you -nothing complicated- maybe a day hike or a bike ride & coffee, but something that is just the two of you. (In addition to the party invitation) just my thought since you asked. I agree. I think calling someone shows a higher level confidence and just overall is a better way of communicating. But yea Im definitely going to take her out once shes back..And to clarify Ive been single a while now. So no worries I dont have a girlfriend at the moment! |
We had both said we wanted to be exclusive. A few weeks later I found out she was meeting other guys online and going out with them. Said have fun with that Ill see you later..
Dude! What does the girl have to do? Hit ya over the head with something? Yes she is into you. really I'd have prolly given up by now.... haha damn I didnt realize it was that obvious........I must be oblivious or something. |
Guy, dont forget to give us an update on these love story. ![]() goodluck ![]() Ill definitely tell you guys how it goes. Hopefully I have something good to report lol. |
Haha well I hope your right! Once she's back Ill take her on a date. She's one of the first girls in a while I would consider actually dating. Lol thats saying something. So hopefully your right, Im interested to see how things can go between her and me.
Edited by
Fri 08/26/11 12:57 AM
Thanks for your reply! I appreciat anyone taking the time too.
Well she had just messaged me saying "we should hangout sometime :)" And I replied with "We will ;) Ill have to take you out when you get back" And she said ":) I like that idea" lol so hopefully thats a good sign. Once shes back in the city next week hopeuflly we can hangout and I can see how things are. |
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Fri 08/26/11 12:16 AM
We'll hopefully she interested in me more than a friend! Its just kind of confusing because alot of things would point that she is interested in me. I mean her sitting next to me, messaging me out of the blue, texting me each day if I dont say hi.
But then again yea like Ive honestly never hungout with her outside of school and weve only been texting so far this summer.....I really feel like I should be more flirty texting but my txting is kind of sucky and I really dont know how with her. Ill get to see her next week hopefully. And hopefully be able to feel her out better then...I mentioned I was out driving around with a friend. And she replied saying "I love cruising :) its basically a hobby haha" Genereally Id respond with something like "We'll we will definitely hav to go cruising one day when your back ;)" But is ther any way to be even flirtier with it? |
So I met this girl last spring in one of my classes. One day I got to class early and was minding my own business. Anyways this cute girl comes in and there were chairs all around me open but she sat down right next to me. Anyways I proceed to introduce myself and we chatted. So the rest of th term we would sit together and talk. Just general stuff. How our weekends were, homework stuff like that. But I had a girl I was ind of seeing at the time and just wasn't really intreste in this girl that much. At the end of school though I added her on facebook and she went back home which is about 3hrs away for the summer.
Anyways fast forward and about 2 months ago or maybe a little less she messages me on facebook out of the blue saying "Hey whats your cell #" We talked occassionally on facebook some but never alot. Anyways we started texting each other and if I don't text her for a few days she'll always message me and if I reply she'll generally mssage me all day. The thing is is I've started liking this girl alot. Like really think she might be gf material. It's just hard to tell how she's feeling though. She is single but we've only been txting this summer and havent seen each other at all since school. When we text we basically just talk about each others day or whats going on. But I dont know since we havent ever really talked about dating or anything I never know how flirty to be. I mentioned today that I was going to try and have a party before school. And she messaged back saying "we'll dont have until after the 1st" And I asked her whys that and she said "because maybe I want to come :P and my roomate too" I dont know. Shes a really cool girl. But the thing is is I dont know if shes interested in me as in dating or as a friend. She doesnt know a whole lot of people here I dont think and Im one of the few she does. So I dont know if she wants to be friends when she gets back or if she likes me more than that. Would it b wrong of me to ask her if shes into me or how should I go about it? |
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Sun 06/05/11 12:17 AM
Kind of a bit of an update for anyone who may care :p. So my ex gets back in a few days. Ive talked to alot of people and against much of yours guys advice Im sure, Im going to try and get a second chance with her.. Honestly Im pretty bad expressing myself emotionally most of the time if something is bothering me or I really care about something I wont show it or mention it. And in turn it usually looks like I dont care. But the fact of the matter is this whole time shes been gone..almost 3 weeks now its been killing me. Ive gone on multiple dates, got a new car, new stuff been working out more but always at the back of my mind Ive been thinking about her. Ive even thought about how Id give away anything Ive gotten in this period, just to have the chance to play cards with her at my kitchen table again.
I know alot of people say there are billions o girls in the world move on youll find someone...fact of the matter is I found her and hate that things ende up the way they did. Like Ive said Ive talke to alot of people and ive basically come down with 3 options on how to approach her again, I really dont want to mess this up so however you think is best Id love to hear. Fact of the matter is Im trying its killed me enough so sorry but if you say not too I still will. but my 3 options i think at the moment are: 1. send her some flowers at work. Someone suggeste yellow roses since the sybolize friendship an attach a note with a small apology and an offer to get together. While flowers might be a nice gesture I am hesitant with this because I think its looks ba Im not doing it in person so she cant see my emotion or hear my own words. 2. Stop by her work and say hi. People have sai not too apologize, so I wouldnt do that. Instead Id ask her about her trip and ask her to get together maybe take a ride in my new car? I was also thinking of bringing just a single flower because thats not as overlwhelming as 12 but still nice..or she is really into a certain kin of music so i wa thiknig maybe a cd? but idk a cd might not be the best thing to give her right now..I like seeing her in person because I can her reactions up close. Plus if you realy have something important to say you should do it in person and also maybe she can see how much ive really misse her this way. 3. I coul send her a frienly invite on FB reading her and trying to talk...Idk though once this seems informal and pretty beta. What do you guys think? Im still going to try, Ive been missing this girl so much and i really think we coul have something special. But what do you think any of my ideas goo on approaching her again? Or what could i do different/ change? I really really dont want to mess this and will do anything as long it give me a better chance with her. I really appreciate all advice. |
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Fri 05/06/11 12:42 AM
Well your the sweetest girl :). Thanks. Its just weird I never get attached or worked up over anyone else. And then this one I just cant let go. Uhh Idk Im just torn.
Well **** me. Sorry for my french but damn. So guys here's a little update and judging by opening sentence Im sure you can guess it wont have a happy ending unfortunately. So anyways I had told you all about this girl I really liked and well I thought she liked me back. Anyways so today we agreed to go play miniature golf. Anyways the whole rie there and while we are there she doesnt seem into it at all or me. And shes taking about going to parties shed used to invite me to so Im just like wtf. So I take her home early, and when we get to the drive I told her "I think I like you a ittle more than you like me, an I just dont see this going anywhere" and shes like "yea maybe so, like i sai I dont know what I want" Anways a few minutes late she blows up my phone texting about how she obviously couldnt tell if she liked me after only a few dates. really? it was like 4. and then when I told her well what about the making out, holding hands, hugging........She told me "she holds hands with all her friends" wtf?? "she didnt want to kiss me but only did because she knew i wanted too" complete BS and that she shouldnt be blamed for any of this. Guys Im so down right now. i know i just got to move on but wtf :( sorry thats my rant...
Edited by
Mon 04/25/11 10:05 PM
Yea Im starting to realize you really need to be open. Talk about how you actually feel. Or you can come off disconnected or uninterested, when in fact it could be the exact opposite. Lol I guess there is something to the whole Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus :p