what you think
guys go see girls profil guys you don't seem too understand the concept
what you think
Well, I always tell it like it is, doing that now as well.
Your nickname is very off-putting... Best get a better profile photo, one in which you smile or look a little friendlier... Maybe elaborate a bit on your write up. You're looking for sex, but even then it is helpful to give a bit of an impression of who you are, what you have to offer etc. Women get a gazillion men wanting to have sex with them. Even if a woman would want just sex she still is going to be selective and not share her bed with any bloke just because he has his blood rushing in the lower regions. Meaning a guy that treats her well and with respect, is clean, etc. If you're not interested in any of that find yourself a prostitute. What you say tells us nothing. haha no **** |
what you think
waiting for your feedback ladies