be kind, even Aristotle had his blues. ![]() i recalled a situation but that's a long story a micro-micro version of Trump nomination 'don't you love it when the establishment & media are against you & the people surge behind you..' |
Def not a loss, I promise you the person will work hard to try me. See when you set a trap for folks, the intention is to catch the prey. Trap set, animal caught. My Rule of thumb: To try to always be informed rather than OPINIONATED. Impressive, turning a hard joke around to a cheerful trap, ![]() |
<@> When one <@>
![]() |
What will become of me?
Who's indestructible wills and unquenched minds, become our greatest cost. the phrase "a knight without armor" came to mind then saw Sunshine's comment. so that's what it is, a nurse, a knight, without armor. ![]() ... To guide us from wrong and lead us to right. ..... The shadowy figures In the corner Their touch never dies. They laugh at our belief, as they do not hide from our eyes. special meaning as i 'think' on quitting smoking oh yeah, its flared to the point, me is now a walking chimney.. man-o-man; maybe will do it now thanks for sharing. |
Never Said
There is freedom in this loving, I've found.. Needs I thought needed filling are no longer there.. ![]() |
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Sat 04/30/16 02:59 AM
drone attack.
heck |
Out of Body Experience
i think everyone would agree there is not that much difference between our brains and other mammals brains, we basically do the same things... but just think about different things... while other mammals might not have 100's of billions of neurons firing, they still play, eat, sleep, dream and reproduce the same way humans do... i was always told when growing up the animals do not think, which from personal observation know this is wrong... but my point of what i was saying earlier in the thread, the elevated neuron firings at the moment of death kind of confirms this... since all of your reality (perceptions of) is nothing but chemical reactions that happens inside your brain, how could someone perceive to outside of their body where no neurons are available? if your brain controls everything you see, touch, feel, smell, and sense, how could you be able to tell the difference between whats real and not real at the time of death? everything is interpreted inside your head, nowhere else... appears like death has 2 stages. bodily followed by 'mind driven brain' let's say body dies, heart / lungs & all those autonomous functions - all those associated with the brain-stem, dies.. but the mature brain, the neo-cortex is an evolved creature it has all the experiences and memories.... & ego to the point that it commanded attention while 'all the while the body aged, it managed as teeth fell out, vision blurred, memory became unreliable IT with age, started losing trust on it's body, and what is deemed as our lower brain, the reptilian brain So when the reptilian gives up, dies.. the neo-cortex, the higher up, the boss, says hell! "the ship got torpedoed; the engine room is on fire, the control room got shorted, abandon ship.." IT experiences loss of sensory inputs, feels pain allover, 'agony of death' but IT won't give in; a whisper says 'i am too young to die' IT resists death - naturally or the whisper says, 'my job is done' IT accepts death - naturally --xx-- taking the first case, 'too young..' the brain 'misinterprets the death signal as it had not expected / experienced sufficiently to catalogued it in memory and so interprets the death signal as "abandon ship" now here is where the mind takes over & says: 'abandon the neuron base we know as home lets swiftly move outside of this sinking skull..' i.e. assuming that we have a mind then such a projection; a demand to the computer not to 'crash' is plausible. So when the Mind 'knowing' that it is superior to all that bodily / brain universe; and yet not in denial that it needs this 'soil' to exist but for a moment resists its 'death'. (whatsoever the state the body may be in) now the Mind prompts the only soil it really controls it prompts all of the neo-cortex to battle stations - keep firing (explains the brain arousal reported at NDE) and by this process of extreme arousal the mind 'periscopes' out (let's keep in mind this is a death upheaval) and what does the Mind necessarily do? if it could periscope outside of the body? yes, using it's ethereal mirror (for seconds) it to looks down and asks - "am i really dead?" --xx-- this is a fairy tale yet, after going through the links provided by MM there does seem to be a time lapse between the death by cessation of heart beat and 'brain death' or cessation of NDE!! In fact it is possible that this time lapse could be in hours.. which brings us to the point that we may all experience some form of NDE before final brain death. |
Out of Body Experience
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Wed 04/27/16 11:51 AM
Well it's an interesting study and I have no doubt that "brain activity" in some form exists for a short period after "clinical death" but all that does not explain how I could see the room and my own body and the BACKS of those working on me from the outside. As I said, I was confined to my bed in traction and thereby could only see half the room from my vantage point, yet when floating up by the T.V., I could see my roomate's part of the room in full detail which I never saw from my bed.
I guess what I'm getting at is that I'm not sure if physical brain activity(like neuron interactions) equals our real consciousness. in one of the links mice are subject to NDE and their neural activity fired up in all regions of the brain; in other words, even mice experience NDE similar to us. that begs the question what do we mean by 'consciousness'? by neural definitions, mice would have mice level consciousness; may also have floating experiences; going by their known commonalities with the human brain; drug researching & so on. so i am assuming by 'real consciousness' it should mean something transcending death: like immortal soul. which if extrapolated would mean that if man was to have a soul then how may mice be denied one? '..all creatures great and small' my intentions are not to trivialize this subject; just thinking aloud. |
Muslim Gratitude
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Wed 04/27/16 02:10 AM
Hi jai .. The translation of the court transcripts Are not my interpretation of the events .. The link to the court documents is Available . Seems he was dealt to by the judicial system . Not sure about his accomplice . thanks, i have a daughter, now 21. so you can see. --xx-- fact is, in our generation father had only to say a word that was it. no monkey business mother? oh, she may thrash with a broom didn't count now-a-days i see children have two mothers. or just one mother yes, definitely heritage. ![]() |
Muslim Gratitude
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Wed 04/27/16 01:15 AM
On the 18th of September 2014, a large group of teenagers gathered on [location]. This includes both suspect and victim. They had a confrontation. Suspect hit victim in the face, twice. On the second hit, she lost her balance and fell, injuring her head. As a result, victim suffered pain, dizziness and behavioural chances. On 19 sept. 2014, a MD diagnosed the subject, and found a swollen left eye and right cheek. Furthermore, the CT-scan showed that she had a light concussion.
i saw two videos the old one linked to one with a slightly larger view. The large group of teenagers you mention - were aligned with the suspect (explained down). The victim appears to be alone. yet you say 'they' had a confrontation. from the body language of the victim - she didn't back down. The suspect 'suddenly hit her' - a totally unexpected blow that threw her off balance he then shot a second right & missed. maybe because the victim tried to ward off the second blow the suspect then didn't take chances he moved in with a 1-2 stance of a trained puncher and punched her down. The left hook smash - no joke then the suspects friend - yellow jacket moved in and pounded into her with his leg. the suspect returned but the victim stayed down yellow jacket then gave her a parting kick (2nd) she lay motionless to the second kick - apparently 'out' an adult is visible coming towards the store and the suspect and friend 'slide' away: mission accomplished. ---- my reading? suspect's friend is definitely 18 - he was not booked suspect did not get fobbed of by the warding purse suspect moved in like a trained fighter: the 1-2 swing suspect claiming blackout - definitely not the case because he is articulate - proclaiming justification after she is down before returning to victim to verify this was not violence by a man of IQ80 his fists were accurate and contained deadly force sufficient to knock her but not put him off balance when he missed her blind rage by IQ80 does not deliver with such accuracy & control victim was completely taken by surprise at the first blow showing that the attack was per-meditated victim's IQ is probably 60 or she is a liberal, reason: tangling with a proclaimed thief trying to drive in sense. And all of that is apparently related to his financial and social situation, not his heritage or religion. not financial situation, since the money laying around was unexpected. not social, since he was an invitee to party & his cousins were also invitees heritage? i admit i don't understand what "parent-child issues" are being referred to. if it is 'parent-child' it amounts to heritage religion? if the victim is also Muslim, suspect's family would have to pay in 'blood' for what he did; else strife for generations that is the law within Islamic tribes. since the victim is not Muslim she went to court and the court dutched her. --xx--- Alla-o-Akbar; Allah! --xx--- on the other note, it is not Muslim families alone that are fearful the fear is now in European streets. if we want to expand this discussions further please bear in mind: India was an Islamic state for 500 years. partitioned to Pakistan 70 years ago has the second largest Muslim population in the world please don't tell me that Christian fundamentalism exists to the scale of Muslim fundamentalism the world over in this day and age. it is this fundamentalism that has raised ISIS / Al-Qaeda armies yes, there is now a danger of Christians getting together to protect their people as has happened with Hindus in India rising Hindu fundamentalists. progressive Muslims (my teachers) couldn't alter the few lines of Koran that says 'killing a non-believer' leads you to paradise. that is all there is to it. but for this one aspect, Islam has a discipline & value system that would be the envy of Republicans. in fact, Muslims cannot convert out of their religion without risk to their lives & families. so where lays the solution. first steps are now being taken 'oath by refugees' on landing in host countries. it should be no less than the oath that nation comes first and God second. yet there is raising hope as Muslim generations get educated in the West. Aa-salam al-aikum. |
Out of Body Experience
v.interesting. MM
thanks for the link. |
Out of Body Experience
truly amazing experiences
To: Serchin4MyRedWine i suppose you did report your experience to the doctors. if so, what was their take? the reason for this Q is obviously to eliminate any known induced 'hallucinatory' effects of the drug. did read somewhere that the brain releases (one of the p-glands) some chemicals that allow passage from pain to death. this is presented in '5 unexplained mysteries' on To: MM, about the neurons firing well after 2 months? my understanding was their electrical activity consumed energy supplied through blood flow. unless, neurons cannibalize other neurons or brain fat - plausible. would definitely like to read up if you could provide a link. To: BHawkins, first congratulations. knowing myself, i stayed away from experimenting with drugs; would never have got out of it. Heck, barely managed to give up drinks in Saudi Arabia & reverted back on return. i agree that you experienced 2 different things. 1. the 'nd' experience - i have no knowledge on this 2. the repeated dreams (the lasting effects) is it possible that the '2 demons' are a reminder to stay away? i do know that our brain is not exactly a 'unified whole'. We do have some components - brain-stem unit and the diencephelon (mammalian brain) that functions independently of our thinking brain (neo-cortex). To explore this you may like to read 'The Chimp Paradox' by Dr. Steve Peters. Again, this is not my field but a recent interest. --xx-- from the said experiences it appears there are 2 kinds or stages of death: 1. where the heart stops - the brain-stem responsible 'dies' the eyes don't respond to flashing light 2. where the cerebrum (neo-cortex) 'dies' - turning us to vegetables. it is plausible that if stage 1 alone happens; otherwise healthy patients could be revived. The cortex pulls up the body so to speak. all this may sound a bit 'cracked up' but in the absence of any model on death - this is something. i started thinking on these lines when my Dad passed away few months ago. --xx-- thanks for sharing. very big of you guys. |
How to improve focus?
1. Forget your Past 2. Delete all your social accounts [Facebook, Twitter, Instagram...] 3. Stop Chatting. Period. [gtalk, yahoo, whatsapp, fb..] 4. Clean your room of all clutter. What you don't need, give to charity 5. And then, Take a Vacation to a remote scenic place with no email,phone access. Don't even think of taking any pictures. Come back home and start your life again. You have to be free, I mean, truly and completely feel free, for you to connect with yourself. Once you are able to do that, it will be easier for you to focus. a small flaw in the logic... "Come back home.." - don't |
Vatican Humor
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Mon 04/25/16 06:10 AM
what's so funny? i don't get it..
in India the Lord is a driver.. ![]() here Krisna (in black) goes mad; attacking with the spare wheel. |
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Sun 04/24/16 02:28 PM
Hi dolphin .. The heart speaks a language we do not always understand .. when it comes to love .... For some it can be bittersweet , poignant and difficult to see the positivity of what was shared ... Especially when pain and hurt overshadows emotions . Your heart talk is beautiful xox ![]() i always found it uncomfortable to say things like 'i love you' but with Dolphin's poem i whisper "lovingggg yoouuu" |
stretch the words folks; drag it;
--xx-- people who dre-eeaaam-eh, live longer nice, refreshing dreeeeeaams, longer cause they don't carryeeee,yeah yes-ter-daaaay, over people who seeeeennggh; live longer nice long drawn breeeeathing, longer cause one just haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas limited (breathing) overs (drum taps) now don't go angry, or furious; zip up bp, zap the heart let go, let go, let goooo, yesterdaaaaaay (drums rollover) sleep to dream, yeah baby, sleeeeep-eh. yeah sleeeep aaap dreams, baby --xx-- based on the topic by LW: "I sleep to dream and dream of sleep" i was musing on this on and off cause i read somewhere that dreams are the continuous process of thoughts; and was planning to meet my mom tomorrow and encourage her, she has these palpitations and mind wandered of to the subject of brain-stems i was reading.. and the words rolled in (made some sense to me) so then why not post it and see what my friends have to say. |
I have some bizzare dreams when I have an afternoon nap. A few weeks ago I had one were I was walking past my old school. I was the age I am now but in the school yard were all my old classmates but they were all like 15/16 years old. They were having a BBQ and I went to join them. As I left to go home a police car stopped next to me in the street. The policeman wound down the window and asked me if I had had a pork chop from the BBQ and I said yes, they were very nice. He got out of the car and said, 'you're under arrest, that pig was stolen'. I woke thinking WTF was all that about. hahahahahahahaha haha, hilarious Oh God! |
my dreams are weird and meaningless, they never make any sense... but my last dream was about Mila Kunis... and it wasn't even sexual... ![]() On the contrary, dreams improve with age. dreams related to work and so on my technique is wake up around 4am; have tea, walk; go back for a nap & allow dreams sometimes interesting; especially if one has been working late previous night. |
MY worst nightmare. I dreamed I was standing at the beach. I remembered , the sand are so white and beautiful. From far, I saw a group of people dancing a traditional Javanese dance. They are wearing the traditional costumes. The men are holding the yellow umbrella for the dancing ladies. In my dream, their backs were facing me, so I cannot see their faces. Then all a sudden, they disappeared, I found myself surrounded by so many snakes. I can still remembered the hissings and the sound of the sand as they glides around me. The snakes looked transparent. I was mesmerized. I woke up, shivering and sweating. i recall visiting the snake park - decades ago (bachelor days) and then had a dream - snakes hanging down trees; later i was telling this to my guy friends and one of them remarked, 'snakes symbolize sex; but they have to bite you.' i think most young Asian's dream up snakes sometime or other. ![]() |
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Sat 04/23/16 04:08 PM
I had a weird dream several weeks after my first husband died. He said to me, 'lets continue our marriage in the spirit realm. Noone would know.' I said no as I knew that was a fast track to insanity lol. darn, wish you had said yes; we could have found if they had a sex life. on the spectral picture, can you please explain? |