For the mature at heart
Hi MelQueen
![]() i like when the girl makes the first move...lets a guy know he's got a chance with her.. I would if I really really like the guy and I feel that he likes me too. Hey mzrosie, i got my half covered....just waiting on you now ![]() |
Did you know.... - part 4
did you know -- farmed salmon has color added to it ?
did you know -- eggs aren't white without help ? did you know -- your tongue has at least eight connected muscles ? did you know -- 4 out of 3 people have trouble with fractions ? |
2Kids, sending thoughts & prayers..I love you
millennials are outraged!!
i was born in 1950, i grew up with B&W TV and a black
rotary dial party line what happened to just going to the ballgame to escape the the cares of the world ? when watching the the best players play a kids game was enough, without all this extra BS ?? "Buy me some peanuts & cracker jack, I don't care if i ever get back" |
can i say policeman without getting a 100 lashes in public ?
ok, i'll try it... ![]() Policeman.. |
for Tom4....ok, if you say so..
![]() |
Should it matter to you what the IQ of your mate has, if you're in a serious relationship ? i think it's somewhat important, unless one of the partners has a higher IQ than 99% of the population (IQ of 160 is rated extraordinary genius 1% of the population), who continually expresses their over-inflated sense of importance and intellect by talking down to you and and the people in your circle of friends...that kind of conceited pompous bragging ego will usually drive ordinary people away from both of you.. so...yes, birds of a feather and all that, is good you see the discrimination intelligent people are constantly bombarded with. I don't talk 'down' to people but I do have to simplify the concepts in my head so most others can understand and more often than not, they will still take offense. Everybody has an ego. Some people have enough healthy self-esteem that they are not threatened by intelligence. Some people realize that when someone simplifies so all can understand the simplification is not an attack on their intelligence but a general simplification so others of less intelligence can still derive meaning from what is said. Yes, there are intelligent people who talk down to everyone as an ego trip. That is because their EQ and RQ are not as high as their IQ. Their inner maturity is lacking. Their respect for others is lacking. They need to feel superior because of their narcissism. To group all intelligent people as egotistic and narcissistic is discriminatory. i said UNLESS.. one(1) of the partners.....not all and i wasn't talking to... or about you specifically.. why are you quoting me ?? |
millennials are outraged!!
makes me wonder how many are going to show up just
so they can jeer, point fingers and make fun of ..."them dad-gum useless snowflakes"... |
Should it matter to you what the IQ of your mate has, if you're in a serious relationship ? i think it's somewhat important, unless one of the partners has a higher IQ than 99% of the population (IQ of 160 is rated extraordinary genius 1% of the population), who continually expresses their over-inflated sense of importance and intellect by talking down to you and and the people in your circle of friends...that kind of conceited pompous bragging ego will usually drive ordinary people away from both of you.. so...yes, birds of a feather and all that, is good |
Edited by
Mon 07/30/18 05:09 PM
@ Blake
it's not worth the post was about shutting down the government, a couple of analogies (poker & arson) and my opinion of Trumps true colors... your's was about Obama, Hilary, Bernie, Jesus Christ, your opinion about millions of Americans wanting a wall and when it should have have existed from..and the amount of years i have left to complain about Trump followed by Pence.... how any of what you said relates to what i posted i have no idea ?? i consider those to be deflections... that's my understanding of it..and i apologized for using the word fact already... so cheers to better communications in the future.. hard feelings here |
I want my wall, border budget approved and this and that or I have no problem shutting down the United States Government until i get what I want.....wah wah wah... Bottom line, he is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better then Hillary and Bernie. Definitely better then Obamanation. Jesus Christ could be the current President and many would want to crucify Him again. And in regards to the "wall" remark , it isn't just want he wants , it is what millions of Americans want. The wall shouldn't even be a debate . It should of existed decades ago. You only have to put up with him for another 6 and a half years then you can complain about Pence for the following 8 . so...i see shutting down the government, meets with your approval good to know that fact... |
i don't hate's the latest from the
spoiled brat who is gonna take his ball and go home.. I want my wall, border budget approved and this and that or I have no problem shutting down the United States Government until i get what I want.....wah wah wah... how is that #MAGA ??? He's like the poker player who bluffs on every single hand, then when somebody calls him, tries to pull his bet back and says i meant to say " I wouldn't" bet on a pair of threes" or an arsonist who starts a fire and claims to be a hero for saving lives with his quick action in reporting it... i don't hate him, but i have known his true colors, for many years now...a 2-bit draft dodging spoiled brat who has always cheated gullible people, a conman who now hides behind a veil of fake patriotism, mom and apple pie... |
media staged events
Moe, i think the difference is this...the opinion pages of a
newspaper are separate from the actual news of the day and they do reflect the editorial boards stance... example: New York Times = liberal.... and i believe, Chicago Tribune = conservative (could be different now idk) they both report the same news, and opinionize that news in separate sections....versus these shows like CNN, FOX and the like are offering slanted opinions 24/7 that is all you get all day long...i don't like any of them left or right...and i don't associate them with Freedom of the Press... my complaint of Trump is his labeling any dissent as fake and any agreement as truth...and that is exactly what he does, lumps any dissent into one bucket labeled FAKE and any agreement into another labeled Truth... |
media staged events
oh...i heard millions of people are now going to
veterinarian animal clinics to get their surgeries and medicines because of the *evil main-stream* hospital health care system now in place... lol...a bit of humor just to lighten it up some ![]() |
argo63, was the media against Obama?? Was the BLM, SLPC against Obama?? how many protests did Obama have during his time in office? How many Obama protester's were beaten up for wearing Obama shirts or hats? not many and most by racist groups. So a few Republicans spoke up against Obama, oh boo hooo hoooo. As it turned out Obama didn't face the same abuse like Trump. chairman z, is Fox News biased in favor of Trump ? are the NRA, KKK in favor of Trump ? was anyone run down by a car in Charlottesville ? so a few Democrats are speaking up against Trump, oh boo hooo hooo |
media staged events
@Moe....(i hate all them long-azz quoting & re-re-re-quoting)
you need to understand the difference between the "free press" and "opinion-based news"... those like, CNN and Breitbart for example.. |
Re: chairman z's whining...(forgot to quote, but i think you get my drift)
"The single most important thing we want to achieve is to make Obama a one term president"....Mitch McConnell (R-Ky) "If Obama was for it, we had to be against it".... George Voinovich (R-Ohio) there's plenty more, but why bother when dealing with hypocrites who can dish it out but can't take it... the guy was in a no-win situation with the right-wing |
media staged events
no i didn't, but if it wasn't pro or con why are people pissed at just the liberals...does that mean conservatives never manipulate the media or conservatives just don't recognize it when it happens to them ??? i did read what Tom wrote and i agree with his observations wholeheartedly...i have written similar concerning Russia's Bot attacks on social media, with their purposely false narratives directed towards either side, their intended goal being to create chaos, division and argument among ou citizens. my greatest concern is the presidents continuous assault to the freedom of the press...his labeling of any sort of dissent towards him or his policies as "Fake News" and his favoring those who only agree with him is a danger to democracy itself.. these actions are the first baby-steps toward authoritarian control that dictators possess, the only opinions allowed will be those sanctioned and approved by the government...editors and journalists will be jailed and assets seized, to silence dissent... personally, i think he has violated his oath of office with his rhetoric vs the free press...i don't think he'll succeed, but then again, i never dreamed he would be elected either... |
i can't figure out what this game is about...
does that mean i have to take a shot of whiskey ?? Yay !!! alllllRRRighttt....i Liiiike |
media staged events
did you watch the video? It wasn't pro or con liberals, it just showed what the media is doing... people are pissed at the liberals, maybe ask yourself why? no i didn't, but if it wasn't pro or con why are people pissed at just the liberals...does that mean conservatives never manipulate the media or conservatives just don't recognize it when it happens to them ??? |