is the parallel universe is real universe does it exist? yes yes it does, I'm over there right now...really busy busy gettin' Soufie all *lathered up in a warm bubble bath..BBL |
so tonight I'm gonna party like it's nineteen ninety nine *puff-puff..paaaaass |
Da BEARS Da BEARS giveth life to Philly they shall also taketh away that life this coming Sunday....HaHaHa #Beer&Sassage on da house... |
@ That would probably work best! uhmmm so, should i be expecting a PM from you soon?? |
take a tip from Soufie's post..."by invitation only"
guest list stays private and agreed on by all invitee's i'm pretty sure that's the only way it would work... |
Argo ., where have you been hiding Hiya (((Blondey))) i only be lurking once in a's *different here now... just me & you on the guest list ?? count me IN... |
group meet-up open to all forum users ???
more important than when and where, is the this " I was all for it, planning to go, I even started setting money aside for it...until I saw Argo's post saying he was going... now, count me out " #RabbitwithaPancakeHat |
boot hill
*shakes dice*.....come ooooonnnnn.....SEVEN
times square
go get my tank filled up
i'm thinking...i might as well have the last of it tonight
Celebrity look alike game
Tmommy.....reminds me of Karen Carpenter
the one above me...reminds me of Reni Santoni |
I am 72 and state that in my profile so why do I get guys in their 40's and 50's wanting to meet me. because they are horndogs who only have one thing in mind... |
No Posting Allowed
i suppose this means i'm susceptible to reverse psychology...right ?
What do you call a fly with no wings? a zipper... what do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back ?? |
Red Wave Coming?
Mommy, why is it that only the lemmings with red fur
are jumping off the cliff....they look just like a wave ??? I dun't know Baron, go ask your father he is the President, so of course he should know, he knows everything... be a good boy and run along now, i'm busy with this red-hair dye he told me to put on... magamaga |
Against the wind ~ Bob Seger