lookin 4 input
hey i never sead im normal or
lookin 4 input
ya thats hes my best freind, he lets me take all my anger out on him and still sits ther waitin for more. ha
ya i know pretty creepy, good thing u cant read the no loitoring sign above him. ha ha u think that would realy b a reson. |
ex loves
as far as the past bein the past it is and should be just that, but it is the only thing set in stone, that wont change. and also the best way to pepair and learn from to make the future and present the best u can.
ex loves
besides who wants a std. safe sex is only so safe.
ex loves
and if ur a emo wen it comes to sex its prob best not to get ur hopes up, or fake ur self out with a hook up. most the time (in my experience) sex killed wat ever could have been (good or bad), it still made things take a dif path.
ex loves
thers nothin wrong with not havin meaningless sex, especialy if ur tryin to heal.
ex loves
as long as thing move forward in a good way, then it realy doesnt matter how and wat u use to do so.
ex loves
realy ur last and passed relationhips should have alot to do with the new ones. u can tell alot about wat u realy want and wat u realy need by ur past relations. ther wer resons why u wer with and now without that person. so to say that u need be over ur last is true to a piont, but u cant forget why u wer with them and espesialy why ur not with them, if u do u'll end up with the same type.
ex loves
i personly cant say that i dont love my exs, but most of them i realy could care less to have any contact with. but as much as i dont like them i will always have love for them, no matter the hate level, ther was some thing ther that wont go away.
iv been told that my exs have had a part in the deconstruction of a relationship, but im not so sher it was my fault they wer a prob as much as it was a threat or one up on the new girl. if that made sence |
wer to go?
man walmarts corp. cant we meet at vons or kmart? lol
i realy dont search, prob part of my prob, ive always thought id meet someone while doin something i injoy, but thers not many girls runnin in the woods barefoot. lol na i was realy wounderin wer u poeple think u might meet some one special. and i get the "ur lookin to hard" alot. i dont. i def want to meet someone, realy bad, but i realy just live and let live. mabe not lookin hard enough? |
wer to go?
but the freezer gets full so quick. and after so many holes poeple start wounderin why all u got is lumpy dirt. lol as normal as normal gets.
wer to go?
ya i wish, but im a guy we need to look, not many girls will ever say or do anything first.
lookin 4 input
wtf. lol ow thank u. ha and wat do u mean by dreamy
wer to go?
so it seems that most of use have the q of "wer do i meet some one worth while".
so wer do u expect or try to meet poeple that might b wat u want. |
lookin 4 input
right! mabe wer great and everone else has something wrong! lol
but realy i figed that ther might be something on my page that jumps out as a major red flag? |
i know. kinda weird but it makes sence to me. but then agian i am single. lol
first off ive smoked for over half my life and been around it for the first half, i dont like to smoke i just do, no matter how many poeple i know that get sick or even die from it. i wish i could stop but? its one of the stupidest things anyone can do, thers nothin but bad to it. granted im a dump arss my self, i know.
but to ur q i realy dont want a cig smoker, ive been "tryin" (if u want to call it that) for a long time and dating another smoker makes it that much easier to keep smokin (if ther not tryin them selfs). one of my exs hated smokin and as lame as it was gettin bitched at all the time, it was incouragement, could of had better, but non the less it did help. and as far as pot i would love to meet some one that had the same or genral thoughts, but i do need some one thats goin to except the fact that im a major pot head and im prob always goin to b. |
OK, for the guys...
dudes basicly got it
i dont want to have sex with any girl till i know im goin to stay with her, but i cant lie and say i dont want or think about it. and bottom line just b urself on both sides, bein urself will atract just that, wen if u go out like a nerd ur prob gettin a nerd, wen if u go out like a hooker ur prob gettin a pimp. lol not tryin to b rude. and the body on its own can tell u alot. not just in looks either. |
my mutts tend to stay away from me wen i smoke but one comes runnin wen i burn, thats gota tell u something.
Non-smoker! Period. The occasional date out with a smoker is fine, but anything serious.... gonna have to be a non-smoker. That stuff makes me sicker then a dog, and is bad for my lungs, the dogs, and especially birds. I'm not intentionally going to poison them. |