check out my new profile
OK what woman is gonna say " oh he doesn't want a controlling drama queen with a ton of baggage so count me out" ![]() I hope controlling drama queens with tons of emotional baggage do. :-) |
Edited by
Fri 12/19/08 04:39 PM
Yeah, I just want to say I appreciate what you've done for this country. Thank you.
I'm just saying, keep the images of death and destruction for a later time. Try to stay upbeat, fun, and positive. Even if you have to FAKE IT. "I'm a former combat soldier" is sufficient. If your having a problem with your profile, I really don't think the pictures are the problem. Lots of people have cheesy pictures on the're profile. |
check out my new profile
hi 25 year old white m looking for a new person to meet from rhode island to go to monteral maybe atlantic city and looking for single domincan woman in providence south side any advice anyone anybody wanna rate my profile im in warwick rhode island ...and would you like an apple pie with that sir.. OK, back to ME and MY PROFILE... :-) |
check out my new profile
hi 25 year old white m looking for a new person to meet from rhode island to go to monteral maybe atlantic city and looking for single domincan woman in providence south side any advice anyone anybody wanna rate my profile im in warwick rhode island This has WHAT to do with ME?? |
it's pretty good. A little lengthy. I'd cut it back a little. You really need to leave alot out, or you won't have much to talk to someone about.
I'd also leave out everything about being single for 4 years. Too much info. Women don't need to know that. Leave a little mystery. Don't put everything out there too early. Women like mystery. Otherwise, pretty good. |
check out my new profile
While you did indicate a casual encounter to be more your speed Yeah, like a casual CUP OF COFFEE!! jeez!! I simply meant I'm looking for FRIENDS. Im not looking for an instant WIFE. If I meet someone I'm attracted to I'll let her know. No need for pressure. I'm not desperate. Is it " I like to have a good time" that you guys are misinterpreting?? |
check out my new profile
Edited by
Fri 12/19/08 04:02 PM
I did not say i want a sex partner!!! where do you see that. I said "friends". I don't want to put much pressure on meeting someone. I want to meet women to hang out with , and go from there. I said that very clearly!! What, is it the last line??
Is it because I said I don't want drama?? Well, I DON'T. I simply mean I want to make friends, and if I meet someone I'm attracted to, then I'll let them know after I meet her. Looking for a sex partner?? I read my profile and I don't see that AT ALL. Women read too much into things. |
ok, I'm gonna be honest here, so If I come off harsh, sorry.
First, the camera in the pictures is VERY tacky. Try posting at least one picture of you dressed nice, and try to post more pictures of you doing things. Next, your profile description came across as really depressing. things like "I've been through hell", and "terrible things I've seen", not good feelings to start building attraction with. Try more happy feelings. Leave that stuff for after you have known someone for a while. Also, "a special lady would be nice" ?? You're putting alot of pressure on someone, don't you think. Sounds pretty desperate. Try just looking for female friends to hang out with. I know, you don't want to be put in the friend zone, I get it. But looking for something serious off the bat is really putting alot of pressure on the first phone call, the first meet invitation, and especially the first date. It's my experience that women don't like so much PRESSURE. But, If you meet someone to be just friends and hang out, don't wait TO LONG to tell her your attracted to her. If you make her feel good, and don't come across as desperate, you won't get put in the friends zone. Trust me. Also, I'd try keeping the description a little more breif. If you lay your whole life story out there in your description, then you will not leave much for her to find out in conversation. I'd try a rework of the whole profile. |
check out my new profile
I've been a member for a while now, and just gave my profile a total revision. I think it's pretty good. It's direct and to the point.
When reviewing, please keep in mind that I am trying to focus locally. I get alot of suggestions, regarding being more active in the forums. That is great, but the forums tend to focus more on meeting people who live hundereds, even thousands of miles away. Not that I don't like meeting people online who live far away, but I am looking for something offline, and local. I am mostly looking for friends, and don't want to rush things with someone I haven't met in person yet, and I also made that clear in my profile. so please , let me know what you think. |
still nothing :-(
Lose the straight on "Beaver Cleaver" picture. LOL, that's funny. I really don't have many good pictures of me, (I don't keep pictures of MYSELF laying around,) and just shot that one for a profile pic. |
guy MUST have kids??
creepy is as creepy does so going back and saying "hi" to her again while i'm there IS too creepy? |
still nothing :-(
ok, it's been days since I posted my picture. Still no profile views, no matches, no possible matches (i've been through them all, and said "yes" to at least 100.), and no friend requests (except spam). It has to be my picture?? Any suggestions about my profile are appreciated. ![]() Some may have already looked at your profile, but in "stealth mode," so you would have no way of knowing about that either. Hey, I didn't know about stealth mode. alot of people use that? thanks. |
guy MUST have kids??
LOL your other thread you were complaining you haven't found anyone yet.. now this one? Hmm, I'm thinking even still a few less profile views after this one. LOL sorry. no I mean anyone ON THIS SITE. and why??? |
guy MUST have kids??
Edited by
Tue 11/11/08 06:02 AM
ok, I met this girl saturday. She is 29, but she has 3 kids and just broke up with some guy. She works at a restaurant I go to every now and then. She is REALLY hot, and she broke up with her boyfriend recently, the kids aren't his, she is divorced.
ok, I overheard her telling another customer that any guy she dates, HAS to have kids. NO guys without kids. (I don't have any kids.) I wasn't trying to eavesdrop, but they were within earshot, and I couldn't help but overhear. So, we started a conversation, and really got along. I mean we clicked really well, and it got REALLY personal. After we talked for a while, she said to me, "I have to ask you,, do you have any kids?" I told her no, and she looked disappointed and just said, ok, and we kept talking. (I was at the bar, and they weren't really busy, so she had time to talk.) Anyway, when I got up to leave, she said "it was nice meeting you JOHN,, come back and see me, ok?" I took it as just restaurant/customer friendliness, and said ok, bye. then she said, "hey,,SERIOUSLY, come back and see me, OK?" I didn't ask her out or for a phone number, because of the "has to have kids thing." Should I go back in a few days, and try asking for the number, or should I just let it go? I don't want to seem creepy, but she seemed REALLY interested. I know I blew it (what's new), but is this fixable, without seeming creepy? oh, BTW, I overheard her tell the guy the reason a guy has to have kids, is because she doesn't want to have any more, and don't want the guy to suddenly want to have kids with her. I'm not sure I really want kids. I don't mind kids, but I'm not sure I have to have one of my own. |
still nothing :-(
ok, it's been days since I posted my picture. Still no profile views, no matches, no possible matches (i've been through them all, and said "yes" to at least 100.), and no friend requests (except spam). It has to be my picture?? Any suggestions about my profile are appreciated.
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Why do guys never call?
Edited by
Mon 11/10/08 08:32 AM
Oops. double post. sorry.
Why do guys never call?
i gave a few women my number lately, and they Never call. heck, they don't even write back. guess i'm just unattractive. :-(
am I really that ugly???
Edited by
Sun 11/09/08 05:16 PM
oh,,ok so it's all about the lambo,, right?? (i did take your advice though.)
Thanks for the advice about the forums, I was just hoping to meet more people who are LOCAL. the forums just seem to be more nationwide. |
am I really that ugly???
am I really that ugly, or is it I don't have a cool enought job or something?? I'm having NO luck on this, or any site, or really in person. Im starting to just give up.I never get a reply after sending mail, and have really no mutual matches. Is it something in my profile, or is it just me.
no mutual matches
Edited by
Fri 11/07/08 04:00 PM
ok, thanks. :-) maybe I'm being impatient.
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