Community > Posts By > TexasScoundrel
What is seriousness ?
It means they're looking for some more than casual dating and sex. Keep in mind that saying it doesn't always mean it's true.
This is NOT a bashing thread. All the things I'm going to post are things I look back on fondly. They make me smile even if at the time it was annoying.
I once had a girlfriend that would have dreams that I was cheating on her and be angry with me about it for days. Another time, she woke me up a three in the morning saying "What was that BS you said last March?" She was a very short girl and I once picked her up and carried her around the room so she could see what things looked like from my point of view. "Wow" she said. "You can see all this? You can see on top of the fridge?" I said I could and she asked "Why don't you clean it?" I made a note to myself to NEVER DO THAT AGAIN. |
TS, It appears to me that you have had limited exposure to married people. I have known plenty of people who are happily married, and I was happily married to my late wife. Getting back to the OP, yes, there are married women who attempt to get their husbands to make behavioral changes after their weddings take place . . . and vice versa. No one gender has a monopoly on such a thing. I've known plenty of married couples. There were there were 13 just among my aunts and uncles. BTW all of them stayed married except one. But, 19 of 22 couples among my cousins are divorced. That's just my family and some of them have tried it more than once. As I said in another post, 50% of all marriages in the USA end in divorce. That means at least half of married couples are not happy. I think 50/50 odds is a poor bet with so much at risk. But, if you disagree, by all means, get married. I just think it's important to tell people about the other side of the coin. People should be well informed before making a decision that will effect the rest of their lives. I'm sure you agree. |
How important is a home?
That's a really cool and convenient idea, Scoundrel... parking on her property... and going the cost cutting route has always been my thing... I've already had 2 unit sales trying to get out from under that monthly note, but people here want something for nothing... and it gets hard to keep up the few bills I do pay while having to buy monthly meds that are outrageously expensive on my limited budget. I've even been considering renting the spare room to get someone in here to split monthly utility expenses... but I'm such a procrastinator... I've only got an acre of land, and my house is 1,600+ sq ft, I made a mistake on it's size in my previous post, but I'm not done expanding yet either... and letting someone park out back, now that's an idea I haven't considered yet... LOL Yeah, sometimes I get lucky in the idea department. I've never had a desire to live on a place that large. Mainly because I hate doing yard work. So, I've mostly opted for apartments. Besides, I don't think buying a house is a good investment, at least not for me. If I'm renting, I know what my expenses are going to be each month. Owning, if something goes wrong that I hadn't planned for I'd be screwed. But, a little trailer strikes me as a very good compromise. I'll have the ability to pick up and go whenever I want and I can go anywhere. All I need is a truck to pull it. I also like living in large cities. Everything is so close by and there's always something to do. I don't want to drive 30 minutes just to buy groceries. And I don't have to worry about varmints. Technology has made this kind of living so easy comfortable. I can watch most any TV show on the web, listen to music, communicate with friends or watch a DVD all on my laptop. The record collection I had when I was young, that took up a wall, will now fit on a gadget the size of my Zippo lighter! Soon movies will be the same, if they're not already. And I'm fine doing all my cooking on a hotplate and convection oven. I have no use for a microwave. The place I want to build would be about 150 sq ft. That small of a space costs almost nothing to heat or cool, so I'll be saving big time on utilities. If I install solar panels on my roof, it may bring it down to nothing. I can put it in a trailer park for about $300 a month or so. And trailer parks usually have swimming pools that I'd never have to maintain. What's not to love about living this way? It sounds very clever to me... yes, the yardwork here is a bit much if my riding mower is on the fritz, tho using my push get's me more exercise that I need to compensate for all the sitting I do here at my desk when I'm online... and it's about the only time I get in the sun is keeping up the yard... luckily I hold the deed on this place, so I don't have to pay rent or be stuck with a mortgage for the rest of my life, and nobody can evict me or tell me what I can or can't do on my own land... and it's also nice not to have the stress of worrying about having a roof over my head especially in today's housing and economic crunch that gripped our country... your plan sounds really doable... have you decided where you want to park your trailer, state wise? I'm very fond of the desert Southwest. So, both Arizona and New Mexico are high on my list. Southern California, although I love it there, is just too pricy. But, right now, Austin, Texas is at the top of my list. It's just such an awesome city. Not too big, not to costly and a vibrant arts and nightlife community with very friendly people. The only thing wrong with Austin is the traffic on I-35. I also feel a little compelled to stay here because we're just a little shy of becoming a swing state. In another four years Texas may be picking our next president. I want to be part of that. For all it's faults, I love it here in Texas. yeah, my dad was career military so I was born in NC, but we were transferred every two years until we finally ended up here after his last post was in Mobile, so I've lived in a lot of different states, I even spent 4 years in Texas when I was a teen.. and it had the best socially acceptable atmosphere that I liked compared to everywhere else that was going thru the racial desegregation rifts back in the 70's... I always promised that I'd move back there one day, but haven't made it yet... and now that I own here in Alabama, I may never get to leave it... My upbringing was exactly the opposite. My folks bought their house in 1950 and my dad still lives in it today. Once he passes on it'll likely go to my nephew that's living in it with my dad now. It's a very nice 3 bedroom with a bath and a half in a middle class neighborhood. Much more house than I'd ever want or need. |
If people ask you for advice, sure, give it to them. But you're so incredibly biased on the subject that I'm not sure how helpful the advice really is. I mean, the things you say are things that I haven't heard much from others. Then again, I tend to surround myself with people who are happy, rather than miserable. So that might be why. That's why I'm so extreme about it. I have to shout to be heard over the multitude with the other point of view. And by the way, I never accuse them of being of being dreamers of hopeless romantics. I allow them to express their thoughts with out direct confrontation. But, am I afforded this? Seldom. We live in a country where with a divorce rate of 50% (higher in some parts). Therefore, at least half of all marriages are not happy ones. This is just simple math. We also have more single people than married for the first time in our history. It seems there's a lot of people out there that may agree with my side of the debate, but choose to remain silent. And you know nothing of my emotional state. You're right. All I can do is go by what you've said here. If you're happy, awesome. I'm right? Did it burn your fingers to type that? ROFL |
If people ask you for advice, sure, give it to them. But you're so incredibly biased on the subject that I'm not sure how helpful the advice really is. I mean, the things you say are things that I haven't heard much from others. Then again, I tend to surround myself with people who are happy, rather than miserable. So that might be why. That's why I'm so extreme about it. I have to shout to be heard over the multitude with the other point of view. And by the way, I never accuse them of being of being dreamers of hopeless romantics. I allow them to express their thoughts with out direct confrontation. But, am I afforded this? Seldom. We live in a country where with a divorce rate of 50% (higher in some parts). Therefore, at least half of all marriages are not happy ones. This is just simple math. We also have more single people than married for the first time in our history. It seems there's a lot of people out there that may agree with my side of the debate, but choose to remain silent. And you know nothing of my emotional state. |
You often sound like you're talking about women in general, rather than your ex or your friends' wives/exes. I have several friends who are married as well and haven't heard these complaints. What planet do you live on? Everywhere I look I see men, walking around like zombies, married to fat, bossy women that keep these men wrapped around their little fingers. The men just keep repeating "Yes dear, yes dear. Whatever you want dear." I'm sure some are that way. I've also seen relationships where the men control everything. And then there are the happy relationships, which I see the most of. I'm sorry you haven't experienced that. But, it does explain all the bitterness. I'm not bitter or angry. I'm cynical. All the happiest people know are single. I'm single and I LOVE it. No one's nagging me or complaining that I don't do my part or make too little money or spend too much time on the internet or don't eat right or don't take care of myself or anything else. No one rolls their eyes at me when I tell a joke or calls me stupid. You think marriage is a better deal that what I already have? Please, explain how? What's so good about marriage that I'm missing out on? I'm not saying marriage is better than what you have. I'm just saying that you seem incredibly bitter. Cynical would be a good word for it as well. I can't blame you when you're surrounded in marriages that aren't happy. I haven't been married, so I can't provide my own insight based on personal experience. I've seen people in unhappy marriages, but I've also seen people in incredibly happy marriages. If marriage is not for you, don't get one. It's really as simple as that. Believe me, I won't. And I'll continue to advise others against as well. They are of course free to decide for themselves. But, without my views on the subject being expressed, they may be making an uninformed decision. People should hear both sides of the story. Don't you agree? |
You often sound like you're talking about women in general, rather than your ex or your friends' wives/exes. I have several friends who are married as well and haven't heard these complaints. What planet do you live on? Everywhere I look I see men, walking around like zombies, married to fat, bossy women that keep these men wrapped around their little fingers. The men just keep repeating "Yes dear, yes dear. Whatever you want dear." I'm sure some are that way. I've also seen relationships where the men control everything. And then there are the happy relationships, which I see the most of. I'm sorry you haven't experienced that. But, it does explain all the bitterness. I'm not bitter or angry. I'm cynical. All the happiest people know are single. I'm single and I LOVE it. No one's nagging me or complaining that I don't do my part or make too little money or spend too much time on the internet or don't eat right or don't take care of myself or anything else. No one rolls their eyes at me when I tell a joke or calls me stupid. You think marriage is a better deal that what I already have? Please, explain how? What's so good about marriage that I'm missing out on? |
How important is a home?
That's a really cool and convenient idea, Scoundrel... parking on her property... and going the cost cutting route has always been my thing... I've already had 2 unit sales trying to get out from under that monthly note, but people here want something for nothing... and it gets hard to keep up the few bills I do pay while having to buy monthly meds that are outrageously expensive on my limited budget. I've even been considering renting the spare room to get someone in here to split monthly utility expenses... but I'm such a procrastinator... I've only got an acre of land, and my house is 1,600+ sq ft, I made a mistake on it's size in my previous post, but I'm not done expanding yet either... and letting someone park out back, now that's an idea I haven't considered yet... LOL Yeah, sometimes I get lucky in the idea department. I've never had a desire to live on a place that large. Mainly because I hate doing yard work. So, I've mostly opted for apartments. Besides, I don't think buying a house is a good investment, at least not for me. If I'm renting, I know what my expenses are going to be each month. Owning, if something goes wrong that I hadn't planned for I'd be screwed. But, a little trailer strikes me as a very good compromise. I'll have the ability to pick up and go whenever I want and I can go anywhere. All I need is a truck to pull it. I also like living in large cities. Everything is so close by and there's always something to do. I don't want to drive 30 minutes just to buy groceries. And I don't have to worry about varmints. Technology has made this kind of living so easy comfortable. I can watch most any TV show on the web, listen to music, communicate with friends or watch a DVD all on my laptop. The record collection I had when I was young, that took up a wall, will now fit on a gadget the size of my Zippo lighter! Soon movies will be the same, if they're not already. And I'm fine doing all my cooking on a hotplate and convection oven. I have no use for a microwave. The place I want to build would be about 150 sq ft. That small of a space costs almost nothing to heat or cool, so I'll be saving big time on utilities. If I install solar panels on my roof, it may bring it down to nothing. I can put it in a trailer park for about $300 a month or so. And trailer parks usually have swimming pools that I'd never have to maintain. What's not to love about living this way? It sounds very clever to me... yes, the yardwork here is a bit much if my riding mower is on the fritz, tho using my push get's me more exercise that I need to compensate for all the sitting I do here at my desk when I'm online... and it's about the only time I get in the sun is keeping up the yard... luckily I hold the deed on this place, so I don't have to pay rent or be stuck with a mortgage for the rest of my life, and nobody can evict me or tell me what I can or can't do on my own land... and it's also nice not to have the stress of worrying about having a roof over my head especially in today's housing and economic crunch that gripped our country... your plan sounds really doable... have you decided where you want to park your trailer, state wise? I'm very fond of the desert Southwest. So, both Arizona and New Mexico are high on my list. Southern California, although I love it there, is just too pricy. But, right now, Austin, Texas is at the top of my list. It's just such an awesome city. Not too big, not to costly and a vibrant arts and nightlife community with very friendly people. The only thing wrong with Austin is the traffic on I-35. I also feel a little compelled to stay here because we're just a little shy of becoming a swing state. In another four years Texas may be picking our next president. I want to be part of that. For all it's faults, I love it here in Texas. |
You often sound like you're talking about women in general, rather than your ex or your friends' wives/exes. I have several friends who are married as well and haven't heard these complaints. What planet do you live on? Everywhere I look I see men, walking around like zombies, married to fat, bossy women that keep these men wrapped around their little fingers. The men just keep repeating "Yes dear, yes dear. Whatever you want dear." |
How important is a home?
That's a really cool and convenient idea, Scoundrel... parking on her property... and going the cost cutting route has always been my thing... I've already had 2 unit sales trying to get out from under that monthly note, but people here want something for nothing... and it gets hard to keep up the few bills I do pay while having to buy monthly meds that are outrageously expensive on my limited budget. I've even been considering renting the spare room to get someone in here to split monthly utility expenses... but I'm such a procrastinator... I've only got an acre of land, and my house is 1,600+ sq ft, I made a mistake on it's size in my previous post, but I'm not done expanding yet either... and letting someone park out back, now that's an idea I haven't considered yet... LOL Yeah, sometimes I get lucky in the idea department. I've never had a desire to live on a place that large. Mainly because I hate doing yard work. So, I've mostly opted for apartments. Besides, I don't think buying a house is a good investment, at least not for me. If I'm renting, I know what my expenses are going to be each month. Owning, if something goes wrong that I hadn't planned for I'd be screwed. But, a little trailer strikes me as a very good compromise. I'll have the ability to pick up and go whenever I want and I can go anywhere. All I need is a truck to pull it. I also like living in large cities. Everything is so close by and there's always something to do. I don't want to drive 30 minutes just to buy groceries. And I don't have to worry about varmints. Technology has made this kind of living so easy comfortable. I can watch most any TV show on the web, listen to music, communicate with friends or watch a DVD all on my laptop. The record collection I had when I was young, that took up a wall, will now fit on a gadget the size of my Zippo lighter! Soon movies will be the same, if they're not already. And I'm fine doing all my cooking on a hotplate and convection oven. I have no use for a microwave. The place I want to build would be about 150 sq ft. That small of a space costs almost nothing to heat or cool, so I'll be saving big time on utilities. If I install solar panels on my roof, it may bring it down to nothing. I can put it in a trailer park for about $300 a month or so. And trailer parks usually have swimming pools that I'd never have to maintain. What's not to love about living this way? |
Because once you've married her, she has gained a great deal of power over you. Men get married because we want things to stay as they are. But, women get married because they want things to change. Now she has you where she wants you. You cannot leave easily. So, she'll stop watching her weight, she'll cut her hair off, she'll become more moody and less interested in pleasuring you sexually. She'll start making demands of you to do your part. You're the man and supposed to take care of her. When you come home, excited about some great thing you've done, she'll make light of it. It won't matter to her even though it's a great thing for you both. She'll spend your money instead of her own on stupid things that you'd never buy and don't need. If she gets pregnant, she'll buy enough clothes for 5 babies. It's better to just say no to marriage. You sound more and more bitter each time someone brings up marriage here. I'm guessing you had extremely bad marriages (must have been more than one for you to assume that all women are the same) and have never quite recovered. I hope you are able to move on one day, though. Actually, I made that mistake only once. But, I've seen many of my friends have the same problems. And I have never said all women are the same. |
Are you ready to confess...
I started posting in these forums when I had a job doing nothing. I was a security guard at a film studio and there was no one in the building but me all night. It was a way to pass the time. Now, I'm out here driving a truck all over the USA and never get to see my close friends. So, it allows me to fool myself into believing I have a social life. Aaaawww, scoundrel, that's cool... you get to see the country... okay, so you get to see the country's highways.. ![]() ![]() Thanks, but I don't think I'd be missed if I stopped posting. I'm just a little too radical. c'mon radical... ooops... I mean, Scoundrel... lol... I think I fall into that category too... hehehehe... miss me, hell, at one time they were trying to run me off one site claiming I was just fronting... but I hung in there, and eventually they knew I'm for real... I know I'm a freak... the way I view life and my personal relationships sometimes disturbs people because they can't identify... but that's cool... cuz I don't understand their choices either... but I like to compare our differences and I even learn from theirs, incorporating some things I've picked up into my own experience... after all, I can't grow as a person if I don't keep my mind open... That's exactly how I feel about it. Sometimes I'll post things hoping someone will change my mind. I sometimes wonder if I'm too cynical about love and relationships. Scoundrel, once we've been burned, it's hard not to think it won't happen again because we're supposed to be intelligent enough to learn from our mistakes, right? That might work when it comes to book learning and erasing/correcting errors on a paper at school... but when it comes to our feelings and love, we're willing to take chances like we're in Vegas shooting craps.. I know that I'm cynical at my age because of the struggle life has been so far... but I'm not going to lose faith that things will get better. That the right partner for me will come my way and we'll work together from there to make the last legs of our journey here on earth as comfortable as it can be, without all the flash and bling... just simplicity... peace and harmony... I don't want much more than that... and whatever else I need materialistic wise, I'll work to get it myself... unless my new partner wants to help me get it because he wants to make me as happy as I make him... I don't think I've been burned by anyone but myself. I made my choices and I'm living with the results. Older and wiser. I've stopped looking for the kind of love I dreamed of, the kind my folks had. It's just not going to happen for me. I'll die an old bachelor in my tiny home. That is my plan and I'm comfortable with it. I'm looking forward to it. I've enjoyed my life for the most part and I like not having to measure up to the standards of anyone else. I don't want to be responsible for another person's feelings again. Just give me a comfortable chair, my laptop and access to the web and I'm as happy as a clam. |
Because once you've married her, she has gained a great deal of power over you. Men get married because we want things to stay as they are. But, women get married because they want things to change. Now she has you where she wants you. You cannot leave easily. So, she'll stop watching her weight, she'll cut her hair off, she'll become more moody and less interested in pleasuring you sexually. She'll start making demands of you to do your part. You're the man and supposed to take care of her.
When you come home, excited about some great thing you've done, she'll make light of it. It won't matter to her even though it's a great thing for you both. She'll spend your money instead of her own on stupid things that you'd never buy and don't need. If she gets pregnant, she'll buy enough clothes for 5 babies. It's better to just say no to marriage. |
How important is a home?
When you meet someone, how important are their living conditions? Does it matter is they live in a poor neighborhood? Or in a tiny or apartment? What about someone that lived in a trailer far away from city noise? Or someone that lived in a lavish downtown loft? Does this have an effect on your choice of taking the relationship to the next level? What kind of home do you see yourself living in with that special someone? Being a simple man, I have a strong preference for very small, one room apartments and always have. If I live in a larger space I find that the space itself gets in my way. I like everything to be within my reach, all the time. The importance I would attach to it depends on their circumstances. Do they live in a trailer park or a poor neighborhood because that’s all they can afford, and they’re online just trying to meet someone they can improve their lot with? Or do they prefer living in the country, or poor neighborhood because they’re working close by and saving the money they’re cheaper monthly expenses are affording them… that way when they do meet someone with similar ambitions and they decide to make a deeper commitment they’ll have the money they need to make a change? Being a single woman who is settled and already owns my land/home in the country, furnishings, car, etc… with extra furnishings that my 960 sq ft house isn’t big enough for, so they’re being stored in a unit across town… it may not be necessary that he own as much as I do, because we would have too many belongings when we combined our resources. Under my circumstances my ideal match will already own his own land/house too, preferably one bigger than mine, so if we decided to cohabitate I can bring the antiques out of storage. And, it’s better to have our own homes to return too if our relationship doesn’t work out. This is one thing that really bothered me when I first came online and men would contact me saying how much they love me and could relocate… because I’ve worked too hard for too long to be here at this stage of my life… and I’m not going to allow a man to make himself comfortable at my expense, if he has absolutely nothing to bring to the table himself, except the so-called love he claims to have for me, even when we’ve never laid eyes on each other. At my age, I’m not going to make decisions that could seriously and adversely affect my future security. So, if the man and I are on equal footing to start with, our combining our lives will go more smoothly… This is just a very practical way for me to handle this particular issue that you’ve presented for inquiring minds to discuss. I posted pictures of my house on my profile at DH, so any prospective friends can see how I live, and also so they can see the level of my skills, as I did most of the remodeling work myself. I'm a very independent minded and industrious woman who isn't afraid to get my hands dirty, work wise, to get what I need to make myself happy first, so if a stronger man comes into my life and we hit it off... again, it depends on his circumstances and ability to get what he wants in his life too... we never know where we can go from there... This is how I'm thinking too. But, I'm in a different situation. I've been rather foolish with the money I've made and trusted the wrong people in the past. So, I'm working on limiting my living expenses to the minimum. I'm learning how little I can get away with spending and still live a lifestyle I enjoy. I don't own a TV and haven't for a very long time and I don't miss it. I do have a few things in storage though and I really don't like paying that bill each month. But, I just don't have space for four guitars on my truck and I'm not ready to let them go. And since I don't want to pay for storing only those few items, I hold onto some other junk, like clothes and such. I'm getting rid of everything that I don't absolutely love or use almost daily. But, I'm holding onto those guitars. My plan is to build a little trailer, park it someplace warm where I can afford to live cheaply and move into it. I want more money and happiness and I'm willing to take living in less space and having less stuff to get it. I think that's a pretty sweet deal. I suppose if I met a woman that had a large place of her own I could park in her backyard and if things didn't work out I'll just roll on down the road and find another spot. It the posh, traveling life for me! |
Well thank url to share ur opinion ...I grw up in such society wr parents decide who u ill marry ... Zero percent living 2gther even its an illegal act..sicne I'm in overseas I cm 2 knw wt is dat ...nd in my statistics I dint see a happy living 2gthr couple ![]() And this is why I think either is a bad idea. Here, in the USA, 50% of marriages end in divorce. In some places it's as much as 60%! Living together is the better of the two options in my opinion because you can avoid most of the financial problems with careful planning. But, overall, I think it's better if we just all take care of ourselves and enjoy the time we spend together, but live separately. |
What's your point?
How important is a home?
But, if they wanted you to move into their home with them, what kind of conditions would it take for you to agree? Would you leave your big place in the country for an apartment in a large city? Or the other way around?
Personally, I have a plan to build myself a very small trailer and once I'm in it, I'm not going to be leaving it as long as I can live on my own. |
Crazy Scientific Theories
I will read it first. I misunderstood maybe my teacher taught us but then i agree to what your point is. Stocked knowledge. Lol There are a lot of very good videos on on this subject. Just do a search for "Growing up in the universe" for a very easy to understand explanation. |
Crazy Scientific Theories
The theory of charles darwin that we come from ape(evolution of men). Is it still a theory or already proven? This is to me is really crazy. I dont believe it at all. Yes, evolution has been proven. In fact we have more real, hard evidence for evolution than any other theory in the history of science. It's much more than just the fossil records. Genetics (a science Darwin never dreamed of) fell into place exactly the way evolution predicted it should. All modern biology is based on evolution. However, I must point out that evolution doesn't say we came from apes. Apes are modern animals just like we are. Evolution says we and apes share a common ancestor. This is a common mistake many people make though. For an easy way to understand evolution and natural selection, think about artificial selection. We humans have bred dogs of every shape and size that could never survive in nature. We bred them for our own needs. Natural selection works in the same way except it chooses only the animals that are able to survive long enough to find a mate and breed. Those that don't are unable to pass on their genes and die out. Over a very long time tiny changes take place. Just as dogs are different from wolves, but came from wolves nonetheless. Make sense? |