Community > Posts By > carrcad

carrcad's photo
Tue 05/19/09 08:43 PM
Edited by carrcad on Tue 05/19/09 08:44 PM

The thing is. There hasn't been a mass migration TO the Democratic Party. It's simply that people are migrating AWAY from the Republicans. Moderate Republicans don't stand a chance with their own party.

I agree with a little but not entirely, I did a lot of political calling in the last election. In no time at all it became clear the Obama tapped into a lot of people that had never been involved in politics before, but that will not translate into new Demeocratic blood if things dont change. As long as the Limbaughs keep pushing moderates away from the GOP it wont matter. Maybe it's time for the libertaian Party to rise up and take its place. While I may not agree with everything JimmytheGent may believe if the GOP had more like him they would still be a force to recon with. I left the GOP under the first BUSH because I had seen where the Falwell's and his kind were taking the party. He damaged the party and christianity with one blow. He was so busy claiming God was on his side he forgot to ask if he was on God's side there's moch more to the christian faith than the abortion issue. No one party has a lock on God's plan.

carrcad's photo
Tue 05/19/09 08:29 PM
Edited by carrcad on Tue 05/19/09 08:44 PM

carrcad's photo
Tue 05/19/09 08:18 PM
Edited by carrcad on Tue 05/19/09 08:20 PM
Rush tells it like it is? HARDLY, the day after the election he was blaming this whole recession on Obama, when he had not even taken office. The only people that give any creedance what he has to say is the far right. His ability to bring new blood into the party is a zero even fatter than he is. Will I agree over taxing is not good for the economy in general. Tax rates on the rich have drop so much over the years than any further cuts will not yeild much results. In the 50's under Ike the top bracket paid 90 percent so an 11 percent cut doubled their economic power. Now such a cut would have little impact except hurt our country's ability to pay the bills.As for new government spending that is just going to make up for the deficits every ran up over leveraging their homes and buy things with money they have not yet earned. We ARE to going to pay for it wether or not the government steps in. No one is insulated from this and the people are waking up to this. The limburgers and Chaneys and Palins of this world have been to brainwashed by their own propaganda for so long even a 5 year old can see it. Chaneys excuse for the use of torture was his oath of office but he miss quoted that on Meet the Press. He was sworn to serve protect and defend the Constitution. A key word he conveintle left out. It is the liberties enshined in that glorious document that give flag and nation true meaning, without it theflag is just a piece of cloth. I enlisted to defend the principles of our constitution. Defiling those liberties is the equivalant of burning every flag ever made and an act of sedition. I would rather take my chance with a 1000 bin Ladens than take away one single word in our bill of rights. I would rather die a free man than live under a government with no respect for OUR INALIENABLE RIGHTS.

carrcad's photo
Wed 01/17/07 06:14 PM
we seeem to have a few ticks here tonight

carrcad's photo
Wed 01/17/07 06:11 PM
MEGA SOCK? a human tripod

carrcad's photo
Wed 01/17/07 06:09 PM
no too big they'd just fall off his feet

carrcad's photo
Wed 01/17/07 06:00 PM
discaplinwe woud be the other thing LOL

carrcad's photo
Wed 01/17/07 05:57 PM
not just sex