Community > Posts By > sterscott

sterscott's photo
Tue 10/29/13 01:31 PM
Edited by sterscott on Tue 10/29/13 01:33 PM
What a disgrace. Our Commander in Chief during a time of war didn't know we were spying on Germany?

He needs to respond like a true statesman, Dubya, did.

Grope that Chancellor GW!

sterscott's photo
Mon 10/28/13 12:48 PM
This is from 4/2012

They were warned and refused to obey the laws of their community.

"Chuck and Stephanie Fromm received a $100 fine initially when neighbors complained that the Bible gatherings at their home were too big, gathering close to 50 people. But the Fromms refused to pay the fine or heed the warnings. After a second big meeting, they were fined another $200"

Didn't Jesus say "render unto Caesar the things which are Ceasar's"?

Not fight against the government, especially when you have churches on almost every corner, God on our money, and Christian propaganda in our department stores, government holidays, and every walk of life.

Hardly a persecution going on!

Grandstanding Christianity doesn't reach anyone for Jesus. It repels any would be follower.

If you live in a community, which is a privilege, not a right. You must abide by their guidelines. (ie:HOA,etc.)