Community > Posts By > xcite4ever

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Thu 10/23/08 01:20 AM
Edited by xcite4ever on Thu 10/23/08 01:21 AM
People that use dog leashes on their children to control a self perceived pack of dogs at the State Fair of Texas. Isn't this illegal or unethical? Well, this is Texas and we do have our backwards bumpkins here still unfortunately. May the age of moderninity finally shine on this backwards state and some of the simpletons that reside here. Bubba pickup truck and his ilk specifically!

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Thu 10/23/08 01:10 AM
Edited by xcite4ever on Thu 10/23/08 01:12 AM
Everybody is here meant to be here at this moment in time. It's cyclical. People come and go in their own due right. When you need the site and insight it calls to you. Thus, here we are. For how long? Only time can tell. Keep seeking, it'll find you and expell you from this site at the point and time destined. We're all here for a purpose. A scary yet sombering omen.

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Thu 10/23/08 01:03 AM
It's all encompassing yet not tangible. It's iffy yet filled with assuredy. It's in the murky existence of some netherworld. Neither here nor there. It exists in someone's somewhere though. A no man's land of guessing and doubt. Hopefully the one you lavish your attention on though will be enlightened and reciprocate the truth that is two conjoined into one. You can taste it, feel it, believe it, own it, but it's elusive. You grasp at it, but it turns a tired face. Then when you least expect it you're in the grasp of it's all encompassing grip and power. What is it, this spell that has lay you impotent and powerless?! It means everything and nothing at all. Lay your life down for it. Nothing could possibly matter more or less in the culmination of your destiny. You'd be a fool to let it go. Fight for it with you life essence! It must be love and your life is climatic in this moment and time. Realize it for what it is. This is it! Your purpose, intent, meaning and bliss upon this terrestrial plane are laid out before you for the taking. Grasp life by the horns and don't let another day waste you by. Follow the call.Destiny is like the flow of a river, ride the current and find your purpose. I'm deep tonight and thus are the currents constituting the rivers of life and love. Flow with the stream but steer to your final destination. *smile* and shalom. Traverse the waters of life while succumbing to the forces that be while at the same time steering cognitively to the final destination of your inner id and being. Find happiness. Become it, be it, therein is your ultimate truth!

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Thu 10/23/08 12:39 AM
It's just a knowing in your knower that is reciprocated and in the realm of pseudo-spiritual. It's beyond yourself and yet part of your every nuance and fiber. It's in the knowing, heavily tied into the emotional state of well being, leading to the eternal smile and happiness. It's apart of you that can't be denied.

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Wed 10/22/08 12:59 PM
Having enough time, focus and resources to make my dreams come true. I think most would fear dying with regret and remorse as they look back over their lives at the end.

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Wed 10/22/08 12:19 PM
Speaking from a wealth of experience it's all true!

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Wed 10/22/08 12:17 PM
Long live hedgehogs! Yeeehaww...

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Wed 10/22/08 12:14 PM

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Wed 10/22/08 12:03 PM
People in malls and supermarkets that don't pay attention to where they're going and run into others! Kind of the same as on Texas highways but with less consequence and damage.

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Wed 10/22/08 11:43 AM
ADirtyGirl, I'm just Of course if it was your cooking I'd keep eating it time and time again silly me, and just hope that as with most things in life it gets better with time. *smile*. Besides, what's food got to do with it when you have good company, good conversation and a good time?! lol

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Wed 10/22/08 11:27 AM
I'd scarf it down with a smile on my face and make sure the next date either I cooked or took her out to eat! lol

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Wed 10/22/08 11:25 AM
When the going get's tough the tough get going.

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Wed 10/22/08 11:22 AM
It would definitely bring about alot more respect, honesty and self love within others which come to think of it is the only way one person can exhibit all of these desireable qualities to another. Perpetuation and reciprocation of true love and not mere material manifestations and base expectations put on for show.

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Wed 10/22/08 11:10 AM
A fishing pole, a rifle with lots of ammo and a woman in tow of course(we all know men can't make proper decisions without a female there to guide them and the key here is survival, lol).

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Tue 10/21/08 09:25 AM
Deep in the heart of Texas but travel alot. Enjoying some down time before I'm back to down under(New Zealand) again.

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Tue 10/21/08 09:22 AM
Rapunzel, nicely put. May the Creator shine upon you and light your path. Shalom.

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Tue 10/21/08 09:14 AM
The military amounts to a killing machine consisting of base monkey emotions. Can't give you kudos on those that consciously decide to go kill, not defend. Propoganda is paramount for the military establishment. Don't believe the hype. That's only for the naive and stupid.

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Tue 10/21/08 09:01 AM
Point given, the troops deserve well wishes and prayers from your chosen deity. Touche however when it comes down to the base greed elements of bureaucratic red tape that feed into the war machinery. If we love those troops so much why don't we pull them back home where they belong? America is supposed to be a Democracy and not an Empire. We need to get to the program of being just that and stop trying to exert our will on helpless third world countries. It's not like it's exactly a battle or something. It's like a flyweight going up against a heavy hitting heavy weight. May the Creator bring peace. Shalom to you and yours.

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Tue 10/21/08 08:50 AM
Make love not war! Haven't we learned a lick from history's hard learned lessons yet?!

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Tue 10/21/08 08:40 AM
Is it? Next time give me advance warning.