Has the body of an alligator
Hiding in the grassy knoll and waiting to shoot the president.
Well I'm just a GIRL! Damn auto shops are all foreign to me! (bats eyes innocently! ![]() Why do women hide behind their Damn ovaries when it comes to anything car related. I'm a man but I can still do the damn laundry!!!! |
Haha fools, this isn't the real thread,
I HAVE THE REAL THREAD, This one is a copy and caked in anthrax, which you now all have. Praise Alla!!!!!! Sorry everybody, but Ala-Ala Carpetrider here is holding a semi-automatic to my head and forcing me to do this, God Bless the USA... oooh- Dying hurts... |
Hey Old people, I have the ultimate Cosmic power, this thread is mine and nobody else can take it. I've actually duplicated this thread and kept the original as my own, you peons can keep fighting over it, but it's not the real thing.
Horror Remakes
I thought Rob Zombie's Halloween was pretty good. It filled in a lot of gaps from the original one. It actually introduced you to Michael Myers before he was "MICHAEL MYERS". That said, it was your typical horror movie for the most part. Teenage chicks screaming and running around half-naked being chased by some psychopath. I LOVE his House of 1,000 Corpses franchise and I hope he continues it somehow, like a prequel maybe. What would truly be scary is a good Ed Gein movie. Can't beat true stories, adds so much to the creep factor. I'm tired of the whole comic book to movie thing. Other than Iron Man and 300 most of them don't impress me much. Most of them suck. I wish directors would go back to the old school special effects too. REAL material looks REAL. CGI is fake, and looks fake. Why oh why don't they get that? Money over artistry. Shameful. Really good point, you see the mist? it wasn't just the ending that made it suck balls, it was the fact that every damn monster in that movie looked like it jumped out of a video game, they need to use prostetics more, Like the movie Slither, they drained the national supply of that ****. |
Nine o'clock in the mornin' and already that boy aint right!
Best Vampire movie ever.
From Dusk till Dawn... sorry Queen of the Damned fans... Quentin Tarentino hands down. Have not seen it yet, but their is no way you can replace Akasha, Queen of the damned. S She was so awesome when she walked into that vampire bar!! ![]() Wow she's ugly as ****. Okay, does this movie have some dude impale four vampire strippers on the legs of a table? didn't think so. and I bet the bar in that movie is nothing compared to the titty twister. |
Guess the animal?
The Ass-blaster from Tremors 3
What part of
"Profile Deleted" don't you understand? Besides, I don't think she'd want a dude with a fag car. |
Will burn the place down if anybody steals his red stapler.
Horror Remakes
How bout a spanish movie directed by an asian and set in an american atmosphere.
Pan's labrynth, directed by Ang Lee, the asshole who messed up the Hulk |
any guys 18-23 (AL)
An 18 year old girl, 3 months pregnant looking for a guy. *sigh* Fishing is fun! ![]() Especially with a metal coat hanger!!! |
Killed Georgie in the sewer...
"We all float down here!" |
Box of Condoms
Box of condoms
a pair of stilletos A sheet of bubble wrap balloons a spare tire 3 toothbrushes canned peaches a gerbil and a pair of pliers. |
Guess the animal?
The Polar bear from Lost
Paradise my A$$!!!!!!
Age 18-20
Women that is...
sorry I should've clarified. |
Finish the story
Suddenly two whos dressed like firemen wheel in a giant cake, and a lady who jumps out and starts stripping!!!
I didn't understand what was going on at first but then it hit me, about 2 weeks ago I was doing some really bad acid and my stash of Shrooms came to life and did more acid with me, and I guess those were the shrooms I ate this morning. becuase shrooms aint supposed to do this ****!!!! |
Box of Condoms
Box of Condoms
An issue of "Cat Fancy" |