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Workin4it's photo
Sun 09/30/18 11:08 AM

Is Trump a Dem?


all those resources he was born into and didn't even get beyond third grade vocabulary. Pretty unbelievable.

for someone with a 3rd grade vocabulary he sure is doing great things for our country. Where as the Great Almighty Orator obama with his tingle up the leg speeches just about sunk this country with his welfare for everyone attitude and his cowardice foreign affairs policy. So keep up the tough talk Mr. Trump , for a third grader your making the "grown up" democrats look like a bunch of pre-schoolers.

Workin4it's photo
Sun 09/30/18 08:37 AM

I put "American Way' in quotes to signify that it is JUST words that are cliche and simplistic and not rooted in the reality of things.

"Get her done" is another cliche phrase, being that the 'her' that is being done or that one thinks should be done is also not a monolithic set of issues that each American agrees on.

All countries want to 'get her done'. We are really not so unique in that. We just have different things we are referring to when we use the phrase, that depend on our culture, government and history.
i rest my case. Not just words but a actual way to look at life and try to live your life in a positive way and not cry victim every time something doesn't go your way. And our culture, government and history is America , and all who come here should adapt to the American way. Liberals should try it. You might like the less chaotic lifestyle.

Workin4it's photo
Sun 09/30/18 07:50 AM

'The American Way' is a pretty nice but pretty useless cliche. America has as many 'ways' as it has Americans.

I dont know what BLM has to do with Trump. But no one is in every place addressing everything that happens everywhere in every moment.

The last POTUS was re elected, served the maximum allowed under the Constitution, led the country AWAY from depression. There is no historical standard under which that will ever be classified as 'failure.'

like all POTUS some of their 'promises'(campaign assertions where they rarely ever use the word PROMISE in connection to anything but what they are able under the constitution to do) will see light of day and others will not.

Trump is no different.
Obama was no different.

Sorry, I don't know why the BLM topic got in my post it showed up when I posted . I honestly don't give a damn about BLM a false narrative .regardless... Trump has actually done more than he said he would.. So you think the American way is useless huh! This is what puts america ahead of every other country in every way. Our desire to "get it done" and to overcome adversity or our will to defend others from foes. This is the differance between a president that wants to make America great and a president that just wants to sit in the White House and act like a big the "big shot" is running around trying to undermine the POTUS

Workin4it's photo
Sun 09/30/18 06:25 AM
Edited by Workin4it on Sun 09/30/18 07:21 AM

his very very big third grade ego and vocabulary do annoy.

what really annoys some is the great success he is having as president. Something the last guy never had. I will say that the last guys lack of understanding " the American way" led to his failure. Trump understands

what the people want and is doing everything he can to fulfill his promises and so far is doing a great job . No threats fro Noko . Making international trade fair. And calling out the ruthless tactics of the people opposing the American way.

Workin4it's photo
Sat 09/29/18 05:54 PM

That is a silly accusation that has no quantitative evidence to support it.

our POTUS says enough insensitive things all on his own, regardless of what 'democrats' allegedly do.

Lol , not sure about " quantitative evidence" but I know what I see on the news everyday wether it's harassing folks at restaurants , or calling half the country's citizens deplorable or gun toting bible gripping rednecks, or white supremests or out right lies like Harry Reid said about rom nets taxes not paid. There is no ethics in the liberal vocabulary. And now the way they sacrifice a good person just for the sake of keeping the right to perform near unlimited abortions. Sounds pretty disgusting and insensitive to me.

Workin4it's photo
Sat 09/29/18 04:22 PM

I think the hoops are well called for, for the mere fact of the GAIN to be had, having authority that is SUPREME over the lives of others, and a pay of a quarter mill a year FOR LIFE>

Im glad we have a SCOTUS in our judicial branch of the government.

I am not sure we can call anything 'embarassing' anymore with a straight face. There is just to much juvenile, bullying and insensitive speech becoming our 'norm', that the line of 'embarassing' has become at best a very jagged and hard to define one.

you seem to acknowledge the attitude of the nation but you can't accept the fact that most if not all this " insensitive speech " has been brought on by the democrats just because they choose to be anti-trump resistors.

Workin4it's photo
Sat 09/29/18 07:05 AM

Deny and deflect, deny and deflect, deny and deflect, deny and deflect ...

The FBI should do a 40 year background check on every member of Congress and every federal judge and see who's left standing!
I agree, these democrats with the way they carry themselves and do their jobs in a way that would turn most peoples stomachs and are proud to be the pile of dung they truly are. Yes I'm sure most of those scumbags would be ousted . But remember when it's all said and done you democrats will once again be pulling your hair out trying to plan your next dispicable attack of sleaziness to stop the Trump agenda. Nothing is working for you except to delay normal business from getting done. The people in this country aren't stupid and we see you democrats for what you are and you and your sleazy tactics will be shut down come November. What a great day that will be for our country and for real Americans.

Workin4it's photo
Fri 09/28/18 06:17 PM


I guess the proof IS in the pudding,isnt it?

hhhhmmmmmmm... Numbers and graphs can be manipulated and often are by the party that is desperate to salvage any credibility they may have which they ruin by cooking the books anyway. I'll go by what is seen and felt everyday, and that is people actually going to work or going on vacation or a night at the movies. Its like night and day the differance between this administration and the last. If the democrats would accept and acknowledge the FACTS that Trump is doing the right things to keep the U.S. On a steady incline . Anybody that denies the U.S. Is doing much better now than Obamas years are living in denial!

Workin4it's photo
Fri 09/28/18 05:38 PM

please... the UN is a fail organization that contribute absolutely nothing.

those who laughed are the Left socialist countries that trump screwed over in order to put america and its interests and its real allies first.

hate or love the the guy he did more than hussein barack obama did in his entire 8 years if office, he accomplish all of that despite the FAR left in deep state that do anything to make him fail.

while trump want to prevent MS 13 to rape and kill more 12 years olds girls..
hillary want to open the southern border so more illegal immigrants will have opportunities to ruin the lire of entire families and life of girls.

the left is sick and it's about time an american president stand for americans!

PS: im not an american.. i just respect the country too much to let a stupid trump bash go without a proper response.

have a good day
you say your not American but you understand the reasoning behind Trumps agenda better than some that call themselves American. Thanks for your respectful post.

Workin4it's photo
Fri 09/28/18 05:05 PM

Here's the way it is, Nothing has been proven or disproven. If they go ahead and confirm him now without concrete evidence proving him innocent, They will once again be screwing themselves.

The way most people will look at it, they are railroading him in. Right now there is a big black cloud of doubt hanging over this guy. Confirming now is the same thing as saying it's OK. A justice is supposed to be beyond reproach. But without a full investigation, no one will ever really know.

If they confirm him now without all the evidence in, It will be seen as a Republican-led coverup.
the black cloud is there alright but not a cloud of dought on kavanaughs part . It's the cloud of deceit and diversion put there by a group of people without a shred of integrity. If we don't go through this sherade of a investigation that will reveal no more than what we know now, if we don't there will not be enough votes to confirm him( Jeff flake a republican in name only).

Workin4it's photo
Fri 09/28/18 09:30 AM

so people honestly think democrats paid her back in 2013 to go see a shrink about this impact on her life?

And democrats paid her when she decided to write a letter to her congress person?

I wonder how democrats found out about her, since Kavanaugh himself claims he never really knew her that well. After all, he never wrote his name on her calendar

you miss the point. It's not wether she is or isn't getting paid. It's the fact that we believe the dictates WOULD pay someone to lie. That's how sorry these democrats are in my thinking.

Workin4it's photo
Fri 09/28/18 03:32 AM

Magazine of Jesuits urges withdrawal of Kavanaugh nomination

"ROME (AP) — The magazine of the Jesuit religious order in the United States has publicly withdrawn its endorsement of Judge Brett Kavanaugh as Supreme Court justice following testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee by the Jesuit-educated Kavanaugh and the woman accusing him of sexually assaulting her decades ago".

the delay game is over , I wonder what the next tactic of this band of unamerican sleaze bags will deploy next. Nothing is to low for liberals to go. The anger of Kavanaugh is justified because of what the democrats have put him and his family thru. Lindsey graham is my new hero after he scolded the democrats for their lowlife tactics. Confirm Kavanaugh , laugh at the liberals and just remember in November what a bunch of clowns they are. Never let the left have the power to ruin this country and make a mockery of our judicial system again.

Workin4it's photo
Thu 09/27/18 09:29 AM

What would she have to gain by telling this to her shrink SIX years ago?

What would she have to gain by asking for confidentiality?

Why would she need to be coached on what she has already repeated many times before being called to testify?

see what you want. No one has proven her to be not credible. The details, her education and career level and prestige, her very clear and consistent answers, and her OWN call and request for an INVESTIGATION of her claims, , her willingness to be subject to a lie detector point much more to credibility than anything else.

SHE has been an open and cooperative book, unlike others.
she was never asked point blank on the lie detector test " did Kavanaugh assult you. She was asked questions regarding the letter she gave to f ckstien.

Workin4it's photo
Wed 09/26/18 07:26 PM

Does being drunk make one a whore? Seems like Kavanaugh would fit the bill?

Has there been any statement that Blasey Ford was drunk at the time of the alleged incident?

and why is it so easy to call teens whores, but grown women who make the choice to attend playboy parties and go to bedrooms with married men credible victims?

I don't consider any female involved in drinking a whore anymore than I do a man. and I dont consider any female involved in sex a whore anymore than I do a man. Obviously, I dont consider any female mixing drinking and sex a whore anymore than I do a man.

I know there are alot of people making accusations about alot of other people. Maybe all that matters is they consider themself a victim, maybe it matters just as much if the intent was to victimize the.

I any case, I think all should be given the opportunity to explain their claims of what happened to them and let those paid or given the responsibility to judge decide if they believe it on its merit, like with Cosby.

they are whores for selling their integrity , if they ever had any to begin with, but to destroy someone's credibility for the sake of a little more power is horrendous. I'd like to know how much the Democratic Party is paying these females. This is only an attempt to keep him off the Supreme Court . That's half their battle. This is why everyone needs to go to the polls in November and vote to keep republicans in the majority so the democrats can't take us back to the stale and stagnant economy that Obama was so proud of. A vote for republican is a vote for Trumps policies. A vote for democrats will be like a weekly prostate exam. No thank you!

Workin4it's photo
Wed 09/26/18 06:39 PM
I hope that as soon as this cluster ***k of a "hearing" more like a reality version of " the Gong Show", that some low life liberals have brought upon our justice system. I hope they go straight for a nomination conformation vote. I bet he gets confirmed. Then we should have that FBI investigation to investigate the w****s bringing these false investigations and the scumbag lawmakers that have convicted him before any actual evidence has been presented. They should serve time for perverting our justice system. The voters are taking note of the deplorable , despicable lies that are coming from the democrats on a daily basis.

Workin4it's photo
Tue 09/25/18 11:07 AM
It reminds me of the Duke Lacrose team being falsely accused. When will Rev. Al put in his two cents. We know what a stand up kind of guy he is for the underdog. Lol.

Workin4it's photo
Thu 09/20/18 02:53 PM

Tucker Carlson, who I am no fan of, is being accused of victim blaming

Referring to the attention that Blasey’s allegation has received ― including Sen. Mazie Hirono’s message that the men in this country should “just shut up and step up. Do the right thing for a change” ― Carlson said that victims of sexual abuse should rely on due process and avoid having “trial by CNN.”

“It’s pretty straightforward. If you believe a crime has been committed against you, you report it,” he said. “Go to the police. It’s not always easy, obviously, but it’s still your obligation as a citizen, not least to protect the rest of us from whomever you believe did it.”

as an assault survivor, I feel he makes a good point. I dont know that I would stretch it to being an 'obligation as a citizen', however I do believe the justice system can only act when it is given the REASON and the information to act upon. And with consensual and alternate sex being within the individual's rights to engage in, it is difficult to prove things like the presence or absence of such consent, what constituted consent, or what we can assume someone may or may not have consented to.

These things are difficult to prove when it is reported quickly, let alone when it is left for years or decades.

I dont think this woman was seeking justice on a teen TRYING to 'get some', especially since there was drinking involved and the attempt is not detailed much beyond that, and it happened decades ago. I think she just wanted the character of a potential SCOTUS to be investigated more deeply.

In any case, I agree that reporting these things is important to try to prevent it from happening to others, but I understand why it is pointless in many cases to do so without clearer evidence of an actual 'crime'.

Is it an 'obligation' to report crime? Is it understandable if one does not believe it can be proven or that it will cause danger to themselves, to leave the battle for another day?

I saw that segment of Tucker Carlson, whom I am a fan of, but the senator basically said that the victim shouldn't have to face the person she has accused. Tucker said " in this country your innocent until proven guilty" and you shouldn't be able to level charges with such cloudy allegations and no evidence to substantiate your claim and not be questioned. Some on the left have convicted him already including that old white woman on the view. Joy Blohard.

Workin4it's photo
Thu 09/20/18 08:50 AM

Seems like much ado about nothing, on both sides, until the actual INFORMATION is released on what allegedly took place, unless I missed that part ....

while both sides judge the accusation, can anyone point out WHAT that accusation is/was?

the accuser mrs. Christine Ford accused mr. Kavanaugh of sexual assult. It happend at a party she thinks in 1982, not sure where exactly, and thought anothe guy was in the room when it happened. She refused to let her ID be exposed and some how after Sen . Feinstien got the letter it was leaked to the news. Now she want a FBI investigation to investigate what . You need to offer facts to have a investigation not simply a foggy memory of something happening. Not to mention Diane Feinstien held the info since July and never mentioned it until the week before the vote to confirm. Now she says what's the hurry. Let's investigate no matter how long it takes. She's hoping for the blue wave than they would have enough votes to stop him, but the blue wave ain't happening any time soon

tell that to the Cosby accusers

time will tell .. meanwhile, I will research more out of interest to the details of the claim and the timeline of the complaint

tell that to the three women bill Clinton raped.

Workin4it's photo
Thu 09/20/18 08:47 AM
No, I'm not in a cult. However I can't say the same for many of current followers in a certain cult like atmosphere. What you described in your bad leader or cult leader. Sounds like the DNC. If I had time I could give a example of each 10 items you listed. The second part made me feel better cause that part sounded like the the Trump era. Now I'm sure I'm not in a cult.

Workin4it's photo
Thu 09/20/18 08:35 AM

Seems like much ado about nothing, on both sides, until the actual INFORMATION is released on what allegedly took place, unless I missed that part ....

while both sides judge the accusation, can anyone point out WHAT that accusation is/was?

the accuser mrs. Christine Ford accused mr. Kavanaugh of sexual assult. It happend at a party she thinks in 1982, not sure where exactly, and thought anothe guy was in the room when it happened. She refused to let her ID be exposed and some how after Sen . Feinstien got the letter it was leaked to the news. Now she want a FBI investigation to investigate what . You need to offer facts to have a investigation not simply a foggy memory of something happening. Not to mention Diane Feinstien held the info since July and never mentioned it until the week before the vote to confirm. Now she says what's the hurry. Let's investigate no matter how long it takes. She's hoping for the blue wave than they would have enough votes to stop him, but the blue wave ain't happening any time soon

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