Community > Posts By > urafett151
is she in the military?
No easy way..
It's not ok to bring a child into it, especially when it's a stranger!
Well it was only going to be coffee, but still it was kind of weird to see her show up with her kid...nothing against her kid, we just couldn't get into a deep conversation or anything cause he was bored and doing what kids do when their bored...still, a "F#$% off" stop messenging me would have been better then being least that way i'm not sitting around twideling my thumbs....but you live and you |
No easy way..
Ok so here's one to ponder. Say you meet someone at a neutral location to meet for the first time. They bring their kid which is totaly ok and you try to have a nice little conversation but anyting further then that can't happen(not anyones fault). Time ends and you two have to leave and you hug and kiss good by. Then a few more texts that same day then NOTHING...wouldn't it be better to just send a message and say "hey i had fun, but i don't think this will go any further" or just ignor the person and hope your non-replying will out last thier attempts at finding out what went wrong? Is it just me or have manners in dating fallen completly off the map...