Community > Posts By > AndrewAV

AndrewAV's photo
Thu 06/18/09 06:05 PM
Edited by AndrewAV on Thu 06/18/09 06:06 PM
“Of course we must fear evil men, but there is another evil that we must fear more… and that is the indifference of good men.”

Words of wisdom. (name that movie, kids)

AndrewAV's photo
Thu 06/18/09 05:53 PM
Edited by AndrewAV on Thu 06/18/09 05:54 PM
Here is my take on all of this. I'm sure everyone knows my stance on the fed.

The Federal Reserve is a government institution that has a chairman appointed by the president. However, there are several reserve banks around the nation that are controlled by those banks in their districts. For example, the San Francisco board is comprised of banks in the western district. These banks are those that are "too large to fail" and have an enormous impact on fiscal policy such as the printing of money.

These same banks are the ones that are deemed necessary to be regulated. So basically, those banks that are needed to be regulated are being regulated by a board comprised of themselves. Sounds fun, huh.

The problem with this "risky" behavior is that it is all comprised of essentially two groups with a very small portion of the population in the middle: those that understand the inner workings of finance and those that do not. Regulation does not stop those that have that knowledge, only those that do not and cannot work around the blocks. Every new tactic on Wall Street has been initiated by these financial elite that know exactly the limits of the system and how to manipulate them to their benefit. Regulation does not stop this as it is not pre-emptive; it only comes in after the fact as they are attempting to do now.

The answer, is fear. Right now, they have nothing to fear. If they risk it all and lose out, the government is going to be there to catch their fall. That is the wrong mentality and completely against both the ideals of capitalism and its self-healing nature. They need to fall. If the financial world was allowed to watch a major contender fail, they will second-guess their own tactics and make sure they are not making the same mistake. It's simple business practice. If there is no net, they will try harder not to fall.

All in all, the plan is a power-grab by the administration and will do nothing to stop this from happening again. After all, the Federal Reserve is the one that printed all that money the banks loaned out so foolishly. They are the root in all of this. If the Fed had not printed that money, the banks would have lent to tier I, then tier II, and so on until they ran out. Those at the bottom of the barrel would never have been a part of this and we would not have experienced the artificial "boom" we did that was based on flat currency. The Fed must go. While I do not entirely trust the government, they are the only entity that can even come close to fairly distributing and maintaining a flat currency (though something with value moderates itself).

Also, does anyone else find it absolutely hilarious that Frank and Dodd are the ones in the committee pledging to push this through ASAP? I mean, can you pick two senators more at fault?

AndrewAV's photo
Wed 06/17/09 07:34 PM
short answer, yes.

There are many economists (and even the fed chairman!) who have described how dangerous the road we are taking is. They are being ignored since the special interests are screaming louder.

AndrewAV's photo
Wed 06/17/09 07:23 PM
Edited by AndrewAV on Wed 06/17/09 07:23 PM


It means the FED will be above the law and there won't be much chance of them being investigated or audited.

BHO lining his retirement a little more?

No it doesn'tslaphead

Hey go ahead with the hate fest

I am done here.

Nobody wants to study up on it or actually UNDERSTAND IT so I will let ya'll have your unjustified hate fest.

Some people, geezzzzz

I have a degree in business and I'm working on a bachelor's in economics as well. I fully understand what is happening.

now, have you formally studied business, economics, or finance to the point you have an understanding how all this works?

AndrewAV's photo
Wed 06/17/09 07:09 PM

....The Obama plan would give new powers to the Federal Reserve to oversee the entire financial system .......

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama proposed sweeping new “rules of the road” for the nation’s financial system Wednesday, casting the changes as a critically important response to the economic crisis and the greatest regulatory transformation since the Great Depression.......

I guess none of the posters here were listening to his earlier speeches where he said this needs to be done to stop the root cause of the housing crisis again, huh?

So this is nothing new and nothing that needs to be feared.

It is needed so we do not have the same problem again with the greed that happened from deregulation.

Come on folks.

Set the hatred down long enough to see the real picture.

so because obama says so, it's necessary? there's no hatred here, just the belief that obama is a flaming idiot for trying this. The fault of all of this can be rooted in two places: the banks and the consumer. The consumer should have been responsible, but the banks have the power to print money as the fed reserve banks are run by the banks in that district. That means, when they run out of capital, they can have more printed so they have more to loan. That is the root.

saying you should not question the government is the most ignorant thought imaginable.

Yup you said it and this is going to help the problem.

Also I never said not to question anything. I said see it clearly.

I have just one question for you:

have you ever studied business, finance, or economics at even a junior college level?

AndrewAV's photo
Wed 06/17/09 07:01 PM

....The Obama plan would give new powers to the Federal Reserve to oversee the entire financial system .......

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama proposed sweeping new “rules of the road” for the nation’s financial system Wednesday, casting the changes as a critically important response to the economic crisis and the greatest regulatory transformation since the Great Depression.......

I guess none of the posters here were listening to his earlier speeches where he said this needs to be done to stop the root cause of the housing crisis again, huh?

So this is nothing new and nothing that needs to be feared.

It is needed so we do not have the same problem again with the greed that happened from deregulation.

Come on folks.

Set the hatred down long enough to see the real picture.

so because obama says so, it's necessary? there's no hatred here, just the belief that obama is a flaming idiot for trying this. The fault of all of this can be rooted in two places: the banks and the consumer. The consumer should have been responsible, but the banks have the power to print money as the fed reserve banks are run by the banks in that district. That means, when they run out of capital, they can have more printed so they have more to loan. That is the root.

saying you should not question the government is the most ignorant thought imaginable.

AndrewAV's photo
Wed 06/17/09 06:48 PM

so... the banks run the fed and the fed regulates banks? so, we are essentially trusting the banks to oversee themselves?

I asked this earlier...maybe with your knowledge you can think of anything...what would be good about doing this?

hey, I'm sure you guys know my beliefs about regulation in the first place, so truthfully, I think the banks self-regulating is a great thing. however, the fact they still control the money supply scares the hell out of me.

AndrewAV's photo
Wed 06/17/09 05:31 PM
so... the banks run the fed and the fed regulates banks? so, we are essentially trusting the banks to oversee themselves?

AndrewAV's photo
Tue 06/16/09 10:47 PM

Typically, "pork" involves funding for government programs whose economic or service benefits are concentrated in a particular area but whose costs are spread among all taxpayers. Public works projects, certain national defense spending projects, and agricultural subsidies are the most commonly cited examples.

Citizens Against Government Waste[6] outlines seven criteria by which spending can be classified as "pork":

Requested by only one chamber of Congress;
Not specifically authorized;
Not competitively awarded;
Not requested by the President;
Greatly exceeds the President’s budget request or the previous year’s funding;
Not the subject of congressional hearings; or
Serves only a local or special interest.

OMB Guidance to Agencies on Definition of Earmarks
OMB defines "earmarks" as "funds provided by the Congress for projects, programs, or grants where the purported congressional direction (whether in statutory text, report language, or other communication) circumvents otherwise applicable merit-based or competitive allocation processes, or specifies the location or recipient, or otherwise curtails the ability of the executive branch to manage its statutory and constitutional responsibilities pertaining to the funds allocation process."

Earmarks vs. Unrequested Funding. At the broadest level, unrequested funding is any additional funding provided by the Congress -- in either bill or report language -- for activities/projects/programs not requested by the Administration. Earmarks are a subset of unrequested funding. The distinction between earmarks and unrequested funding is programmatic control or lack thereof of in the allocation process.
Earmarks and Programmatic "Control." If the congressional direction accompanying a project/program/funding in an appropriations bill or report or other communication purports to affect the ability of the Administration to control critical aspects of the awards process for the project/program/funding, this IS an earmark. Note: The definition of "control critical aspects" includes specification of the location or recipient or otherwise circumventing the merit-based or competitive allocation process and may be program specific. However, if the Congress adds funding and the Administration retains control over the awards process for the project/program/funding, it is NOT an earmark; it is unrequested funding.
Earmarks Include:
Add-ons. If the Administration asks for $100 million for formula grants, for example, and Congress provides $110 million and places restrictions (such as site-specific locations or adds additional project goals) on the additional $10 million, the additional $10 million is counted as an earmark. However, if the additional funding is to speed up the completion of a project with no restrictions this is NOT an earmark.
Carve-outs. If the Administration asks for $100 million and Congress provides $100 million but places restrictions on some portion of the funding, the restricted portion is counted as an earmark.
Funding provisions that do not name a recipient, but are so specific that only one recipient can qualify for funding is counted as an earmark.

What I read on both of these is that the president has almost nothing to do with both earmarks and pork. So why does he catch the blame for them?

do you really believe that anyone but someone from illinois would recommend that that plant be built? do you really think that anyone but good old harry would suggest a high-speed rail to vegas be built?

these are proposed by those that benefit the most. Therefore, they are pork. Obama said that this project would be sacrificed. obviously, it's not. it's from his home district. that to me is only slightly suspicious. if he was really against earmarks/pork, he'd say hey, this is wrong, but he's not. that is why I blame him. he may not be directly related, but he's definitely an accessory. either way, he's guilty.

Sounds like you don't like him so he is the scape goat, which is fine but don't expect support for it.

oh f*cking hell. don't cop out of it. please, tell me where I'm wrong. yes I don't like the guy. yes, i didn't like bush. yes, i didn't like clinton. that changes nothing in this. Please, tell me how this is not pork in your own words.

AndrewAV's photo
Tue 06/16/09 10:45 PM

what about non-gay couples that are not married

is this going to ba a double standard

when the marriage amendment passed in ohio it took away all rights of those not officially married

what will this do in this arena

and why should adam get benefits for steve


adam can not get benefits for eve if not officially married

why should a hetro couple be forced to marry yet a gay couple is not permitted to get married

this is just wrong from every angle

if the ban on gay marriage was done away with this will not be an issue

well I can see right now the argument is "well you won't let us get married so that's a double standard" but i totally agree. what is good for one should be good for all.

AndrewAV's photo
Tue 06/16/09 10:44 PM

I talk openly about smoking, as much as possible unless it endangers my job. The reason is that everyone thinks pot smokers are lazy idiots with dirty phish t shirts, and scraggly beards who kick a hacky sack all day and don't work.

If people realized that yes, there are a lot of intelligent, college educated, hard working, white collar professionals who also do it but are just too scared to come out then maybe it wouldn't get such a bum rap.

It's not that smoking makes you stupid and lazy, it's just that some stupid and lazy people smoke pot. I doubt the feds are on mingle 2 to catch a stoner. And if they are, well, I hope they find someone they really like who lives too far away from them to pursue a relationship...just like the rest of us.

totally understand. I used to dabble myself but never really got into it heavily. actually, I can't really smoke anything as it really irritates my chest. either way, to each their own.

AndrewAV's photo
Tue 06/16/09 10:42 PM

Typically, "pork" involves funding for government programs whose economic or service benefits are concentrated in a particular area but whose costs are spread among all taxpayers. Public works projects, certain national defense spending projects, and agricultural subsidies are the most commonly cited examples.

Citizens Against Government Waste[6] outlines seven criteria by which spending can be classified as "pork":

Requested by only one chamber of Congress;
Not specifically authorized;
Not competitively awarded;
Not requested by the President;
Greatly exceeds the President’s budget request or the previous year’s funding;
Not the subject of congressional hearings; or
Serves only a local or special interest.

OMB Guidance to Agencies on Definition of Earmarks
OMB defines "earmarks" as "funds provided by the Congress for projects, programs, or grants where the purported congressional direction (whether in statutory text, report language, or other communication) circumvents otherwise applicable merit-based or competitive allocation processes, or specifies the location or recipient, or otherwise curtails the ability of the executive branch to manage its statutory and constitutional responsibilities pertaining to the funds allocation process."

Earmarks vs. Unrequested Funding. At the broadest level, unrequested funding is any additional funding provided by the Congress -- in either bill or report language -- for activities/projects/programs not requested by the Administration. Earmarks are a subset of unrequested funding. The distinction between earmarks and unrequested funding is programmatic control or lack thereof of in the allocation process.
Earmarks and Programmatic "Control." If the congressional direction accompanying a project/program/funding in an appropriations bill or report or other communication purports to affect the ability of the Administration to control critical aspects of the awards process for the project/program/funding, this IS an earmark. Note: The definition of "control critical aspects" includes specification of the location or recipient or otherwise circumventing the merit-based or competitive allocation process and may be program specific. However, if the Congress adds funding and the Administration retains control over the awards process for the project/program/funding, it is NOT an earmark; it is unrequested funding.
Earmarks Include:
Add-ons. If the Administration asks for $100 million for formula grants, for example, and Congress provides $110 million and places restrictions (such as site-specific locations or adds additional project goals) on the additional $10 million, the additional $10 million is counted as an earmark. However, if the additional funding is to speed up the completion of a project with no restrictions this is NOT an earmark.
Carve-outs. If the Administration asks for $100 million and Congress provides $100 million but places restrictions on some portion of the funding, the restricted portion is counted as an earmark.
Funding provisions that do not name a recipient, but are so specific that only one recipient can qualify for funding is counted as an earmark.

What I read on both of these is that the president has almost nothing to do with both earmarks and pork. So why does he catch the blame for them?

do you really believe that anyone but someone from illinois would recommend that that plant be built? do you really think that anyone but good old harry would suggest a high-speed rail to vegas be built?

these are proposed by those that benefit the most. Therefore, they are pork. Obama said that this project would be sacrificed. obviously, it's not. it's from his home district. that to me is only slightly suspicious. if he was really against earmarks/pork, he'd say hey, this is wrong, but he's not. that is why I blame him. he may not be directly related, but he's definitely an accessory. either way, he's guilty.

AndrewAV's photo
Tue 06/16/09 10:38 PM

I am really into 3ds max, Photoshop and After Effects...any Photoshop users out there?

This is nothing new but thought I'd pass it along.
Novice Photoshop users can do this with ease and it's pretty cool.
You can take any photo and make it look miniature:

If you're interested in what computers can REALLY do check out the artwork on these forums here:

Most of these were done using a 3D app. like Maya or 3ds max etc.

oh, it's a fake bokeh tutorial. There's actually a ton of them out there if you look on photography websites, but they never reach the real thing - guess that's why canon and nikon can charge a few grand for the fast lenses that do it well. as a photog, the thing that bugs me most is that the plane of focus is off in that there is no gradual fade over the entire image, it's very sudden and the entire top half of the frame is evenly blurred. not to mention bokeh and blur are nothing alike.

sorry to go into photo nerd mode, but I'm extremely anal when it comes to my photography lol. so yes, i use photoshop extensively.

AndrewAV's photo
Tue 06/16/09 10:27 PM
Edited by AndrewAV on Tue 06/16/09 10:27 PM
I'm going to lose it on Friday if it's not in the mail from AT&T. They finally fixed the one problem i had - no picture texting. Been waiting since last monday.

God I can't wait to burn this motorola and my verizon contract...

AndrewAV's photo
Tue 06/16/09 10:24 PM

Just finished a letter to the President on this matter.

so can you tell me how this is not pork?

AndrewAV's photo
Tue 06/16/09 10:18 PM

Why do I have to keep bringing this up. Earmarking money is the way they set it up for funds to go to a certain place. Not all earmarks are bad.

Pork on the other hand does seem to be a bad thing and Obama did say something about pork but he cannot say that he will not have earmarks because they are necessary to assign funds to almost all programs.

Earmarks are provisions appropriated for individual projects and/or districts. Pork is an appropriation brought in for the sole purpose of bringing that money in to fund the district or a project in that district.

They're one and the same. plain and simple. there is that very faint distinction, but if a project has been proposed for a power plant in illinois, i doubt anyone but those in that area are really going to give a s*it about it.

It's pork/earmarks. Face it. He's a politician. Lying is second nature to him. Just like the stimulus bill, just like the appropriations bill. It's never going to stop.

I guess anyone can call an earmark pork if they want to but the distinction is very clear. Not all earmarks are pork and not all pork are earmarks.

I know!:banana: It's earmarks when one's own district needs the money and pork when it's someone else's need.laugh noway laugh

my district or not, i think it's all a waste. this should be the responsibility of the states and local government. I'm tired of my tax dollars from here in California going to build a power plant in illinois. I'd rather pay my state rate to the feds and pay my 20% to the state so it all ends up here.

AndrewAV's photo
Tue 06/16/09 10:16 PM

as good as I think this is...what about non-federal couples?

in theory, if a federal law states that same-sex couples can get benefits, than states have to adhere. however, I doubt that he will do so out of fear from the potential outcry from social conservatives.

I'm still missing the part why this should even be an issue in the first place, but that's a whole 'nother topic and I'd rather not start a threadjack.

do you know which federal law??? I, personally, don't see an issue with gay couples getting benefits when straight couples do

well that was an if. it hasn't been done yet and I doubt it will anytime soon.

AndrewAV's photo
Tue 06/16/09 10:15 PM

Why do I have to keep bringing this up. Earmarking money is the way they set it up for funds to go to a certain place. Not all earmarks are bad.

Pork on the other hand does seem to be a bad thing and Obama did say something about pork but he cannot say that he will not have earmarks because they are necessary to assign funds to almost all programs.

Earmarks are provisions appropriated for individual projects and/or districts. Pork is an appropriation brought in for the sole purpose of bringing that money in to fund the district or a project in that district.

They're one and the same. plain and simple. there is that very faint distinction, but if a project has been proposed for a power plant in illinois, i doubt anyone but those in that area are really going to give a s*it about it.

It's pork/earmarks. Face it. He's a politician. Lying is second nature to him. Just like the stimulus bill, just like the appropriations bill. It's never going to stop.

I guess anyone can call an earmark pork if they want to but the distinction is very clear. Not all earmarks are pork and not all pork are earmarks.

than what is the actual difference and how is this an earmark but not pork?

AndrewAV's photo
Tue 06/16/09 10:14 PM

nah, don't do it anymore and never will so I'm not worried. It was so long ago the statue of limitations runs out after 3 years.

oh, well I wouldn't even be talking about smoking to be honest.

not so funny story. I had this friend ryan that grew it in his dorm closet in college. made a killing on it. he was talking about it about 7 years later and i guess someone in the gov picked up on it so he got a visitor. he was an IT major and ran a web server from a room in his house so his electric bill was outrageous. apparently, they thought he still grew it. instead of getting nailed for that, he just got a zoning citation from the city for the servers lol.

AndrewAV's photo
Tue 06/16/09 10:11 PM
Also, I believe the federal government has no reason to be funding individual projects that local/state governments should be handling. If there's any wonder why we'll hit $2T this year in debt, it's crap like this that will do nothing for the nation.