names Tim I live in yuma Az
looking for partner in life
looking all pretty..
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The Wolf next Door
Thanx for the input..
The Wolf next Door
I wright as a craft, this is my story, please give me some input..
The accident: It all started at about 4:30 in the afternoon when Jamie, one of my best friends, called me on the phone. We had a little brotherly argument about whether the bicycle shop was open or not. He said the bicycle shop was open, I swore to him that it was closed. We nattered back and forth for at least ten minutes, until I said "Put your money where your mouth is!" and offered him a five dollar bet, that I was right; that sort of shut him up. He said lets go down there and see. I was hoping it would not take long because I was invited to my girlfriend's house, at 5:30. She and I were finally going to get to watch some T.V. by ourselves. I thought I could speed up this bet by secretly calling the shop, to find out the outcome a head of time and maybe cheat a little if I could. When I called down there, nobody answered the phone; so I was convinced that the store was closed. Not telling Jamie about my other call, I rode over to his house to pick him up and then we proceeded down to the bicycle shop. I told him, if the store is closed we would turn around and come right back, he agreed with it. I also told him that I was invited to Cindy's house and how I did not want anything to mess it up. She hardly ever had the house to herself due to one of her parents usually always being home. Jamie said "alright Tim LETS GO THEN!" He made it there in a land speed record time just to find the store was close for the evening. As I laughed at him real hard, he got off his bike for a little rest, leaned it up against the store front window and wiped his sweaty hands off. I on the other hand listened to what Cindy said and did not ride like I was on fire, I didn't need a rest. As we were preparing to ride back, the train went by a block away. It must have sent vibrations out because it shook Jamie's bike so hard, the store front window broke. Suddenly, the store owner appeared in his work van. Jamie hopped on his bike pointing down hill, I was pointing up a steep hill, towards my Mom's work, which was two blocks away. The van roared its engin 2-3 times, as to intimidate us, Jamie was off like a shot. Without thinking I also took off with intense speed towards the steep hill. My adrenaline was pumping so much; I could feel it throbbing in my ears. My 185mm crank set and my enlarged front sprocket allowed me to manual ¾ up the steep hill. Jamie and I watched this show about a week earlier that featured turning radiuses. The show was saying that a bicycle with a shorter wheel base could turn faster then a vehicle could. I tried it in an attempt to escape the van. However when I tried it he seemed to stay right behind me, I assumed the show was wrong. As I was peddling down the steep hill, rideing for my life, I franticly turned the wrong way, up another steep hill. By this time I was getting very tired and my legs would not move as fast as I wanted them to. I just started up the second hill when my back racing wheel was nudged. I could not believe that the old man could keep up with my extreme peddling and power turns, he of been speeding. By the time those thoughts were finished I was catapulted into the back of a large parked car. I hit the bumper and the trunk real hard, causing me to crash and roll off the backside of the car. All I could see was a real bright light, it engulfed everything. I couldn't move either; it was like I was not even in my own body. I could hear the van stop and him getting out. I could sense him around me. Then it felt like I was flying… when he rolled me over to take my wallet, to find out who he ran down. After he removed my wallet, he was gone; he probably went to report the situation and just let the ambulance take care of it. Page 1 The Wolf next Door This book is written by me, Cindy Lars, Tim's girlfriend at the time, I try to describe what happens to Tim in his life journey. Lets start a few days before Tim's accident.. as I was waiting to go to work… Eh, like at 6:20 in the damn morning, for my work at 7:00. I saw Tim, the 15 year old boy from up the street, dressed in all black, fly by my house on his B.M.X. bike. I leant from a few of my girl friends, that they called him "The Big Bad Wolf", I wasn't quite sure why, because he wasn't that big and it couldn't be for the amount of money he threw around, like in all those Godfather movies I saw. Tim never had a job in his whole life, but he had the nicest B.M.X. bike out of all the local riders, how did he get that ? I was just barely 14 and I had 2 jobs, I needed to save up for my mom's car, she was gonna sell to me, so I wouldn't have to walk no more, I hated to walk. Tim did too, he rode his bike 24 7, I even saw him and some of his bike rider friends in like 5 feet of snow, riding around in The Co-op parking lot. They were all waiting for the snow plow trucks to finish the streets in the city at 7:00 in the morning. I was very surprised to see them all out of bed that early, come to think about it now, I doubt they even went to bed the night before. Most winter days they would ride around in the freshly plowed streets, hopefully not getting killed by the bad drivers of Nanaimo. That day Tim had a job, not getting killed for me, we talked earlier that week about some of his crazy actions and after talking for hours on end, we finally came up with a way to curb Tim from making me a widow before we even got married. If you ever asked about it, he'd just repeat an old Evil Knevil quote "I don't need to be safe, I'm cautious" and ride away. Before our talk I caught Tim performing for the neighborhood kids by doing dumb little B.M.X. bike tricks, like he'd jump over the local creek by the school, (called the cheese hole) or he'd jump over cars (with people in them), or he'd race the CN day-liner (The local train). I'm sure his other bike rider friends could do the same stunts but, no Tim had to have that popularity, even know he could get hurt and lose it all. That was not on his mind thought, he got a group of kids together that would show off with him, doing little tricks, racing around the track, they even got some other riders together to form a racing team called "The Bike Riders Club". Page 2 Tim's club was made up of mostly, sons from the members of the big motorcycle club, Tim's family was friends with. A friend of mines sisters, brothers, cousin told me that he has a friend that pissed off one of Tim's riders friends and when the friend got home, he found a lot of died animals all over his front yard, like I mean alot. I would never piss Tim off or that could happen to me. Later on, I asked him about all the died animals and he just said, that it could of happend, one of my riders friends knows a hi-ways guy and for a case of beer, he'll dump off a truck load of roadkill to who evers address you give him. That trick being really sick can also be really smelly. Tim's club did mostly everything the motorcycle club did, just not as exstrem, I don't think. cause Tim is a real people pleaser and as a person takes trust and love in all relationships, so I don't think Tim's B.M.X. club could be that bad, as I learnt more about Tim, he seemed to be the most completed person you'll ever learn about, What.. that freak just shot a hole into the table that I'm working at, because I wanted to add something about someone and Opps I put their real name. I'm won't incriminate Tim or any of his friends, that I promise. He really went all hyper vigilant when I told him, I was going to write a book about him and his daily going ons, thats a freaking honner, not something bad. Tim slowly settled down about it as I used my secert way to get him to allow me to write about him. although, he said I needed to change all the names in what I wote and he also wanted me to read it to him after I finished the rough draft. That way he would have the final say in what put in the book and God forbid if we ever broke up I'd have to leave him the book, then out of no where he seemed to of gotten this very offical looking 5 paged contract for me to sign. Tim had older friends and thats where I think he got the contract from. Most of his older friends rode motorcycles, and they were members of that big club, I mentioned. I think Tim Idolized them, but I could be wrong. A few of the motorcycle club members took Tim under their wings and helped him out with his B.M.X. bicycle career. They knew Tim wanted to run a BMX club, and to make Tim's BMX club look and feel more like a real club, he had his motorcycle friends come to the B.M.X. track on race day, he also asked if they could copy some of the motorcycle clubs habits, like going to church on Sundays, or going for real long rides. Page 3 Tim and a few friends rode all the way down to Victoria from Nanaimo, so I've heard. That's a really far trip, over 250 kms away. They went through the Mali-hat hi-way, and hung-out in "Esquimalte" just before Victoria for a rest. Tim and his friends were doing little bike tricks off the streetcurbs, till a few stake boarder kids started yelling and swearing at them. I was told that Tim and Kevin totally lost it and beat up on the kids so bad all their friends ran away. Tim said he only did that because the skaters were swearing and there was a playschool just across the street, those guys should of known better. One of the teachers from the playschool called the police, but before the cops came Tim, Kevin and Jamie went into Esquimalte cycle to look around, after staying in the store for an exstended lenth of time. Tim and his friends, left Eaquimalt cycles to head home, up hill all the way back. I heard through the grapevine, like from Jamies sister, that Jamie said Tim wanted the Cop's to get out of Esquimalt so they could get going. When I talked to Tim, I got a differnt story, he said he wanted to get going earlier, yes. but not to Victoria thats way too freaking tirered to do that. besides if I did that I'd of discomferted my girlfriend and made her stay up worrying all night, that would not of been to cool, cause every guy and girl knows that I would of haved to of pay for it, in some way or anouther. A few mornings later, I was waiting for Tim to ride by my house and pull in to my driveway to say something funny, like he does most mornings. I had the house to my self again, I was going to invite him in for a movie or something and I even was wearing my baby blue pajamas, Tim's favorets, because this cutie brunette didn't have to be at work until 2:30 in the afternoon. When I went out to the end of my driveway to look for him, I couldn't see him, I returned feeling a it sad, I read in the newspaper that my friend Tim (a.k.a. The big bad wolf) was run down by an elderly man in a van, on September the 11th around 5:20 p.m. That was just last night ! Talk about Scary ! bad things seem to happen on the 11th of September, because that's the very same night my kitty-cat got sick and passed away, one year earlier. As I read on further in the paper, hoping for the best, the news-paper said that Tim was hurt so badly, his life would be in for some dramatic changes. Page 4 I think one of Tim's rider friends sweet talked the jounalist lady into wrighting an article about Tim's B.M.X. racing career, prior to his accident. I even think Tim's racing club bought the nice lady lunch. The night Tim got hurt the nanaimo hospital staff redirected him to a hospital in Victoria that was better equipped to handle his injury. (Tim's Mom said it was a blessing in disguise), Its a little further but, Tim could handle it. That's Cool Eh !! Going legally way, way too fast with the lights on and the siren blaring, sounds like fun to me. I remember Tim saying to me before, if he ever did get hurt "all he'd want was for his friends to remain being his friends", so that's what I tried to do for him as much as I could anyway." On the days that I was able to get off of school and work, I'd co-pilot down to Victoria with Tim's Mom, to see him and also make a verbal report to his friends back at school, even though most of Tim's friends didn't go to school, they were all kicked-out or too old to go to school. Tim had lots of friends, in and out of school from the bad *** riders in "The bike riders club" to the little preppie kids like me who had two jobs. One of my jobs was working as an aid, at "The Climbing gym", Tim got that one for me, one of his motorcycle club friends, knew the owner and he was looking for someone who could work full time. My other job was working as a model for an agence that models wedding gowns. That was slow work and it, only happened like twice a month. Although, I would get rides in limos and people would treat me with the utmost respect. I felt that it was a good job, just didn't happen enough. Tim told me that he didn't really want to marry a princess; their heads were way too big. But, he would love to marry a queen. I'll tell you a real funny thing my boss from the gym did to Tim and a few of his rider friends. Tim would always come to my work, to meet with me on my brakes, buy energy bars and stuff, but mainly to see me So, one day my boss hid behind the big dumpster with the fire hose and when Tim and the Riders came to see me, he jumped out and soaked them all. I admit I was rolling on the ground. Not too smart for my boss to do, but pretty funny for me to see, I almosted peeed my self. Luckily that was before the cell phone age. Since Tim got hurt, it's been so quiet at my work, you know, without him coming in to bug me and stuff. I can recall Tim really wanting me to join his riders club. The night he ask me to join, was 10 months from the day we first met, to me it was sort of like an anniversary, I didn't tell him that though. All that night he was so concerned about me joining his dumb little club, something about being safe and not having to work at my 8 dollar an hour gym job all my life. He even gave me the puppy dog look, those eyes. Dam, those eyes.. they made me do so many things I never wanted to do in the first place. He's bad for me, I know it.. but really he's always treated me real, real good; I think he's a good guy for me. Page 5 My Mommy doesn't really like his friends, she says the're all a bunch of bad fellows just trying to be like that motorcycle club too much. I think Tim shouldThrough the ins and outs of our relationship we had grown very close and we were convinced that we had the gift of E.S.P. or something like that, because we could talk to each other with our minds or I should really say we could feel each others feelings, yeah that sounds a little better. Tim and I would even spend hours on the phone without saying a word. Our parents thought we were really weird, but hey that's what kids do best. One day we had a fright, Tim told me that he was way too matue to play those little kid games and that he was only playing along with it, so I'd kiss him and stuff. I cried for a day straight, thinking why he would do that, I don't think that was completely true, he felt the power of our minds and he was scared. Anyways that enough said about that... because I'm alittle ashamied to share, what was going on in our teenaged heads. That weekend was our AC/DC party we held at the Newstead's house. Tim hung out with Jamie a lot and I was friends with Jamie's sister Heather. Their Mom's boyfriend "Ken" won some money at the casino, he paid for a cover band to come play for us, they wernt the real thing, but still it was good music. Heather was knowen as "The redhead with an attitude", thanks to Tim. I couldn't really see why he did that, maybe its was because her brother rode with Tim in "The Bike riders club" or maybe Tim like her more then a friend and things went sour. Heather and I planned out this whole party, we'd started the party up early so, we could just sit around and drink, watching all the hottie guys show up. The band wasn't gonna leave untill 4 in the morning. Tim showed up in the middle of the third song with Jamie and a guy named Kevin, they rode in all stoned. Tim wasn't at the party to drink, unlike me. He just came to smoke up a bit more, listen to some good music, act all cool, kiss a few girls, then go home before 2. I got really sick from all that drinking and had to ask my girlfriends to walk me home before the band left, just when Tim was leaving, (what a Coincidence). I could have asked Tim to walk me home, but, I'm sure I'd start kissing him and end up doing something he'd hate me for the next day, or worse yet I'd end up getting sick all over him or that bike that he loved more than life itself. Page 6 Alright man.. This is were I, Timothy Sebastian Wolf the second, feel that I need to take over these writings, to tell you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me god.. Well, to start off with, it was more like she dumped me after she giltted me out for a day straight, all about the things she won't be able to do with a boyfriend like me, (that's saying a boyfriend in a wheelchair, nicely). I decided that unfortunately she was right, Shh. don't tell anyone but, woman usually are. She acted way too young to every truly understand my injury. So sadly, I agreed to end it and without any conflicts with the law, she made me promise that too, I guess she heard about the Tracey incident. This time I was older and I felt that I could act more like an adult through my hard times. I knew it was coming though; she was pissing me off way too much, with her little anouwing things, that I thought were oh so cute' in the begining, but time went on, and they turned out to be just that, little anouwing things. I learned from a friend, about 3 days before Cindy and I had our little Talk, she already found a new boyfriend; his name was "John", "John Weber" a real winner in my books, anyways another friend of mine and I always used to call him (Zeus) because he was like twice the size of us. I guess he was just one of those kids that grew up way faster then the rest of us did, it wasn't fair he always got chosen to be captain of all the sports teams, and he got all the girls phone numbers. He'd also hang out with the pocket protector geeks just to get extra brownie points with the teachers, man I hated him. Probaly because we were always competing for a girl. The school opened up the biggest competition ever, which was to be the prince of the school, which went on in grade 11 so the winner could enjoy the honor in grade 12 for the whole school year. But, before I could really get into it, I got hurt in my accident and instead of me continuing the fight, I had to resign. I just couldn't really carry on in the competition with out being in the same city as my freaking school. So, John Weber was crowned prince of the school. Lot's of my schoolmates thought it was only because I resigned, that he won. Maybe so but, I'm sure he could do a good job. (I don't want to look all sour about not winning), people already knew who the real prince was. I deserved the honor; it was me who owned the Charity that put our high school on the map. Page 7 I was the popular big shot in our school, although John did do some stuff for the school but, it was mainely, to better himself and if the school was mentioned all the better. He was just popular though his sporting resume. My passed school records weren't the best so I think, well I know thats what held me back from kicking total butt on this competition and then there was Cindy's feelings. I already knew that John didn't like me that much, I don't know why, Cindy's Mom thought it might have something to do with being such a good friend to his girlfriend. He should really grow up about that, to make it worst, some of my friends, alright, all my friends were tormenting him and saying "Make it fair and resgin too" by not resigning from the competition, people will start to hate you, John never did regin and people didn't really start to hate him. I went back to my school for a visit, every one bowed. My favorite woodworking teacher Mr. Long even bowed to me and that toldaly made my day. I'm not dumb or nothing.. I know all the bowing was more of a joke but, still it showed me, that they still respected me, and still wanted to joke and laugh with me, even though I was drooling, couldn't really speak to fast or nothing. That just pushed John even farther over the edge, he couldn't handle being in the real world. Ya know, being around people with challenges and stuff. Lots of students were real consered, John didn't want to be around me it made him all sad and he started drinking like a fish, not those little colorful fish ya see at the aquarium, but big loser stergins. I thought that would have ended the relationship between Cindy and John, but no Cindy started to hit the bottle too. Monkey see, monkey do. In the beginning I was blinded from any of Cindy's wrong doings… That was until I found out it was those two drunks who tried framing me for pulling the school fire alarm. Once that happened she was out of my good thought areas completely, hearing that almost made me cry, we were such good friends in the beginning. Then John came between us, now I don't really even want her as a friend, those two drunks deserve each other, I guess it was all the alcohol that changed her into a total freak. My Mom told me to make up a pro's and con's list, to find out if she was a good or a bad friend, I was did that and it turned out that she wasn't a good friend at all. I think it was that she was really, really sexy looking, could I of been covering up all of her wrong doings, just to have a beautiful girl around me. Page 8 I wish I didn't buy Cindy that promise ring, Well, maybe. It did push John even farther over the edge and almost broke them up. I guess that would of been good, on the other hand it could of been real bad. Cindy could of started being my girlfriend and if John ever caught us together, he would of really freak-out and maybe even tried to kill us or something. I admit after being around Cindy enough she had you under a spell, were you would do anything for her. Just like clock work after doing everything with Cindy, I found out that she was just like any other girl I dated, she started to really piss me off and yes I imadgend killing her, but ya know nothing would of really made me go through with it. I had this idea to push her out my 3rd level hospital bedroom window, I could of just blamed it on my injury. It would have worked to, the latch on the window was broke and all. I'd only have to say was we were play-fighting and she fell out. "Like oh no" I could of pulled it off, I'm sure of it. 2 reasons I wouldn't do that, reason 1, I ain't no murderer and reason 2, I couldn't stand, seeing John try this best at making my life a living hell. The next day she came over just to scream at me for all the time I made her waste, trying to write a book about me. After she finished, I told her "think back chick, it was your idea in the first place". Alright now, I'm in the process of take the book over, here I am all alone at a hospital bench writing the ending to her dumb little book, or I should say my book. What a stupid idea; only a female could and would ever write about something as serious as a man's close call with death and tell all the little things that shouldn't ever be shared. Well, on the other hand, I feel by completing this book, it could end up helping me in the long run. That's just part of my Mom coming out in me, I'm sure of it. I'll keep working on it, just to prove Cindy wrong, ya know, she said it would never get written unless she wrote it. I'll become a writer, make a few changes. Still tell the truth, that way I can still impress all the girls who read it. Plus it'll really help explain "why I am the way I am". Sevrel months after Tim got hurt, he started really flipping out and stuff. The nurses tryed to explained to me that Tim was going through an aggressive stage in his recovery. Despite that being hard to understand, I continued to visit with him as long and as much as I could. Tim's mom shared some of her beliefs that Tim always knew when I was there and that really helped him in his recovery. Page 9 Let's talk about something really cool and very important to my story, my B.M.X. bicycle. I tried to get Cindy to include it in her earlier writings. But, no… she said that it wasn't important enough. I think she's wrong about it because it tells the readers how dedicated I was to the B.M.X. sport, riding every day, it's also the bike I was run down on. I think that makes the whole whacked-out story right there, or maybe it's just a guy thing, feeling that my bike needs to get some of the honor it deserves. Here goes nothing... The bike I owned was a Robinson frame with P.k. landing gear made out of titanium metal, the lightest and strongest metal known to man kind. The Boy's down at the Harley shop painted it up for me, they found me this really cool new paint. It would change color from a jet black into a hot pink, just like the "Hot wheels" cars do. I'm sure it was the same kind of paint just add a few more zeros and call it custom show paint. That paint would change color depending on the temperature of the air around it. On the day I brought my bike to school to show it off, all my friends were touching it and breathing on it, tring to make the color change. Very humorus, my teacher took some pictures and the next day when the pictures were developed, it looked like all my classmates were kissing my bicycle, If that were to ever happen I think my bicycle would of deserved it. My bike was a custom designer's dream. It was all specialized starting at the ground and working up. The front wheel was a racing wheel called "The fat-man Araya 48" It was a thicker rim, with more surface area to make more contact with the track to improve traction in cornering and the 48 spokes, not just 36 spokes like the normal wheels have, made it much stronger. A "Ruff and tuff tube", Covered with the best rubber tires made, called "Tioga competition 3". My rear wheel was specialized too, it was called "The Araya thin-Jon 48" with aluminum spoke nipple tips to make the whole wheel 1 lbs. Lighter. Both wheels front and back had the aluminum nipple tips and the comp 3 tires. The rear wheels was much thinner than an average wheel by half which made it much lighter but quite a bit weaker, I ended up replacing it more than once a race, or if it wasn't too bad I'd just get someone on my racing team to quickly straighten it. Page 10 On my bike I even had black GT compection sealed bearing hubs in my wheels made by N.A.S.A. with ceramic bearings that would spin so fast they would make a hissing sound. Just like my 185mm redline flight cranks set did. With margarine based grease allowing them to spin much faster and much longer. I could stop on a dime, my bike was equipped with the best pit-bull braking system complete with a rear titanium brake cable, a custom left handed rear bake lever. I customized the brake pad nuts with new chrome nuts that made them look like shiny dog teeth. My bike even had chrome Redline racing handle bars with black am'e racing handle bar grips, a Dk extended stem, and a clear number plate with a black 7-11 sticker on a angle, covering most of it. Below that a sealed bearing pit-bull head set and to rest my lazy butt on. I had Uni's padded saddle, which was made from this space aged plastic built by N.A.S.A. that costed my sponcer lots and lots. Before I got a sponsor, I couldn't afford a seat and I raced with out one. By doing that it would always cause an upheaval with the track officials and the parents. They would always get upset, turn all red, start stomping up and down, and cry. They thought that I should be disqualified for having no seat. One race I purposely lost, just to see if it was me not having a seat or me beating their kid's pants off. It must be me beating their kids, because in that race no one said nothing about me not having a seat. What a rip, just because I was a little older and I could kick butt on the track, I was penalized. My racing career all started when 7-11 decided to sponsored me. I'm sure those friends in that motorcycle club, I knew, had something to do with encouraging 7-11 to sponsor me. Because every race I won 7-11 would give me and all my friend's free slurpees and a free bag of chips. Secretly, 7-11 was un-loading all their bags of chips that were passed their due dates. Yuckies… I didn't really care because no one got sick and there were kids there I didn't even really know just showing up to get free stuff, it was popularity for me even if it was mundane. I would always try my best for my sponsor, like I'd give it my all to win. I really did love the popularity it brought me. |
The Wolf next Door
no there not...
The Wolf next Door
I would like some input on my book I've started to wright. I'll share pages 1 to 10 but, the rest your gonna have to buy..
The accident: It all started at about 4:30 in the afternoon when Jamie, one of my best friends, called me on the phone. We had a little brotherly argument about whether the bicycle shop was open or not. He said the bicycle shop was open, I swore to him that it was closed. We nattered back and forth for at least ten minutes, until I said "Put your money where your mouth is!" and offered him a five dollar bet, that I was right; that sort of shut him up. He said lets go down there and see. I was hoping it would not take long because I was invited to my girlfriend's house, at 5:30. She and I were finally going to get to watch some T.V. by ourselves. I thought I could speed up this bet by secretly calling the shop, to find out the outcome a head of time and maybe cheat a little if I could. When I called down there, nobody answered the phone; so I was convinced that the store was closed. Not telling Jamie about my other call, I rode over to his house to pick him up and then we proceeded down to the bicycle shop. I told him, if the store is closed we would turn around and come right back, he agreed with it. I also told him that I was invited to Cindy's house and how I did not want anything to mess it up. She hardly ever had the house to herself due to one of her parents usually always being home. Jamie said "alright Tim LETS GO THEN!" He made it there in a land speed record time just to find the store was close for the evening. As I laughed at him real hard, he got off his bike for a little rest, leaned it up against the store front window and wiped his sweaty hands off. I on the other hand listened to what Cindy said and did not ride like I was on fire, I didn't need a rest. As we were preparing to ride back, the train went by a block away. It must have sent vibrations out because it shook Jamie's bike so hard, the store front window broke. Suddenly, the store owner appeared in his work van. Jamie hopped on his bike pointing down hill, I was pointing up a steep hill, towards my Mom's work, which was two blocks away. The van roared its engin 2-3 times, as to intimidate us, Jamie was off like a shot. Without thinking I also took off with intense speed towards the steep hill. My adrenaline was pumping so much; I could feel it throbbing in my ears. My 185mm crank set and my enlarged front sprocket allowed me to manual ¾ up the steep hill. Jamie and I watched this show about a week earlier that featured turning radiuses. The show was saying that a bicycle with a shorter wheel base could turn faster then a vehicle could. I tried it in an attempt to escape the van. However when I tried it he seemed to stay right behind me, I assumed the show was wrong. As I was peddling down the steep hill, rideing for my life, I franticly turned the wrong way, up another steep hill. By this time I was getting very tired and my legs would not move as fast as I wanted them to. I just started up the second hill when my back racing wheel was nudged. I could not believe that the old man could keep up with my extreme peddling and power turns, he of been speeding. By the time those thoughts were finished I was catapulted into the back of a large parked car. I hit the bumper and the trunk real hard, causing me to crash and roll off the backside of the car. All I could see was a real bright light, it engulfed everything. I couldn't move either; it was like I was not even in my own body. I could hear the van stop and him getting out. I could sense him around me. Then it felt like I was flying… when he rolled me over to take my wallet, to find out who he ran down. After he removed my wallet, he was gone; he probably went to report the situation and just let the ambulance take care of it. Page 1 Wolf Next Door This book is written by me, Cindy Lars, Tim's girlfriend at the time, I try to describe what happens to Tim in his life journey. Lets start a few days before Tim's accident.. as I was waiting to go to work… Eh, like at 6:20 in the damn morning, for my work at 7:00. I saw Tim, the 15 year old boy from up the street, dressed in all black, fly by my house on his B.M.X. bike. I leant from a few of my girl friends, that they called him "The Big Bad Wolf", I wasn't quite sure why, because he wasn't that big and it couldn't be for the amount of money he threw around, like in all those Godfather movies I saw. Tim never had a job in his whole life, but he had the nicest B.M.X. bike out of all the local riders, how did he get that ? I was just barely 14 and I had 2 jobs, I needed to save up for my mom's car, she was gonna sell to me, so I wouldn't have to walk no more, I hated to walk. Tim did too, he rode his bike 24 7, I even saw him and some of his bike rider friends in like 5 feet of snow, riding around in The Co-op parking lot. They were all waiting for the snow plow trucks to finish the streets in the city at 7:00 in the morning. I was very surprised to see them all out of bed that early, come to think about it now, I doubt they even went to bed the night before. Most winter days they would ride around in the freshly plowed streets, hopefully not getting killed by the bad drivers of Nanaimo. That day Tim had a job, not getting killed for me, we talked earlier that week about some of his crazy actions and after talking for hours on end, we finally came up with a way to curb Tim from making me a widow before we even got married. If you ever asked about it, he'd just repeat an old Evil Knevil quote "I don't need to be safe, I'm cautious" and ride away. Before our talk I caught Tim performing for the neighborhood kids by doing dumb little B.M.X. bike tricks, like he'd jump over the local creek by the school, (called the cheese hole) or he'd jump over cars (with people in them), or he'd race the CN day-liner (The local train). I'm sure his other bike rider friends could do the same stunts but, no Tim had to have that popularity, even know he could get hurt and lose it all. That was not on his mind thought, he got a group of kids together that would show off with him, doing little tricks, racing around the track, they even got some other riders together to form a racing team called "The Bike Riders Club". Page 2 Tim's club was made up of mostly, sons from the members of the big motorcycle club, Tim's family was friends with. A friend of mines sisters, brothers, cousin told me that he has a friend that pissed off one of Tim's riders friends and when the friend got home, he found a lot of died animals all over his front yard, like I mean alot. I would never piss Tim off or that could happen to me. Later on, I asked him about all the died animals and he just said, that it could of happend, one of my riders friends knows a hi-ways guy and for a case of beer, he'll dump off a truck load of roadkill to who evers address you give him. That trick being really sick can also be really smelly. Tim's club did mostly everything the motorcycle club did, just not as exstrem, I don't think. cause Tim is a real people pleaser and as a person takes trust and love in all relationships, so I don't think Tim's B.M.X. club could be that bad, as I learnt more about Tim, he seemed to be the most completed person you'll ever learn about, What.. that freak just shot a hole into the table that I'm working at, because I wanted to add something about someone and Opps I put their real name. I'm won't incriminate Tim or any of his friends, that I promise. He really went all hyper vigilant when I told him, I was going to write a book about him and his daily going ons, thats a freaking honner, not something bad. Tim slowly settled down about it as I used my secert way to get him to allow me to write about him. although, he said I needed to change all the names in what I wote and he also wanted me to read it to him after I finished the rough draft. That way he would have the final say in what put in the book and God forbid if we ever broke up I'd have to leave him the book, then out of no where he seemed to of gotten this very offical looking 5 paged contract for me to sign. Tim had older friends and thats where I think he got the contract from. Most of his older friends rode motorcycles, and they were members of that big club, I mentioned. I think Tim Idolized them, but I could be wrong. A few of the motorcycle club members took Tim under their wings and helped him out with his B.M.X. bicycle career. They knew Tim wanted to run a BMX club, and to make Tim's BMX club look and feel more like a real club, he had his motorcycle friends come to the B.M.X. track on race day, he also asked if they could copy some of the motorcycle clubs habits, like going to church on Sundays, or going for real long rides. Page 3 Tim and a few friends rode all the way down to Victoria from Nanaimo, so I've heard. That's a really far trip, over 250 kms away. They went through the Mali-hat hi-way, and hung-out in "Esquimalte" just before Victoria for a rest. Tim and his friends were doing little bike tricks off the streetcurbs, till a few stake boarder kids started yelling and swearing at them. I was told that Tim and Kevin totally lost it and beat up on the kids so bad all their friends ran away. Tim said he only did that because the skaters were swearing and there was a playschool just across the street, those guys should of known better. One of the teachers from the playschool called the police, but before the cops came Tim, Kevin and Jamie went into Esquimalte cycle to look around, after staying in the store for an exstended lenth of time. Tim and his friends, left Eaquimalt cycles to head home, up hill all the way back. I heard through the grapevine, like from Jamies sister, that Jamie said Tim wanted the Cop's to get out of Esquimalt so they could get going. When I talked to Tim, I got a differnt story, he said he wanted to get going earlier, yes. but not to Victoria thats way too freaking tirered to do that. besides if I did that I'd of discomferted my girlfriend and made her stay up worrying all night, that would not of been to cool, cause every guy and girl knows that I would of haved to of pay for it, in some way or anouther. A few mornings later, I was waiting for Tim to ride by my house and pull in to my driveway to say something funny, like he does most mornings. I had the house to my self again, I was going to invite him in for a movie or something and I even was wearing my baby blue pajamas, Tim's favorets, because this cutie brunette didn't have to be at work until 2:30 in the afternoon. When I went out to the end of my driveway to look for him, I couldn't see him, I returned feeling a it sad, I read in the newspaper that my friend Tim (a.k.a. The big bad wolf) was run down by an elderly man in a van, on September the 11th around 5:20 p.m. That was just last night ! Talk about Scary ! bad things seem to happen on the 11th of September, because that's the very same night my kitty-cat got sick and passed away, one year earlier. As I read on further in the paper, hoping for the best, the news-paper said that Tim was hurt so badly, his life would be in for some dramatic changes. Page 4 I think one of Tim's rider friends sweet talked the jounalist lady into wrighting an article about Tim's B.M.X. racing career, prior to his accident. I even think Tim's racing club bought the nice lady lunch. The night Tim got hurt the nanaimo hospital staff redirected him to a hospital in Victoria that was better equipped to handle his injury. (Tim's Mom said it was a blessing in disguise), Its a little further but, Tim could handle it. That's Cool Eh !! Going legally way, way too fast with the lights on and the siren blaring, sounds like fun to me. I remember Tim saying to me before, if he ever did get hurt "all he'd want was for his friends to remain being his friends", so that's what I tried to do for him as much as I could anyway." On the days that I was able to get off of school and work, I'd co-pilot down to Victoria with Tim's Mom, to see him and also make a verbal report to his friends back at school, even though most of Tim's friends didn't go to school, they were all kicked-out or too old to go to school. Tim had lots of friends, in and out of school from the bad *** riders in "The bike riders club" to the little preppie kids like me who had two jobs. One of my jobs was working as an aid, at "The Climbing gym", Tim got that one for me, one of his motorcycle club friends, knew the owner and he was looking for someone who could work full time. My other job was working as a model for an agence that models wedding gowns. That was slow work and it, only happened like twice a month. Although, I would get rides in limos and people would treat me with the utmost respect. I felt that it was a good job, just didn't happen enough. Tim told me that he didn't really want to marry a princess; their heads were way too big. But, he would love to marry a queen. I'll tell you a real funny thing my boss from the gym did to Tim and a few of his rider friends. Tim would always come to my work, to meet with me on my brakes, buy energy bars and stuff, but mainly to see me So, one day my boss hid behind the big dumpster with the fire hose and when Tim and the Riders came to see me, he jumped out and soaked them all. I admit I was rolling on the ground. Not too smart for my boss to do, but pretty funny for me to see, I almosted peeed my self. Luckily that was before the cell phone age. Since Tim got hurt, it's been so quiet at my work, you know, without him coming in to bug me and stuff. I can recall Tim really wanting me to join his riders club. The night he ask me to join, was 10 months from the day we first met, to me it was sort of like an anniversary, I didn't tell him that though. All that night he was so concerned about me joining his dumb little club, something about being safe and not having to work at my 8 dollar an hour gym job all my life. He even gave me the puppy dog look, those eyes. Dam, those eyes.. they made me do so many things I never wanted to do in the first place. He's bad for me, I know it.. but really he's always treated me real, real good; I think he's a good guy for me. Page 5 My Mommy doesn't really like his friends, she says the're all a bunch of bad fellows just trying to be like that motorcycle club too much. I think Tim shouldThrough the ins and outs of our relationship we had grown very close and we were convinced that we had the gift of E.S.P. or something like that, because we could talk to each other with our minds or I should really say we could feel each others feelings, yeah that sounds a little better. Tim and I would even spend hours on the phone without saying a word. Our parents thought we were really weird, but hey that's what kids do best. One day we had a fright, Tim told me that he was way too matue to play those little kid games and that he was only playing along with it, so I'd kiss him and stuff. I cried for a day straight, thinking why he would do that, I don't think that was completely true, he felt the power of our minds and he was scared. Anyways that enough said about that... because I'm alittle ashamied to share, what was going on in our teenaged heads. That weekend was our AC/DC party we held at the Newstead's house. Tim hung out with Jamie a lot and I was friends with Jamie's sister Heather. Their Mom's boyfriend "Ken" won some money at the casino, he paid for a cover band to come play for us, they wernt the real thing, but still it was good music. Heather was knowen as "The redhead with an attitude", thanks to Tim. I couldn't really see why he did that, maybe its was because her brother rode with Tim in "The Bike riders club" or maybe Tim like her more then a friend and things went sour. Heather and I planned out this whole party, we'd started the party up early so, we could just sit around and drink, watching all the hottie guys show up. The band wasn't gonna leave untill 4 in the morning. Tim showed up in the middle of the third song with Jamie and a guy named Kevin, they rode in all stoned. Tim wasn't at the party to drink, unlike me. He just came to smoke up a bit more, listen to some good music, act all cool, kiss a few girls, then go home before 2. I got really sick from all that drinking and had to ask my girlfriends to walk me home before the band left, just when Tim was leaving, (what a Coincidence). I could have asked Tim to walk me home, but, I'm sure I'd start kissing him and end up doing something he'd hate me for the next day, or worse yet I'd end up getting sick all over him or that bike that he loved more than life itself. Page 6 Alright man.. This is were I, Timothy Sebastian Wolf the second, feel that I need to take over these writings, to tell you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me god.. Well, to start off with, it was more like she dumped me after she giltted me out for a day straight, all about the things she won't be able to do with a boyfriend like me, (that's saying a boyfriend in a wheelchair, nicely). I decided that unfortunately she was right, Shh. don't tell anyone but, woman usually are. She acted way too young to every truly understand my injury. So sadly, I agreed to end it and without any conflicts with the law, she made me promise that too, I guess she heard about the Tracey incident. This time I was older and I felt that I could act more like an adult through my hard times. I knew it was coming though; she was pissing me off way too much, with her little anouwing things, that I thought were oh so cute' in the begining, but time went on, and they turned out to be just that, little anouwing things. I learned from a friend, about 3 days before Cindy and I had our little Talk, she already found a new boyfriend; his name was "John", "John Weber" a real winner in my books, anyways another friend of mine and I always used to call him (Zeus) because he was like twice the size of us. I guess he was just one of those kids that grew up way faster then the rest of us did, it wasn't fair he always got chosen to be captain of all the sports teams, and he got all the girls phone numbers. He'd also hang out with the pocket protector geeks just to get extra brownie points with the teachers, man I hated him. Probaly because we were always competing for a girl. The school opened up the biggest competition ever, which was to be the prince of the school, which went on in grade 11 so the winner could enjoy the honor in grade 12 for the whole school year. But, before I could really get into it, I got hurt in my accident and instead of me continuing the fight, I had to resign. I just couldn't really carry on in the competition with out being in the same city as my freaking school. So, John Weber was crowned prince of the school. Lot's of my schoolmates thought it was only because I resigned, that he won. Maybe so but, I'm sure he could do a good job. (I don't want to look all sour about not winning), people already knew who the real prince was. I deserved the honor; it was me who owned the Charity that put our high school on the map. Page 7 I was the popular big shot in our school, although John did do some stuff for the school but, it was mainely, to better himself and if the school was mentioned all the better. He was just popular though his sporting resume. My passed school records weren't the best so I think, well I know thats what held me back from kicking total butt on this competition and then there was Cindy's feelings. I already knew that John didn't like me that much, I don't know why, Cindy's Mom thought it might have something to do with being such a good friend to his girlfriend. He should really grow up about that, to make it worst, some of my friends, alright, all my friends were tormenting him and saying "Make it fair and resgin too" by not resigning from the competition, people will start to hate you, John never did regin and people didn't really start to hate him. I went back to my school for a visit, every one bowed. My favorite woodworking teacher Mr. Long even bowed to me and that toldaly made my day. I'm not dumb or nothing.. I know all the bowing was more of a joke but, still it showed me, that they still respected me, and still wanted to joke and laugh with me, even though I was drooling, couldn't really speak to fast or nothing. That just pushed John even farther over the edge, he couldn't handle being in the real world. Ya know, being around people with challenges and stuff. Lots of students were real consered, John didn't want to be around me it made him all sad and he started drinking like a fish, not those little colorful fish ya see at the aquarium, but big loser stergins. I thought that would have ended the relationship between Cindy and John, but no Cindy started to hit the bottle too. Monkey see, monkey do. In the beginning I was blinded from any of Cindy's wrong doings… That was until I found out it was those two drunks who tried framing me for pulling the school fire alarm. Once that happened she was out of my good thought areas completely, hearing that almost made me cry, we were such good friends in the beginning. Then John came between us, now I don't really even want her as a friend, those two drunks deserve each other, I guess it was all the alcohol that changed her into a total freak. My Mom told me to make up a pro's and con's list, to find out if she was a good or a bad friend, I was did that and it turned out that she wasn't a good friend at all. I think it was that she was really, really sexy looking, could I of been covering up all of her wrong doings, just to have a beautiful girl around me. Page 8 I wish I didn't buy Cindy that promise ring, Well, maybe. It did push John even farther over the edge and almost broke them up. I guess that would of been good, on the other hand it could of been real bad. Cindy could of started being my girlfriend and if John ever caught us together, he would of really freak-out and maybe even tried to kill us or something. I admit after being around Cindy enough she had you under a spell, were you would do anything for her. Just like clock work after doing everything with Cindy, I found out that she was just like any other girl I dated, she started to really piss me off and yes I imadgend killing her, but ya know nothing would of really made me go through with it. I had this idea to push her out my 3rd level hospital bedroom window, I could of just blamed it on my injury. It would have worked to, the latch on the window was broke and all. I'd only have to say was we were play-fighting and she fell out. "Like oh no" I could of pulled it off, I'm sure of it. 2 reasons I wouldn't do that, reason 1, I ain't no murderer and reason 2, I couldn't stand, seeing John try this best at making my life a living hell. The next day she came over just to scream at me for all the time I made her waste, trying to write a book about me. After she finished, I told her "think back chick, it was your idea in the first place". Alright now, I'm in the process of take the book over, here I am all alone at a hospital bench writing the ending to her dumb little book, or I should say my book. What a stupid idea; only a female could and would ever write about something as serious as a man's close call with death and tell all the little things that shouldn't ever be shared. Well, on the other hand, I feel by completing this book, it could end up helping me in the long run. That's just part of my Mom coming out in me, I'm sure of it. I'll keep working on it, just to prove Cindy wrong, ya know, she said it would never get written unless she wrote it. I'll become a writer, make a few changes. Still tell the truth, that way I can still impress all the girls who read it. Plus it'll really help explain "why I am the way I am". Sevrel months after Tim got hurt, he started really flipping out and stuff. The nurses tryed to explained to me that Tim was going through an aggressive stage in his recovery. Despite that being hard to understand, I continued to visit with him as long and as much as I could. Tim's mom shared some of her beliefs that Tim always knew when I was there and that really helped him in his recovery. Page 9 Let's talk about something really cool and very important to my story, my B.M.X. bicycle. I tried to get Cindy to include it in her earlier writings. But, no… she said that it wasn't important enough. I think she's wrong about it because it tells the readers how dedicated I was to the B.M.X. sport, riding every day, it's also the bike I was run down on. I think that makes the whole whacked-out story right there, or maybe it's just a guy thing, feeling that my bike needs to get some of the honor it deserves. Here goes nothing... The bike I owned was a Robinson frame with P.k. landing gear made out of titanium metal, the lightest and strongest metal known to man kind. The Boy's down at the Harley shop painted it up for me, they found me this really cool new paint. It would change color from a jet black into a hot pink, just like the "Hot wheels" cars do. I'm sure it was the same kind of paint just add a few more zeros and call it custom show paint. That paint would change color depending on the temperature of the air around it. On the day I brought my bike to school to show it off, all my friends were touching it and breathing on it, tring to make the color change. Very humorus, my teacher took some pictures and the next day when the pictures were developed, it looked like all my classmates were kissing my bicycle, If that were to ever happen I think my bicycle would of deserved it. My bike was a custom designer's dream. It was all specialized starting at the ground and working up. The front wheel was a racing wheel called "The fat-man Araya 48" It was a thicker rim, with more surface area to make more contact with the track to improve traction in cornering and the 48 spokes, not just 36 spokes like the normal wheels have, made it much stronger. A "Ruff and tuff tube", Covered with the best rubber tires made, called "Tioga competition 3". My rear wheel was specialized too, it was called "The Araya thin-Jon 48" with aluminum spoke nipple tips to make the whole wheel 1 lbs. Lighter. Both wheels front and back had the aluminum nipple tips and the comp 3 tires. The rear wheels was much thinner than an average wheel by half which made it much lighter but quite a bit weaker, I ended up replacing it more than once a race, or if it wasn't too bad I'd just get someone on my racing team to quickly straighten it. Page 10 On my bike I even had black GT compection sealed bearing hubs in my wheels made by N.A.S.A. with ceramic bearings that would spin so fast they would make a hissing sound. Just like my 185mm redline flight cranks set did. With margarine based grease allowing them to spin much faster and much longer. I could stop on a dime, my bike was equipped with the best pit-bull braking system complete with a rear titanium brake cable, a custom left handed rear bake lever. I customized the brake pad nuts with new chrome nuts that made them look like shiny dog teeth. My bike even had chrome Redline racing handle bars with black am'e racing handle bar grips, a Dk extended stem, and a clear number plate with a black 7-11 sticker on a angle, covering most of it. Below that a sealed bearing pit-bull head set and to rest my lazy butt on. I had Uni's padded saddle, which was made from this space aged plastic built by N.A.S.A. that costed my sponcer lots and lots. Before I got a sponsor, I couldn't afford a seat and I raced with out one. By doing that it would always cause an upheaval with the track officials and the parents. They would always get upset, turn all red, start stomping up and down, and cry. They thought that I should be disqualified for having no seat. One race I purposely lost, just to see if it was me not having a seat or me beating their kid's pants off. It must be me beating their kids, because in that race no one said nothing about me not having a seat. What a rip, just because I was a little older and I could kick butt on the track, I was penalized. My racing career all started when 7-11 decided to sponsored me. I'm sure those friends in that motorcycle club, I knew, had something to do with encouraging 7-11 to sponsor me. Because every race I won 7-11 would give me and all my friend's free slurpees and a free bag of chips. Secretly, 7-11 was un-loading all their bags of chips that were passed their due dates. Yuckies… I didn't really care because no one got sick and there were kids there I didn't even really know just showing up to get free stuff, it was popularity for me even if it was mundane. I would always try my best for my sponsor, like I'd give it my all to win. I really did love the popularity it brought me. |
The Wolf next Door
I stated a book all about me and my life after my accident. I'm just editting pages 1 to 10 now, hope thats enough to get a flavor about what my books about..
The accident: It all started at about 4:30 in the afternoon when Jamie, one of my best friends, called me on the phone. We had a little brotherly argument about whether the bicycle shop was open or not. He said the bicycle shop was open, I swore to him that it was closed. We nattered back and forth for at least ten minutes, until I said "Put your money where your mouth is!" and offered him a five dollar bet, that I was right; that sort of shut him up. He said lets go down there and see. I was hoping it would not take long because I was invited to my girlfriend's house, at 5:30. She and I were finally going to get to watch some T.V. by ourselves. I thought I could speed up this bet by secretly calling the shop, to find out the outcome a head of time and maybe cheat a little if I could. When I called down there, nobody answered the phone; so I was convinced that the store was closed. Not telling Jamie about my other call, I rode over to his house to pick him up and then we proceeded down to the bicycle shop. I told him, if the store is closed we would turn around and come right back, he agreed with it. I also told him that I was invited to Cindy's house and how I did not want anything to mess it up. She hardly ever had the house to herself due to one of her parents usually always being home. Jamie said "alright Tim LETS GO THEN!" He made it there in a land speed record time just to find the store was close for the evening. As I laughed at him real hard, he got off his bike for a little rest, leaned it up against the store front window and wiped his sweaty hands off. I on the other hand listened to what Cindy said and did not ride like I was on fire, I didn't need a rest. As we were preparing to ride back, the train went by a block away. It must have sent vibrations out because it shook Jamie's bike so hard, the store front window broke. Suddenly, the store owner appeared in his work van. Jamie hopped on his bike pointing down hill, I was pointing up a steep hill, towards my Mom's work, which was two blocks away. The van roared its engin 2-3 times, as to intimidate us, Jamie was off like a shot. Without thinking I also took off with intense speed towards the steep hill. My adrenaline was pumping so much; I could feel it throbbing in my ears. My 185mm crank set and my enlarged front sprocket allowed me to manual ¾ up the steep hill. Jamie and I watched this show about a week earlier that featured turning radiuses. The show was saying that a bicycle with a shorter wheel base could turn faster then a vehicle could. I tried it in an attempt to escape the van. However when I tried it he seemed to stay right behind me, I assumed the show was wrong. As I was peddling down the steep hill, rideing for my life, I franticly turned the wrong way, up another steep hill. By this time I was getting very tired and my legs would not move as fast as I wanted them to. I just started up the second hill when my back racing wheel was nudged. I could not believe that the old man could keep up with my extreme peddling and power turns, he of been speeding. By the time those thoughts were finished I was catapulted into the back of a large parked car. I hit the bumper and the trunk real hard, causing me to crash and roll off the backside of the car. All I could see was a real bright light, it engulfed everything. I couldn't move either; it was like I was not even in my own body. I could hear the van stop and him getting out. I could sense him around me. Then it felt like I was flying… when he rolled me over to take my wallet, to find out who he ran down. After he removed my wallet, he was gone; he probably went to report the situation and just let the ambulance take care of it. Page 1 Wolf Next Door This book is written by me, Cindy Lars, Tim's girlfriend at the time, I try to describe what happens to Tim in his life journey. Lets start a few days before Tim's accident.. as I was waiting to go to work… Eh, like at 6:20 in the damn morning, for my work at 7:00. I saw Tim, the 15 year old boy from up the street, dressed in all black, fly by my house on his B.M.X. bike. I leant from a few of my girl friends, that they called him "The Big Bad Wolf", I wasn't quite sure why, because he wasn't that big and it couldn't be for the amount of money he threw around, like in all those Godfather movies I saw. Tim never had a job in his whole life, but he had the nicest B.M.X. bike out of all the local riders, how did he get that ? I was just barely 14 and I had 2 jobs, I needed to save up for my mom's car, she was gonna sell to me, so I wouldn't have to walk no more, I hated to walk. Tim did too, he rode his bike 24 7, I even saw him and some of his bike rider friends in like 5 feet of snow, riding around in The Co-op parking lot. They were all waiting for the snow plow trucks to finish the streets in the city at 7:00 in the morning. I was very surprised to see them all out of bed that early, come to think about it now, I doubt they even went to bed the night before. Most winter days they would ride around in the freshly plowed streets, hopefully not getting killed by the bad drivers of Nanaimo. That day Tim had a job, not getting killed for me, we talked earlier that week about some of his crazy actions and after talking for hours on end, we finally came up with a way to curb Tim from making me a widow before we even got married. If you ever asked about it, he'd just repeat an old Evil Knevil quote "I don't need to be safe, I'm cautious" and ride away. Before our talk I caught Tim performing for the neighborhood kids by doing dumb little B.M.X. bike tricks, like he'd jump over the local creek by the school, (called the cheese hole) or he'd jump over cars (with people in them), or he'd race the CN day-liner (The local train). I'm sure his other bike rider friends could do the same stunts but, no Tim had to have that popularity, even know he could get hurt and lose it all. That was not on his mind thought, he got a group of kids together that would show off with him, doing little tricks, racing around the track, they even got some other riders together to form a racing team called "The Bike Riders Club". Page 2 Tim's club was made up of mostly, sons from the members of the big motorcycle club, Tim's family was friends with. A friend of mines sisters, brothers, cousin told me that he has a friend that pissed off one of Tim's riders friends and when the friend got home, he found a lot of died animals all over his front yard, like I mean alot. I would never piss Tim off or that could happen to me. Later on, I asked him about all the died animals and he just said, that it could of happend, one of my riders friends knows a hi-ways guy and for a case of beer, he'll dump off a truck load of roadkill to who evers address you give him. That trick being really sick can also be really smelly. Tim's club did mostly everything the motorcycle club did, just not as exstrem, I don't think. cause Tim is a real people pleaser and as a person takes trust and love in all relationships, so I don't think Tim's B.M.X. club could be that bad, as I learnt more about Tim, he seemed to be the most completed person you'll ever learn about, What.. that freak just shot a hole into the table that I'm working at, because I wanted to add something about someone and Opps I put their real name. I'm won't incriminate Tim or any of his friends, that I promise. He really went all hyper vigilant when I told him, I was going to write a book about him and his daily going ons, thats a freaking honner, not something bad. Tim slowly settled down about it as I used my secert way to get him to allow me to write about him. although, he said I needed to change all the names in what I wote and he also wanted me to read it to him after I finished the rough draft. That way he would have the final say in what put in the book and God forbid if we ever broke up I'd have to leave him the book, then out of no where he seemed to of gotten this very offical looking 5 paged contract for me to sign. Tim had older friends and thats where I think he got the contract from. Most of his older friends rode motorcycles, and they were members of that big club, I mentioned. I think Tim Idolized them, but I could be wrong. A few of the motorcycle club members took Tim under their wings and helped him out with his B.M.X. bicycle career. They knew Tim wanted to run a BMX club, and to make Tim's BMX club look and feel more like a real club, he had his motorcycle friends come to the B.M.X. track on race day, he also asked if they could copy some of the motorcycle clubs habits, like going to church on Sundays, or going for real long rides. Page 3 Tim and a few friends rode all the way down to Victoria from Nanaimo, so I've heard. That's a really far trip, over 250 kms away. They went through the Mali-hat hi-way, and hung-out in "Esquimalte" just before Victoria for a rest. Tim and his friends were doing little bike tricks off the streetcurbs, till a few stake boarder kids started yelling and swearing at them. I was told that Tim and Kevin totally lost it and beat up on the kids so bad all their friends ran away. Tim said he only did that because the skaters were swearing and there was a playschool just across the street, those guys should of known better. One of the teachers from the playschool called the police, but before the cops came Tim, Kevin and Jamie went into Esquimalte cycle to look around, after staying in the store for an exstended lenth of time. Tim and his friends, left Eaquimalt cycles to head home, up hill all the way back. I heard through the grapevine, like from Jamies sister, that Jamie said Tim wanted the Cop's to get out of Esquimalt so they could get going. When I talked to Tim, I got a differnt story, he said he wanted to get going earlier, yes. but not to Victoria thats way too freaking tirered to do that. besides if I did that I'd of discomferted my girlfriend and made her stay up worrying all night, that would not of been to cool, cause every guy and girl knows that I would of haved to of pay for it, in some way or anouther. A few mornings later, I was waiting for Tim to ride by my house and pull in to my driveway to say something funny, like he does most mornings. I had the house to my self again, I was going to invite him in for a movie or something and I even was wearing my baby blue pajamas, Tim's favorets, because this cutie brunette didn't have to be at work until 2:30 in the afternoon. When I went out to the end of my driveway to look for him, I couldn't see him, I returned feeling a it sad, I read in the newspaper that my friend Tim (a.k.a. The big bad wolf) was run down by an elderly man in a van, on September the 11th around 5:20 p.m. That was just last night ! Talk about Scary ! bad things seem to happen on the 11th of September, because that's the very same night my kitty-cat got sick and passed away, one year earlier. As I read on further in the paper, hoping for the best, the news-paper said that Tim was hurt so badly, his life would be in for some dramatic changes. Page 4 I think one of Tim's rider friends sweet talked the jounalist lady into wrighting an article about Tim's B.M.X. racing career, prior to his accident. I even think Tim's racing club bought the nice lady lunch. The night Tim got hurt the nanaimo hospital staff redirected him to a hospital in Victoria that was better equipped to handle his injury. (Tim's Mom said it was a blessing in disguise), Its a little further but, Tim could handle it. That's Cool Eh !! Going legally way, way too fast with the lights on and the siren blaring, sounds like fun to me. I remember Tim saying to me before, if he ever did get hurt "all he'd want was for his friends to remain being his friends", so that's what I tried to do for him as much as I could anyway." On the days that I was able to get off of school and work, I'd co-pilot down to Victoria with Tim's Mom, to see him and also make a verbal report to his friends back at school, even though most of Tim's friends didn't go to school, they were all kicked-out or too old to go to school. Tim had lots of friends, in and out of school from the bad *** riders in "The bike riders club" to the little preppie kids like me who had two jobs. One of my jobs was working as an aid, at "The Climbing gym", Tim got that one for me, one of his motorcycle club friends, knew the owner and he was looking for someone who could work full time. My other job was working as a model for an agence that models wedding gowns. That was slow work and it, only happened like twice a month. Although, I would get rides in limos and people would treat me with the utmost respect. I felt that it was a good job, just didn't happen enough. Tim told me that he didn't really want to marry a princess; their heads were way too big. But, he would love to marry a queen. I'll tell you a real funny thing my boss from the gym did to Tim and a few of his rider friends. Tim would always come to my work, to meet with me on my brakes, buy energy bars and stuff, but mainly to see me So, one day my boss hid behind the big dumpster with the fire hose and when Tim and the Riders came to see me, he jumped out and soaked them all. I admit I was rolling on the ground. Not too smart for my boss to do, but pretty funny for me to see, I almosted peeed my self. Luckily that was before the cell phone age. Since Tim got hurt, it's been so quiet at my work, you know, without him coming in to bug me and stuff. I can recall Tim really wanting me to join his riders club. The night he ask me to join, was 10 months from the day we first met, to me it was sort of like an anniversary, I didn't tell him that though. All that night he was so concerned about me joining his dumb little club, something about being safe and not having to work at my 8 dollar an hour gym job all my life. He even gave me the puppy dog look, those eyes. Dam, those eyes.. they made me do so many things I never wanted to do in the first place. He's bad for me, I know it.. but really he's always treated me real, real good; I think he's a good guy for me. Page 5 My Mommy doesn't really like his friends, she says the're all a bunch of bad fellows just trying to be like that motorcycle club too much. I think Tim shouldThrough the ins and outs of our relationship we had grown very close and we were convinced that we had the gift of E.S.P. or something like that, because we could talk to each other with our minds or I should really say we could feel each others feelings, yeah that sounds a little better. Tim and I would even spend hours on the phone without saying a word. Our parents thought we were really weird, but hey that's what kids do best. One day we had a fright, Tim told me that he was way too matue to play those little kid games and that he was only playing along with it, so I'd kiss him and stuff. I cried for a day straight, thinking why he would do that, I don't think that was completely true, he felt the power of our minds and he was scared. Anyways that enough said about that... because I'm alittle ashamied to share, what was going on in our teenaged heads. That weekend was our AC/DC party we held at the Newstead's house. Tim hung out with Jamie a lot and I was friends with Jamie's sister Heather. Their Mom's boyfriend "Ken" won some money at the casino, he paid for a cover band to come play for us, they wernt the real thing, but still it was good music. Heather was knowen as "The redhead with an attitude", thanks to Tim. I couldn't really see why he did that, maybe its was because her brother rode with Tim in "The Bike riders club" or maybe Tim like her more then a friend and things went sour. Heather and I planned out this whole party, we'd started the party up early so, we could just sit around and drink, watching all the hottie guys show up. The band wasn't gonna leave untill 4 in the morning. Tim showed up in the middle of the third song with Jamie and a guy named Kevin, they rode in all stoned. Tim wasn't at the party to drink, unlike me. He just came to smoke up a bit more, listen to some good music, act all cool, kiss a few girls, then go home before 2. I got really sick from all that drinking and had to ask my girlfriends to walk me home before the band left, just when Tim was leaving, (what a Coincidence). I could have asked Tim to walk me home, but, I'm sure I'd start kissing him and end up doing something he'd hate me for the next day, or worse yet I'd end up getting sick all over him or that bike that he loved more than life itself. Page 6 Alright man.. This is were I, Timothy Sebastian Wolf the second, feel that I need to take over these writings, to tell you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me god.. Well, to start off with, it was more like she dumped me after she giltted me out for a day straight, all about the things she won't be able to do with a boyfriend like me, (that's saying a boyfriend in a wheelchair, nicely). I decided that unfortunately she was right, Shh. don't tell anyone but, woman usually are. She acted way too young to every truly understand my injury. So sadly, I agreed to end it and without any conflicts with the law, she made me promise that too, I guess she heard about the Tracey incident. This time I was older and I felt that I could act more like an adult through my hard times. I knew it was coming though; she was pissing me off way too much, with her little anouwing things, that I thought were oh so cute' in the begining, but time went on, and they turned out to be just that, little anouwing things. I learned from a friend, about 3 days before Cindy and I had our little Talk, she already found a new boyfriend; his name was "John", "John Weber" a real winner in my books, anyways another friend of mine and I always used to call him (Zeus) because he was like twice the size of us. I guess he was just one of those kids that grew up way faster then the rest of us did, it wasn't fair he always got chosen to be captain of all the sports teams, and he got all the girls phone numbers. He'd also hang out with the pocket protector geeks just to get extra brownie points with the teachers, man I hated him. Probaly because we were always competing for a girl. The school opened up the biggest competition ever, which was to be the prince of the school, which went on in grade 11 so the winner could enjoy the honor in grade 12 for the whole school year. But, before I could really get into it, I got hurt in my accident and instead of me continuing the fight, I had to resign. I just couldn't really carry on in the competition with out being in the same city as my freaking school. So, John Weber was crowned prince of the school. Lot's of my schoolmates thought it was only because I resigned, that he won. Maybe so but, I'm sure he could do a good job. (I don't want to look all sour about not winning), people already knew who the real prince was. I deserved the honor; it was me who owned the Charity that put our high school on the map. Page 7 I was the popular big shot in our school, although John did do some stuff for the school but, it was mainely, to better himself and if the school was mentioned all the better. He was just popular though his sporting resume. My passed school records weren't the best so I think, well I know thats what held me back from kicking total butt on this competition and then there was Cindy's feelings. I already knew that John didn't like me that much, I don't know why, Cindy's Mom thought it might have something to do with being such a good friend to his girlfriend. He should really grow up about that, to make it worst, some of my friends, alright, all my friends were tormenting him and saying "Make it fair and resgin too" by not resigning from the competition, people will start to hate you, John never did regin and people didn't really start to hate him. I went back to my school for a visit, every one bowed. My favorite woodworking teacher Mr. Long even bowed to me and that toldaly made my day. I'm not dumb or nothing.. I know all the bowing was more of a joke but, still it showed me, that they still respected me, and still wanted to joke and laugh with me, even though I was drooling, couldn't really speak to fast or nothing. That just pushed John even farther over the edge, he couldn't handle being in the real world. Ya know, being around people with challenges and stuff. Lots of students were real consered, John didn't want to be around me it made him all sad and he started drinking like a fish, not those little colorful fish ya see at the aquarium, but big loser stergins. I thought that would have ended the relationship between Cindy and John, but no Cindy started to hit the bottle too. Monkey see, monkey do. In the beginning I was blinded from any of Cindy's wrong doings… That was until I found out it was those two drunks who tried framing me for pulling the school fire alarm. Once that happened she was out of my good thought areas completely, hearing that almost made me cry, we were such good friends in the beginning. Then John came between us, now I don't really even want her as a friend, those two drunks deserve each other, I guess it was all the alcohol that changed her into a total freak. My Mom told me to make up a pro's and con's list, to find out if she was a good or a bad friend, I was did that and it turned out that she wasn't a good friend at all. I think it was that she was really, really sexy looking, could I of been covering up all of her wrong doings, just to have a beautiful girl around me. Page 8 I wish I didn't buy Cindy that promise ring, Well, maybe. It did push John even farther over the edge and almost broke them up. I guess that would of been good, on the other hand it could of been real bad. Cindy could of started being my girlfriend and if John ever caught us together, he would of really freak-out and maybe even tried to kill us or something. I admit after being around Cindy enough she had you under a spell, were you would do anything for her. Just like clock work after doing everything with Cindy, I found out that she was just like any other girl I dated, she started to really piss me off and yes I imadgend killing her, but ya know nothing would of really made me go through with it. I had this idea to push her out my 3rd level hospital bedroom window, I could of just blamed it on my injury. It would have worked to, the latch on the window was broke and all. I'd only have to say was we were play-fighting and she fell out. "Like oh no" I could of pulled it off, I'm sure of it. 2 reasons I wouldn't do that, reason 1, I ain't no murderer and reason 2, I couldn't stand, seeing John try this best at making my life a living hell. The next day she came over just to scream at me for all the time I made her waste, trying to write a book about me. After she finished, I told her "think back chick, it was your idea in the first place". Alright now, I'm in the process of take the book over, here I am all alone at a hospital bench writing the ending to her dumb little book, or I should say my book. What a stupid idea; only a female could and would ever write about something as serious as a man's close call with death and tell all the little things that shouldn't ever be shared. Well, on the other hand, I feel by completing this book, it could end up helping me in the long run. That's just part of my Mom coming out in me, I'm sure of it. I'll keep working on it, just to prove Cindy wrong, ya know, she said it would never get written unless she wrote it. I'll become a writer, make a few changes. Still tell the truth, that way I can still impress all the girls who read it. Plus it'll really help explain "why I am the way I am". Sevrel months after Tim got hurt, he started really flipping out and stuff. The nurses tryed to explained to me that Tim was going through an aggressive stage in his recovery. Despite that being hard to understand, I continued to visit with him as long and as much as I could. Tim's mom shared some of her beliefs that Tim always knew when I was there and that really helped him in his recovery. Page 9 Let's talk about something really cool and very important to my story, my B.M.X. bicycle. I tried to get Cindy to include it in her earlier writings. But, no… she said that it wasn't important enough. I think she's wrong about it because it tells the readers how dedicated I was to the B.M.X. sport, riding every day, it's also the bike I was run down on. I think that makes the whole whacked-out story right there, or maybe it's just a guy thing, feeling that my bike needs to get some of the honor it deserves. Here goes nothing... The bike I owned was a Robinson frame with P.k. landing gear made out of titanium metal, the lightest and strongest metal known to man kind. The Boy's down at the Harley shop painted it up for me, they found me this really cool new paint. It would change color from a jet black into a hot pink, just like the "Hot wheels" cars do. I'm sure it was the same kind of paint just add a few more zeros and call it custom show paint. That paint would change color depending on the temperature of the air around it. On the day I brought my bike to school to show it off, all my friends were touching it and breathing on it, tring to make the color change. Very humorus, my teacher took some pictures and the next day when the pictures were developed, it looked like all my classmates were kissing my bicycle, If that were to ever happen I think my bicycle would of deserved it. My bike was a custom designer's dream. It was all specialized starting at the ground and working up. The front wheel was a racing wheel called "The fat-man Araya 48" It was a thicker rim, with more surface area to make more contact with the track to improve traction in cornering and the 48 spokes, not just 36 spokes like the normal wheels have, made it much stronger. A "Ruff and tuff tube", Covered with the best rubber tires made, called "Tioga competition 3". My rear wheel was specialized too, it was called "The Araya thin-Jon 48" with aluminum spoke nipple tips to make the whole wheel 1 lbs. Lighter. Both wheels front and back had the aluminum nipple tips and the comp 3 tires. The rear wheels was much thinner than an average wheel by half which made it much lighter but quite a bit weaker, I ended up replacing it more than once a race, or if it wasn't too bad I'd just get someone on my racing team to quickly straighten it. Page 10 On my bike I even had black GT compection sealed bearing hubs in my wheels made by N.A.S.A. with ceramic bearings that would spin so fast they would make a hissing sound. Just like my 185mm redline flight cranks set did. With margarine based grease allowing them to spin much faster and much longer. I could stop on a dime, my bike was equipped with the best pit-bull braking system complete with a rear titanium brake cable, a custom left handed rear bake lever. I customized the brake pad nuts with new chrome nuts that made them look like shiny dog teeth. My bike even had chrome Redline racing handle bars with black am'e racing handle bar grips, a Dk extended stem, and a clear number plate with a black 7-11 sticker on a angle, covering most of it. Below that a sealed bearing pit-bull head set and to rest my lazy butt on. I had Uni's padded saddle, which was made from this space aged plastic built by N.A.S.A. that costed my sponcer lots and lots. Before I got a sponsor, I couldn't afford a seat and I raced with out one. By doing that it would always cause an upheaval with the track officials and the parents. They would always get upset, turn all red, start stomping up and down, and cry. They thought that I should be disqualified for having no seat. One race I purposely lost, just to see if it was me not having a seat or me beating their kid's pants off. It must be me beating their kids, because in that race no one said nothing about me not having a seat. What a rip, just because I was a little older and I could kick butt on the track, I was penalized. My racing career all started when 7-11 decided to sponsored me. I'm sure those friends in that motorcycle club, I knew, had something to do with encouraging 7-11 to sponsor me. Because every race I won 7-11 would give me and all my friend's free slurpees and a free bag of chips. Secretly, 7-11 was un-loading all their bags of chips that were passed their due dates. Yuckies… I didn't really care because no one got sick and there were kids there I didn't even really know just showing up to get free stuff, it was popularity for me even if it was mundane. I would always try my best for my sponsor, like I'd give it my all to win. I really did love the popularity it brought me. |
Mighty Wheels
Mighty Wheels Group is real goup that looks out for people see we don't like mall ratts or old men who don't wash their hands after using the restroom/washroom it spreeds greams or even disease.
Mighty Wheels
its other people who get sick from you, not washing your hands.. I'm not worried about your hygiene at all.
no sick old men
no man, you just got cooked
Mighty Wheels
So, your saying your dick is sooo small you don't need to hold it when you pee..
no sick old men
I hear ya, and maybe your right, just think of that when the gressy haired dude serves you your fries with his bare hands, huh.. finger licking good.
no sick old men
This deals with your heath The Mighty Wheels Group, was talking about sick thing.. I told them that I caught four older guys who never washed their hands before leaving the restroom/washroom and entered the mall. Now I feel that washing hands should be police better by the mall. What do you think ?? please leave me your feedback..
Mighty Wheels
The Mighty Wheels group, was talking about sick thing.. I told them that I caught four older guys that never washed their hands before leaving the restroom/washroom and entering the mall. Now I feel that washing hands should be police better by the mall. What do you think ??
Mighty Wheels
Edited by
Mon 03/29/10 08:36 PM
The Mighty Wheels group, was talking about sick thing.. Just the day before I catch 4 guys who never washed thier hands before entering the mall. Now I feel that washing hands should be police better by the mall. What do you think ?? I have an idea ..
Mighty Wheels
I have a plain, trying to start a group to encourage city of Edmonton to repair the sidewalks for people who use wheels to get around, wheelchairs, baby strollers, ect. What do you think ??