Community > Posts By > JohnDavidDavid
I have recently been receiving a number of winks, comments, contacts from young women in foreign countries.
Have I suddenly become irresistible to beautiful young women -- or is it more reasonable to conclude that scamming has increased? |
Guess what? I don't give a shiney shite what you say that I'm ethically responsible to do. There's no legal obligation to restrain a dog that's just being friendly. Maybe in whatever fascist state you want to live in but not here. I really don't like the patronising way that you're trying to say that I'm doing that by having a dog.
People often become emotional when they personalize general comments (i.e., think the "shoe fits") -- and become defensive. |
Who or What is God?
Do you consider abortions Murder?
Red Herring? Of course it is -- but those who use that as a "debate" tactic often don't even know the meaning of "red herring" much less how to discuss a topic rationally. |
Who or What is God?
truth hurts religion the most, because the church leaders can't scare people into doing what they want...
Agree Truth and knowledge surpass mysticism and superstition. Religion is declining in developed nations and increasing in undeveloped. It is easy to convince large numbers of people who are uneducated, uninformed, and/or unintelligent that invisible, undetectable "gods" or "spirits" are responsible for natural phenomena. |
Who or What is God?
just because you don't understand something doesn't mean a god did it,
EXACTLY As human societies learn more about real world cause-and-effect relationships there is less need for "goddidit" When the causes of common diseases were unknown they were attributed to "sin" or "displeasing god" -- but as knowledge increased the true causes (microbes) were identified and there was no need for the "god explanation." When atmospheric processes seemed mysterious, droughts, floods, and storms were attributed to "gods" or "spirits", but as we learned more about the real world it became apparent that those are natural events associated with atmospheric conditions. Etc. We are a long way from complete understanding of nature -- but we can keep learning IF we actually seek knowledge rather than "miracle" explanations. Unfortunately, many even in modern society prefer to believe in the miraculous rather than seeking truthful and accurate information. |
if your dog jumps up on someone or makes physical contact in any way with someone who does not want that contact... it is definitively forcing the dog on them.
Well said, sweetestgirl11. Owners ARE ethically responsible for the actions of their pets, and a responsible owner does not allow their pet to inflict itself in any way where it is unwelcome. . . . Regarding "unconditional love" from an animal: Those who need or want that sort of relationship are certainly entitled to have one. It may, however, discourage a love relationship with a human who does not have similar needs. |
God vs. Santa
good luck
Thank you. However, I do not depend on "luck" but on information, reasoning, and verification of claims. I have no interest in the belief choices of others -- but do have interest in knowledge that is based on truth and accuracy (not upon emotion, opinion, conjecture, ancient tales, testimonials, fanciful claims -- none of which can be shown to be true). When supernaturalists make grandiose claims for their favorite "god" in PUBLIC, I often question those claims. |
Can it be true?
If you doubt that supernaturals dont exist,come to Africa and one old man in the village would turn you to reptile in seconds.I'm saying what i've seen happen many times.There are powers that make things to happen,including convincing some people to doubt the existence of God,heaven,hell,etc.Doubt no more! You have seen men turned to snakes multiple times? Could you go into that a little farther? Long ago and far away, shrouded in ignorance and superstition, all sorts of magical things are claimed to have happened -- some by "good" spirits and some by "evil" ones. Some are claimed to change humans into snakes and others are claimed to turn water into wine. What the tales have in common is complete lack of verification. Anyone can claim anything but cannot show that they speak truth. Testimonials, hearsay, legends, fables and folk tales "prove" only that lips or pens are moving and that someone promotes an agenda. so u do not believe in evil either? Someone asked you to clarify that you had seen people turned into snakes -- perhaps because that seems like a far-fetched or delusional claim. You now change the subject to the existence of evil. Some people are quick to ASSume that they know or understand what others think or believe. Many do a quick word dance to avoid acknowledging that their opinions are based on unverifiable tales, fantasy, wishful thinking, folk tales, conjecture, etc. Notice that I emphasize VERIFICATION -- that means to show that what is said is true and accurate. Some may actually believe tales about "men into snakes" -- which is their business PERSONALLY. However, here you are attempting to tell others that the tales are true -- and readers have every right (and perhaps a responsibility) to ask why they should accept your word. |
Who or What is God?
Do you consider abortions Murder?
What does that question have to do with a genocidal "god?" Changing the subject to avoid acknowledging dastardly deeds attributed to "god" in bible stories? It has everything to do with it. u say this horrible elohim is genocidal. Abortion is Genocidal. Just because our govt . says it is ok does not mean it is not murder. you want to speak of genocide then abortion is the Killing of defenseless babies. Thank you for your OPINION that abortion equates to a tale about a "god" that supposedly kills every person and living thing on an entire PLANET. SOME religious people consider abortion to be murder. Others do not and religious women have more abortions than non-religious women It is murder. when a car accident happens and a mother looses her baby its murder but if she does it its ok. that's hogwash it either is or is not. that's the world u live in a fantasy one where you make rules then change them whatever fits most peoples fantasies
I make no rules. "Gods" make no rules (except in the minds of followers, fanatics, preachers and "prophets." Societies make rules for their citizens. Some societies, fortunately and wisely, do not allow theocracy (rule by religion). |
God vs. Santa
Do u believe their has never been a miracle ever?
"Miracle" can be defined different ways (Merriam Webster Dictionary): 1) an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs 2) an extremely outstanding or unusual event, thing, or accomplishment I accept number two but prefer to use the term "unusual" rather than "miracle" to avoid implying that supernatural spirits or gods were involved. When something unusual happens in apparent conflict with nature and its cause cannot be determined, I do not hesitate to say "I don't know" rather than make up or accept a supernatural "explanation" that cannot be shown to be truthful and accurate. Many people use the term "miracle" to mean "anything I do not understand" -- such as when a person recovers from a terrible injury or illness (or when they pass a college course they were thought to be failing). I have not encountered evidence of "divine intervention" -- only numerous unverifiable tales and testimonials claiming to KNOW that "gods" were involved. Some bible tales COULD be true, some could be partially true, some could be completely untrue. Which ones can be shown to be true? What is your purpose on a religion forumn when u do not believe at all?
It is a public forum that is not limited to supernaturalists. I often choose to question public statements that claim KNOWLEDGE of supernatural events or entities. Trying to convert us?
It is of no concern to me what anyone believes or which of the thousands of proposed "gods" they choose to worship or idolize. Responses by religionists may well have the effect of DE-converting others. The more irrational and emotional the posts the more likely they are to have negative effect on readers. Religious promotion, propaganda, advertising, proselytizing deserves a response. |
Who or What is God?
it is for sure u do not understand what was happening why he said to kill all of them.
Is me who does not understand about the homicidal / genocidal "god" in bible stories? Isn't there a tale about "him" killing every person and every living thing on Earth (save some on a cruise) because the people were "wicked" (didn't worship him and follow his orders)? In fact, there are a lot of tales about a bloodthirsty "god" in the bible. Apologists attempt to explain or excuse genocide (and have often followed the example themselves). Do you consider abortions Murder? What does that question have to do with a genocidal "god?" Changing the subject to avoid acknowledging dastardly deeds attributed to "god" in bible stories? |
God vs. Santa
Do u believe their has never been a miracle ever?
"Miracle" can be defined different ways (Merriam Webster Dictionary): 1) an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs 2) an extremely outstanding or unusual event, thing, or accomplishment I accept number two but prefer to use the term "unusual" rather than "miracle" to avoid implying that supernatural spirits or gods were involved. When something unusual happens in apparent conflict with nature and its cause cannot be determined, I do not hesitate to say "I don't know" rather than make up or accept a supernatural "explanation" that cannot be shown to be truthful and accurate. Many people use the term "miracle" to mean "anything I do not understand" -- such as when a person recovers from a terrible injury or illness (or when they pass a college course they were thought to be failing). I have not encountered evidence of "divine intervention" -- only numerous unverifiable tales and testimonials claiming to KNOW that "gods" were involved. |
Who or What is God?
it is for sure u do not understand what was happening why he said to kill all of them.
Is me who does not understand about the homicidal / genocidal "god" in bible stories? Isn't there a tale about "him" killing every person and every living thing on Earth (save some on a cruise) because the people were "wicked" (didn't worship him and follow his orders)? In fact, there are a lot of tales about a bloodthirsty "god" in the bible. Apologists attempt to explain or excuse genocide (and have often followed the example themselves). |
Rather than complain about those who have preferences that do not match yours, why not use that time to get to know those with similar preferences? Complaining isn't going to change people's preferences.
The "complaint" was registered against society in general rather than anyone's individual preferences. I fully accept that very few women share my values, interests, preferences -- and thus regard this venue as entertainment rather than as a place to meet someone compatible (since I don't watch television or movies). Of course, there is a chance of the "needle in a haystack", but I am quite content and fulfilled in a solo lifestyle. Perhaps a magnet would help find a needle? That "magnet" might be expressing ideas in a forum -- that strike a chord with a like-minded person? |
God vs. Santa
those who refuse to see never will..
Yes, those who refuse to see (learn about) the real world around them will continue to "explain" events as the product of "miracles" or interference by unseen, undetectable "spirits" or "gods." According to many religionists diseases, droughts, storms, etc are caused by "sins" or "curses" or "displeasing gods" -- and recovery is a "blessing" or an "answer to prayer" -- but most seek medical attention when ill or injured (perhaps consciously or subconsciously recognizing that science / medical knowledge is far more likely to help them than "prayer." |
Who or What is God?
If you don't believe what the Bible says, how can you believe there's God?
The "god" of the bible is only one of thousands proposed, worshiped, feared, loved by humans. MANY believe in "gods" that are not biblical You think Bible is a hoax? No, it isnt.
Theologians and scholars who study the bible seem to agree that SOME stories are literally true, while others are parables (fictional story making a religious or moral point), folklore, plagiarized from earlier religions, fables, legends, etc. It becomes problematic to decide (on reasonable grounds) which tales are true and which are some form of fiction or fantasy. Literalists, those who believe the bible is literally true, are declining as education increases. The bible is losing "authority" in developed nations while gaining in undeveloped areas. |
. . . I am judged as a bad person because I chose not to care for kids or pets 24/7.
EXACTLY Majority opinion seems to be "If you don't LOVE kids and pets (24/7) you can't be a very good person" (and if you don't worship / idolize one of the "gods" you must be a TERRIBLE person). What is it about kids and pets that imparts "goodness?" If a person is an upstanding citizen, honest, dependable, generous, willing to help those in need, etc, etc -- but prefers to interact with adult humans vs. relating to kids and pets -- WHY, exactly, are they "bad" or "not very good?" If religion makes a person "good", why are most incarcerated criminals Christians -- and why is the divorce rate among religious people as high or higher than that of non-religious couples? |
Once upon a time it seemed like my objective was a serious relationship.
However, that has changed over time toward friendship rather than close relationship for a couple reasons: 1) I am enjoying being single and not "seeing" anyone, and 2) on-line "dating" seems to be primarily fantasy. Even encountering someone with whom to spend pleasant time occasionally is unlikely (in my experience). |
Who or What is God?
so you think god is a thief?
A god is depicted in the bible as homicidal and genocidal -- far worse than a thief -- kills entire populations because they don't worship him. |
God vs. Santa
Edited by
Fri 01/31/14 08:45 AM
It's your loss.
What, exactly, do you propose that I "lose" by not idolizing or worshiping one of the "gods"? You lose the knowledge. your heart I will not judge I gladly forgo "knowledge" that cannot be shown to be anything more than imagination, fantasy or fiction |