Community > Posts By > ShadowSeeker
What your favoirte movie?
This is a tough one, a really tough one... you've all said some really great ones! I'm going to go with...
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back The Matrix The Princess Bride & Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves |
Players and Dogs Beware !!!!
![]() ![]() ![]() that was cute! |
The smoke & mirrors is ridiculous. it's alwsy libs who keep pushing the standards of decency & privacy but want to hollar when they are the ones in the hot seat for going too far. I know where they can stick their "prove it" mentality. I have the eyes to see the reality. I don't hide my head in the sand. Take that arguement elsewhere. I'm just sick to death that when you think DEMS can't get any lower they still find more ways to lower their lowlife standards. It's disgusting but they are shameless. No standards do they cherish but their own cheap thrills. Wow... this is good... I ask for clarification and I get nothing. Surprising... If you don't want anyone to actually discuss this, then why bring it to the board? Your position would be better served by backing it up with fact. I can cut and paste too, but it wouldn't do any good if I couldn't explain my position. |
Hmm, I'm not sure if this really has as much to do with privacy as it does with security. There's really nothing out there that says we are granted the right to privacy of email or other electronically transferred material. In fact there are several instances where ISPs must turn over that information. I know it's outlined U.S.C Chapter 121 about stored information which this would relate to. I'm not sure, but it probably says something about it in the Patriot Act. The issue here is Internet security and I'm sorry, you really can't blame LIBS for ineffectual security. Hmm, do I really want a VP who can't even protect her own information? I kid... but it's a little sickening to hear how this is some LIB conspiracy and they're going to take all my privacy away.... Funny, sounds a lot like the Patriot Act to me. Oh yeah, that's to protect me, right? This actually protects me too. Ends justify the means? Hardly, but at least let's get the words straight. Yes well the only ones who would be irresponsible & arrogant enough to use it on their fellow Americans would be a LIB. THAT WAS MY POINT! Thank you for expressing the obvious. Wait... we shouldn't check up on everyone.... if they are American under the Patriot Act? Only a Lib would attack a fellow American? Is that what I'm supposed to get from that? Huh... I don't think that's the best idea. We do have homegrown terrorists after all. Imagine that... Though... this, I highly doubt had ANYTHING to do with the Patriot Act. I still think you missed my point. This is not a privacy issue, it's a basic Internet security issue. LIBS did NOT do this. HACKERS did this. Did you check their voter registration cards? Do not be so quick to judge and condemn is my point unless you have facts and you address the true issue which is not if a Lib or a Con would do it, but that ANYONE could do it and that it is unfair no matter what and should be looked into more closely IMO anyway because it is ILLEGAL. We could go around in circles on this, but please though, tell my how this is a LIB attack on Ms Palin... sounds like it's an attack on another human by people with way too much time on their hands. I highly doubt the other side isn't trying to do the same thing. It's politics. You have to take everything with a grain of salt and surmise the best truth you can, because that's all you have a chance to do on this side of the fence. |
Hmm, I'm not sure if this really has as much to do with privacy as it does with security. There's really nothing out there that says we are granted the right to privacy of email or other electronically transferred material. In fact there are several instances where ISPs must turn over that information. I know it's outlined U.S.C Chapter 121 about stored information which this would relate to. I'm not sure, but it probably says something about it in the Patriot Act.
The issue here is Internet security and I'm sorry, you really can't blame LIBS for ineffectual security. Hmm, do I really want a VP who can't even protect her own information? I kid... but it's a little sickening to hear how this is some LIB conspiracy and they're going to take all my privacy away.... Funny, sounds a lot like the Patriot Act to me. Oh yeah, that's to protect me, right? This actually protects me too. Ends justify the means? Hardly, but at least let's get the words straight. |
The basis of the whole thing is definitely sound. I know they're linked to that American Artist show, but if this really is their site or not I have no idea. Though I think if you're actually interested in it, definitely go for it!
Deep... this just reminds me that I need to finish my Intro to Philosophy homework for tomorrow. Though, isn't that kind of saying that reality is philosophy if you work with the definition that philosophy is made up of fields or families and this being metaphysics is just that study? Of course then we're really getting into the idea of supernaturalists and materialists...and woa... yeah... I so need to finish my homework. I'm completely confusing myself.
Hmm, what could it hurt? If they're not asking for money and you've checked them out to the best of your ability then there's no harm in seeing where it goes. I've always been a bit leery of craigslist as the only thing I seem to find there are random hookups or just random hookers, but you never know... stranger things have been known to happen. There's no law that says you can't back out if you get a weird vibe or it just turns out to not be what you want. Good luck with whatever you choose!
Wow... that's shocking, mmm but then maybe not. My mom let me drive a whole a year before I was legally allowed to drive. Granted, I did grow up surrounded my fields and it was never on even a remotely major road and I don't think I was allowed to turn once, but I was still driving the car. I don't think it would matter so much if it hadn't ended so badly. I guess though, it all depends on your child and what they're capable of handling. I've been driving for twelve years and I probably shouldn't have a license. What's the right age? I just don't think you can set it across the board and not catch a problem either way.I feel for the kid though. I can't even imagine that kind of thing happening at eleven. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have run though. I'd still be passed out behind the wheel.
Hello Hello
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! It already seems like so much fun.
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Tattoos, ok or not?
![]() But Little House on the Prarie... cancel? No no no... that I cannot possibly allow... ![]() |
Tattoos, ok or not?
That's a good question. I wish I could remember what my pastor once said about it, but I can't. I don't know that we should say that just because it is in the Old Testament we should disregard it or not give it much weight though. I mean, the ten commandments is there as well. I'm pretty sure we still shouldn't commit adultery. Also, the word of God doesn't come with an expiration date, so if we are to follow the word of the Lord, it shouldn't matter where it is. I mean, I'm pretty sure God could see further than a few hundred years, I mean come on, he's God. That would suck if he didn't have a plan, right?
That being said, you have to question or wonder how you figure out what to follow or not follow. I think it's in Leviticus as well where it states that you shouldn't mix your cotton and you silk and do not plant another crop over the last one next year. If you do these things you will be punished. The fashion law throws me a bit, but I haven't really heard too much about the sin of fashion barring you from heaven, so I don't know... I think in the end you ask what you believe and go with it. I'm going to hell if that principle is true, so maybe my opinion doesn't really count. |
Racism is stupid. There. That's my view.
OK, so all joking aside... Here's a lovely debate or maybe a socialogical exploration, because more often than not, any debate supposedly about racism ends up being about something completely different. We're not going to end this discussion at any point during human existence. As long as there is a concept of race, there will be racism. As long as we are human we will create a reason of why we are superior to someone else. I don't have a problem with racism as a concept or ideal or whatever you want to call it as long as it doesn't infringe on my safety and basic rights as a resident of planet earth. Hate me or love me, I really don't care. Pull a gun on me or try to hang me and we might have a problem. Of course, we'd have a problem with that even if your reason was because I was in the wrong place at the right time and not the color of my skin. The problem with racism isn't the hatred of another race. If we said I hate you and let you go on your merry way who would care? It is how that hate or in some cases just this idea that one race is better and therefore should have more opportunity oppresses the other race(s). Not hate, but just as killing to the soul. Hate me and I'll ignore you and we all go to work tomorrow, kiss our kids good night, pay our bills and go on. If only it were that easy. The fact will always be that there are people who won't like you for a lot of reasons. Most of these people won't ever lay eyes on you. Can you change that? Does it even matter? Not really, if it were only about hate. I don't like cauliflower. I hate it, one might say. I therefore choose to not eat it, not buy it or grow it or have anything to do with cauliflower when I can help it. If somehow a stray floret crosses my path, I leave it be. I don't stab it repeatedly screaming with my eyes rolled back. I leave it alone. If somehow it gets into my mixed vegetables I don't get rid of the rest of the vegetables. I eat them and leave the cauliflower. Not all vegetables are bad so no reason not to enjoy my carrots. This chick is bent right? Not really, it's just that I could hate all vegetables because I hate cauliflower. That would be within my rights I would think. I could boycott cauliflower growers or sabotage their crops. I could go around and commit produce murder or refuse services to anyone having to do with cauliflower. Why not take them out too, after all, they are contributing to this evil cauliflower plot. I could take this to an even more insanely satirical level, but my point is it is not my hatred of cauliflower that matters. It's what I do with my hatred of cauliflower. And what are we to do about those actions or re-actions? That is the debate I think is more interesting. Is it possible for racism to exist and not affect the people beyond a base level opinion or conjecture? Is racism the cause or the effect? Does it ever end or does it give way to a new way of establishing superiority? As in, by not being preceived as racist, we are therefore better than you? If racism doesn't go away, do we care if it is wrong? I don't know the answers, but I still have my carrots. I'll leave the cauliflower for the rest to decipher. |
Hello Hello
Hi all
![]() I've never enjoyed introducing myself. I never know what to say! This seemed like it might be a fun site, so here I am. I won't bore you with the details, you can check my pfrofile for that, but I wanted to say hello to all! I hope to meet some wonderful people. I'm sure we all hope to find that wonderful someone, but I hope to make smoe good friends as well. Be well and Be safe! Shadow |