Community > Posts By > GOALLTHEWAY
To Serious
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Thu 10/02/08 05:04 PM
Freedom of speech is one thing....bashing others is another...and against the's just a lovely place for friends to visit, laugh, cry, support one another...and personally I feel it should be done in a respectable way...we have enough hatred int he world...isn't it nice to have a place to go where you know people DO care? Freedom of speech is one thing....bashing others is another...and against the rules No, it's all freedom of speech... Where did you get the idea that there were limits set on freedom of speech????????? As long as it does not endanger another human being you can say what you want..... |
Palin vs. Biden
Maybe because McCain is 72 and has had recurring cancer. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa That sure is funny. I hear Osama…I mean Obama has recurring Militant Muslim disease. . Now thats Funny!!!!!!!!!!! |
To Serious
Too serious? Not my place to say ![]() Brest Cancer is serious. Offending some one on this site is not. I mean no one has the RIGHT to be NOT OFFENDED. Some people act as if they have been raped or stabbed because some one else does not agree with their politics, sexual orientation, or the way they express them selves. What ever happened to freedom of speech?? I mean I don’t really know anyone personally on here and I really don’t care what anyone here thinks…well there are a few people who I have come to respect but other then them I don’t care. |
To Serious
Some people take this site a bit to seriously dont you think??
Palin vs. Biden
October 02,2008
The debate starts at 9:00pm EST. tonight. This has been a public service announcment.. Be Yourself SARAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO SARAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO SARAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO SARAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO SARAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO SARAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Break me down,
you got a lovely face, we're going to your place now you got to freak me out Scream so loud, getting ****ing laid, you want me to stay but I got to make my way 2x Chorus: Hey! You’re a crazy *****, but you **** so good I'm on top of it. When I dream I'm doing you all night, Scratches all down my back to keep me right on. |
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Thu 10/02/08 03:55 PM
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Hey's life in the big city??? |
Nobody ever says
Food taster for a Dictator.
Nobody ever says
My cell mates Bi#tch.
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Thu 10/02/08 03:33 PM
![]() ![]() Do you really think so??? |
I had sex with a duck once and it was GREAT!!! because her feet paddled my balls during the act. And when I got done they were almost flat ......WOW Do you think that is why I am still single????????? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() No. |
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Thu 10/02/08 06:49 AM
I had sex with a duck once and it was GREAT!!!
Because her feet paddled my balls during the act. And I'll tell you what, by the time I was done she almost paddled them flat ......WOW Do you think that is why I am still single????????? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Afroetaste of a DEM Majority
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Wed 10/01/08 06:14 PM
it just goes to show that you can no longer tell the difference between democrats or much for the "two" party people are so screwed.... ![]() I am a Registered Independent. That means that I will kill any communist that gets in the United States of America’s way. Weather it be economically, socially, mentally or physically ...what ever it takes to defeat communism at any price and at any personal cost...PERIOD!!!!!!! Good Night. I am NOT Joking here. pleeeze...thats so "john waynish" its pathetic...Im sure the Independents are just thrilled to tears to have you on their side.... ![]() 1. People who do not live in our Great Nation should shut their mouths about it's internal politics. 2. I told you that I am Dead Serious about what I said. I am not playing with you. I hate scum that worships a system of government that has only murdered and enslaved its people through the centuries. A person would have to be mentally ill to embrace such a culture of hate and death as communism. 3. I have served in my countries military. I am not John Wayne, this is not a movie.. And I am not worried about doing something that I have done before. you should take a closer look at your country's history before you start pointing fingers...I will comment on any country's internal politics as I like..this is a public forum open to everyone, if you dont like it, go find a private one where you can comment comfortably segregated from the rest of the world..people like you are the reason why your country gets attacked and you cant walk safely on foreign soil unless you say your Canadian.... I hope for your sake and your children’s sake that our two nations "REAL" interest never collide. Because on that day your nation will cease to exist. Good Night Is it really necessary to talk to someone on this site like that?? I am saying that I HOPE nothing bad ever happens to them if their nation ever acts on a anti American agenda...why is that bad???? |
Afroetaste of a DEM Majority
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Wed 10/01/08 06:06 PM
it just goes to show that you can no longer tell the difference between democrats or much for the "two" party people are so screwed.... ![]() I am a Registered Independent. That means that I will kill any communist that gets in the United States of America’s way. Weather it be economically, socially, mentally or physically ...what ever it takes to defeat communism at any price and at any personal cost...PERIOD!!!!!!! Good Night. I am NOT Joking here. pleeeze...thats so "john waynish" its pathetic...Im sure the Independents are just thrilled to tears to have you on their side.... ![]() 1. People who do not live in our Great Nation should shut their mouths about it's internal politics. 2. I told you that I am Dead Serious about what I said. I am not playing with you. I hate scum that worships a system of government that has only murdered and enslaved its people through the centuries. A person would have to be mentally ill to embrace such a culture of hate and death as communism. 3. I have served in my countries military. I am not John Wayne, this is not a movie.. And I am not worried about doing something that I have done before. you should take a closer look at your country's history before you start pointing fingers...I will comment on any country's internal politics as I like..this is a public forum open to everyone, if you dont like it, go find a private one where you can comment comfortably segregated from the rest of the world..people like you are the reason why your country gets attacked and you cant walk safely on foreign soil unless you say your Canadian.... I hope for your sake and your children’s sake that our two nations "REAL" interest never collide. Because on that day your nation will cease to exist. Good Night |
Do you hate it
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Wed 10/01/08 04:54 PM
Yeah well...look what experience has gotten us with our Federal Government. Corruption - REP'S AND DEM'S Partisanship - These men and women couldn’t agree on anything but giving themselves a raise and what holidays they want to take off….oh and how much more of our money they want to take. IT'S all BROKEN - and OBAMA is not going to go after his party. Biden has been in the congress for 35 years. He is a good old boy. McCain will go after the REPS' and the DEM'S. Sarah Palin has gone after both parties. Get rid of these BUM’S !!!!!!! IN CONGRESS ON BOTH SIDES OF THE ISLE. How is she going to do anything if she can't speak effectively? She is going to be Vice President not the President. Do you honestly believe that our last 10 presidents were experts in all aspects of their job...Hell No!! They have advisors and assistants etc. No one can know all aspects, let alone be an expert, in all the aspects of the presidency. She will do fine. If you honestly believe that she has gone as far as she has in life by being stupid then ....well WOW... You just cant have a 90%, give or take, approval rating by the citizens of your state by being a dumb ass. That’s SNL bull**** and I can’t believe you would buy it. She spoke just fine at the convention…and you know it. |
Do you hate it
You fully miss the point here, and you did not see the interview, it was actually Katie getting her ready for her debate. You can vote for whomever you wish, but McCain lost my vote. I was a Democrat for McCain... now not so much. People who drink beer and shoot guns are not beneith me, but a person responsible for running the country should know more than me, and she doesn't. she could not carry on a conversation with someone in the media, how is she going to carry on a conversation with someone who leads another country? the media question was about news not fashion magazines, she couldn't name one... One of her latest quotes was "They aren't used to Joe 6pack running" I DON'T WANT JOE 6PACK. I want someone who knows more than Joe 6pack. Yeah well...look what experience has gotten us with our Federal Government. Corruption - REP'S AND DEM'S Partisanship - These men and women couldn’t agree on anything but giving themselves a raise and what holidays they want to take off….oh and how much more of our money they want to take. IT'S all BROKEN - and OBAMA is not going to go after his party. Biden has been in the congress for 35 years. He is a good old boy. McCain will go after the REPS' and the DEM'S. Sarah Palin has gone after both parties. Get rid of these BUM’S !!!!!!! IN CONGRESS ON BOTH SIDES OF THE ISLE. |
i don't know why i am single either i mean hell who wouldn't want this Your ex's. ![]() lol no he still wants it i just don't want him COLD!! ... But probably true...... |
Do you hate it
Whatever... Be my Katie Couric, Lily. ![]() ![]() I am I am... I saw Katie interviewing McCains twinkie today...That was something else, she couldn't answer a direct question without looking stupid.. Sorry Mr. Repulican. I am a Registered Independent and I think Sarah is getting a bad rap from the dem's and the media. She is a fine lady and she has worked hard to get to where she has been...and was asked to do this job by a presidential candidate. Just give her a chance. Hell after all she is more like you and I than any of the candidates. We shouldn’t eat our own just to give the elitist in Washington a chuckle...give the LADY a chance is all I am saying. I don't want a candidate like me, I don't want a candidate who can drink beer and shoot guns, I want one who is well versed in foreign affairs, economics, and government.... She sounds like a moronic beauty pagant reject. SHE DOES NOT REPRESENT ME. She couldn't answer a simple question as to what magazine she reads...For f*ck sake she could have said Vogue or Glamour for all I care, but the fact that she couldn't name ONE publication tells me she's a flaming moron. That’s because she didn’t want to be pigeon hold by the media. Every statement is cannon fodder for the other party. If she would have said - "I read Vogue" - she must be superficial beauty queen “I read better homes and garden” - she must be a curmudgeon “I read the enquirer” she must be a space cadet ...etc... Everything the women says is twisted by Dem’s and the media. How would you like to be treated this way…could you stand the heat? You have any skeletons in your closet??? I do and I wouldn’t want to have to explain them to anyone. I like common sense. Just because my friend thinks some one is stupid I don’t just take his word for it. I find out for myself. Look at her record. So what if she shoots guns. Why is that bad??? She likes beer so what?? Do you think that people who shoot guns and drink beer are beneath you or that they should be held in contempt???? |
Do you hate it
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Wed 10/01/08 04:11 PM
Whatever... Be my Katie Couric, Lily. ![]() ![]() I am I am... I saw Katie interviewing McCains twinkie today...That was something else, she couldn't answer a direct question without looking stupid.. Sorry Mr. Repulican. I am a Registered Independent and I think Sarah is getting a bad rap from the dem's and the media. She is a fine lady and she has worked hard to get to where she has been...and was asked to do this job by a presidential candidate. Hell, after all she is more like you and I than any of the candidates. We shouldn’t eat our own just to give the elitist in Washington a chuckle...give the LADY a chance is all I am saying. |
Afroetaste of a DEM Majority
it just goes to show that you can no longer tell the difference between democrats or much for the "two" party people are so screwed.... ![]() I am a Registered Independent. That means that I will kill any communist that gets in the United States of America’s way. Weather it be economically, socially, mentally or physically ...what ever it takes to defeat communism at any price and at any personal cost...PERIOD!!!!!!! I am NOT Joking here. pleeeze...thats so "john waynish" its pathetic...Im sure the Independents are just thrilled to tears to have you on their side.... ![]() 1. People who do not live in our Great Nation should shut their mouths about it's internal politics. 2. I told you that I am Dead Serious about what I said. I am not playing with you. I hate scum that worships a system of government that has only murdered and enslaved its people through the centuries. A person would have to be mentally ill to embrace such a culture of hate and death as communism. 3. I have served in my countries military. I am not John Wayne, this is not a movie.. And I am not worried about doing something that I have done before. |