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Mon 08/27/18 10:09 AM
Mass shootings are terrible no matter what ethnic group the murderers belong too. Smh I agree with you!!! I think it says an AWFUL LOT about the character of any human being who would try to turn a tragedy like this into an opportunity to make racist comments!!! check out some other threads sometimes, that character is not so uncommon or unacceptable, depending on who is being focused on. I realize that,'character' is a matter of perspective. psychologically,though,behavior like that hints at a person who suffers from a GREAT INSECURITY,and also,a lack of intelligence,and compassion,and would be thought of as a severe character flaw by most people who are considered to be 'decent' people by most modern societies. there will ALWAYS be people whose 'character' does not live up to the requirements that modern society deems proper,but,luckily,those people are in the minority,and most of them do not have the courage to act like that,or say things like that in public,where they will have to own those behaviors,and face ostracization from anyone who does not share their antisocial behavior. just look at the 'white pride' rally that they tried to have to celebrate the 1 year anniversary of the tragic event that happened in charlottesville.... the public opinion of outrage at that sort of behavior was so strong that only about 20 people had the courage to publically stand up and publically claim those views,and face being ostracized by modern,polite society,while the people protesting them numbered in the hundreds,and even thousands! so,while,in some circles/places,there might be people who think that sort of behavior is acceptable,LUCKILY,most people think that it is unacceptable in this day and age to think/act like that,and it is only mainly in places where the people who have those antisocial views can remain anonymous,and don't have to publically own them,and suffer for having them,such as on the internet,that behavior like that is practiced,and has the freedom from public outrage that allows that type of behavior to flourish. |
Number 3 is a bit odd... Anyone in the western world can call themselves an American, but they choose not to
Did Humanity Shoot First
I've thought about the phenomenon of misunderstanding what we experience and I have an example that pertains to me. I have no idea how a computer does what it does. How ones and zeros become pictures, music and video? If I didn't know there was science behind it, I would think it was magic. As far as I'm concerned, it is magic. It will be magic unless I learn computer language (binary). I will then need to learn how to write code. I will then need to learn how processors work, how ciruits are built. I don't need to know this stuff to use my computer. The magic just happens and I accept it as that. If someone "in the field" of computer programming tries to explain to me what is happening, what it is. I put up a wall because its easier for me to just think of it as magic. The main difference is that computers exist. You can take one apart and look at it. It exists even when it is not plugged in. You can take a detailed picture of it and show someone and they might not believe it exists. You can take a real unedited video of one in operation and people might not believe it exists. For someone that has never seen or used a computer before, to describe what it does or what it looks like will sound like a fantasy, like describing magic. Since computers DO exist, I can give that person a computer and teach them how to use it. Give me something (anything) of alien origin and let me hold it in my hand. Something was there, just not sure what... One thing the Japs wete doing during the war was attaching bombs to balloons and letting the winds carry them over here... That could have been what they were shooting at...
it IS IMPORTANT that we consider the time and conditions of when this event occurred. It is important to note that at that time, we were expecting 'something' to happen and it did. We were watching the skies for an attack. An interaction of this magnitude would be witnessed by thousands of people. The fact that it is supposedly 'covered up' indicates that this accounting is not the true accounting, otherwise it would remain fixed in our public knowledge. Seriously, if our military took action against an alien presence in a city, that would forever confirm the existence of aliens on Earth. It would be written into history and taught in classrooms all over the world. |
Basically liberals want to claim anyone against open borders is a racist. It's the new black card. I dont know what all 'liberals' may or may not do. I think all sides have their go to insults that some will use, whether its that people are racist, or brainwashed, or anti american, or whatever. And sometimes its true, and sometimes its just the easy and lazy way to distract from logical discussion. I personally assess racism by how people speak about different races of people, or sometimes by double standards in how vast the difference is between how they judge someone of one race verse someone of another in similar circumstances. plain and simple, not in who one supports/opposes, but in WHY they support/oppose them. |
Human 17 Pound newborn baby
True but that seems big for even a big woman. I think the average baby is 7lbs. I wonder if is said the mom's size. A 6 foot 11, 264 pound woman |
Basically liberals want to claim anyone against open borders is a racist. It's the new black card. |
if you say you hate blacks thats ONE type of racism, the blatant type. there are much more subtle forms. If you say most blacks in prison deserve to be there, you would get no argument except to wonder why the statement was only about blacks. I cannot debate whether 'most' of anyone in prison deserves it or not. I can only say that there are some who most definitely dont, of all races. Im not mixed up at all about that. |
Did Humanity Shoot First
All the so-called evidence and testimony is worthless as proof. I know what can be done with photoshop and video. this was way before photo shop as well as many other's that i can point out I can point out that Forrest Gump interacted with President Lyndon Johnson. On this visit, Forrest meets President Lyndon Johnson, who asks Forrest where he was wounded. Forrest tells President Johnson, “In the buttocks”. President Johnson then asks to see the wound and Forrest lowers his trousers and moons the President. Half of The Wizard of OZ is black & white and half is color. That was done in 1939. Video manipulation technology has been around for a long time. 90% of documentaries are geared to play on peoples fear and wonder. They often ask more questions than they answer. Anyone remember the viking warrior that turned out to be a woman warrior? Historians get it wrong sometimes and other times, they record inaccuracies to fit the culture at the time. There's a certain amount of reasoning that has to be considered. An alien culture that is technologically advanced enough to exceed light speed to travel the great distances between stars would have the ability to deflect space debris at those high speeds. Their ability to manuver would need to be precise and nearly instantaneos. Not only would our artillary be slow and inconsequentail, even if we managed to hit them there would be little or no damage. I have also seen a bunch of frightened men empty their clips into nothing because someone 'thought' they saw something. Had they hit anything in their wall of bullets, there would be evidence of it laying on the ground when they were done. The fact that there is never any evidence found that can be inspected is evidence that there was nothing there in the first place. Neil deGrasse Tyson said in a video something to the effect of: If you are abducted by an alien, grab something, anything from their ship. It doesn't matter what it is, it will be something we have never seen before. What gets people all worked up is the "U" in UFO. "Unidentified" means the observer can't identify it. What people don't grasp is that when they say it was a UFO and assume it must be aliens, they are identifying it as an alien flying object. It is no longer a UFO because it is identified. It doesn't matter if its identified accurately. We have a cultural delusion that makes people automatically think a UFO is an alien craft. Why is that? |
Such stubbornness and war mongering combined with his flash-temper only highlight the fact that he should have been nowhere near the nuke button. McCain was a reckless 'hot head' First, thanks for the laugh, considering our current choice for POTUS. second, I just ask people reading this thread do some research to verify what is claimed here. http://www.snopes.com/fact-check/john-mccain-fire-uss-forrestal/ http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2017/aug/07/blog-posting/posts-blame-john-mccain-deadly-1967-fire-aboard-us/ http://www.truthorfiction.com/john-mccain-started-forrestal-fire/ I wont run down the list. I cannot emphasize enough how much further research is necessary when reading public forums like this where any of us can literally post anything or repost anything, true or not. I have respect for people who evolve and grow. Whatever things McCain did in his younger years requires review, but the things he did and said in the last decades of his life, the way he conducted himself (for the most part), these were all things that I will remember him by and respect him for. yep, EVERY site who has a reputation for being able to research and check for facts are making it up, which provide their research in their conclusions, are all thats true is sites with no reputation for anything but scandals and conspiracies which provide absolutely no back up information to verify with. ![]() |
Oh crap, let's have open borders and make drivbys legal. ![]() or lets go on and on about teaching white folks coping skills ... or lets not make it about race OR nationality, and about criminal choice and criminal inspiration instead. a relevant one unless we are going to be blind to what all the discussions about 'illegals' on this thread refer to? people can attack the character of 'illegals'(mexican ones) when one murders someone, or the character of 'thugs'(black culture) when blacks are involved in shootings, but nothing about white culture or white people when white people are violent, that was the pain point someone else introduced which I was addressing .... the privilege some have of being an 'individual' when they do their worst, as opposed being a reflection of the failings of an entire demographic. but I addressed it briefly, and brought it back to point .... like I am doing now about the victims of jacksonville shooting: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/jacksonville-shooting-victims_us_5b83076be4b0348586019f06 |
Such stubbornness and war mongering combined with his flash-temper only highlight the fact that he should have been nowhere near the nuke button. McCain was a reckless 'hot head' First, thanks for the laugh, considering our current choice for POTUS. second, I just ask people reading this thread do some research to verify what is claimed here. http://www.snopes.com/fact-check/john-mccain-fire-uss-forrestal/ http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2017/aug/07/blog-posting/posts-blame-john-mccain-deadly-1967-fire-aboard-us/ http://www.truthorfiction.com/john-mccain-started-forrestal-fire/ I wont run down the list. I cannot emphasize enough how much further research is necessary when reading public forums like this where any of us can literally post anything or repost anything, true or not. I have respect for people who evolve and grow. Whatever things McCain did in his younger years requires review, but the things he did and said in the last decades of his life, the way he conducted himself (for the most part), these were all things that I will remember him by and respect him for. |
Such stubbornness and war mongering combined with his flash-temper only highlight the fact that he should have been nowhere near the nuke button. McCain was a reckless 'hot head' First, thanks for the laugh, considering our current choice for POTUS. second, I just ask people reading this thread do some research to verify what is claimed here. http://www.snopes.com/fact-check/john-mccain-fire-uss-forrestal/ http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2017/aug/07/blog-posting/posts-blame-john-mccain-deadly-1967-fire-aboard-us/ http://www.truthorfiction.com/john-mccain-started-forrestal-fire/ I wont run down the list. I cannot emphasize enough how much further research is necessary when reading public forums like this where any of us can literally post anything or repost anything, true or not. I have respect for people who evolve and grow. Whatever things McCain did in his younger years requires review, but the things he did and said in the last decades of his life, the way he conducted himself (for the most part), these were all things that I will remember him by and respect him for. |
Democrats "historic" reform?
Amid unabated speculation that Bernie Sanders eventually might have had a better chance than Clinton at beating Trump, the DNC has finally decided to limit the superdelegates' power, so as to make the 2020 nomination more 'fair.'
Following a four-hour debate at the Democratic National Committee's (DNC) gathering in Chicago, the fate of the superdelegates, who had the power to vote for whomever they want to nominate in a presidential primary, was sealed. "The reforms passed by the full DNC require superdelegates to refrain from voting on the first presidential nominating ballot unless a candidate has enough votes from pledged delegates (based on the outcomes of primaries and caucuses) that superdelegates wouldn't overturn the will of the people," the DNC said in a statement on Saturday. So, come 2020, the only thing that would carry weight at the initial DNC ballot are the votes gained by the candidates during state primaries and caucuses. If there is a need for a second ballot, superdelegates can then cast their vote. Such a system, supporters of the reform Sen. Bernie Sanders and DNC Chairman Tom Perez argued, would allow better representation of grassroots candidates. "Today is a historic day for our party," Perez said in a statement on Saturday. "These reforms will help grow our party, unite Democrats, and restore voters' trust by making our 2020 nominating process the most inclusive and transparent in our history. Sanders for his part called the implemented reform an "important step forward in making the Democratic Party more open, democratic and responsive to the input of ordinary Americans." The controversy over the power held by superdelegates came under intense scrutiny from Sanders' supporters after some 15 percent of the DNC convention delegates helped seal the fate for the Democratic nomination in 2016. For over two years, critics argued that superdelegates' early endorsement for Hillary Clinton bolstered her position during the primaries, where she beat the Vermont senator while lacking support from the absolute majority of delegates needed. What made Sanders' loss even worse is the fact that he was defeated at the height of the DNC email scandal, exposed to the public by WikiLeaks. The leaked emails revealed that Democratic leadership had worked to sabotage the senator's presidential campaign. The fiasco left a dark stain on the party which many thought was elitist and undemocratic. Comment: Bernie Sanders, by default, has 'made a difference' in the rigged process that resulted in Clinton as the nominee. Good so far. What about the rest of the corruption and scandal within the DNC? |
10 reasons not to morn for McCain
1. On July 29, 1967, the spoiled brat McCain pulled a prank and wet started his jet as while aboard the USS Forrestal. His mother lovingly called him a 'scamp' and it was well known he was a practical joker and rule breaker. He finished near rock bottom in a class of over 800 at Annapolis because he tried to break every rule in the book there while also making terrible grades. Such a prank befits his character. The huge flame created touched off a bomb on the plane behind him which led to more bombs going off from other parked planes, which then led to the deaths of 134 sailors. McCain did nothing to help during the fire. He was whisked off the carrier and protected because his father and grandfather were Navy admirals. The Deep State Swamp media has since tried to cover this up. They protect their own. 2. He was not a hero. Getting shot down and captured may make him a victim, but not a hero. He probably didn't pay attention during a training class, and so he didn't pull in his arms when he ejected over North Vietnam-and that's why they were broken. His captors knew he was the progeny of four star admirals and if anything gave him special treatment. McCain begged for medical treatment and sang like a bird at the 'Hanoi Hilton' to get it. He gave up vital intelligence that led to the deaths of more aviators. 3. Upon his return to America he immediately stabbed his wife in the back. She was badly injured in a car accident and he couldn't be bothered to help her. Instead, he quickly dumped her and married a wealthy heiress who could fund his political career. People get divorced all the time, but the manner in which he proceeded only underscores his cold-hearted selfishness. 4. He's painted as a happy and brave 'Maverick' and strong 'Independent' by the Deep State media. Wrong. He was a jackass of major proportions. The 'Warrior' of the Senate was owned by the Deep State and George Soros in particular. McCain became a shill for open borders who also supported globalism and carbon taxes to fight 'climate change.' At the same time, he was the worst enemy of military veterans, whom he left mistreated and in the lurch. Now there's a bill in Congress meant to provide aid for vets and they want to name it after their 'hero,' McCain. Disgusting. 5. He supported Bush in the Iraq war, even though the entry into that quagmire was based on lies. McCain claimed we would stay there 100 years if necessary. Such stubbornness and war mongering combined with his flash-temper only highlight the fact that he should have been nowhere near the nuke button. McCain was a reckless 'hot head' 6. He was a spoiled and entitled brat who was repeatedly backed and bailed out at every turn by his pappy and grand pappy. He should never have been admitted into Annapolis in the first place. He should have been kicked out of Annapolis for his outrageous and rebellious behavior. He crashed a total of five military aircraft. He loved partying more than flying. He should have been kicked out of the Navy for crashing several jets during his daredevil clowning. He should have been no where near the Senate. The NeoCons rigged the primaries for McCain who contemptuously laughed at Ron Paul during the debates. He should have been nowhere near the Republican nomination, but the Deep State wanted McCain, the reckless 'hot head' to lose to Obama. He chose Sarah Palin has his running mate and years later blamed her for his loss. The hot head backstabber never took responsibility for his actions. 7. He displayed great contempt for his constituents while showing his arrogance and hatred for America by never bothering to resign from the Senate when he knew he had terminal brain cancer. He wanted to go to the grave with his power, thus depriving Arizona from representation. 8. He made sure trade restrictions were softened with Vietnam and hailed as a forgiving man of peace. Wrong! He did it so he could get his Budweiser distributorship there. He was first in line to make money from such legislation. The lust for money and power ruled rule-breaker McCain. 9. He supported ISIS terrorists and wanted us to start another war in Syria, which might have lead to World War III. McCain was not a 'maverick.' He was an establishment war-mongering stooge and enabler for the Deep State. 10. He leaked Hillary's paid-for pack of lies, the Steele Dossier, to James Comey, in an attempt to bring down President Trump. This was illegal, but hey-he's John McCain! Instead of showing remorse he said, "Anyone who doesn't like it can go to hell!" A faux conservative, he voted against his own party and President Trump when he could-including his vote to keep ObamaCare. The lying back stabber McCain became much loved and he's now being profusely praised by the Deep State Swamp and its propaganda media. That only proves what a scum bag he truly was. |
Yes indeed! he was a truer patriot than most: "WHEN John McCain was dragged in front of his Vietnamese captors to be released, he knew they were only letting him go because of his high ranking father. The decision he made to remain a prisoner with his fellow Americans almost cost him his life - but turned him into a cult hero in his home country." http://www.thesun.co.uk/news/7103291/john-mccain-vietnam-torture-hanoi/ "But almost as soon as he gasped for air he was mobbed by Vietnamese soldiers who pulled him ashore and viciously attacked. He suffered a shattered shoulder as he was hit with a rifle butt and was bayoneted in the stomach and foot. For the next five and half years McCain endured brutal torture as a prisoner of war in a story of bravery that would come to define the US senator's legacy and earn him international fame." Meanwhile Trump had bone spurs. What does this thread have to do with Trump? The man died. Can't it just be about his life and service ..and to honor him? Can't one thread not include Trump?. trump is currently our nation's biggest *******. he jumps up and down flailing wildly so everyone can see him being a jerk. he says and does the most heinous things lest we forget what a colossal turd he is. he makes sure to remind us no matter the occasion. he stands next to giants but only shows how small he is. donald harrumpf has yet to say a respectful word towards john mccain. the flag flying over the white house defies tradition, returning to full staff. the kind and respectful words offered and suggested to president harrumph to share with the nation in respect to the service to his country of john mccain went unheeded. with such a small man placing himself at center focus of everything, it only serves to embiggen the stature of the truly big men that he attempts to smallify. trump made himself part of the story with his small actions. i think john mccain would be okay with being used as an example of the differences between small minds and higher purposes. |
No Alcohol Use Is Safe
To much of anything can kill you, not just alcohol...
Using women!
Why do men allow women to use them so much? I dated a lady four 4.5 years and she stays in contact with all her exes and relies on them quite often for money , all they ask for is sexual photos or sex . These men move her to Alaska and put her up in there homes while she dating other men. Where are the morals anymore! I find it discusting! Please give feed back. |
Did Humanity Shoot First
There is a big difference between UFO and ET. UFOs are simply that, unknown aircraft. Could be anything, could be nothing, who knows. That certainly wasn't humanity's first contact with ET. Contact with ET dates back even before the pyramids and Biblical times. Quite possibly aliens have been in contact with us since the beginning of our time. Government says , weather balloon , so uhm , i now want to either be in the little black box or a weather balloon : ) you can see it better when they shift from tecno color to black and white and i agree , i was not saying it was first contact , that was there comment not mine , and if the readings i have read, paintings, statues etc etc etc are right , yes since before time began for us earth bound humans |
Oh crap, let's have open borders and make drivbys legal. ![]() or lets go on and on about teaching white folks coping skills ... or lets not make it about race OR nationality, and about criminal choice and criminal inspiration instead. |
Libs will screw America every chance they get. Well, before it was labeled "Obamacare", it was instituted in Massachusetts as "Romneycare". Insurance lobby had Romney in their pocket in the state, Romney originally ran on "clean up the usurious auto insurance market in Massachusetts", but once he got in, he rolled over and got into bed with all insurance companies. In Massachusetts (a no-fault auto insurance state), for the longest time we couldn't get GEICO or Progressive, they refused to write policy in the state. Travelers actually founded a separate entity called "Charter Oak Insurance" to write policy here and keep it separate from Travelers pockets. Don't blame Obama for insurance hijacking ACA. And the side of Obamacare no one gives credit to is the standards of national infrastructure it raised and funded in hospitals. I am spoiled by my good levels of hospitals on the East Coast, and was shocked to see what low levels trauma centers were in in other parts of the country. Obama's policies fixed a lot of that, and we should be thankful. ![]() |