Community > Posts By > Mindless_American
I don't think the son had been experimented upon. It seemed that back in the day when the day was messing with people, it was under the disguise of a company who was giving money in order to do tests on people....and I don't think they have showed us anything yet to think that the son himself was experimented upon. I think the son is there as a partner to the chic, and sarcastic comedic relief. And I do find him funny. I also think we are not going to see the partner guy for a while, he is the owner operator of massive dynamic (which I think is gonna be on the fence of good/bad... maybe a bit of both) and since the massive dyanmic thing is part of the's probably gonna be a while til we get a glimpse of that guy. If you're not a fan of the speed of which LOST unfolds.... you probably should just stay away from JJ Abrams shows. He believes in mystery, suspense, and really telling the story in his own time. Since fringe is another Abrams show, I would suggest preparing to be patient!!! And LOST by the way is my all-time favorite show ever. Oh I love LOST....don't get me wrong but they have pulled the characters so far away from what they started as that it is hard to see how he is going ot bring it back full circle and wrap it up with an ending that is great. I know they say they have it all figured out but I am skeptical at times. I can really see them pulling some really goofy cheesy ending like that they are all still on the plane and the whole thing is the imaginings of some writer on the plane who is looking around the cabin and getting inspiration from the people aboard. If they manage to pull it all together and it is cohesive and has an overridning theme and message then it will be the greatest show ever. If they just tack some stupid ending on it then it will have sucked and I will feel cheated out of countless hours. As for Fringe. It isn't quite in LOSTs realm but it is a good show. I don't think it is going to survive though. It doesn't so what LOST does on a "no way way I am missing a minute" level. |
Government Restraint
How to conquer a nation
Step 1. Put yourself into a powerful position however necessary! Step 2. Get all your friends and allies in positions of power. Step 3. Convince the nation they are Really still in control. Turn the election process into a devisive process similar to a spectator sport. Make the populace pick sides. (they will be so busy bickering with each other they won't even notice you slipping Step 4. Take guns away from people. Especially the types of guns that the military has. (of course the 2nd ammendment is all about hunting & hunter's rights!) Step 5. Orchestrate an attack on the nation! This creates enough fear to get people to allow you to limit freedoms for their own protection! We are violating your rights for your own good! Step 6. Start a "justified war" against an easy to hate enemy! This gets you a battle hardened combat force loyal to its commanders and used to following orders (you hand pick the leaders of this military). Step 7. Set up a nationalized education system that can be altered into an effective indoctrination program. Step 8. Devestate the economy! This causes fear and panic and makes people look to their leaders for solutions. We aren't there yet but.... Step 9. orchestrate a major upheaval of some kind. Another big attack perhaps at election time! This one would have to be huge! Something that will scare people enough to hand over their civil liberties freely and let you stay in power for "the continuity of the government in these troubled times" Step 10. Bring your Army home, declare marshall law, round up all "suspected" dissenters, trouble makers, suspects, communists muslims, whatever you want to call them. The government is trying to protect you from our enemies...that is why your sister is in detention Welcome to the Facist States of America! |
I just wish the american people would "WAKE UP" Democrat and Republican...I think they should be called..."Devide and Conquer"...thats what these .. "Good ol Boy Clubs".. have done to this country. Both these parties are your only choices...who the He** are they to give us "thier" appointees.. The media is controlled...when have you ever seen any thing creditable about someone NOT associated with these two groups. We only want to believe what is said if it happens to go along with our own prespective...other wise we label it as "not credible" because "the media is bias" and at the same time spout off comments that we have picked up through the same means....THAT MEDIA!! We have the senate and congress with members who have been sitting on thier seats since Linclon was President!!.... They have figured every way possible to undermind any Administration..Republican or Democrat, if its not thier party,..even if it hurts the country. Face it...the corruption is at a pinnacle and they are choking ( and I)..thier.. "golden goose" to death! Trying to lay where we are at in this country on just one party or the other completely ludicrous. Amen brother! If "WE THE PEOPLE" don't start taking control of our government back and soon we will find that any control we once had has disappeared. Does anyone else see the danger in letting these two parties be the ones who get to decide who gets money for elections? Every four years they convince us all to hate each other and we have the greatest spectator sport in the world. The only problem is that it is Professional Wrestling! It is all scripted and submitted for our approval! Doesn't matter which team wins. The system continues as is with the two parties doing everything it can to shut out anyone else. We are living in Roman times and America is going to collapse from the center of its rotten core. |
I was a huge fan of the orginal 3 when I was a kid but honestly the new ones are just better! As for the is pretty bad in all of them. You don't really watch Star Wars for the tight dialogue and the flawless delivery from great shakesprearean actors. The eyepopping visuals and easy to follow plot lines are what makes them attractive over a broad spectrum of demographics.....oops the lit major in me just popped out. Should I go on about the fairly stereotypic characters and the ways in which Lucas borrowed heavily from old westerns and samurai films. Great movies! The firt true purely original cinematic novel!
Ok. Let me make sure i have this right. The RNC is complaining that Obama is accepting donations of under two hundred dollars - legally - and they are complaining that he shouldn't be allowed to do that? I suppose that the Republicans think that the fact that he has raised a huge amount of money in this fasion is what "unfair".
God how I wish they would pack up their candidate and his flash in the pan; political pander; unqualified; and disingenuous running mate and go home. Face the facts lady. McCain is desperate and the rest of the campaign is going to be smear smear smear because it is the only hope he has left to him. This country has had quite enough of the GOP to last it quite a few years. Don't worry another 8 - 12 years the general American populace won't be any happier and they will think that the New Republican on the Block is the cure to their woes and will put one back in office. 8 years later they will remember why they voted em out to begin with. |
So what is the story with the son? Is he part of the Dad's old experiments? And why haven't we met the old lab partner yet? Is Massive Dynamic part of the good guys or are they bad guys? Cool show. Hope they don't get cancelled like Jericho or drag on too long like LOST. I am so ready for them to get to the point on Lost!
Add a famous movie quote :)
1. Avi: Tony. Bullet Tooth Tony: What? Avi: Look in the dog. Bullet Tooth Tony: What do you mean "look in the dog?" Avi: I mean open him up. Bullet Tooth Tony: It's not as if it's a tin of baked beans! What do you mean "open him up"? 2. Tommy: Are you sayin' I can't shoot? Turkish: No Tommy, I'm not saying you can't shoot. I know you can't shoot. I'm saying that six-pound piece of **** stuck in your trousers would do more damage if you fed it to him. 3.Brick Top: Listen, you ****ing fringe, if I throw a dog a bone, I don't want to know if it tastes good or not. You stop me again whilst I'm walking, and I'll cut your ****ing Jacobs off. 4. Turkish: You show me how to control a wild ****ing gypsy and I'll show you how to control an unhinged, pig-feeding gangster. 5.Tyrone: I didn't see it there. Vinny: It's a four ton truck, Tyrone. Its not as if it's a bag of ****ing peanuts, is it? Tyrone: It was a funny angle. [All three turn and look back at the truck] Vinny: It's behind you Tyrone. Whenever you reverse, things come from behind you. Damn not enough room for the whole script! |
Gorgeous George
for goodness sake man, read a paper. watch adoumentary, the number of people in prison is growing, and they like it there, kids are shooting eahc other up, the human race has hit the big meltdown switch, us norms need ot dig deep holes and wait for the bombs to fall. having a dislike of the entire f-d up world and the morons who inhabit it is not racism. Anti-social to some extent but not racist. Being nervous driving through a crime ridden inner city neighborhood is not racist. It is knowledge and common sense! Hating the respectable, educated black man acroos the street because he is black and lives on your street is racist. |
what if one has plenty of experience to draw upon? more so say then the average person? then its a logical hate? a calculated one too? Ok. Maybe I am missing something. Do you hate one entire race of people simply for being of that race? And don't give me that tired line about the human race. |
i judge humanity by its actions, that speaks volumes. dont tell me i cant hate, i have that emotion and i like it. Hate is a valid emotion when it based upon something rational. You are more than free to hate. Probably not the best thing in the world for you but it is understandable! Irrational hate based upon a lack of knowledge and experience is foolish. Do we agree? |
look, mindless. im just saying it is NOT your place or anyone elses to tell me if i have to like anyone or not. it just is not. thats one of those silly liberties i fought for. freedom of speech. i hate humanity because of what theyve shown me. i dont hate whites blacks mexicans or asians. i hate HUMANS. were a disgusting breed for the most part plain and simple, and i defy anyone to disagree with me, ive met quite a few nice people in my time, but theyre few and far between. Ok. Here is the point. You don't hate people based upon their race. You don't hate people because of ethnicity. You are judging people by their actions and you have found that mankind is seriously flawed! That is not racism. That is experience. Whether or not you have been jaded to some extent is an issue of self. You are not supporting racism. You are supporting your right to hold a dim view of most of humanity. Granted! I basically agree with you. Again though, the fundamental question is not whether a person has the right to be a racist. The question is whether or not that being a racist is a good thing. save your breath hun no matter what you say to some youre are going to be wrong stupid uneducated and ignorant for having your own beliefs and some are just on here to argue and make their point because they are sooo right in every thing they say and want a good one sided debate me a favor! Read what I have written several times already and then answer the freaking question. The question.... in case you have failed to miss it yet again is this...... Can you provide me a single logical reason to be a racist? or more simply.... Refute any one of these statements with a logical and well thought out argument 1. It is unfair to judge an entire group of people for the actions of one or more individual from that group. 2. There are evil and violent people from all races and there are good and wonderful people from all races. 3. Racism is an inherently ignorant and flawed belief system because it is based on a lack of knowledge, understanding, and experience with people from other races and cultures. or even more simply....... provide a single statement that explains how racism is GOOD! Cmon. You have three options here. Surely if racism is right and fair then you should be able to do one of the above. If not then I guess it is time for you to open your eyes to a much larger and more complex world. this has only been a one sided argument because you have yet to provide a single argument in favor of racism and keep returning to the tired old whining of "its my right to remain ignorant!" |
elmer fudd
Edited by
Sat 09/06/08 11:14 PM
Race=human...and yes I do hate humans. SEE. Now there is a logical answer! Hate everyone equally! Then you really aren't a racist. |
once again weither it is wrong or right im not getting into weither i think it is wrong or right is my opinion people are allowed to hate, dislike, or what ever eles any thing they want to you say its wrong well to them its right and yes there are people that just because one person of that race did something to them they will take it out on the whole race but that is their choice you think your right that rasist should not exsist well they think they are right it should and maybe if they knew they could come in here and talk to you or any one about it without being called names or put down for it they would tell you why but you and i both know thats not going to happen so why would they waste their time? Ok. Since the point you are arguing is not really debateable and you can't or won't provide a logical argument in favor of racism I guess the conversation is over. I will argue the point that people couldn't come in here a provide arguments for racism. There have been no nasty posts in here and if there what? Hotly debated issues should be talked about. And they should be talked about with passion and intelligence. All that political correctness has gotten America is an inability to have serious discourse on issues that might offend one person or anothers fragile psyche if they were actually talked about with the passion they deserve. If America doesn't learn to cut through all the bull**** and say what needs to be said then nothing is ever going to get resolved! I challenge anyone who reads this to offer a single logical reason for why racism is RIGHT! Nobody will because nobody can! Racism is flat out ignorance! |
i have no view against racism. and its not ignorant. often people who are racist have had several personal altercations and base their views on that. if being ignorant means not knowing everyone or everything then color me ignorant. ive seen the world guys. lots of it. racism exists because werre different, not out of ignorance. if we werent different colors wed hate based on where people came from or lived. hate is a natural human emotion. you have to learn to deal with it. go ahead and show those "ignorant people" that color doesnt mean different and change their minds, but if you call them ignorant based on your ideas alone, its you who comes off looking foolish and uneducated. Ok. Let me start by first saying thanks for your service. I never served and I have immense respect for those who do. That being said...hate is natural and understandable I agree with you there. Now to where we disagree. I disagree with the basic assertion that one or many altercations with people a different race, ethnicity, religion, or geographaphical location is not ignorant. It just doesn't make all! If you cannot learn to take each person in turn without prejudice or prejudgement then that is ignorant. Not every single person of every single race is one way or another....there is good and bad in all men. a person who cannot look past the exterior of someone and find out whether they are worth knowing or not is the fool. Maybe you have been around the world and maybe that has jaded you to some extent. It still does not excuse supporting a belief system that goes against everything this country stands for. ALL MEN CREATED EQUAL! If those words don't ring in your heart and soul then why wear the uniform? |
think what you will weither i am for it or against it its your opinion and you are allowed to have it the point i am trying to make is this you are allowed to hate or like who ever and what ever you want weither you are right or wrong to you , you made it clear you are against it but the minute someone says they are for it they get jumped is their decision to be this way could be white on black black on white japanesse on korean korean on swiss they all have their reasons weither you or any one eles likes them or not they for all you know could have study or lived with this other race and picked up their beliefs from there or like you asked could have had something happen in their life done by the other race and they take it out on all of that race this doesnt not mean they are stupid, uneducated or ignorant for having their own veiw and reasons for things he asked for both sides view on this did he or did he not? the other side is not going to come out and say yeah im rasist and??.... because the minute they do the name calling starts and they get bashed for it so this thread is not going to have 2 sides on it talking about their opinions on it it is going to have nothing but people for it name calling and putting the other down instead of letting them post their own views Ok. let me restate what has previously been stated and stress it more. EVERYONE is ENTITLED to believe what they want about everything. People have the right to believe that the world is flat even though someone can prove beyond any reasonable doubt through math, physics and general observation that it is in fact round. They can go on believing such a thing in spite of overwhelming evidence, logic, and their own vision. They can obstinately refuse to accept that it is a truth...they have that RIGHT! People can believe that the moon is made of cheese or that the moon landling was faked in a Burbank sound studio. People can believe anything and everything they want regardless of how silly, dumb, or outrageous it may be. I know people like this who will take overwhelming evidence and visual proof that their point of view is wrong and still refuse to agree that they were wrong. I deal with people like this everyday in my job! The fact that they believe it does not make it correct. You have read all the arguments on here about why and how racism is wrong. I have yet to see you give a reason as to why or how it is correct. You keep falling into the same trap of saying that people should be allowed to believe whatever they want. Nobody has disputed this assertion. The argument is not about what someone is entitled to believe. It is about whether that belief is right or wrong. Something from above I would like to comment on... " could have had something happen in their life done by the other race and they take it out on all of that race" Did the entire race do it to them? If a black man rapes a white woman is that woman then entitled to hate and persecute the remainder of the race for the action of one individual? If a chinese soldier kills a korean child is all of Korea entitled to hate all chinese and label them all baby killers? Why do people justify hating an entire race because of what one member of that race did? If that is the case then it would hold true that if a white woman were raped by a white man then it was the fault of the man being white and she should then begin dating only men of other races exclusively. Or perhaps she should just hate all men and turn lesbian since it was a man who did it or she must hate all white people....including herself and take immediate action to get to a plastic surgeon to turn her into an asian woman.... I am truely sorry but this is the logic which you seem to be ascribing to and as you can see that logic does not work when played out in other scenario's. A man in an El Camino pulled in front of my parent car 4 years ago. Both my mother and father were killed instantly. Do I get to hate and persecute all men driving El Camino's? If you can give me one argument that is based in logic as to how racism is CORRECT thinking and not just a person's right to believe that way then I will retract my statement about racism being ignorant and will start a thread to support your argument. That will probably get me kicked off but I feel safe that you are not going to be able to find a single logical argument for the basic rightness of being a racist. |
call it what you will my sister is married to a black guy i have to half newphews and my best friend has a half black daughter none if it is my buisness and i am happy they have them all Your sister is married to a man... You have two nephews.... your best friend has a daughter. I am pretty sure that each one is 100% human being. Probably 100% American too. |
They can even speak out on their beliefs or march in white robes and set fires to crosses to the tune of "Amazing Grace", which incidentally was written by a former slave ship captain who turned into an abolitionist and assisted with getting the slave trade banned in England. Being entitled to your opinion is one thing....having your opinion be correct is another. so its only white people who do this? and you assume your opinion is the correct one i assume??? fear what exactly? Actually the iconic image of the KKK was used to illustrate the point that all are entitled to their opinion and simultaneously point out their ignorance. They really do burn crosses to Amazing Grace. It really was written by an reformed slave ship captain who really was an abolitionist. Minister Farakkahn is no more correct in his views. Neither were the Nazi's, or the Somali's, or any other group that has attempted genocide or practiced hatred as a way of life or a core belief system. Yes my opinion is the correct one because as some much more eloquent than I on here put forth. Reason only allows for one decision on this topic. Fear of that which is different or alien from what you know or what you have experience with. It is hard to hate a person you have taken the time to get to know. Any other questions? By the way. CAN I ASSUME YOU ARE SIMPLY PLAYING DEVILS ADVOCATE? call it what you will my sister is married to a black guy i have to half newphews and my best friend has a half black daughter none if it is my buisness and i am happy they have them all but i also feel people are allowed to have their own thoughts and beliefs on this without someone thinking of them as uneducated or ignorant for it if you dont like peas you arent going to eat them and if you are forced to or are called names for not eating them dpes that make you uneducated or ignorant for not know all the healthy reasons you should be eating them?? (i know stupid way of putting it but i hope it gets what i am trying to say forward) I think I have fairly well acknowledged that individuals are entitled to their beliefs. It is simply a CERTAINTY that racism is an ignorant belief system. Explain to me how Racism is right or correct thinking. Explain how it is not ignorant. p.s. ignorance is not defined as stupidity. |