Community > Posts By > Jaan Doh

Jaan Doh 's photo
Tue 08/27/24 02:22 PM

What's the Bobby Moore (score) with wearing your pants half way down your ***?

Quite often, you may see guys wearing their pants half way down their ***...

And on various portals like reddit and quora, members say it's a trend that started in prisons, because they're not permitted to wear belts...

It's actually something that started in South America, so that dubious rogue elements could reach there gun quicker, having to stowed in their waistband...

Understandably, in that kind of environment, maybe it's the difference between life and death?

But here in the west it positively looks ***Stupid*** :joy:🤣

What is your opinion of the individuals who wear their pants in such ludicrous fashion?

And of the tend too?

Till earlier generation of 80s n 90s, everything was going well, only few artist use to tear some side n was Known as fashion.. later as the 2000 arrived, few generation forgot where exactly to halt n lock the portion of waist..

Hail Mocambo, what's more ahead

Hiya Robin,

Only God knows what lies ahead :pray:

But I expect there will be lots of ac enrollments :joy:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Tue 08/27/24 02:19 PM

You know what else is ridiculous, ripped jeans. Why pay good money for something you can do yourself.

You know what Julie?

I was looking for jeans online the other day, I wanted button fly straight leg jeans, 32W/34L, not those daft drain pipe things :joy::jeans:

I have to admit to not being able to find something at a suitable price, then I looked at ripped jeans :relaxed::joy:

Thank you for steering me back to sanity :joy::pray:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Tue 08/27/24 02:14 PM

Good Topic J D .. Well, I wish todays New Generations read this topic .
Long ago, people used to wear a Site working Dress which is now called "Jeans".
This one is also taking a new trendy Fashion to let others know how Large is their ""DIVIDER"..
I have even ....seen Pants full coming out of the "Capital A"
Good Luck to those who are wearing This .

Thank you Laska Paul,
I just wondered where the sense is :thinking::joy:

Happily, I live in ignorance of the divider...

Jaan Doh 's photo
Tue 08/27/24 02:06 PM

Google "pants falling down" or "pants on the ground" song lyrics. some funny chit

That was hilarious :joy: 🤣

Pants on the ground
Pants on the ground
Looking like fool with your pants on the ground

Gold in your mouth
Hat turned sideways
Pants hit the ground
Call yourself a cool cat
Pants on the ground

Jaan Doh 's photo
Tue 08/27/24 02:02 PM

Is that still happening? I have not seen that in a long time.

Hiya Cat, yes unfortunately, it's still happening, it just blows my mind, I wonder if they think about it at all... You know, about trying to make the best public impression, rather than look like a plonka :joy:

I wonder too if women like that sort of thing, and whether that's causing a resurgence or whether living in the ghetto is a major factor :thinking:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Tue 08/27/24 01:47 PM

It looks ridiculous but so is that entire lifestyle. I don't think they care.

I wonder if this is going to be way of all trends in the future, it's worrying when sense goes out of the window....

Jaan Doh 's photo
Tue 08/27/24 01:45 PM

Well, they seem to have a higher opinion of their azz crack than I do.

:joy: 🤣

Jaan Doh 's photo
Mon 08/26/24 01:31 PM

Love is blind because you refuse to see what will be revealed to you in the end

Eve - Love Is Blind

Explicit Lyrics...

Jaan Doh 's photo
Mon 08/26/24 01:13 PM
What's the Bobby Moore (score) with wearing your pants half way down your ***?

Quite often, you may see guys wearing their pants half way down their ***...

And on various portals like reddit and quora, members say it's a trend that started in prisons, because they're not permitted to wear belts...

It's actually something that started in South America, so that dubious rogue elements could reach there gun quicker, having to stowed in their waistband...

Understandably, in that kind of environment, maybe it's the difference between life and death?

But here in the west it positively looks ***Stupid*** :joy:🤣

What is your opinion of the individuals who wear their pants in such ludicrous fashion?

And of the tend too?

Jaan Doh 's photo
Sat 08/24/24 01:56 PM
Xscape (they did that track 'just kicking')

Jaan Doh 's photo
Fri 08/23/24 12:00 PM

There's my voice... It's just a short message, but at least now you know voice :joy::sunglasses: :thinking: means vodaka & rum.. after intake the great voice been presented..


The intake :beers:🥃:beer: will happen on Sunday when I catch up with guys :wink:

It will help dull the pain of going to work on Monday :joy:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Fri 08/23/24 11:56 AM
Welcome to Mingle all of you..

Jaan Doh 's photo
Fri 08/23/24 03:48 AM

There's my voice... It's just a short message, but at least now you know voice :joy::sunglasses:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Fri 08/23/24 02:04 AM
Thursdays, Fridays Saturdays and Sundays :raised_hands::dancer::confetti_ball::tada::cake::heart:

Whoop whoop it's that most glorious of weekdays Fridayyyyyy :joy:

Happy Friday to all the lubbly members of Mingle
And happy friday to all the turnips too :smile::raising_hand::pray::heart:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Thu 08/22/24 03:24 PM
Lurking lurking... :eyes::joy:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Thu 08/22/24 03:21 PM
I just say I work for the government and cannot divulge any more till I'm drunk :beers::beers:

And after I'm drunk I say...
My job is to go out in the middle of the night and inspect the roads for cracks and log them on my sheet :joy:🤣:beers:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Thu 08/22/24 03:16 PM
Mike & The Mechanics - The Living Years

R.I.P. Pops :heart:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Thu 08/22/24 11:48 AM
Yeah good job Crystal, it looks like a Labour of love, clearing the space and everything else...

I have to admit I've become a bit lazy and any free time I get, I try to catch up with friends at the pub, or generally lounge about lol...

I hope that the corner of the garden is safe from strong winds too :wind_blowing_face:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Tue 08/20/24 02:31 AM

Happen Monday, back to work..

So True Robin...
But before you know it, it will be Friday again :joy::sunglasses:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Tue 08/20/24 02:30 AM
I'm on the bus :bus: going to the dungeons :moneybag::moneybag::moneybag:

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