Danger of Superhuman Movies
Hiya Crystal, yes it's a worrying trend, and what you say makes sense to me... It seems like religion and belief in God (belief without the need for evidence) is being diluted with all forms of science, and the desire to create more and more powerful weapons...
I guess the world is being prepared for major changes, and the most obvious targets are the young people as they are more easily seduced by the sexy marketing... It's worrying for for, maybe not for us, but for our children and grandchildren... |
New Menu Option "Realms"
Mmmmm I have been a bit busy of late and not had much free time (sadly
![]() So today I noticed / discovered the new menu option Realms in the menubar at the top of the page... When I click it, I just see a blank page with the message 'Something went wrong'... So what is Realms?... Maybe it's another word blogs/vlogs? I'm curious to know ![]() |
Yeah I saw the post and scumbag in question...
I reported it too and advised Mingle to report it to the local police in his town / country immediately... So they can lock him up... |
Hiya all, I'm just wondering how everyone spends their Sundays...
I try to use it to relax n chill before the weekly punishment ![]() ![]() How do you spend your Sundays? |
I like expedition x or bigfoot too...
But I love the curse of oak island more... O.T. Im watching the old Max Payne, 2008? With Mark Wahlberg and Mila Kunis... It's sooper dooper ![]() |
New black kitten Meggie
Awwwwwe she's Gawjuss
Company that you desire?
Not seeing anyone that would notice that the great actor Gene Hackman died, one of my favorites. Hiya Cat, Awwwwwe that's a bit sad, the news didn't say much as to why and how... I guess we all get caught up in the day to day grind and forget almost everything and everyone... |
Know your audience
Those wanting and waiting for a performance , will generally lose interest , if it's not forthcoming and will end up disappointed !!! Be the performer and take action as you get the opportunity.... it doesn't come that often yanno !!!! Somebody mention me? ![]() Now where's that popcorn ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Okay I'm comfy now, let the performance begin ![]() |
Happy Friday Everyone
After someone's wonderful adventurous comeback to official mutual respect in office, with a smiling face of month end Friday, as usual I will maintain the same discipline in next month too. As a Best Employee to above the Boss orders an listening his very respectful words of greets.. ![]() Happy Friday To All.. ![]() ![]() ![]() Halle drinkuila in Night 🥃 🥃 Shake-Cheers ![]() Congratulations ![]() ![]() ![]() On winning back the mutual respect of the toe rags oops I mean of your colleagues ![]() ![]() ![]() I too went back to my old job, the toerag oops boss man has accepted it was his mess up and not mine... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() So that only leaves one thing now... Wish all my far away and round the corner friends on Mingle a very happy dappy Fridayyyyy 🥃 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Have a great weekend ![]() |
Seems to be working fine for me?
I use the Mingle website (desktop mode) on my mobile phone... I do not use the Mingle app... |
Company that you desire?
Is it people I like to talk to, things in common- tv, books, movies, music, animal topics... those are topics I desire. I enjoy talking to people who I have a lot in common with too, very much so... Maybe it is because they understand the meaning of hardship, struggle and sometimes not being accepted, maybe because of the colour of my skin, or my taste in music or 100 other MINOR reasons... I always felt that if you keep an open mind and broad horizons, you never have any trouble getting on with anyone... I must admit though, that those values haven't helped me find that one special person yet... |
Asia or Europe
I guess living in either Asia or Africa would be nice...
Asia, the continent of my forefathers... Africa, the continent of my birth place... |
Lonely parents looking
Thank you to the group creator(s), I find my situation unique- and realize that part of this could be due to the fact that I do not talk about it for the shame and guilt which overwhelms me when I say: I am the mother of the two most amazing boys but their father has FT custody. I immediately sense judgement. What remains unsaid is that I single-handedly raised them for 7 years while my ex took a free ride; he became monstrously abusive- but I gave my word in saying I do. When I reached needing by, went to ER- where he had me served. He had been busy- court order I was no longer allowed in my own home and he took full custody of my children having concocted fanciful story of incapacity on my part and his concern for their safety (whom I had had even just the day before and no concern). He had never been alone with them for more than three hours. And I quickly learned he had cyphoned all of our money. Did I fight for them? Hell yeah- to bankruptcy. I am a mother who raised amazing children. I see them - at his leisure. It is humiliating to say. Is this how men feel in the opposite situation? Heya MuseOutsideTheLines, It is a great thread isn't it? It makes everyone realise that even after divorce there is hope for everyone... Sorry to read your story, sounds pretty sad to be honest... I don't doubt it, and can believe it, my ex said I threatened to burn down the house, in the divorce papers, it's pure BS and I even told her, if I contest this in a divorce courts, the police records will be checked, and there won't be any record of you phoning the police, so understand that lies won't benefit you... I tried to make her see that BS that some point or other will be discovered for the bull chit that it is, usually when the children are old enough to understand... Now the kids are grown up, they know the truth, but I would never slag her down to the kids... Its simple, she is their mother, we had some good times, and when the bad times came, she ditched, and that's all there is to it... So although I was hurt by her lies, I do not let it worry me, the world is big, there are lots of potential partners, and my children will ALWAYS be my children, even if she remarries, and I just get on with living life... Your children too will grow up and they will know right from wrong, truth from lies, so try not to dwell on it and Good luck to you too... |
5) Moderators to listen to customer queries and complaints is a must, and I envisage they would be a volunteers, voted into position by the website members One of the main issues I have had on here when I was sign out was though a reset password option was available it didn't work. Nothing was sending to my inbox. Password couldn't be reset automatically or manually. Had to create a new account. That can be discouraging to some folks. Hi Slimme, Thank you for sharing your experience with regards to resetting your password... As far as I know (and I could be wrong oops) the modern trend of user account identity and authorisation is one where the password cannot be reset. Instead a link is sent to the REGISTERED email address on the system databanks, which should resolve problems such as the one you suffered. And generally, a customer / member / website user would be expected to email the customer support department to notify the website that the user has changed their email address, and the customer may be asked some further questions to ascertain that they are indeed the genuine account owner. And once the checks are completed and authenticity of the account holder is confirmed, then the REGISTERED email address would be updated on the system databanks. I would think also, that if genuine ownership of the account is not possible then the person (you/me/any registered member) would be forced to create a new account, I understand it's not the best solution, but without satisfactory results in the further communication between the account holder and the customer service staff, one cannot be sure that the person is the genuine account owner. What are you're thoughts on the above? |
Gmail Scam Targeting Users
I'm glad my Gmail is my secondary account and I hardly ever use it...
A way to vett the members to ensure that they are what they say they are. That should require a minimum amount to sign up so that scammers would go broke making their hundreds of profiles like on here and other sites. Software should automatically check for certain conditions that are obvious frauds such as a 20 year old 2000 miles away wanting a relationship with a man 60 years old that has never said boo to her. Grammar checker to catch the obvious frauds from overseas that have horrid grammar and flag them for more review. Admins that listen to members and actually investigate fraud reports. I could go for days since everything is what I have mentioned on here before and they ignore every bit of it. Look what it has lead to Thank you very much for all the solid pointers... 1) I guess that vetting members is straight forward... 2) Charging a registration fee sounds like a super idea, and although I had intended to make registration free, maybe I could charge a nominal fee for registration, and make that fee refundable upon the member leaving the website, without breaching the terms and conditions of use... 3) Checking the email sender/recipient age difference, distances and even length of membership could help in diminishing unwanted messages... 4) Grammar has never been my strong point, but maybe I can get help with this... 5) Moderators to listen to customer queries and complaints is a must, and I envisage they would be a volunteers, voted into position by the website members... Well, I've noted all the good advice and hope to work on all of those things after the first beta test, I'm still in the sign process right now and working on the chatroom and forums... Hopefully I'll be able to post links to a live preview in about a months time... |
Well now that I'm not working a regular 9 to 5 job, I'm finding I have lots of free time...
I'd like to use the free time to create a website like Mingle or Tagged or Badoo, rather than just cabbaging watching TV... Since I cannot afford to fork out thousands of dollars, I'll be doing all the work myself (fingers crossed 🤞 lol ![]() I note too that website design has come a long way from html 3.0 which is when I first started learning about the subject... When I get stuck, I'm hoping to ask the professionals in the community to guide me, by way of questions lol... Naturally I'll also be using Google and for research as well... My first question is If you were designing a dating/social website, what key features would you have? Currently I have shortlisted 1 - Public Chat Rooms (like before it was removed) 2 - Public Forums (bulletin board) 3 - Direct Messaging (the email feature) Currently I have avoided 1 - Member Blogs (blogs/blogs leave it to the pros) Thinking about adding 1 - Music playlists (only playing YouTube videos of the members favourite tracks) |
The Straight Story (1991)
A story about an elderly guy who drives across America on a lawnmower to visit his brother who had a stroke. |
Edited by
Jaan Doh
Mon 02/03/25 10:57 AM
Hiya Crystal,
Wasn't it good? Yes I like the way he explains stuff too... I couldn't see that series listed on the iplayer, but there was another series also narrated/hosted by him... It's called Human Universe And it's also 5 episodes.... |
I liked the Terry Brooks shanara trilogy too.
And much preferred the book to the movie/series... In all fairness the movie wasn't that bad lol |