just wrote this for you.
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Sun 10/11/09 08:57 PM
Isn't it funny this whole dating thing? We all stare at this screen trying to find some words and pictures that will give us clues as to where our future loved ones are. whether they are temporary or permanent. We all just want to spill our guts out to someone and show them all of ourselves. Every imperfection, every wrinkle, all the curves and dirt. But when someone does it to us we run.We run from the hills like they were wild fires in Southern California.Burning our essence. Robbing us of our own fire. We are so selfish, all of us. But not me, not anymore I won't run anymore. Next time some nice lady bares it all for me, breasts and soul, loins and womb. I'm going stop and watch. At least for awhile. I'm going to admire all of her even if she ain't for me , even if she's just temporary, I promise to remember her forever. Because even Temps need a steady paycheck.
what is the call back rule?
OK and when these guys take you out and don't call back or ignore your phone call you don't begrudge them at all? honestly? Never left an angry voice mail, or ward every woman away from them that might know them? Look I know the roles and how men are supposed to follow you and chase you until you finally cave. But some of us actually mean what we say when we say it. Your cute, your smart, let's hang out. If i say this I mean it and i don't want to strut around like a peacock or do some sort of mating dance to get you to show interest. My mating dance is letting you in, in the first place. If you don't find that to fit your own expectations, than when I call, text, or email. feel free not to respond. That's ok with me. My point being women in general (witch means there are exceptions) in my experience women always need an explanation no matter how short we date for. Dating for week or two weeks in my mind is in the realm of "thank you for the nice couple of evenings, have a nice life" So why must i ruin both our days by calling you at actually saying that? Because that's what women expect for the most part.That's all I'm asking. Instead we both could chalk it up as a square peg and a round hole (no pun intended) and move on. either way I'd call you back. Literally.
what is the call back rule?
Ok. I am a good guy. I don't sleep around, or treat women poorly at all. So When something doesn't work out with someone I take out a couple of times, why must i call them and let them know that i'm not interested in them after a date or even two. When a girl isn't interested in me. I understand what it means when she doesn't return my phone call, or text. Why is it that as a man it's ok for women to reject us with a subtle hint like an unreturned phone call. But if men use this tactic we are considered womanizing, or disrespectful In some way. Don't get me wrong I love women, but being single this something I've noticed and it kinda bothers me. It's saying that a woman's emotions are more important than a man's or that men don't even have emotions so it' shouldn't matter if you call us to let us down gently or not. not that you even have to because i get the hint and i respect it. Why do so many women not reciprocate? Maybe the reason someone doesn't call is because it's an awkward situation that would be best dealt with by both sides silently wishing the other well and continuing there search for love in another direction. I know I'm going to get killed for this point of view but i really want to understand.
We, men and women all the same are at times good and bad. Honestly in my life there have been times when I have been a selfish prick and others when I have been a kind hearted , sensitive, good man. And I have dated women who are both on the flip side. The trick is to out way the bad with the good. I'd like to say that I am a person of large moral stature as i enter my thirties. (I think it came with age for me) In my twenties I was morally anemic. Now that I'm ready to share and grow with someone I find myself much more selfless rather that selfish with the women i date. I'd like to think this is the way it works for most people who aren't politicians or bankers. That being said any ladies like go out for a nice seafood dinner?