Community > Posts By > ShiningArmour
Someone should make a vampires vs zombies type movie. I think that would be...interesting.
The best thing about TV....
| that you can turn it off anytime you want. ![]() I agree! It's on literally ALL THE TIME here! I much prefer the reading of a good book over the droll monotony of television. |
Kalama Sutta
Do not believe in anything (simply) because you have heard it. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. Do not believe in anything because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything (simply) because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all then accept it and live up to it. Buddha ( Anguttara Nikaya, Vol 1, 188-193 P.T.S. ED.) I tell everyone I know this! Just not in this way. When I hear things like "Pokemon is evil" I say, "Have you ever played?" the answer is always the same. "No, but I know it's evil!" I say, "How do you know?" Billy joe said so!! BS! Look into it for yourself! |
Who Proofs Movies????
Well they did explain that when anikin skywalker was laying next to the lava and started to burn up. That's why he needed the suit! His lungs burned up! (Not all the way though) And obi wan says in one of the other movie that he's "More machine than man now" I think when you watch a movie that takes place in an alternate universe. (As in a made up one) You can look at it two ways. 1. Things work differently in THIS universe than it that one (The made up one) Want proof? Try building a lightsaber. 2. All of it is made up. Not real. Fake. That's what makes it science fiction! Without all of that fun made up stuff you would just have more of the same! Hope that helps! ![]() You're telling us Star Wars isn't real?!?! ![]() But yeah, it does come down to suspension of disbelief..these things never stop me from enjoying films, and it's helped me enjoy a lot of films, some I do turn my brain off for. Like doctor who. "It's bigger on the inside" ![]() |
I am passionate about being happy. I made a pledge to myself to be happy every single day for the rest of my life. My biggest passion is laughing my butt off when something bad happens to someone I don't like! ![]() And making fun of people behind their back. That's fun to! |
Throwing in the Towel
So, I have thrown in the towel as far as dating and relationships. I am not angry or sad as I just don't care. So I am curious if you have given up on finding someone or are you still keeping your dream alive of finding your soulmate. Enquiring minds want to know. ![]() Heavens yes. I used to have this awesome profile on another site. It got at least three e-mails every week from all sorts of women. One even IMed me! I deleted the profile in frustration because I thought I could do better. I could not. Since then, I just don't think online dating works. And since I'm a home body, I'm not going to find anyone. They say, "Just live life and the right person will find you" Yeah right. Unless a virus or a bacteria are my soul mate they have not found me. Bottom line? Online dating does not work. UNLESS A. you are an extremely good looking Woman. Then the guys will come to you. B. You are really good at writing profiles. No I no longer try. The only thing I miss from dating is the sex. ![]() |
Who Proofs Movies????
Well they did explain that when anikin skywalker was laying next to the lava and started to burn up.
That's why he needed the suit! His lungs burned up! (Not all the way though) And obi wan says in one of the other movie that he's "More machine than man now" I think when you watch a movie that takes place in an alternate universe. (As in a made up one) You can look at it two ways. 1. Things work differently in THIS universe than it that one (The made up one) Want proof? Try building a lightsaber. 2. All of it is made up. Not real. Fake. That's what makes it science fiction! Without all of that fun made up stuff you would just have more of the same! Hope that helps! ![]() |
HE IS RISEN !!! ![]() GOD BLESSED YOU !!! ![]() ![]() |
Simpsons, anyone?
The simpsons came out when I was in grade school. So I guess I grew up with them.
My parents did not like me watching it, because bart was disrespectful. I guess they thought it would rub off on me. Never did. My fav character currently is: Sideshow bob. I think his episodes are the most entertaining. |
Dr. Who
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Mon 04/25/11 06:52 AM
Don't know his name but he whore the black leather jacket. And appeared in the first season of the new one's. |
Can You be God?
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Mon 04/25/11 06:49 AM
The Bible?
Da Jesus Book?! That would be hysterical to see! Here's the main page. Or you can order it here: ![]() ![]() The dumbing down of people in action. Stick with "New king James version" |
Rise in Atheism
Left out a key word: The funny thing is, all of the 'strong'est atheist I've met agree with you and I. When pressed, they all admit that they are NOTtruly, absolutely certain. So it could be said that even they don't know if they are right? First we have spontaneous generation, and now we have evolution. I wonder they will come up with next? I've always gone with the origin of everything seeing as it makes the most sense. ![]() |
Rise in Atheism
Cowboy wrote:
Now you've resorted to lying? God hates NO ONE. Not one person does he hate. All you're saying here is that you don't believe it's hateful to cast someone into a state of everlasting punishment for not believing in absurd mythologies. God loves us all and is why he offers forgiveness for anything and everything if one truly means it and is willing to repent of that action. No one mentioned anything about asking for "forgiveness" or a need to "repent" for anything. We're talking about belief here. And nothing more than that. And there is no reason for not believing in God, there is no honest, sincere, or well-intended reason(s). There is no excuse for it and is why the judgment on such a matter is so severe. There are quite valid reasons for believing that there is no such thing as a conscious purposeful and righteous "God". (i.e. dastardly birth defects for one). The idea that a supposedly righteous God would 'create' people in such poor conditions and situations is itself an oxymoron and thus gives atheists and well-meaning people a "perfectly legitimate excuse" for not believing in such a God. So if the creators of this fictitious God hold out that there is no valid "excuse" for non-belief, then they are fools because clearly everyone has been handed such a perfectly valid excuse on a silver platter. This is just further proof that the stories are lies. It's just a religion that was created to support hateful religious bigotry as well as male-chauvinism. It's just one culture's way of using a 'god concept' to belittle everyone who refuses to cower down to their rules. Looking at it from that point of view makes perfect sense, thus all honest, sincere, and well-meaning people have several perfect excuses for not believing in these derogatory fables. Moreover, the Eastern Mystics offer a far wiser, more intelligent, and more beautiful picture of a creator. Thus for those who choose to believe in a creator it would make honest, sincere, and well-intentioned sense for them to choose a picture that at least portrays a God as being truly intelligent and wise, rather than in a picture that makes God out to be a male-chauvinistic jealous unrighteous fool who hates everyone who refuses to believe in him. ![]() That's my personal view and I'm convinced that the religion has indeed been proven to be false and is beyond salvage. Not that I can think of an honest, sincere, or well-intentioned reason to even want to salvage such a hateful picture of a God. But even if a person wanted to salvage it I don't see how they even could. ![]() The only reason people go to "Hell" is because they choose to. By the way they live. Everyone has a choice to follow or reject God. They can do this by believing in God and doing what he says, OR they can believe in eastern mystical folklore. They can put on the blinders and only believe what they see in front of their face. They can worship demonic spirits. Whatever they want! That's called free will. Now why can't everyone go to heaven? It's not because God hates them. It's because God hates sin and refuses to have it in heaven. That's all there is to it. Of course non believers will reject this because of pre conceived notions already put in place. Hence the path to truth is already blocked. ![]() |
Rise in Atheism
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Wed 04/20/11 02:40 PM
Rise in Atheism
This is from a Christian site: a letter from
your 17-year old “Mom, dad, after my first semester at college, I have to tell you that I don’t believe in God anymore. Science has proven evolution to be true. The Bible is a book of fairy tales. There is no absolute right and wrong. I know this goes against your values, but I now believe in gay marriage and a woman’s right to choose. I don’t want to hurt you, but I have to be open and honest with you--I’m moving in with my girlfriend. This doesn’t change my love for you, and I hope you feel the same about me . . . .” A 2007 survey in the U.S. showed that the number of 18-25 year olds who were atheist, agnostic or nonreligious had increased from 11 percent in 1986 to 20. [1] What do you say to him? This site will tell you. This story is truly sad. A young man was deluded by some off the wall theory and will now live the rest of his life without the love and wisdom of Jesus Christ. A long time ago I heard a scientist (Who was christian) say "I will believe Christianity until it's proven wrong." That's my stance to. That way, I can't go wrong. |
too serious lately...
Since it has been so serious lately about religious views, I have an interesting question that I thought up just for fun.... What if Eve had been created first? Would things be the same as they are or would they be different? that couldn't happen ....everyone know that you need a Man's rib to create a woman .... So, when you get married...and have girl have less ribs? That can't be good. What if you have like twelve babies and they are all girls! OH MY WORD!! Better get a big life insurance policy. didn't you know that the sperm have ribs I did not even know they had lungs |
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Tue 04/19/11 07:48 AM
Highly Recommended Reading
![]() I highly recommend this one. ![]() ![]() Also known as "The strategy guide for life" |
too serious lately...
Since it has been so serious lately about religious views, I have an interesting question that I thought up just for fun.... What if Eve had been created first? Would things be the same as they are or would they be different? that couldn't happen ....everyone know that you need a Man's rib to create a woman .... So, when you get married...and have girl have less ribs? That can't be good. What if you have like twelve babies and they are all girls! OH MY WORD!! Better get a big life insurance policy. |