Community > Posts By > CharlotteRae
dating my boss?
Not married and no kids... He is actually trying to sell the business... After his mom passed away he got stuck with it... I'm not leaving my job if it doesn't work out and there's only 5 of us that work there and they all know I have a crush on him...
dating my boss?
I've worked at my job for 2 1/2 years and have always wanted to ask my boss on a date... He owns the place I work at... So he is rarely there... He has done nice things for me such as giving me money and checking up on me when I'm feeling ill... But I can't figure out if he's interested or just being nice bc he knows I'm a single mom... If I asked him out for drink would that be so wrong?
What to do!?
Thank you all for the encouragement!! I will most Definately be keeping her in dance...
What to do!?
So my daughter has been in dance since she was three (she's now 9) and during that time she became very close with one of the girls there! And I became best friends with her dad (we were both single and he wanted a relationship and I didn't) and we spent a lot of time together! We brought our kids to the zoo and other activities and would call each whenever we were down... He started dating someone (keep in mind he's 11 years older than I) and after just a couple weeks he said he can no longer speak to me bc she didn't like us talking... Years of friendship went down the drain! I was so hurt! I'd lost a dear friend... Well just three months have went by and dance just started and I overheard him and his gf talking at dance and they are engaged! After only three months! And I heard them mention my name and start laughing about me ...!! I feel uncomfortable even being around them... I feel so small and like a bug she wants to step on! I want to pull my daughter out of dance bc I hate how she looks at me and how he acts like I don't matter and like we were never friends... I feel like this is so highschool drama but I'm almost thirty and it does hurt my feelings when someone talks behind my back... Does anyone have any advice or comments that might make me feel better! I used to love watching my daughter dance but I can't help but catching myself listening to them as they distract me from watching or paying attention to my daughter dancing! He didn't bother to tell me so I had a heads up and he is very friend like when she isn't around... Help!
So bummed....
Awww thanks everyone for the advice :) I don't really get out often so I guess I do depend on here lol but don't people say that love will find u when ur not looking ??
So bummed....
I have 2 cats... Uh oh... I'm on my way :P
So bummed....
I've been on this site for awhile now... I found one guy! One!!! Who lives in England :( so I can't count him... But very one who messages me is older or middle eastern or not at all what I'm looking for... Am I setting my standards too high? If so is it considered settling for less? I've been in some rally relationships and decided I wasn't going to settle for anything less that what's perfect for me... So far I'm have zero luck... Any suggestions? Am I setting my standards too high?
In order to have a high standard, you need to be searching for a Melmacian to be your significant other. ![]() Yup... They seem right up my alley!! |
So bummed....
It's been a year since I was seeing someone but 2 since I had a relationship/boyfriend... I'm fine on my own and have done a lot more independently but still rely on guy friends to help me with plumbing and fixing the lawn mower haha but I just miss feeling appreciated and I miss snuggling and the before u fall asleep conversations ... I learned not to take the small stuff for granted and now it's the small stuff I miss the most :(
So bummed....
I've been on this site for awhile now... I found one guy! One!!! Who lives in England :( so I can't count him... But very one who messages me is older or middle eastern or not at all what I'm looking for... Am I setting my standards to high? If so is it considered settling for less? I've been in some rally relationships and decided I wasn't going to settle for anything less that what's perfect for me... So far I'm have zero luck... Any suggestions?
"Don't complain".....
Thanks guys... I've already called attorneys and visitation centers and they all say it has to go to court and he has to bring it to court bc right now I am holding all the cards... Just hard to see the kids missing they're dad... But thanks!
Rate me!�
I'd add more about u... When I look at someone's profile I like to see more so u know what we have in common... It was very short and to the point... Also I hate sideways pics! Hate em! Personally in my opinion I don't dig shirtless pics... But a mans body isn't important to me as it might be to others... I'm more interested in who people r rather than if they're physically fit and have a six pack or whatever... Just me bring honest :) good luck to u!!
"Don't complain".....
Saw today someone posted some thing about baby daddies and how not to complain about them bc I chose to have a child with them.... Made me sad bc the men I had children with were very abusive to me and wrecked me emotionally! It's hard not to complain or vent or seek advice.... I try so hard! I go to school full time and work two jobs while raising two kids and paying my bills as soooo many people do... Whether your a single mom or a married couple life can really strike u hard financially sometimes! But I guess I'm just really having a hard time with the last post I made bc my kids dad was using and I don't know what to do... The kids miss their dad and it's been months since they've been to his home for a visit. He says he's been clean for a few weeks now but I don't think that's long enough to let my kids go back unsupervised... He's in a very toxic relationship and has no rules when the kids r there... He cusses around them and degrades women and if I had known that he was this way truly I'd maybe have had second thoughts on telling him I was prego 6 years ago... It's horrible to say but he has brought me more stress and emotional hardship to my life than anything else... I pray and talk to friends but it's so hard bc in the mean time I go back and forth trying to decide if I'm doing the right thing or if I'm making this a bigger deal than it is and should let the kids be with him... He WAS a super dad ... Then just wasn't and I wonder if maybe I was pushing to hard by saying don't swear! They have to go to bed at 9! Y don't u send they're clothes back! Why isn't her hair brushed! But it's true! I spend a lot of money on clothes for my kids and their clothes never got sent home and "her" kids would wear them! And my daughters hair was a rat nest by the end of the weekend bc they never made her brush it or brush her teeth! I can't control it but don't know what to do... I'm lost...
How'd u do that!?
Was writing a nice lil message to someone and all of a sudden a thing popped up when I hit send and it said I didn't meet their criteria and my message was blocked to them... I want to be able to do that! How do u do it? I get messages and I delete most bc they don't fall into "my criteria"...
My ex does meth!
I am prepared for anything I've had his record pulled and made copies for the last two years and am ready when and if he takes it to court... I have him admitting to me he was using in a text message and am documenting everything... I've always attended my children's school functions and have been as responsible as can be :) I've never been in trouble with the law and don't know why I always pick the guys who r no good for me but I'm not putting my guard down and am making the choices I am in order to protect my kiddos... I don't want him out of their lives completely which is y I said he can come to my house if he takes drug tests and I see him trying but he just is making excuses and says he can't afford a drug test bc of all the child support he pays me... It's all such a mess but he says he hasn't used in a couple weeks but I'm not sure and am just taking precautions... I just know that I won't be ready for unsupervised visits for a while!!! How long would u all give someone before u allow unsupervised visits??
My ex does meth!
Good quote! I have proof in a text and he does have a record years ago but I'm documenting everything... We'll see what happens! Thanks guys!
My ex does meth!
Well I've been clean from it for 7 years he lasted about 6 years "supposably"... I want to know like what u would do? He doesn't have any parenting visitation time established so he'd have to take that all to court...
My ex does meth!
So found out my ex and kids dad has been using meth for the past 8 months on and off... He lied to me about it and I couldn't even tell he was high... What would u do? I told him he can't take kids on the weekend anymore and if he wants to see the kids he can come over and see kids under my supervision and he says he has nothing to prove to me and doesn't care if I trust him or not and doesn't want to come over all the time bc he feels like he's being babysat... Am I making the right choices?
Yeah yeah yeahs!
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Yup leave that part out for sure!
I'm pretty sexy so...
Not into it...