A stone might not glitter, But it is the best for a writer, Who knows how to carve his thoughts better! A flower looks soft for the plucker, But only a bee can reach faster, To get the honey that is tastier! A book serves many purpose, But only a writer can write on its surface, To make it precious! A dessert can be sweeter, But a chef knows how to present it better, To impress the eyes of the eater! YOU may be... Worse for one! Boring for none! Strong for few! Fake for the new! Valuable for some! Pious as a Nun! The "ONE" who knows your spark, Will bring you out from the dark! Will spend time with you alot! To bring out the best from your thought! Realise life is awesome if that "ONE" is there, Or believe that "ONE" is yet to reach you with care, Else face life being strong alone among the rare! But remember YOU are always precious in God's eyes, Even if no one cares for you as time flies! -Aatheera nice poem |
guys vs girls - part 281
❤ ❤ ![]() ![]() you are sleepy... |
guys vs girls - part 281
829 you are feeling sleepy..... |