Community > Posts By > Byarakande

Byarakande's photo
Fri 06/14/13 12:23 PM
Oh God y dis love coz its dis love dat we stil alive and stil searching.
But a tig dose dat have there lovely ones wana find side dishes and to us.we are searching and the search isnt bad only to girls who miss-lead us coz true lover z diffcult 2 get.

Byarakande's photo
Fri 06/14/13 12:11 PM
Bt al in al it depend wen u stay wed dat sum1 4 a while z wen u get to say dat sum1 z real whether awoman or we

Byarakande's photo
Fri 06/14/13 12:06 PM
No wat yo dat good 1 dat understands wat takes. Keep dat atitude

Byarakande's photo
Fri 06/14/13 12:01 PM
Wen u get sum1 its a Godly luck. Tel u wat even me am searching 4 her who z capable(proverbs.last chapter)