Community > Posts By > IEbabe

IEbabe's photo
Thu 09/25/08 01:45 AM
I do after last night. I instantly felt a connection with this guy when i 1st looked at his picture. I felt his energy. I glimpsed his soul. Once we started IMing ~ there was most definately a mutual connection & attraction. We IMd for awhile and talked on the phone for 3 days before we decided to meet. I warned him that once we met face to face it was going to be all over ~ it was going to be electric ~ there was gonna be a big boom! I felt like I'd known him forever. I felt like we'd had this dance before, maybe in a past life. I felt like this person was a part of me. And what surprised me so was when he's telling me that he feels like this before i ever revealed myself to him. Once we made love, OMG! the fireworks went off and it was a really BIG BOOM! we made love hot & heavy twice & then again in the morning before he left for work ~ leaving me at his place & letting me know to help myself to anything i needed & that i was totally trusted there. I didn't want to wake up ~ i thought i was dreaming & didn't want it to stop. i pinched myself ~ twice! Yes, I BELIEVE IN SOUL MATES! I just found mine and i don't want to miss a single moment.

IEbabe's photo
Thu 09/25/08 01:25 AM
Good Morning from sunny SoCal!
40 and loving it!!