Community > Posts By > SparklingCrystal đđ
It's too normal Crystal. Feel like just booking a flight and taking me and my son somewhere hot for a week! In fact, that's what I will do. ![]() ![]() ![]() If you do so, enjoy it! I think Malta, Greece, or Turkey is good this time a year :) |
Crystal Painting Gallery
Thank you so much, Julie!
Snow, snow, snow, snow! Getting fed up of the stuff and the Scottish weather! The weather is bipolar here I think? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Quite normal in Scotland, isn't it, hihi. |
Crystal Painting Gallery
Thank you!
OT - Lot of work done this afternoon! ![]() A close-up of the soldiers & Highlanders. I'll do a few minor updates here and there, thin lines, nothing major anymore. ![]() |
The last book you read?
Sphinx by Robin Cook.
I used to own a copy, bought another one the other day. 2nd hand as it's out of print. One of the few non-medical thrillers Robin Cook has written. |
5C sunny. Outside still quite a lot of white, although not covering everything.
Roads can be slippery and we still get night frost. I'm starting to get fed up with it even though it's not too bad and normal this time a year. |
Canada Ah, that makes sense then. Still, very cold!! |
Crystal Painting Gallery
Thank you, Julie!
I've done more work today. Did the mist over the men in the background, immediately creating more depth :) And begun with another layer, a highlander that's a wee bit closer than those in the fog. There will be at least one more. Made the kilts of the highlanders in the foreground a bit lighter, and added highlights to the uniforms of the redcoats as I felt they'd gotten too dark. And some definition of the grass. I don't think that needs much detail as there will be fog as well, but I might go for a bit here and there nonetheless. Also did some fine detailed work on the cottage, like making the door brown, make the windows deeper, added more deep red to the roof etc. Stuff you won't easily see perhaps, but still make a difference. ![]() |
Define Sexy
Crystal, you are thinking of romance novels, not reality. Not unless you wish to call science & psychology a romance novel, hihi. What I am telling is reality. It never ceases to surprise me how little people know and understand of how we 'work' when it comes to relationships. When you explain them -still in understandable language- they get all awkward, sometimes nasty even, and dismissive. That's in general, not talking about you, so don't take offense. But this subject is what I've studied to great length, still do,-and even taught courses about. All what I'm saying is based on hormonal workings and psychology, aka science... This knowledge has been out there for decades yet hardly anyone knows about it! Even in spite of thousands being single and could benefit greatly from it. That's what I find weird, but alas. |
Crystal Painting Gallery
Did fine-tuning of the cottage, subtle things.
And spent some time working on the Highlanders & soldiers. Lots of fine detail. The greyish figures in the back are exactly that: figures in the background. They'll be in quite thick fog and a few more will be added with more detail, a wee bit more in the foreground. ![]() |
Childbirth & Healthy Gut
Edited by
SparklingCrystal đđ
Wed 01/17/24 02:21 AM
... I was just reading further on the subject and came across this statement "These microbes are believed to be critical for growth and are thought to help protect against asthma, allergies...." Both my boys were emergency c sections. They both have asthma and allergies. Pretty Interesting. A mother myself, I can understand how awful it must be to now come across this information. Let's hope doctors have become wiser and now swab babies' mouths after C-sections. As for your boys, maybe you can find some help for them in the alternative? Homeopathy or acupuncture could be of help. And even Eden Energy Medicine therapists. I know there are many all over the US. Or a very good naturopath. Could very well be that your boys' gut health isn't solid but can be improved. That could do a lot for their overall health & well-being. |
Childbirth & Healthy Gut
Fascinating, thank you, Crystal. Perhaps you should have swapped swap for swab though. Haha, an unfortunate mistake on my part. I can't edit anymore so let's hope people are intelligent enough to not fear their child is going to be swapped for another. |
Crystal Painting Gallery
Thank you, Julie :)
OT - today I decided to work on Leanach cottage first, which I've done. Nearly finished with it, some fine touches and shading etc. left to do. I didn't work on the Highlanders or soldiers, spent all my time on the cottage. Sure as heck brings more life into it all, doesn't it?! ![]() |
Coulda been me.. -37 C which is pretty much -35 F ....and that's without windchill -37C??? In the States? |
some 2-4C mostly cloudy although I saw a tad of blue sky in the afternoon.
We had hail, snow, sleet, rain, and strong wind. As we speak (midnight) it's 1C but feels like -5C. |
Crystal Painting Gallery
I've started my Culloden Battle painting.
It took me some time to work out the composition I could live with. In essence I wanted to paint the Leanach Cottage, then out of the blue I felt like painting a misty part of the battle behind it. I really liked that, but then got into trouble due to the size of the canvas. In the end I worked it out, cottage a bit further back, soldiers a bit to the foreground. (I had wanted it the other way round at first) The soldiers will be painted in full detail, then I will put them in a misty setting. Hooray for having bought zinc white which is rather transparent! I hadn't expected it to need it again so soon after the Great Wall! The cottage will be clear & bright, in full (sun) light. Yesterday I got the basics done: ![]() I've done a lot of work on the soldiers today. Not done yet, but for today it was enough. Also altered the colour of the roof so it has the right colour to work with now :) You cannot really tell, but it is a substantial difference. From the purplish blocking colour to a dark brown-red, it's true base colour. ![]() |
Relationship advice
Edited by
SparklingCrystal đđ
Mon 01/15/24 03:27 AM
That will be often be different for men and women.
Many men don't feel the need to get married or married again. Especially not if they've been married before. They reason logically. It costs money, if we break up it costs money. They'll say, "what difference does it make? None!" To a man making money, providing, being successful that way is extremely important for his sense of well-being, of being a man. For a woman on the other hand marriage means a deeper commitment than 'just' a relationship. For women safety is of the utmost importance. Only if she feels safe is she able to fully open up, thrive, grow, and love. Marriage gives her that sense of safety, knowing he won't just bugger off on a whim, won't easily fall for another -maybe younger- woman, knowing and feeling he chooses her. It's a big statement, and one a woman generally needs for reasons mentioned above. So if a man wants his partner to be able to fully blossom and to feel safe, she can be totally vulnerable and open to a much deeper level for him, he gives her that gift. It allows her to grow in her love for her man. This is stuff few people know. Men generally think she's after his money, doesn't understand how incredibly important feeling safe is for a woman, which has nothing to do with his money. As for what's better for you... only you can tell. If you want marriage then that's what is best for you. Don't compromise because of a man. Instead learn to convey your needs properly to a man so he understands why it's so important to you. |
Define Sexy
Edited by
SparklingCrystal đđ
Mon 01/15/24 03:10 AM
Also, I think sexy means something different to both genders.
I gather for men it means sex, lust, getting aroused. Nothing more, nothing less. To women, however, it generally means she feels he's the Alpha man, the right man to make her happy, safe. The one who will love her forever, commits to her and so on. That's why men can easily prey on women, and why it leaves them heartbroken. |
Define Sexy
Hmmfff, interesting question. I'm not for short answers, hihi. Not even if I try can I pull that off but recently learnt it is very much a female/feminine thing so I take that as a compliment :D
Sexy... behaviour, body-language, clothes that rouses sexual desire in the other gender, and with that begets attention. In essence it's nothing more than that, it won't lead to love nor the romantic love most women dream about. Being sexy as a woman actually means you're more on your masculine energy side, and a man needs to pick up oestrogen (via his nose, subconsciously) to become romantically interested. Sexy will cause blood to flow to his nether regions. Since it comes from a more masculine energy part, it makes women competitive, removing them from what is so healthy for women: sisterhood! Personally I detest competitive women, horrible creatures. A sexy man... the truly sexy ones that exude that are usually the players, the ones that won't ever commit. Yet in a woman they'll rouse her desire and need for an Alpha male. She'll make the mistake of taking him for one. The man will likely get a lot of sex and leaves a trail of broken hearts in his wake. And he likely won't ever feel happy and fulfilled. Once there is love & bonding, "sex and sexy" take on another meaning as they're embedded in different hormones and thus feelings. And... a woman needs a truly good lover. Not the player who's out for his own pleasure. A woman actually needs 9 different orgasms (involving 9 different erogenous areas) in order to be truly fulfilled. That can only happen when she feels completely safe, loved, and cherished. So I'm not so sure sexy gets the proper amount of emphasis. As in, it gets too much. It's far more important for men to work on getting their testosterone back to healthier levels and for women to do the same with their oestrogen etc. "Sexy" probably is the result -or the cause- of our hormones to be disrupted. |
4C Grey & gloomy with rain. Late afternoon possible sleet and icy roads.