Community > Posts By > djdrex

djdrex's photo
Fri 11/17/06 09:38 AM
The only reason I was ranting is because my kid is being insulted daily
by blacks for acting like everyone else. She wanted to join the dance
team at school. There is not one non-black person chosen for the dance
team. I know daughter has rythem. She is a disc jockey's daughter. I
play all kinds of music. my daughter won first place last yr for
crumping. I know it is a racist teacher picking the student because i
saw those chosen and most have no rythme.
I do not care who started discrimination, it is not a justified excuse
in todays world. Someone else said in this discussion ...I was not the
one who started it and I am not the one who practices it. The quote
minorities again who are not minorities anymore will not let go...
And by the way whites were slaves before blacks they were just called
endentured servents.
The world is not fair and this unfairness will cause another cival war

djdrex's photo
Fri 11/17/06 06:23 AM
I am finding the african american are a racist bunch of people expecting
more than they deserve.
Recently my child has been experiencing racism\. makes me wanna start
trouble. I am so sick and tired of being disrespected because I am
How can a caucasion fight racism. It is obvious we have become the
minority in this world.