Community > Posts By > SimpleME23

SimpleME23's photo
Sat 05/11/13 04:30 AM
I thought i found it.

SimpleME23's photo
Fri 05/10/13 07:39 AM
Believed me. He dumped just because of my cellphone. He thought that i am entertaining people, guys in my cellphone when he was able to speak with all the contacts in my mobi. That's all. It's so unfair!

SimpleME23's photo
Fri 05/10/13 07:10 AM
I want him to think that it is not just about making money. And our child needs more than financial support. He will need love, guidance, and care also. I know mother's love is the second greatest love next to God's love, but i just want to give our future child a home with a father that cares and loves him.

SimpleME23's photo
Fri 05/10/13 07:09 AM
I want him to think that it is not just about making money. And our child needs more than financial support. He will need love, guidance, and care also. I know mother's love is the second greatest love next to God's love, but i just want to give our future child a home with a father that cares and loves him.

SimpleME23's photo
Fri 05/10/13 05:39 AM
He knows that he is the only guy that i have. I am tired of hoping and thinking.

SimpleME23's photo
Fri 05/10/13 04:28 AM
He often told me how he wanted us to be together, he said i was the ideal wife that he wants to spend the rest of his life. I loved him so i gave it a try, i accepted him. He said we are about to wed in no time so we must also concieve the baby. Now i do not know if he is still in the bush and did'nt get my message.

SimpleME23's photo
Fri 05/10/13 04:19 AM
He does'nt like me touching my phone. He hates when my sisters check on me. He get upset when my mom asks where i am and if i am ok. He gets even more upset when i get messages from friends who are females aswell. When my phone beeps, he just stare at me like giving a mandate to forget about checking my messages. I hardly do the same. I don't touch his phone, not until he show it to me. Gosh! Its very unfair on my part.

SimpleME23's photo
Fri 05/10/13 04:12 AM
I really hope so. He always work in sites with no internet signals. Oh gosh,

SimpleME23's photo
Fri 05/10/13 03:28 AM
I really hope so. I know how much he wanted to have a child. Maybe he's under the bush and working. I just hope so. :-)

SimpleME23's photo
Fri 05/10/13 02:55 AM
What a life!

SimpleME23's photo
Fri 05/10/13 02:52 AM
I am determine to go on with my pregnancy. Its just sad that he is not here yet. Or if he will ever be around. I don't know if he have read my messages at all. He works in a site with no internet signals.

SimpleME23's photo
Fri 05/10/13 02:49 AM

SimpleME23's photo
Fri 05/10/13 02:46 AM
I love him. But i am nervous and worried.

SimpleME23's photo
Fri 05/10/13 02:40 AM
He said he loves me just as much. And i dön't know what went wrong. The only reason that he gave was he does'nt want me using or having a phone. That's all i know.

SimpleME23's photo
Fri 05/10/13 02:37 AM
I just want to hear the other's opinion and stands if ever they are in the same shoe. I may be miserable at this point but it does'nt mean that i am going to hurry and look for a rebound. I just want to speak up my mind and hear the other's advice. I don't have anyone beside me so i don't have a shoulder to cry on.

SimpleME23's photo
Fri 05/10/13 02:01 AM
I love him and i know i will love him til the last drop of my blood. He is the only man that i had been with. I accepted everything about him. I gave up my chance to be in the states just to stay with him. He knows my whereabouts, my friends. I am lost.

SimpleME23's photo
Fri 05/10/13 01:53 AM
I am not trying to use my pregnancy to trap him. I just thought maybe i am entitled to have him here beside me even until my delivery. Its not easy being pregnant. I only have two choices and these choices are very heartbreaking to me. Either i induced myself and just remove it out of my womb, i am a nurse and i meant to be PRO-LIFE. I'm afraid that my conscience will haunt me in the end. My other choice is to go on and endure the pregnancy. Face all the obligations and responsibilities no matter how hard it is. But i just want to give our child the family that he deserve. Something complete. A father to protect him and me as a mother. Was it wrong for me to dream of that? I am afraid what if i go on, i could just bring the agony to my child's mind, i wanted to atleast tell him that i did everything to bring his dad around, its just him who did not bother to give us the importance that we need.

SimpleME23's photo
Fri 05/10/13 01:42 AM
We had been trying to make a child since then. I was'nt convinced about it before. I used to take precautions. It was just the month when i decided to give it a try with him. I told him how that having a baby is out of my plans yet. I am still young and not yet establish my finances. I'm merely starting my life. But he told me its ok, that he will embrace my culture and be here beside me. So i thought i have to give it a try. I am willing to give up my dreams and plans just to give way to the parenthood. I am willing to play the role of a loving and caring wife to be for him. He wants to have kids and he had been asking me for one. Now, i hardly know what to do. He broke up with me thinking that i am inlove with my cellphone, he suspected that i have chatmates and drown into online chit chats when i have nothing but FB.

SimpleME23's photo
Fri 05/10/13 12:10 AM
I would like to give it a try for the sake of the baby in my womb. But i don't know how to build up again. Its like i have loved a stranger.

SimpleME23's photo
Fri 05/10/13 12:00 AM
I don't know if i am in the right track. I just want to hear people's opinion.

Well, if you don't have anything nice to say, just shut up.

Here it goes:

i loved a man who is older than me. I loved him despite of our differences such as nationality, opinions, culture, etc. It was a perfect relationship and we even agreed to start building our lives together. He is a well of man while i am just a simple nurse. He has everything a guy would ask for. While i am simple and determine to live in simplicity. The problem is, the man broke up with me for a lousy reason. One month had passed, no emails nor phonecall, til i had confirmed that now, i am 1 month pregnant with our child. Is it worth to please him to take me back and be ok for the sake of our child or should i continue my life without him?

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