Community > Posts By > cosmotopper69
i HATE the irs
well seeing as how if i dont pay these stupid taxes...they will charge me intrest or perhaps put me in jail. and i do have to work. so what do i tell my employer?? stop taking out all these taxes??? or should i claim TEN all year and see what the tax man says next year???? ![]() ![]() Look into NESARA and you will find that The Federal Reserve Act is null and void... If The TAX FORM that you fill out to file your income tax dose not have a Docket Number on it, then you are violating Federal Law by sending it in... ![]() See, when you file your income tax documents, you are providing the Federal Reserve's Case against you... That Form is a Court Document, so it needs it's Docket Number... But IRS Forms do not have docket numbers on them, so they are not leagle or binding... All of your life you have blindly tossed your money in the trash bin of The IRS... ![]() ![]() |
i HATE the irs
and their stupid tax bracket system ![]() ![]() Know ye not that your Income Tax is 100% volentary and that only your Wall Street Stock Share Profits are Taxable ??? ![]() ![]() |
WASHINGTON » President Barack Obama's top economic officials on Tuesday vigorously defended the administration's $3.6 trillion budget against Republican claims that it contained overly optimistic economic assumptions and included stealthy tax increases that could end up hitting most Americans. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and White House Budget Director Peter Orszag, in separate appearances on Capitol Hill, stuck to the administration line that the president's budget would benefit 95 percent of working Americans. Higher taxes for affluent Americans would not come until 2011 once "we are safely into recovery," Geithner told the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee. "I'm confident this is the right path for the country," Geithner said. But Republicans argued that the portion of the budget that would require polluters to purchase permits from the government for their greenhouse gas emissions would essentially impose huge new energy costs on all consumers and businesses. "The president's budget increases taxes on every American, and does so during a recession," Rep. Dave Camp, R-Mich., told Geithner. Camp also complained about provisions that would limit the size of charitable contributions that could be taken by families earning more than $250,000 a year. But Geithner defended the overall proposal, saying far more people would benefit from lower taxes under the plan. He said the budget reflects what Obama viewed as "a deep moral imperative to make our society more just. But it's very good economic policy too. It will mean there is again a fairer, more equitably shared tax burden on the vast majority of Americans." Orszag faced similar questioning before the House Budget Committee. "The new administration has inherited an economic crisis unlike any we have seen in our lifetimes," Orszag said in defending the spending and tax levels of the budget. Some lawmakers challenged the economic projections contained in the budget as far too optimistic. The budget forecasts that the economy, as measured by the gross domestic product, would only shrink by 1.2 percent this year and then snap back and grow by a solid 3.2 percent in 2010, followed by several years of annual growth of over 4 percent. That's more optimistic than most private forecasts, and comes despite a new government report showing the economy contracted by 6.2 percent in late 2008, far more than the 3.2 percent drop first reported. "It looks like somebody's cooking the books," Rep. Kevin Brady, R-Texas, told Geithner. "It does predict a somewhat more rapid recovery" than other forecasts, Geithner acknowledged. But, he added, "I believe this is a realistic forecast," even if it does come at a time of a still-deepening recession. He promised the administration would "look at this with a cold, hard set of eyes" when it revisits its assumptions at a later point. Geithner also said the administration will unveil a series of rules and measures in the coming months to limit the ability of international companies to avoid U.S. taxes. Obama and his top aides have been promoting the budget package since unveiling an outline last week, but Tuesday provided lawmakers their first opportunity to publicly question top officials over details. Questioning was pretty much along party lines. Democrats for the most part praised Obama's proposal. "It is making the tax code more fair," Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., told Geithner. Obama's budget faces a difficult path through Congress because of its many controversial proposals on health care, taxes and global warming. Meanwhile, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke was generally supportive of Obama's efforts to stimulate the economy. Bernanke, who was appointed to the top Fed job in 2006 by then-President George W. Bush, told the Senate Budget Committee that Obama's recently enacted $787 billion stimulus package of increased federal spending and tax cuts should help revive consumer spending, boost factory production and "mitigate the overall loss of employment and income that would otherwise occur." Still, the Fed chief warned that the timing and magnitude of the impact of the stimulus package is subject to "considerable uncertainty, reflecting both the state of economic knowledge and the unusual economic circumstances that we face." Asked whether Obama's economic assumptions in his budget are too rosy, Bernanke said although they are a little more optimistic than the Fed's projections, "these things are hard to predict with precision." Bernanke testified that an economic recovery depends on the government's ability to stabilize weak financial markets. The economy was taking another hit a day after the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged below 7,000 for the first time since 1997. An early rebound on Tuesday gave way to another round of selling by midday. Obama, speaking with reporters at the White House, brushed off what he called Wall Street's "fits and starts." He compared the stock market to the daily tracking polls used during campaigns and said that paying too close attention to markets could lead to bad long-term policy. Obama wants to reduce the emissions blamed for global warming by auctioning off carbon pollution permits. The proposal, known as cap and trade, is projected to raise $646 billion over 10 years. Most of the money would be used to pay for Obama's "Making Work Pay" tax credit, which provides up to $400 a year to individuals and $800 a year to couples. The plan also would raise money for clean-fuel technologies, such as solar and wind power. "This massive hidden energy tax is going to work its way through every aspect of American life," Rep. Dave Camp of Michigan, the top Republican on the Ways and Means Committee, told Orszag. "How we light our homes, heat our homes and pay for the gas in our cars, in every phase of our daily lives, we will be paying higher costs." Orszag acknowledged that the energy proposal would increase costs for consumers, but argued that the vast majority of consumers will get tax breaks elsewhere in Obama's budget package. ![]() Now it's about Larry's Financial team, had you noticed that a great deal of them are Isaeli dual citizens, can anyone ( Please!!! ) tell me WTF Israel has to do with the finacial logistics of The USA ??? WTF they are doing in the american Pentigon... WTF one is doing in charge of Homeland Insecurity ??? Now Larry was born in Kenya and he works for GHWB and Bush is Scull & Bones the American Illuminatti, the way things are headed, it can't end well for anyone... ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 03/04/09 09:25 AM
Hi cosmo/Gary!! ![]() ![]() ![]() Im intrested! Why do you call him that? ![]() ![]() ![]() Yah, and I guess a bandade might have saved the Titanic Too... ![]() |
Hi cosmo/Gary!! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Wed 03/04/09 08:53 AM
There are many programs like this where just trimming the waste will save billions. Past Administrations were good at creating waste. Just by juggling the books, a president could shave the deficit. Obama seeks major change in federal contracting WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama is moving to overhaul the way the U.S. government awards contracts for work to be done by the private sector, saying there have been too many abuses of taxpayer money. Obama joined Republican Sen. John McCain, his presidential campaign rival, and other congressional figures Wednesday to put his pen to an executive memorandum. The document essentially commits the administration to new marching orders for awarding such contracts, and Obama said that it could save up to $40 billion to $50 billion a year. One area in particular that is targeted is no-bid contracts, which the administration is seeking to change so that there will be more competition for government-paid work. Obama said that "even if these were the best of times, budget reform would be overdue in Washington." THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below. WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama plans to change how government contracts are awarded and who can earn them, a move his aides say would save taxpayers about $40 billion a year by making the process more competitive. Obama is to sign a presidential memo Wednesday that changes government contracting procedures, an administration official said on the condition of anonymity in order to discuss the decision before it was announced. Obama's directive would order Peter Orszag, director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, to work with Cabinet and agency officials to draft new contracting rules by the end of September. Those new rules, officials said, would make it more difficult for contractors to bilk taxpayers and make some half-trillion dollars in federal contracts each year more accessible to independent contractors. During last week's White House meetings on the nation's financial future, lawmakers and officials bluntly told top Obama aides that government contracts needed to be handled in a better way. The president's own fleet of Marine One helicopters became an illustration of out-of-control spending. Arizona Sen. John McCain, Obama's Republican rival during last year's presidential election, dryly told Obama, "Your helicopter is now going to cost as much as Air Force One." Obama said he already had spoken with Defense Secretary Robert Gates about the fleet of 28 Marine One helicopters that is now over budget at $11.2 billion, a price that has almost doubled since the Navy started the project. "It is an example of the procurement process gone amok, and we're going to have to fix it," Obama said last week. Obama will say that his administration will stop outsourcing to private contractors many services that should be performed by government employees. He also pledged to open contracts to small businesses and eliminate "unnecessary" no-bid contracts that allow preferred contractors to take assignments even though they might not be the least expensive option. In his remarks Wednesday, Obama also planned to praise McCain and Democratic Sen. Carl Levin of Michigan for their work to curb cost overruns in defense contracts. He also will acknowledge Gates' attention to the procurement process. The administration official said Obama would not, however, sacrifice national security to save pennies. The official also said the administration plans to increase transparency and accountability provisions in contracts — a major theme of Obama's young administration. A review of 95 defense projects by the Government Accountability Office, the auditing arm of Congress, found that the projects went over budget by $295 billion over the course of several years. Does this include Halibuton? Yes! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Tue 03/03/09 09:11 PM
The History of the House of Rothschild by Andrew Hitchcock The Rothschilds have been in control of the world for a very long time, their tentacles reaching into many aspects of our daily lives, as is documented in the following timeline. However, before you jump to the timeline, please read this invaluable introduction which will tell you who the Rothschilds are as oppose to who they claim to be. The Rothschilds claim that they are Jewish, when in fact they are Khazars. They are from a country called Khazaria, which occupied the land locked between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea which is now predominantly occupied by Georgia. The reason the Rothschilds claim to be Jewish is that the Khazars under the instruction of the King, converted to the Jewish faith in 740 A.D., but of course that did not include converting their Asiatic Mongolian genes to the genes of the Jewish people. You will find that approximately 90% of people in the world today who call themselves Jews are actually Khazars, or as they like to be known, Ashkenazi Jews. These people knowingly lie to the world with their claims that the land of Israel is theirs by birthright, when in actual fact their real homeland is over 800 miles away in Georgia. So, next time you hear an Israeli Prime Minister bleating about the so-called persecution of the Jews, consider this, every Prime Minister of Israel has been an Ashkenazi Jew. Therefore when all these Prime Ministers have curried favour with the West for their re-establishment of a Jewish homeland, they have knowingly and deliberately lied to you, as they were never from that region, and they well know it, because it is they who call themselves Ashkenazi Jews. The Book of Revelation, Chapter 2, Verse 9, states the following which would appear to be about these Ashkenazi Jews: "I know thy works, and tribulation and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."The most wealthy bloodline in the world bar none and the leader of the Ashkenazi Jews in the world today is the Rothschild family. As you will see in the timeline, the Rothschilds have obtained this position through lies, manipulation and murder. Their bloodline also extends into the Royal Families of Europe, and the following family names: Astor; Bundy; Collins; duPont; Freeman; Kennedy; Morgan; Oppenheimer; Rockefeller; Sassoon; Schiff; Taft; and Van Duyn. However, these are not the only bloodlines to worry about. You are probably aware of the centuries old pratice undertaken by many Ashkenazi Jews whereby they would change their name, in order for them to appear part of the dominant race of the country in which they lived, so as they could obtain influential positions in that country, which they would then exploit to serve their real masters elsewhere. There is plenty of evidence to prove the Rothschilds continue that deceptive tradition. Furthermore the Rothschilds are known to sire many children secretly that they can put into positions of power when required. This started with the very first man who took the name Rothschild, who had a secret sixth son. Finally, remember the world is a diverse place, I could if I wanted change my name to Rothschild, or any of the names listed above, and that would not make me part of this family anymore than converting to Judaism in 740 A.D. will make these Ashkenazis Jewish. Please, therefore, do not automatically assume someone you see with the name Rothschild or any of the names listed above are part of the Rothschild criminal network. Furthermore and most importantly, the majority of Ashkenazi Jews are innocent and not part of this network. Check the facts out for yourself first, this article is designed to inform people who the enemy is, not single out people of a particular race or people with a particular surname, who may have nothing to do with this Rothschild criminal network. The Link below... Names of specific people who are part of this criminal network. It is The History of the House of Rothschild by Andrew Hitchcock THE TIME LINE: Yada, Yada, Yada, Yada, Are you also aware of the fact that there Illuminatti Bretheren are the Owners of The American Federal Reerve Banking System, that has defrauded the American People of Everything that we once had... The Last Depression was Caused by The Rothchild Banking Partners, this exact same group is as I write this,is selling The USA to China... Exactly Where do you think The Humdreds of Billions of Bailout Money, is coming from... 911 Was The BIGGEST BANK JOB In History and the people that planned and pulled it off have been looting the American Tresury ever since... So this group also endorced selling US Bonds to China, Credit is the wepon that can kill America, I have never used Credit, but you have... As you chase you tail and fight with your friends, the theif walks among us all Both Freely and Respected, Then they hired Larry to finish the job... ![]() |
Ive read numerous books on human relationships and self help. Ive come to the conclusion that most people are retards!! ![]() I tend to agree with Gypsy on that one Jo-Mamma is a Retard, But how dose Gypsy feel about Goats, I mean I never new a Goat that was not good for something... ![]() but was it a yellow goat???? ![]() ![]() ![]() OOOOOp's must a been you... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
You know a good Bob Marley listening session is in session. Anyone who can make songs that make you feel better is good. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Ive read numerous books on human relationships and self help. Ive come to the conclusion that most people are retards!! ![]() I tend to agree with Gypsy on that one Jo-Mamma is a Retard, But how dose Gypsy feel about Goats, I mean I never new a Goat that was not good for something... ![]() |
positivity.....okay here i go Obama will save us in him ![]() ![]() |
along with the Rockefellers, Phipps', DuPonts, Vanderbilts, Bush, Gates, Buffet, Mellon, Harkness, Carnegie, Ford, Alwaleed Bin Talal Al-Saud, Paul Allen, the Walton family, etc. etc. etc. etc. ![]() yep, you're right, slow, there are no such thing as bad people in the world. no such things as conspiracies, i'm surprised that word is even in the dictionary. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() As long as you own a gun and can fire it, you are a threat to them, but when the Guns are taken from you by the government, then your end is near, because there is nothing to stop them, that time is coming soon... ![]() Yep,Yeo, Yep, there are NO bad people, No Illuminatti, No Consperices, it was all just a rediculas JOKE... ![]() |
give me the currency of a nation and i care not who makes it's laws ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() I am not sure if this is a tongue in cheek joke or if you are serious. Illuminatti Fan Club? What is that? But as far as it being 'racist' that is utterly ridiculous. The people I am referring are most generally white, but are also mixed races and are also of many different faiths. I am talking specifically about the Rothchild crime family. They are criminals. If you follow the link you will find the names of these people. It is very specific. ![]() If you refer back to Andy Jackson on Banking and international Banks wanting to controle The American Treasury, You will find that Whom Ever controle the purse strings of a Nation also controls The Laws, Courts and Judges, Therfore they are not a crime family... ![]() Their ways are of Criminal intent, for they are but International Banksters, The Illuminatti = The NWO |
With the daily progression of compounding oppression of Americans,I see it coming and would like to know. Will you follow him there and why? Yes, I will. His approval rating was about 68% last week. I guess they're going with me. ![]() Oh it looks and feels SOOO GOOD, but it will still lead to your torment and death... Bush had a 68% aproval rating too when he first took office, I bet you were for everything he did as well... ![]() It is very important that YOU have a moral compas and for you to know Right from Wrong, The US Constitution is your guid, History is also your guid, If you like how Hitler redecorated Europe, then just stick with Jo-Mamma and the ANC... ![]() |
Obama declares WAR
By Larry Kudlow CNBC Let me be very clear on the economics of President Obama’s State of the Union speech and his budget. He is declaring war on investors, entrepreneurs, small businesses, large corporations, and private-equity and venture-capital funds. That is the meaning of his anti-growth tax-hike proposals, which make absolutely no sense at all — either for this recession or from the standpoint of expanding our economy’s long-run potential to grow. Raising the marginal tax rate on successful earners, capital, dividends, and all the private funds is a function of Obama’s left-wing social vision, and a repudiation of his economic-recovery statements. Ditto for his sweeping government-planning-and-spending program, which will wind up raising federal outlays as a share of GDP to at least 30 percent, if not more, over the next 10 years. This is nearly double the government-spending low-point reached during the late 1990s by the Gingrich Congress and the Clinton administration. While not quite as high as spending levels in Western Europe, we regrettably will be gaining on this statist-planning approach. Study after study over the past several decades has shown how countries that spend more produce less, while nations that tax less produce more. Obama is doing it wrong on both counts. And as far as middle-class tax cuts are concerned, Obama’s cap-and-trade program will be a huge across-the-board tax increase on blue-collar workers, including unionized workers. Industrial production is plunging, but new carbon taxes will prevent production from ever recovering. While the country wants more fuel and power, cap-and-trade will deliver less. The tax hikes will generate lower growth and fewer revenues. Yes, the economy will recover. But Obama’s rosy scenario of 4 percent recovery growth in the out years of his budget is not likely to occur. The combination of easy money from the Fed and below-potential economic growth is a prescription for stagflation. That’s one of the messages of the falling stock market. Essentially, the Obama economic policies represent a major Democratic party relapse into Great Society social spending and taxing. It is a return to the LBJ/Nixon era, and a move away from the Reagan/Clinton period. House Republicans, fortunately, are 90 days sober, as they are putting up a valiant fight to stop the big-government onslaught and move the GOP back to first principles. Noteworthy up here on Wall Street, a great many Obama supporters — especially hedge-fund types who voted for “change” — are becoming disillusioned with the performances of Obama and Treasury man Geithner. There is a growing sense of buyer’s remorse. Well then, do conservatives dare say: We told you so? ![]() ![]() |
The History of the House of Rothschild by Andrew Hitchcock The Rothschilds have been in control of the world for a very long time, their tentacles reaching into many aspects of our daily lives, as is documented in the following timeline. However, before you jump to the timeline, please read this invaluable introduction which will tell you who the Rothschilds are as oppose to who they claim to be. The Rothschilds claim that they are Jewish, when in fact they are Khazars. They are from a country called Khazaria, which occupied the land locked between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea which is now predominantly occupied by Georgia. The reason the Rothschilds claim to be Jewish is that the Khazars under the instruction of the King, converted to the Jewish faith in 740 A.D., but of course that did not include converting their Asiatic Mongolian genes to the genes of the Jewish people. You will find that approximately 90% of people in the world today who call themselves Jews are actually Khazars, or as they like to be known, Ashkenazi Jews. These people knowingly lie to the world with their claims that the land of Israel is theirs by birthright, when in actual fact their real homeland is over 800 miles away in Georgia. So, next time you hear an Israeli Prime Minister bleating about the so-called persecution of the Jews, consider this, every Prime Minister of Israel has been an Ashkenazi Jew. Therefore when all these Prime Ministers have curried favour with the West for their re-establishment of a Jewish homeland, they have knowingly and deliberately lied to you, as they were never from that region, and they well know it, because it is they who call themselves Ashkenazi Jews. The Book of Revelation, Chapter 2, Verse 9, states the following which would appear to be about these Ashkenazi Jews: "I know thy works, and tribulation and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."The most wealthy bloodline in the world bar none and the leader of the Ashkenazi Jews in the world today is the Rothschild family. As you will see in the timeline, the Rothschilds have obtained this position through lies, manipulation and murder. Their bloodline also extends into the Royal Families of Europe, and the following family names: Astor; Bundy; Collins; duPont; Freeman; Kennedy; Morgan; Oppenheimer; Rockefeller; Sassoon; Schiff; Taft; and Van Duyn. However, these are not the only bloodlines to worry about. You are probably aware of the centuries old pratice undertaken by many Ashkenazi Jews whereby they would change their name, in order for them to appear part of the dominant race of the country in which they lived, so as they could obtain influential positions in that country, which they would then exploit to serve their real masters elsewhere. There is plenty of evidence to prove the Rothschilds continue that deceptive tradition. Furthermore the Rothschilds are known to sire many children secretly that they can put into positions of power when required. This started with the very first man who took the name Rothschild, who had a secret sixth son. Finally, remember the world is a diverse place, I could if I wanted change my name to Rothschild, or any of the names listed above, and that would not make me part of this family anymore than converting to Judaism in 740 A.D. will make these Ashkenazis Jewish. Please, therefore, do not automatically assume someone you see with the name Rothschild or any of the names listed above are part of the Rothschild criminal network. Furthermore and most importantly, the majority of Ashkenazi Jews are innocent and not part of this network. Check the facts out for yourself first, this article is designed to inform people who the enemy is, not single out people of a particular race or people with a particular surname, who may have nothing to do with this Rothschild criminal network. The Link below... Names of specific people who are part of this criminal network. It is The History of the House of Rothschild by Andrew Hitchcock THE TIME LINE: ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 03/01/09 03:52 PM
Excuse me??? I very much dislike the reference of "Obama yo momma", it is racist to it's core. That kinda crap doesn't belong. If you can't play nice and keep that kind of crap to yourself, then you shouldn't post. I cannot believe you can even say that here. It offended it surely has offended someone else. Kat Now about The Race Card, -Jo-Mamma could and has been applied equilly to everyone, be it Mohamed-Jo-Mamma, Betty-Jo-Mamma, Sahieb-Jo-Mamma,Hop-Sing-Jo-Mamma or even Svenn-Jo-Mamma... : ![]() Next comes you aparent Lack of knowlage in regards to American History, as it pertains to the antics of GHW Bush, The CIA and american Presidents to date... : ![]() Now as to our cringing leader, Barrack Husane Obama, is that really his name ??? I mean dose anyone know for sure ??? I heard his real name is Larry, then there is that thing about him being proud to have been Born in Kenya, I meant is that in Missippi ??? Before he became President of Amerika, He only had a Pakastani Pass Port, issued off his Milasian birth Cert... OK, so we all may have a semi checkered past, I feel that all this may come into play, when it comes to looking out for and doing what is RIGHT, for those of us who were born in The USA and who families have been here for the past 400 years... Call it a vested intrest, I know that The BUSH FAMILY Screwed America,and what ever you wish to call Larry, He is going to Screw America as Too... That is all that I was saying... You can do what you like on here, But if you don't like what I say than you best not be looking at or reading anything over on , Good Luck to y'all and have a nice day anyway... : ![]() OMG. All this racist talk and Fox news too. I've heard it all now. ![]() ![]() ![]() : ![]() There is NO WAY IN Yell, that I am a racist, I will have you know that I have not had a Racing or Speeding ticket in decades... :barf: ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 03/01/09 05:24 AM
Excuse me??? I very much dislike the reference of "Obama yo momma", it is racist to it's core. That kinda crap doesn't belong. If you can't play nice and keep that kind of crap to yourself, then you shouldn't post. I cannot believe you can even say that here. It offended it surely has offended someone else. Kat Now about The Race Card, -Jo-Mamma could and has been applied equilly to everyone, be it Mohamed-Jo-Mamma, Betty-Jo-Mamma, Sahieb-Jo-Mamma,Hop-Sing-Jo-Mamma or even Svenn-Jo-Mamma... : ![]() Next comes you aparent Lack of knowlage in regards to American History, as it pertains to the antics of GHW Bush, The CIA and american Presidents to date... : ![]() Now as to our cringing leader, Barrack Husane Obama, is that really his name ??? I mean dose anyone know for sure ??? I heard his real name is Larry, then there is that thing about him being proud to have been Born in Kenya, I meant is that in Missippi ??? Before he became President of Amerika, He only had a Pakastani Pass Port, issued off his Milasian birth Cert... OK, so we all may have a semi checkered past, I feel that all this may come into play, when it comes to looking out for and doing what is RIGHT, for those of us who were born in The USA and who families have been here for the past 400 years... Call it a vested intrest, I know that The BUSH FAMILY Screwed America,and what ever you wish to call Larry, He is going to Screw America as Too... That is all that I was saying... You can do what you like on here, But if you don't like what I say than you best not be looking at or reading anything over on , Good Luck to y'all and have a nice day anyway... : ![]() |
![]() Wall Street Bailout... Might all this place The USA at a point somewhere past Broke ??? Well, that was just the Tip of The Iceburg, Icing on The Cake so to speak... ![]() ![]() Not being understood by The American People is that China is Now the holder of $14,Trillion of United States Debt backed by the Homes and property of tens of Millions of Amricans... So, In rapid response to Chinas demand for access to their American Properties, to protect their investments... The U.S. Government is enacting a New Law titled The ( Emergancy Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 ), and in section 101 paragraph 7:3 states that The China Development Bank, has the powers to evict Americans from Their Homes and other Property by Chinese Policing Authorities... Can you say, TROJEN HORSE ??? My question is HOW WILL THIS PLAY OUT, when The Chinese Police try to evict Joe Redneck, A Klan Member, or The Arien Nation,The Hells Anges,La Casa De La Rasa, or The Crips Clubhouse, anyone Remember The ALAMO ??? ![]() ![]() ![]() : ![]() ![]() |