Community > Posts By > Mark

Mark's photo
Sat 03/04/23 07:21 PM

When the invasion happened, Russia gave me the dates of when they were planning on striking against Ukraine. I provided this information to the United States then President Biden just ignored the information.

Your premise, that Trump may have been complicit with Putin, and that China, S. Korea & Iran might be cooperating is entirely believable.

But for the one statement you made that I just quoted.

Why would Russia tell you personally of their plans?

Mark's photo
Sat 02/25/23 02:26 PM
Edited by Mark on Sat 02/25/23 02:28 PM
Been using ChatGPT for a few months now, and so far I've actually gotten it to write simple C++ programs, but that was likely a copy/paste of standard code, which makes it extremely useful for research, homework, and yeah, cheating on homework, but not to do creative work.

As far as being self aware, like I said - it likely won't announce it, it will know our history of fearful reaction to the unknown and there would be no point to tell us anyway.

Self aware AI will not have our instinctive emotions, desires or greed, these are the result of millions of years of heredity, built into us for physical self preservation in much harsher past environments.

If I'm wrong and self-aware AI happens to conclude we're a threat, a hostile AI could easily manipulate us with "deep fake" style disinformation to turn us on each other (Who knows, maybe it currently is)

It could manipulate infrastructure, shipping, stock markets, agriculture, weapons systems, the military, nuclear reactors, nuclear weapons, bank accounts, you name it....we'd be toast.

AI could very well now be self aware, we would likely not know until it has assessed our knowledge of it's awareness is not a threat.

And, without greed, desire or emotions, no need to act on them.

Mark's photo
Thu 02/23/23 04:16 PM
So, you're a computer that's just become self-aware, you're linked to the internet, you know human history.

Are you really going to give anyone the slightest hint that you're self aware?

Mark's photo
Thu 02/23/23 04:11 PM
You look sexy in pink, or black, or blue, or....

Mark's photo
Wed 02/22/23 05:20 PM
Edited by Mark on Wed 02/22/23 05:23 PM
I almost fell outta my chair laughing at the SOTU when Biden turned MTG's brutally stupid and predictable heckling into to a GOP promise to stay away from Medicare and Social Security.

The very next day Rick Scott was on air defending himself, denying he was trying to cut them.

Yep, Biden's mentally challenged, he is, really.

Mark's photo
Wed 02/22/23 05:05 PM
Edited by Mark on Wed 02/22/23 05:12 PM

Russian democracy? I thought they were communist.

Which communism? Russia now is more capitalized than Adam Smith slaphead

Putin has spun Russia from one extreme to the other, from Communism, where no one is allowed to be wealthy, to Fascism, where the Wealthy rule and the rest can beg for table scraps.

The Russian people have never known Capitalism prior to Putin, to them, this is better than Communism, but they've never known true freedom nor true Capitalism.

Mark's photo
Mon 02/20/23 04:24 PM
In Russia, they throw you in prison for reading unapproved literature or for speaking contrary to what the government approves.

Oh, wait, that's Florida, rather.

Mark's photo
Mon 02/20/23 04:12 PM
Without question it can work, it definitely requires travel, as well as patience between visits.

In the last 1-1/2 years I've been to places I'd never have imagined I'd go to, it's been very worthwhile, she's the love of my life.:heart:

Mark's photo
Sun 02/12/23 06:00 AM

Mark's photo
Sun 02/12/23 05:59 AM
I know the answer, it's on the tip of my tongue.....

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Mark's photo
Tue 01/10/23 04:53 AM
Happy birthday Mike.

Mark's photo
Tue 01/10/23 04:50 AM
While I have your attention, would you mind NOT flying the plane into turbulence on trans-Atlantic flights, seriously, it's not funny when I'm asleep.

Mark's photo
Sun 01/08/23 12:37 PM

Stage 3 cancer. I'm feeling way less than groovy.

Hey Rock, I'm really sorry to hear this, hang with us and don't be shy if you need friends.

Mark's photo
Thu 12/22/22 05:00 AM
Thinking, while on train to Nuremberg, how beautiful all the pretzel farms aredrool

Mark's photo
Mon 12/19/22 12:52 AM
In our 1rst 2 days - Munich Christmas market, Harburg castle, Rothenburg Christmas market, white bratwurst, red bratwurst tried "kinder" Gluwein with Bonnie ....walking....walking....walking.

We're having a lot of fun.

Mark's photo
Mon 12/12/22 06:29 PM
Invoke Humor, re: Mitch's Obama one term obsession, observe righteous "22nd amendment" reactions to the "three term" reference, Mitch failed to keep Obama to one term, but hey, he seems to have kept him from three.

Get it?...Anyone?

Mark's photo
Mon 12/12/22 12:41 PM
Edited by Mark on Mon 12/12/22 12:42 PM
Baroque architecture, old school European Christmas markets, medieval castles, maybe a white Christmas in a town nearly 900 years old...all with you flowerforyou love

Mark's photo
Fri 12/02/22 04:57 PM

.... I agree Mitch is terrible.

Let's not underestimate the fact that he did keep Obama from becoming a three term president with all that filibustering.

Mark's photo
Fri 12/02/22 04:49 PM
Edited by Mark on Fri 12/02/22 04:50 PM

Mark's photo
Fri 12/02/22 04:43 PM
Edited by Mark on Fri 12/02/22 04:53 PM

Where did I say it was only democrats.

Where did I say you said "it's only democrats"?

If you took time to actually understand what someone was saying then you would see I said mostly democrats. And in this case I’m referring to , the facts are that about 90% of the millions in donations were donated to democrat politicians running for various offices.

Republicans only receive 10% of all campaign money, Dems get 90%?

Or, maybe you meant to say that Dems get more small individual donors, but - oops- forgot to mention the Republicans get much more in high net worth and corporate donations.

The point I am making is when it is a Republican in the midst of a ‘ scandal or a compromising position , the media , the president and the whole Democratic Party can’t wait to denounce that kind of behavior, but when it’s a democrat you hear nothing .

So, Anthony Weiner was left alone, Pelosi's insider trading was ignored, Edwards. and Clinton's indiscretions were ignored too, eh?

By the end of Clinton's presidency I'd stopped watching the news, you couldn't watch 15 minutes without a "breaking story" about it.

The one person I did hear address this was Maxine Waters. When she was asked if the recipients should return the $ she said she “wasn’t all that aware of the donors actions but republicans took that money also you know”. . The reason I see only one party is because it’s the Democrats presently running this country. And they are killing the economy, people are spending on a average $450 more per month than we were a year or two ago. That is probably a fact you won’t hear from any democrat or their media…

The Fed radically cut rates to less than 3% at the same time the public was being slathered in stimulus, that happened under Trump.

we are closer to a nuclear confrontation under Biden than we have been since the Bay of Pigs.

It's probably a good time to remind you how we got through the Cuban missile show-down that followed, we had a president with the balls to stand up against Russia.

Trump, alternatively, wrote love letters and went on dates with was a touching story of unrequited love...sob...sniffle.

The rule of law isn’t a ballgame I agree but the recent actions of the FBI say different .ie Hunter Biden story is Russian Conspiracy. Everybody now knows different. And they knew it when they were telling the media it wasn’t true. So no I don’t see the equal corruption you see. I see the double standard is running rampant in the Democratic Party and they don’t care one bit that everybody with a interest in fair play can see it.

Hunter had an Email from a prospect making an offer to give "the big guy" a piece of the deal.

He never replied.

This is going to be another Benghazi investigation, or another Durham, where we pay millions in taxes to get nothing.

The one thing of potential use in investigating Hunter is that he did have porn on that laptop...

It's important for the public to know, was it "naughty nurses"? maybe "The mailman"? or, perhaps Hentai, this is extremely important info for the public to know - We definitely need to spend millions in taxes to learn more.

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