Community > Posts By > singmesweet
that's the issue with tolerance,,,,, in the ideal, its great in reality, its not so simple because we culturally decide which feelings people should tolerate and which they shouldn't like , for instance, the mainstream feeling that we should be 'comfortable' with homosexual behavior,,,,and therefore discomfort is intolerance or, the mainstream feeling that we have to be so 'tolerant' of religious diversity that we should not express our own to others for fear of offending with a 'merry christmas' tolerance, its a complex thing in a society of millions, It goes the other way, too. Gay people shouldn't be afraid to hold hands because someone might not like it. And someone should be able to say happy holidays without worrying about pissing someone off. |
Intimate encounters rate?
That's what's confusing to me about rate my intimate encounter profile? Does it matter if she speaks 5 languages or he has his doctrate in foreign affairs? That would be interesting to me... But why would an intimate encounter care? I think it does matter. Have you ever thought about what an IE is? IEs aren't necessarily sleazy, cheap, unhygienic happenings. Let's say you'd be looking for an intimate encounter, hypothetically speaking. Would you do it with just about anyone? Regardless whether he sells hot-dogs in the street, is a backwater redneck, an office-worker or whatever? Don't you think you'd be just as selective as with a partner for a committed relationship, and possibly even more so as you intend to swap bodily fluids? Wanting an intimate encounter doesn't mean you're just going to open your legs for a piece of meat, you can still want a click, both physically AND mentally. So someone similar / same level of intelligence etc DOES matter. Like with a normal date, you usually meet first to see if there is a click. So what would a lawyer or office manager do with a garbage man when they meet? What would they talk about over their coffees? They probably have nothing in common so it likely won't work out in bed either. I don't agree with this one Crystal Fairy ![]() You just described a " FWB"...A friend with benes is fine, someone you already know that you hook up with.. Back to IE's.. on here at least A LOT of people put their intent in the user name.. a guy's name is "For F** only".... this guy has a deep soul that's trying to be discovered?? ![]() Not everyone is going to be exactly the same. Some people do want to click with those they have sex with. |
Intimate encounters rate?
That's what's confusing to me about rate my intimate encounter profile? Does it matter if she speaks 5 languages or he has his doctrate in foreign affairs? That would be interesting to me... But why would an intimate encounter care? I have to reference you red6mist. ![]() He would get further in his "goal" if he said less and showed more. Right? Or is this old skill thinking? Are intimate encounters more personable now? Maybe they're looking for someone they'll get along well with, even if is just for fun, rather than something serious? Why be so judgmental about others? |
women, sheesh. they missed it bro. his screen name, his post, hello! he wants a woman to be happy. his screen name isn't 4x4mudder, or fishingbuddy, or 45gunner. this cat wants a woman. some men know that even with a woman they will be forever unhappy. i guarantee i guarantee if he was true to himself he would be happy with or without a woman (bulldog double guarantee - patent pending) Nah, the forever unhappy thing is a turn off. Some women might be ok with it, though, so hopefully they'll read this. |
Figure out what makes you happy and start doing those things. Once you're happier, you'll have better luck meeting women.
Intimate encounters rate?
Is this a new trend? People wanting intimate encounters CARING about what their profile looks like and says? Why shouldn't they? Looking for an intimate encounter doesn't mean to say you're some low-life bimbo / jack @ss, does it? No, Not at all... which is why I don't judge them, you want what you want. But... I still think this HAS to be new? Please look over my profile.. for a person I don'twish to know further than the night I am with them? No? ![]() If it's me it's me.... Maybe Ive finally hit that age ![]() I don't think it's new. If they're just looking for sex, it's all about attraction. Perhaps they want to see if their profile is attractive to others? I see no problem with that. |
Why worry about labels? If you like a woman, do something about it. Worrying about labels isn't going to get you anywhere.
You can fall in love with someone you have never met. Your mind builds images of what they are like based on your conversations with them. Like msharmony said, blind people fall in love... I don't think it can actually be love until you actually meet, though, whether you can see or not. What you think they're like may be different in person. |
I love it when I go to a restaurant or the grocery store and the waitress or cashier calls me hun or sweetie. I'm the opposite. I prefer strangers not call me by those types of names. Nicknames and terms of endearment to me represent familiarity. If you don't know me, there's no need to use those names. |
I'm fine with people close to me using nicknames. Not so much acquaintances or strangers, though. And not big on the typical terms of endearment, unless it's some have really close.
Not a clue. Black Friday was never a big deal.
Obamacare and co insurance
Plans with lower premiums will have higher deductibles and copays. This isn't just with Obama care. If you want lower deductibles and copays, you're going to have to pay higher premiums. True...but CO INSURANCE is different from a co pay...any policy where one has to meet their deductible for a simple trip to the er is practically worthless...sooner or later just about everyone ends up there...and these are the policies marketed by the insurers as examples of Obamcare rates...trying to prove how cheap Obamacare coverage is when in actually that is nothing but BALONEY... an Obamacare plan for an individual that had a grandfathered plan in NC runs close to twice as much for equivalent coverage... My plan covers preventative care. For ER visits, the deductible would have to be met before coinsurance kicks in. This is not an Obama care plan. |
My coworker does things like leaning over my desk to close blinds, or waiting until I walk away to close them. She also called my boss over because I don't turn on the overhead light. While those are little things, she's pretty passive aggressive and it gets annoying after a while.
Obamacare and co insurance
Plans with lower premiums will have higher deductibles and copays. This isn't just with Obama care. If you want lower deductibles and copays, you're going to have to pay higher premiums.
Are there things your office mates do that annoy you? What are they? How do you handle it?
Talking on the phone eliminates so much bs. It is much harder to dodge questions in a phone call and that works out for everybody. Since the point of dating is to actually meet, and meeting is significantly less trivial than a phone conversation, then generally speaking, it isn't a very good omen if the other party refuses to talk on the phone. Besides, bill collectors already know your number. Same goes for telemarketers and your boss - not to mention the people that read it off the bathroom wall. lol yes but creeps from the internet don;t. a strange man can obtain far more information than he is entitled to with a phone number....given that he has any intelligence, that is. Anyone who needs to push his questions on me will not have a phone conversation that lasts very long. no one is required to answer your questions. If a women is "dodging" your questions, they are not interested. If they are dodging questions, they are HIDING something. If they weren't interested in SOMETHING, they would never have responded in the first place. Phone calls establish some degree of authenticity. For example, am I actually talking to a female? Or, do they have a West African accent (scammers)? Even more, is it impossible to contact this person except on very precise time tables indicating that they may be married? Is their number local, or if not, does it fit within their story? Phone calls eliminate so much bs. Like I said before, phone calls are trivial compared to actually meeting. If someone is unwilling to talk on the phone, then they will most likely never meet. Of course, the question still remains when you should exchange phone numbers, but it is clear that very few forms of communication outside of a face to face or one that is on the phone will elevate trust much further than what was initially established in the first email. After all, the second and third email can be filled with lies as well. People can still be cautious about giving out their number. I wouldn't give mine to random people who asked before even attempting to chat here |
The way i work it is i have 2 cellphones. 1 is my personal cellphone for business and friends , the other for dating. The way i figure is i need to get directions or set up a meeting with a date i have this phone for and turn it off when not needed or don't want to be bothered. If the date is not good then i tell them so"being polite" and if they persist in calling or texting they are blocked problem solved! A second phone just for dating? You must date a lot. Haha. It just seems like too much trouble to have a second phone for dating. Is there a point where they move up to your regular phone? |
There are some here who have my number, but no, I don't give it to just anyone who asks.
The way i work it is i have 2 cellphones. 1 is my personal cellphone for business and friends , the other for dating. The way i figure is i need to get directions or set up a meeting with a date i have this phone for and turn it off when not needed or don't want to be bothered. If the date is not good then i tell them so"being polite" and if they persist in calling or texting they are blocked problem solved! A second phone just for dating? You must date a lot. Haha. |
Question for the guys?
I know this isn't all guys but , Why do some of you send messages like " Hi" or " Hey" or my favorite " What up wit u "? Do you feel it's corny or unmanly to say " Hi, My name is ---, I like your profile. Would you care to talk" This is strictly for those guys who have said " Hi, Hey, or What up" It screams " I'm not really interested in you, but I have nothing better to do" which is why I just delete it. ![]() If you are bored, you'd just make me bored with you. ![]() ![]() Starting off with "I like your profile, would you care to talk?" isn't much better. Whenever guys do that, I ask what they liked and they're unable to actually tell me. |