guys vs girls - part 32
guys vs girls - part 32
guys vs girls - part 32
You have to have a majority for a recall. Something those calling to impeach Obama don't have.
They think they are a majority but they aren't. Just because you make a lot of noise doesn't make you a majority. It just makes you loud. In the mid-terms most Dems and Independents were just complacent. The Koch brothers were busy making noise. What's happening now in congress and around the country, like in Wisc, is proving their noise was more a nuisance than anything they promised. Let's just call the mid-terms what they really were. Noise pollution! |
guys vs girls - part 32
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Sun 02/20/11 08:42 PM
Oh yes it does!
You just can't see the bigger picture. |
Ron Paul Senator from Texas
Now if he would attack the money in DC and propose legislation to abolish lobbyists, that would ****in rock! Obama did! Then the Pubes sued in the SC and had all restrictions on lobbyist lifted. Even those against lobbying by foreign corporations. Did you support him? Now foreign corporations have more power in our government than we do. |
guys vs girls - part 32
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Sun 02/20/11 08:28 PM
This paragraph says it all,
Walker says his legislation, which would strip most state employees of any meaningful collective bargaining rights, is necessary to close the state's $137 million budget gap. There are a number of problems with that argument, though. The unions are not to blame for the deficit, and stripping unionized workers of their collective bargaining rights won't in and of itself save any money. Walker says he needs to strip the unions of their rights to close the gap. But public safety officers' unions, which have members who are more likely to support Republicans and who also tend to have the highest salaries and benefits, are exempted from the new rules. Meanwhile, a series of tax breaks and other goodies that Walker and the Republican legislature passed just after his inauguration dramatically increased the deficit that Walker now says he's trying to close. A perfect example of the domestic threat we face today. Millions are out of work today and at their weakest. Yet the Republican Party and their dual personality want to eliminate the rights of Americans in favor of the corporations and hand over the power of the people to their political donors. If it costs more jobs and our standard of living then so be it. That's their philosophy! The question we must ask ourselves is, are enough of us stupid enough to let it happen? Are we to reverse history and allow corporate thugs to bully us back into unfair wages with no employment security? |
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Sun 02/20/11 08:40 PM
My Daddy always said,
"Some folks will argue with a Stop Sign." I think it's you who doesn't get it. The Wisconsin citizens are already calling for a repeal of the Governor from office. That and the evidence showing what the bill is all about is already killing the Tea Party. Not everyone can be fooled forever. My Daddy used to say that too! "You might fool some of the people some of the time, but you'll never fool all the people all of the time." |
guys vs girls - part 32
Oh Poppycock!!
![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Sun 02/20/11 07:52 PM
I know the Union official that is representing the workers in Wis only makes 148,000 a year.
And that aint squat to what her counterparts are pulling in. I think you have a lot of false impressions of what is and isnt fact. |
Hell fire!
The Koch brothers and their Tea Party associates can't even muster enough support to counter the SECIU protesters in Wisconsin now. And that's the base of operations for Koch Industries. |
I think that Conservatives are still living back in the days of Jimmy Hoffa. Here is a summary of average salaries for Union officials. I don't know why one would expect the most important people on the Labor bargaining team to be less compensated than the most important people on the Management bargaining team. How many on here do you think actually read your link? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Most just believe what they are told and ignore any facts that go against what they want to believe. The mid-term elections showed a peak for the Tea Party and complacency for the Democrats. Now that some Tea Party candidates are actually in office, the consequences and ineffectiveness of their policies, and the Koch brothers backing is becoming evident. People will leave them by droves before 2012. Their mere presence in office will be their end. Of course they will still be Republican, as is their true color. Keep right on believing that. Mid term was the 'rolling out' of the Tea Parties... 2012 will be a peak you wont forget. and neither will the carreer politicians. Many, many more people vote 'tea' than rush around in crowds... and after the Democrats show some more of the spend, spend, spend that 'astroturf' will grow, grow, grow... Dude! You really need to diversify your associates. I know many who were fooled by the Republican diversion that is the Tea Party at first, but have since seen the truth. They swear they will not be fooled again. |
Don't be fooled by sites that do not check facts... Site in question applied a 'google' style search based on any job that contained 'union official' in the title... (as explained by the site itself if you botherd to 'check' their methods). and the results are as one would expect... I give you one example. Biological Service Technician... Now why would a UNION need such a specialist. another... Factory Manager... Again NOT a Union job... (I have been one). can we at least have the spin attached to something real? Most Union employees work for either the Fed or state government. Do you even know what a Biological Service Technician is? Factory Managers can and often are Union memebers. Ours was! I belonged to the Teamsters and live in a right to work state where Unions have very little power. |
I don't know why one would expect the most important people on the Labor bargaining team to be less compensated than the most important people on the Management bargaining team.
I may be confused here, but I thought the salaries for the Labor team cam directly from dues ie the personal finances of the workers. While the salaries of the Management team came from the sale of products/services of the company. Increasing Management team salaries means the company has to make a compromise spanning a variety of areas - marketing, new product development, hiring, accumulating assets... Increasing Labor team salaries on the other hand directly takes more money from the workers. Why would we want the Labor team salary to match the Management team salary? Parity for parities sake? That seems like an unreasonable burden on the workers. U would think so.. But the rich have different rules... The Treasury Department determined that the government did not have the legal authority to block the current payments by the company that has already received more than $170 billion in U.S. support. AIG declared earlier this month that it had suffered a loss of $61.7 billion for the fourth quarter of last year, the largest corporate loss in history. A white paper prepared by the company says that AIG is contractually obligated to pay a total of about $165 million of previously awarded "retention pay" to employees in this unit by Sunday, March 15. The document says that another $55 million in retention pay has already been distributed to about 400 AIG Finance Products employees. Wheres my RETENTION PAY. I will be ok if i get it. Darn Repuplicans Wait a minute.. "AIG is contractually obligated" Thier UNION!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's contracts of employment. I don't think they're Union. |
guys vs girls - part 32
At least she got her job back.
Is it? American deaths attritubital to a political party going to war... Republican party initiated war - approximately 400,000. Democratic party initiated war - approximately 600,000. Since the founding of our nation... Excluding times in which other than the Republican or Democratic party controlled the country or Presidency. More than a Trillion dollars in fact, and if they have their way the cuts will become permanent. In August 2010, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated that extending the tax cuts for the 2011-2020 time period would add $3.3 trillion to the national debt, comprising $2.65 trillion in foregone tax revenue plus another $0.66 trillion for interest and debt service costs. |