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21st Century Crucible
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Tue 01/17/12 03:14 PM
Over one hundred years this is what as progressed through the propaganda developed to rally support for the colonization of Africa.
One piece of propaganda certainly took hold and it seems obvious that the "White man's burden" is still a dominating force in the call of the evangelical missionaries to Africa. Bringing Western religious bigotry to theologically colinized third world communities and countries seems to make those who cannot force their religious morals into the laws of modern thinking countries feel like they are accomplishing thier mission after all. What most of those evangelical missionaries have done should be considered a crime no less worthy of distain than the crimes of Hitler and Stalin, or more currently the Sudanese government & Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir for allowing ethnic clensing to continue there. In my opinion every country should put a ban on religious missionary visa's and it should be a crime for any religious person from one country to go to another for the purpose of spreading their gospel to the political elite of any country. Do I suggest that missions of mercy be abandoned - absolutely not, but let those who have a religious conviction leave it behind when they choose to put thier merciful altruistic foot forward. |
Long skeptic in the room
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Mon 01/16/12 08:42 AM
|! For you critical thinkers out there, thought you might enjoy this song. Getting back to the O.P. I think the song and video is unenlightened, and condescending. But I'm sure skeptics and materialists will love it. It will make them feel so much superior to most people. It's only condescending to those who relegate the sceientific view related to 'direct observation'to a religious status. I'm not sure how the video would appeal to materialists more so than to others. Would you like to expand that idea? Also at odds in your statement is the 'unenlightened'. If enlightment is shed light on knowledge, then there is no one whose individual knowledge spans the exetent of the universe. So the video should appeal to any person who hold any kind of knowledge. Sorry, I can't make any more sense of your statement than all of this. I edited just to editing. |
---------- John 14:6 6Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. ---------- No man cometh unto the Father, but by me. Totally separating the Father and Jesus showing two separate persons. --------- Luke 4:12 12And Jesus answering said unto him, It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. --------- The Lord THY God, the Lord YOUR God. --------- Matthew 27:46 46And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? --------- Jesus called his father his God. He NEVER claims his father is our God. He ONLY ever says he is our God. That is why Christianity is a monotheism, for we worship one God, Jesus Christ. Adding this verse: John 10:34-36 New International Version (NIV) 34 Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are “gods”’[a]? 35 If he called them ‘gods,’ to whom the word of God came—and Scripture cannot be set aside— 36 what about the one whom the Father set apart as his very own and sent into the world? Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy because I said, ‘I am God’s Son’? We can better understand why Mormons believe they/we are all gods and will have power over others (like the power given to Jesus) in accordance with one’s behavior in this life. So who is correct? There is only one way to ascertain correctness which comes down to the approval rating of ONE – the individual who believes himself to be correct. |
A Word About Self-serving Bias
This human trait is a survival mechanism. It serves us by providing self-righteousness. Without some faith in our own abilities and capabilities, we would not strive for better in any aspect of our life because we would have no faith that we could accomplish anything beyond what our body requires for the continuance of life. In order to have self-efficacy, it is necessary that we have faith in our capacity to do, to accomplish, and to be accepted in our social network. We depend on our social networks for safety, love, and progress. Self-serving bias is not of itself a bad thing but it is something we need to be aware of. If we are aware of what this bias is and why it’s necessary, we can also be aware of when it does a disservice to us as individuals and as a collective. Since the self-serving bias is deeply intertwined with our need to have faith in ourselves, it’s possible that people may instinctively give up their faith in self and put it into the hands of a ‘higher power’. This misplacement of faith is exchanged for a feeling of self-worth that is easy to accomplish. In exchange for giving away faith in self, the gain is self-worth without risking being wrong or feeling incapable, inadequate, or unaccepted. The fall back position is that “if I believe, I have worth and I will be glorified by my god”. Giving away one's faith in self creates a lot of problems because once a belief is ‘structured’ and it is believed to be “the one true”, “the only”, “the word of” and so on, the eqo takes over and self-worth & self-efficacy require less than faith in self and more faith in a man-made belief system which ultimately pitts man against man. There is no one religion, there is no right religion, there is no peaceful religion because the nature of man is to be diverse, that is the way the human species continues which is the reason for progress. The nature of diversity is that no two men think enough alike to ever hold the same strictly held religiously structured beliefs. It would be better to have some faith in the words of man and believe there is a universal creator to whom we owe thanks and leave it at. In this way we retain our level of responsibility to build our own self-efficacy and support the same in others. We would have to make mistakes, admit to them and learn from them, just as we would have to accept that others make mistakes just as we do. Perhaps faith in self would allow us to have greater faith in others, and ultimately we (the human race) would have less to argue about and more reason to find alliances with those whose cultures and individuality serve us in diversity which can finally be appreciated. Historically I have not found that accepting ‘religiously structured’ belief systems as a necessary part of individual diversity to be accommodating to peaceful coexistence, which is why I advocate for education and self-determined value systems – in addition to, or extenting from the primary – faith in self. |
.............Scriptural Proof for the Holy Trinity of God...........
Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is ONE LORD: - Deuteronomy 6:4
Here my examination and explanation of Deuteronomy 6:4 – “The Lord our God ” two things, first, lord and god are both capitalized. Since elohim can refer to powers, gods (plural) or god depending upon the modifier used and since lord refers to a person recognized to have authority we can assume that whoever is speaking is granting great power to the god being referred to as lord. Second, since the speaker is referring to “our” lord as an interchangeable name for the power of authority being recognized, then it makes sense that the speaker was both, talking with people who recognize the same god with the same authority hence, both the lord and god are capitalized. Next: “our God is One Lord” - I’m not sure which bible completely capitalizes ONE LORD, I have not seen it and it not something that is common in any other language other than modern English and then it is used for emphasis. If the language is understood, there is no need for such emphasis because it is already made clear that the speaker and the audience are of the understanding that the greatest power and authority is given to only one lord (or master) who is referred to in the name of God. The Hebrew word for “God” is “Elohim” which is a plural.
According to my own research Elohim can refer to gods (plural) a god or an individual or individuals in whom power is assigned or recognized in. Plurality or singular depends on the rest of the sentence – modifiers and the context of the discussion. The Biblical Hebrew word for “one” in the above passage is “echad” which is a corporate oneness, not merely a numeric count. God is a plural number of persons yet one. The word one as "echad" is continually used in referrence to the one true God throughout the Holy Scriptures.
The rest of the quote that was meant to explain the one sentence is of little value because it has already been established that the people involved either as speaker or audience believe there is only one god to whom power is granted above all others and that power is referred to as their God. The sentence does not refer in any way to there being only one god for all people, it refers only to the those who believe there is one supreme god which could infer that this one god is granted power over all other gods. But since it could be either way, then you speak for yourself as one of the audience who believe in the ‘our’ portion of the sentence. Obviously others have assigned and recognize power in other gods. Just a little support from Wiki below: not that Wiki is the best authority but it has references for further verification. Also it serves as one support (among many) for the fact that there are many faults that occur with multiple translations and interpretation over time. In Gen 20:13 Abraham, before the Philistine king Abimelech, says that "the gods (elohim) caused (plural verb) me to wander".[9] The Greek Septuagint and most English versions usually translate this "God caused", possibly to avoid the implication of Abraham deferring to Abimelech's polytheistic beliefs.[10]
Sometimes when elohim occurs as the referent or object (i.e. not subject) of a sentence, and without any accompanying verb or adjective to indicate plurality, it may be grammatically unclear whether gods plural or God singular is intended. An example is Psalm 8:5 where "Yet you have made him a little lower than the elohim" is ambiguous as to whether "lower than the gods" or "lower than God" is intended. The Septuagint read this as "gods" and then corrected the translation to "angels", which reading is taken up by the New Testament in Hebrews 2:9 "But we see him who for a little while was made lower than the angels, namely Jesus". A clear example of the meaning of the Hebrew word "echad" may be also found in the celebration of the Jewish Passover. The three-pocketed matza holder used during Passover is referred to as an "echad". Consequently, it is the middle of the three matzas that is broken during the ceremony. The Holy Trinity of God and the brokenness of the Second Person of the Trinity are clearly revealed in this ancient tradition. The "echad", the one true God, is the Holy Trinity.
That is only clear to someone attempting to find support for their belief. Finding support for opinion where does not exist is a common human trait which is referred to as self-serving bias. Now a questions: If someone loans you a cupcake tin, would you expect it to make only one cupcake? ----AND something I will evaluate later ---- If you wanted to make one really big cupcake how would you put three of the individual ones together after they are baked????? The true Biblical doctrine of the oneness of God expresses His corporate unity. Jesus is one God with His Father. This is what Jesus meant when He said, "I and my Father are one." (John 10:30).
The belief that the bible is inerrant meaning that every verse can stand on it’s owe without contextual support from the rest of the document is called a fundamentalist belief. Unfortunately, many people have extended the term fundamentalism to a huge number of believers for one reason – so many believers fall back on that fundamentalist thought only when it serves their purpose (self-serving bias). Using one verse or one sentence to prove a point only serves to make a person wrong more times than they can be right. Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: - John 17:20-22
In contrast to the quote above I offer this: John 17
6 “I have manifested Your name to the men whom You have given Me out of the world. They were Yours, You gave them to Me, and they have kept Your word. 7 Now they have known that all things which You have given Me are from You. 8 For I have given to them the words which You have given Me; and they have received them, and have known surely that I came forth from You; and they have believed that You sent Me. 9 “I pray for them. I do not pray for the world but for those whom You have given Me, for they are Yours. Obviously Jesus did not personally witness to all people in the world at the time nor in the past or future. It is also clear that there is a contradiction between whom Jesus will pray for (in the verses I offer) and whom he prays for in the ones previously offered. It is as clear to me that this is a contradiction as it is to you that a cupcake tin can be a tin than makes only one cupcake or three than can be made into one after they are already made. * * * It is also written in your law, that the testimony of two men is true. I am one that bear witness of myself, and the Father that sent me beareth witness of me. - John 8:17-18 [/guote]
(by MorningSong) If God the Father and His Son Jesus are not two persons, neither can they be two witnesses. It is clearly seen from the above words of God's Son Jesus that He and the Father are two persons. Together with the Holy Spirit the three are one.
For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. - 1 John 5:7
Here we can see that self-serving bias requires blinders such that there can be only one focal point which must obviously be the point that serves the self interest. If person 1 and person 2 are not individuals in their own right then they cannot witness for each other. This doesn’t work with a (singular) triune god by the following reasoning. Jesus is or is not God. If Jesus is God then God must have limitations because Jesus could not do what he wanted (with Gods’ power) without approval of God. Furthermore Jesus could not do what the Holy Spirit can do. With regards to God, either god is Jesus or God is not. If God is Jesus then God is human. God cannot be human because Jesus was resurrected and ascended back to God in human form to sit in the glory of God at his side. Side by side they are two individuals in their own right, one is not the other. This does not preclude people from ‘believing’ that both or all three of the trinity are one person for the simple and creative reasoning of humans which is that humans cannot possibly understand the nature of god. Therefore one’s belief in the Trinity is based on the unknowable and requires no explanation because it’s a matter of faith alone, neither true or untrue but only a matter of belief. But in whom does a believer have faith? Does the faith lay in a god or in a multitude of writings, translated and interpreted by men? In other words, if there were no written words and if oral history was all we had, what exactly would any Christian really believe? Clearly people would believe only what man has told them and they would believe only what they so chose to believe which in most cases would boil down to a lot of people with a lot of different beliefs and no one person ever knowing which beliefs are more valid than others or even if there are any valid beliefs pertaining to a creator. So if a man (human) says there is a universal creator whose nature is unknowable – that is the root of your belief and that belief must be taken on faith but the faith lay in the man who conferred the information, not in an unknowable universal creator. If said creator wanted humans to know it, let’s say by way of spiritual direction, then would it be appropriate that the creator would have conferred that information individually to every human ever born? If that was the case would we all believe the same thing – would we all have the same ethics, culture, and less or no diversity? What we have instead are a lot of different beliefs stemming from the broad array of diversity in culture and thought which changes as time passes. The powers invested in any creators, God, gods and goddesses all become anthropomorphic because the nature of what is believed about them must change in order to be understood by people as their cultures change with time. (Proven by the fact the the bible has been 'purposely' modified time and again because some linquistic, somewhere, has determined that a translation was in error. (Praying to a god & praying to our God is different, why did it take hundreds of years for someone to say - oops, translation error???) |
Long skeptic in the room
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Sun 01/15/12 01:52 AM
It's okay for you or me to say "Pink unicorns didn't create the universe", but a scientist has to keep an open mind and follow the data where it leads. The moment the scientist says "pink unicorns don't exist", they are exhibiting a closed mindedness that could inhibit their scientific investigation. By simply stating that God doesn't exist, that closes avenues of investigation that should remain open.
When a declaritive statement is made like - "pink unicorns exist" - there is nothing to be skeptical about. What makes you think that any and every statement requires skepticism? And if one is not skeptical of your statement how does that make him biased against what you've said? What do you suppose would be required in order to make a scientist interested enough in your 'hypothesis' to entertain the idea of a scientific investigation? I don't mean to confuse you by asking three question in one post so feel free to answer each one in separate posts if you need to. They are: 1.What makes you think that any and every statement requires skepticism? 2. And if one is not skeptical of your statement how does that make him biased against what you've said? 3. What do you suppose would be required in order to make a scientist interested enough in your 'hypothesis' to entertain the idea of a scientific investigation? Sorry, I know how much you hate editing but I just wanted to add the following: The questions I've posed just might give some people a little more insight into how science works. |
Long skeptic in the room
I’ve just read this entire thread, many pages worth of comic strip quality communication. After all those words what it boils down to are the quotes below. Oh wait, there was one other, a comment by Bushido which I can’t seem to find again so I’ll paraphrase. It was about the hard work that gaining knowledge takes and the humbling effect that occurs when one realizes how much there is to learn versus how little one knows. (I may have taken some liberty in that paraphrase because the idea was one I have often had myself.)
Well there are different uses of the word. I'm guessing Bushido may agree with what I say, but others may not, but to me a skeptic starts choosing a side as they become aware of evidence and reasons for choosing a side - but they maintain a willingness to change their position as they are exposed to new evidence or new lines of thought.
We've discussed the 'default' position of a skeptic being one of neutrality - it doesn't mean that a skeptic has allegiance to neutrality. You can take a skeptical approach, and also take a definite position on something, as long as you have good cause for your position, and are willing to change your position. Nicely put and I also like: The word Skepticism like many words has many meanings, however like many philosophical positions the word takes on a much deeper meaning when it is applied to a set of methods for gleaning truth.
Scientific Skepticism and Philosophical Skepticism are the topic of this thread and what I am defending. Not any old dictionary word, but a proper set of methods to explore reality and gather knowledge. Clearly deeper than any word definition. Just as the word knowledge takes on a deeper meaning when we explore the philosophical and scientific concerns of our culture. I'm taking a moment to write some thoughts about this whole exercise. There seems to be a kind of duality or maybe it’s a duplicity that exists within most people which causes us to search for commonality with others while declaring at the same time the uncommon experiences that have provided our own unique knowledge of the world. How do we find commonality from the different experiences that yield such unique knowledge of the world? Interestingly, just as philosophical communcation has provided its own language including, strawmen, red herring, ad hominem, off-hand justification, and logical fallacies, so too science has created a precise way of viewing the world and communicating those observations with its own jargons. Obviously some enjoy throwing about the language of philosophical debate. Most likely that knowledge took a little work and probably some embarrassing experiences that preceded the work. But the lesson was not carried far enough if there has been no effort in trying to gain knowledge of scientific communication as well. Ethical communication requires effort, flexibility, and feeling humbled by all there is to learn versus how little one knows. |
Why would Jesus say that “My Father is greater than I” ??
If Jesus, the Holy Spirit and God are one, why did Jesus have to “go away” so that the “Helper” (Holy Spirit) would be sent to the people? Isn’t Jesus also the Holy Spirit? Yet Jesus had to send the Holy Spirit. Something is quite amiss and just as my first post, questioning who Jesus prayed to was ignored, I’m sure there will be no logical answer for the current questions. John 14:28
New King James Version (NKJV) 28 You have heard Me say to you, ‘I am going away and coming back to you.’ If you loved Me, you would rejoice because I said,[a] ‘I am going to the Father,’ for My Father is greater than I. John 16:7 New King James Version (NKJV) 7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you. |
Who is Jesus praying to in John 17 ?
New King James Version (NKJV)
John 17 Jesus Prays for Himself 1 Jesus spoke these words, lifted up His eyes to heaven, and said: “Father, the hour has come. Glorify Your Son, that Your Son also may glorify You, 2 as You have given Him authority over all flesh, that He should[a] give eternal life to as many as You have given Him. 3 And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. 4 I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do. 5 And now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was. Jesus Prays for His Disciples 6 “I have manifested Your name to the men whom You have given Me out of the world. They were Yours, You gave them to Me, and they have kept Your word. 7 Now they have known that all things which You have given Me are from You. 8 For I have given to them the words which You have given Me; and they have received them, and have known surely that I came forth from You; and they have believed that You sent Me. 9 “I pray for them. I do not pray for the world but for those whom You have given Me, for they are Yours. 10 And all Mine are Yours, and Yours are Mine, and I am glorified in them. 11 Now I am no longer in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to You. Holy Father, keep through Your name those whom You have given Me, that they may be one as We are. 12 While I was with them in the world,[c] I kept them in Your name. Those whom You gave Me I have kept;[d] and none of them is lost except the son of perdition, that the Scripture might be fulfilled. 13 But now I come to You, and these things I speak in the world, that they may have My joy fulfilled in themselves. 14 I have given them Your word; and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. 15 I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one. 16 They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. 17 Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth. 18 As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world. 19 And for their sakes I sanctify Myself, that they also may be sanctified by the truth. Jesus Prays for All Believers 20 “I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will[e] believe in Me through their word; 21 that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. 22 And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: 23 I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me. 24 “Father, I desire that they also whom You gave Me may be with Me where I am, that they may behold My glory which You have given Me; for You loved Me before the foundation of the world. 25 O righteous Father! The world has not known You, but I have known You; and these have known that You sent Me. 26 And I have declared to them Your name, and will declare it, that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them.” |
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Sat 12/31/11 04:13 AM
Well it certainly made me curious so I went to the web site.
It lists all the colleges from which the data was drawn. If the majority of a college hosts in-state students, we can get a picture of the most popular books in that state. For example, reading "The Great Gatsby" seems to be a must if you intend to be a student in Illinois. It's also interesting because the data serves as a icebreaker when traveling. Check out the most popular books in a state and bring up the books that you've read which are most likely to have been read by a person in the state to which you are traveling. Perhaps that's a redeeming quality that semi makes up for the lack in the study's validity. Interesting! |
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Wed 12/28/11 01:32 PM
According to those who read and uphold the Old Testament (or other sacred texts from which the Christian Testament evolved) the whole point of Sabbath is that God rested from 6 days of labor.
What did God do before It created the universe and for how long was It so occupied with pre-human history? Did God ever rest befor that? Another question that comes to mind: Do humans give God a day of rest or do they expect that God has been and always will be attentative to us and our universe continuously since that last day of rest he took after creating it? These are questions that make me wonder why humans need a Sabboth day at all? One more question - Regardless of when you think Sabboth should be, is there anyone here who has NEVER ever made a purchase on the Sabboth? I only questions that because if you've taken the role of 'consumer' to the market place EVER on that day, have you not considered the fact the you EXPECT to find people working? Do you really think all those people are atheists or pagans? |
Happy La Befana
The sacred-texts website presents FALSE information ,especially in regards to anything concerning the bible . NONE of what you shared in your 2 posts on King Solomon , line up with The Word of God at all, Rainbow. IF you want to just share legends from that webiste, that is fine ; but again, the website offers nothing but false information as far as the bible is concerned( I wouldn't be surprised if even the legends are incorrect also ). Just letting you know in case you are not aware of this,Rainbow. Sadly, many websites today on the internet, do not present the Truth of the Word of God at all. This is why it is so importantt to study and know the Word of God for one self. They are ALL legends, you believe in one while others have their own. To say that others are wrong is only the opinion of one falible human judging the beliefs of yet another falible human. What does it matter to you as along as the beliefs result in human behavior that is kind, generous, caring, and includes an acceptance of some form of human dignity and responsibility for all that exists? Your sacred texts are sacred to you and what you take from them comes from sources unknown and it works the same for everyone. Perhaps judgement of whose beleifs are right and wrong are not even what the creator intends. Perhaps the intention is to judge a person's characther and behavior and beliefs are of no consequence. Imagine that and then ask yourself, what guides human behavior and what does it matter if the behavior was intended for a good outcome. Redy....If one wants to believe it is ALL legend, that is one's own perogative.....In my post above,I was especially addressing WEBSITES which MISQUOTE the bible. Which,btw, are MANY . THAT was my whole point...... waaayyyyy toooo much misrepresentation is going on, of what the bible is truly saying....due of course ,to lack of True undersrtanding of the Word of God. But ONLY GOD has the POWER to OPEN one's eyes anyway, so one may FINALLY SEE THE TRUTH ....and finally gain True UNDERSTANDING of GOD'S HOLY WORD and WHO HE TRULY IS . No man can do this. Only God . Only God Draws and Opens eyes...All in His Own Time. And When God Does ,He does it at just the Right Time. God's Timing is Always Perfect. There are many bibles and many translations of those many bibles. Every time a new translation makes its way into the genre there are new interpretations. Maybe your particular bible and your particular interpretation do not match up with others - why would you 'in the name of God, presume to determine who and which is right and wrong? That a rhetorical question by the way, just something more to think about, outside of scripture that is. |
Happy La Befana
The Italian tradition tells that La Befana, a nice old woman, on the night between the 5th and 6th January, lands on the roofs with her broom stick and goes down the chimney, where every child has left their stocking. La Befana, who carries with her a bag of sweets, fills the stockings of the children who behave with lots of chocolates. She fills the stockings of the kids who didn’t behave with lumps of coal instead. The Epiphany day, the 6th of January, is considered the last day of the Christmas holiday and everyone takes the Christmas tree down on that day. In Italy there is a saying " L'Epifania che ogni festa si porta via" which roughly translated means “The Epiphany takes away all festivity”. In most Italian regions, even adults give little presents to each other and so do lovers with stockings full of chocolate, that are similar to those that La Befana leaves for the kids. Everyone knows La Befana as an old woman, usually ugly, who wears an old, long and big skirt with colourful patches, a scarf on her shoulders, a hat and a pair of old and broken shoes. I think Santa Claus would like La Befana. I think they might have a lot in common. Now this is a scenario I'm familiar with and I agree that Santa would like LaBefana and maybe he's just one of the many who continue bring joys to little girls and boys. |
What is Love?
Behavior is behavior. Misbehavior is behavior with someone's judgement attached. Behavior is a set that encompasses ALL actions taken by living creatures that is not a reflexive or automatic response. I think what might be at issue is considering the definition of behavior. We have behavior which is an objective action. I think what John is trying to say is: What then is a misbehavior? An action that did not occur? Now if you want to define 'good-behavior' in detail that would be a specific action taken in a specific situation, then we could define 'mis-behavior' as an action that is different than the one we consider to be good. Do you see where that's going? Behavior is one thing: Objective action. We either will our behavior or we are driven, by internal processes, to a particular behavior for survival. |
What is Love?
Hi John8659. This is the first time I've had to stop by here for a while so I'm a little late responding to your newness and your posts. Emotions are personal, and no one but the self is responsible for moderating them.
I'm not sure if I agree with the above quote yet becasue I need some claification. Attraction, what is it that causes a strong attraction with a desire to be physically intimate between two particular individuals, instead of a desire to simply be platonic friends? Are you saying that said attraction is a self-moderated emotion? Or are you saying that our behavioral response to the emotion called attraction is what should be self-moderated? I have nothing to say about cause, other than the definition of an environmental acquisition system. But we are responsible for our own behavior-- would you agree with that? And behavior is driven by emotion? What I am saying is that we are responsible for how we express our emotions. Thank you for the clarification. I don't know if we can be positive that we are responsible for how we express our emotions (all the time). In a previous post John, you pointed out that much of man's behavior is less attributable to will than to survival processes. For example, while it is possible to will away the pain of hunger even to the point of death, I've never heard of someone being able to will away the natural act of defacation. Similarly, when a human is in a position of immediate danger with only seconds to act, I do believe such a moment is highly emotional. However, I don't believe that our actions at such a time are entirely guided by will. As in the example above, the body does what it needs to in order to relieve itself of 'extra baggage' while immediately switching internal gears chemically. Obviously I have an issue with your broad statment " that we are responsible for how we express our emotions." However, I am in agreement with your previous statment suggesting that emotion is subjective and not shared. What is shared are the behaviors we choose to exhibit in order to create and maintain (or lose) relationships of any kind. |
Happy La Befana
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Tue 12/27/11 08:14 AM
The sacred-texts website presents FALSE information ,especially in regards to anything concerning the bible . NONE of what you shared in your 2 posts on King Solomon , line up with The Word of God at all, Rainbow. IF you want to just share legends from that webiste, that is fine ; but again, the website offers nothing but false information as far as the bible is concerned( I wouldn't be surprised if even the legends are incorrect also ). Just letting you know in case you are not aware of this,Rainbow. Sadly, many websites today on the internet, do not present the Truth of the Word of God at all. This is why it is so importantt to study and know the Word of God for one self. They are ALL legends, you believe in one while others have their own. To say that others are wrong is only the opinion of one falible human judging the beliefs of yet another falible human. What does it matter to you as along as the beliefs result in human behavior that is kind, generous, caring, and includes an acceptance of some form of human dignity and responsibility for all that exists? Your sacred texts are sacred to you and what you take from them comes from sources unknown and it works the same for everyone. Perhaps judgement of whose beleifs are right and wrong are not even what the creator intends. Perhaps the intention is to judge a person's characther and behavior and beliefs are of no consequence. Imagine that and then ask yourself, what guides human behavior and what does it matter if the behavior was intended for a good outcome. |
What is Love?
Hi John8659. This is the first time I've had to stop by here for a while so I'm a little late responding to your newness and your posts.
Emotions are personal, and no one but the self is responsible for moderating them.
I'm not sure if I agree with the above quote yet becasue I need some claification. Attraction, what is it that causes a strong attraction with a desire to be physically intimate between two particular individuals, instead of a desire to simply be platonic friends? Are you saying that said attraction is a self-moderated emotion? Or are you saying that our behavioral response to the emotion called attraction is what should be self-moderated? |
Happy La Befana
RainbowTrout, You come up with some of the most interesting articles. I've never heard some of those stories. I find it fascinating to see the evolution of traditions. Thanks for great post.
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Mon 12/26/11 03:43 PM
I think the only common element we have is a desire to be 'happy' and even a feeling that 'happiness' is an inalienable right I think this is fair. The Golden Rule comes to mind to promote that for everyone. i've always thought the golden rule to be self centered. why treat other's as i wish to be treated when i can treat them as THEY wish to be treated? I wish to be treated with respect. Doesnt that include 'how THEY wish to be treated'? Respect is a term that is often defined by an individual's culture. In collectivist cultures the term respect may have a different value depending on the hirarchy the culture uses. In some collectivist cultures the individual 'respects' others before one's self while in individualist cultures, those in which Christianity tends to thrive, we think of self before others and hense we get something called the golden rule. According to the golden rule we must obviously think of the self first before determining what respect should mean to another. Personally, I think that'a a little backwards for if we genuinely want to show respect, we would be wiser to ask the others how we might show respect for them before considering our own way as being the best way. |
If all people have their own different belief systems (religions),
then what elements of religions or beliefs do we all have in common ???? The posts to this point have some interesting perspectives but of all of them, I'd Peter Pan's answer covers the broadest range of people, though I'm not sure it actually covers everyone. Certainly some scientists believe their beliefs are correct, but if they are well educated and 'believe' in a pure scietific approach then their beliefs are more than flexible as scietists welcome information that will prove their ideas wrong. So my set of 'beliefs' about the commonality of beliefs is listed. 1. Beliefs are developed through direct interaction with our environment. 2. Our beliefs influence our individual value systems. 3. Given number 2 above, our beliefs also guide our behavior. 4. Beliefs will either be rigid or flexible. |