My favorites
Singles 1. Bret Heart 2. Greg Valentine 3. Baron Von Raski 4. Greg Gange 5. Dr. X Tag Teams 1. The Road Warriors 2. Demoiltion 3. The Heart Foundation 4. The High Flyers 5. The Rockers |
What is your Dream Vacation?
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Saliva- Bleed for me
Long time yankee fan here I think they can go to the playoffs this year. Just have to wait and see.
It's like you cowboy fans expected to go some place with the S.O.B.(Son of bum) and Tony Romo you must be KIDDING.
Sports Quotes...
The Denver Bears minor leauge baseball announcer said this on TV. "He's rounding first and headed to second and slides in for a stand up double." Many good ball players came out of Denver
1. Billy Martin- manager 2. Andre Dawson 3. Tim Raines 4. Greg Nettles 5. Gary Sheffield |
I think that MMA is a natural progression of boxing, Boxing is almost dead and all people won't like it . those people who don't like it should not watch it there enough people like our selfs that enjoy MMA. Also If you have seen a interview with a retired boxer, it's very sad to hear them speak. Then listen to an MMA fighter.
1. Denver broncos (AFC) Seattle Seahawks (NFC)
2. Colorado Rockies (N.L.) New York Yankees (A.L.) 3. Florida State (NCAA Football) 4. Duke (NCAA Basketball) 5. Denver Pioneers (NCAA Hockey) |
Fixing new york yankees
When talking about the Yankees the first thing you think of is hitting there has never been a problem with that, the problem lies in pitching. The pen is not good, the starters are getting old (pettite/Mussina)even though Rivera is still good he doesn't have that many years left who will replace him? Money has never been an issue with this team, they need to spend some money on some younger arms that will help the team win the world series. Lets get some youger pitchers in the and take back the AL East.
I too have seen Audition and that movie is really twisted,but do you think thar has happened in real life?
Diary from Colorado
I used to live in Breckenridge and met a guy from Springfield, his name is Pat Lacy he work there for a about 13 years for the ski resort. He was fired and moved back to Springfeild I also left Breckenridge and moved back to Thornton Co. I like it down here better. I've liveed in thornton most of my life and now trying to sell my home here in thornton.
Any Baseball Fans?
always been a yankee fan
i lived in Co.most of my life but seen some yankees come through the farm club here in Denver. Billy Martin managed when Greg Nettles was down her playing third base. A lot of major leauge players came out of Denver. Greg Nettles Tin Raines Andre Dawson Gary Sheffeild just to name a few but the Rockies can't seem to put 2 good years together back to back. |
with all the fighters out there it's hard to choose but if i had too it be. Rampage Jackson |
Comedy - Love stinks
Horror - Halloween Drama - Shawshank Redemtion Western - Outlaw Josie Whales Bogart movie - African Queen Mafia movie - 1a) The Godfather 2a) Goodfellas Anamation - Final fansaty |
Shadowdog's jukebox
No Rain - Blind Melon
The punishment was fair but after he does his time he will be out of a job. The NFL is going to suspend him for a few years, he better have save some money for a rainy day because when he gets out of jail it's going to pour. Vick's best bet is to stay in shape in prison and when he is released get his ass up to Canada and play up there for awhile that wide field and the offense up there is perfect for a player like Vick. The CFL will open there arms to a player like a marquee player like him. If he stays out of trouble the NFL will reinstate Micheal Vick and then maybe he can get his life on track.
Big Guns - Skid Row
Count the money :Why sire you look like the piss boy
King louie : And you look like a bucket of shti !!!! |
No more tears - Ozzy