Community > Posts By > Dreadaye

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Tue 09/08/15 11:51 AM
Vaya con Dios. - Nat King Cole

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Tue 09/08/15 06:36 AM
Edited by Dreadaye on Tue 09/08/15 06:40 AM
Arms cuffed at the wrists
Legs fettered at the ankles
Neck embraced in a collar of iron.
Eyes? Yeah, they do rove!
Along the links of a chain that rattles
As fingers prowl & pace about
www dot cell-block keyboard.

Who? Digital-lifed human.
Technology's Mannequin
Searching for what might be outside
Ayonder there somewhere ...
But staying put, doing the beat of familiar territory
Traversing vast distances by dint of a click here & there

Border crossing.
Rumoured to be okayed upon exchange ...
Of unutterable passing words.
Those bespoke yet must-have
Pieces of memorised jargon
Fitted for each domain's protocol verification...
Unless forgotten!
in which case
must forcibly induce recollection
via a quick dash to the port of all calls.

Liberally littered with spam phenomena!
Unsolicited Electronic Communications
Byte sized Devil's Spawn of literature
Leering, Filter breaching, barrier busting,
Promissory notes & begging letters!
Do you click?!


Digital-lifed human.
Technology's mannequin
Searching for what might be outside
Ayonder there somewhere ...
But staying put, doing the beat of familiar territory
Traversing vast distances by dint of a click here & there.

Do I click?!

www dot cell-block keyboard.


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Mon 09/07/15 04:12 PM
Edited by Dreadaye on Mon 09/07/15 04:37 PM


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Mon 09/07/15 04:12 PM
Edited by Dreadaye on Mon 09/07/15 05:08 PM
Yes, I look forward to more wonder together,
But I do so without sense of entitlement that it will
For the detail you've contained,
Like a dream scene from another realm,
could not have been expected,.

So do have a restful night.
And maybe you will feel my presence,
right there
like a butterfly
on the back of your hand
waiting for your first awakened breath
to set me on my journey again....

But till I feel that puff of air,
three i shall stay,
in contact with you.
Sheltering from the rain
Watching over Love.


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Mon 09/07/15 02:43 PM
Truly - Lionel Richie

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Mon 09/07/15 02:37 PM
Sanctify Yourself - Simple Minds

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Mon 09/07/15 02:35 PM
Rescue Me - Fontella Bass

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Mon 09/07/15 09:30 AM
Pumpin'it up - P Funk All Stars

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Mon 09/07/15 04:22 AM
Edited by Dreadaye on Mon 09/07/15 04:55 AM
Apologies for not getting immediately to the point but those are deep questions which would take several lifetimes to explore. Wonderful suggestion for a topic.

I have recently realised that for many years I have been having 'lucid' dream experiences for much of my life. in itself this is a cause for wonderment, but I have sought to harness the realisation by experimenting with 'telling myself that i will dream' before going to bed. I clarify at the outset that i use the word lucid to convey an experience in which the dream is extremely vivid; so much so that upon waking there is a feeling of having been part of a parallel reality.

No I don't have any desire to dictate (suggest) what I should dream about; however I do express a desire to dream - and it works. I have also noticed that I can slip into a dream state in a matter of mere minutes after having closed my eyes for sleep. Together with this I can find myself dreaming in those short intervals before I have to wake-up proper and start preparing for whatever it is I need do. Doesn't matter about the time of day. Not only is this perplexing - in a nice way - but it also fills me with a certain awe.

I have also experienced an improved capacity to remember my dreams upon waking. This too is a great source of personal joy.

I can't ever promise to share any of my dream stuff because that is very personal, but I am moist definitely much more attentive to my dreams than ever I was.

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Mon 09/07/15 03:47 AM
Edited by Dreadaye on Mon 09/07/15 04:10 AM
Sorry, If you blinked you would have missed the protest. It's over.
While i still reserve my right to argue my case in the matter, I do confess to not feeling quite the same energy with any other than one or other of the two pictures I have used. Grrrrr!

So for altogether different reasons the pic remains as dictated by mingle2's actions ...hacker or not.

Glad that's out of the way.

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Mon 09/07/15 03:09 AM
Edited by Dreadaye on Mon 09/07/15 03:27 AM
I think if i had read the rules last time I would still have been waiting. LIke I am now. In the meantime ...

While this topic will most likely get pulled I just want to go on record to genuinely share my experience that the general atmosphere pervading this site is amongst the best that I have encountered online.

Reading the contributions of various 'minglers' - too numerous to mention by name but few amongst the entire population - who tend to hang out in the forums has become a highlight in the way that I choose to spend part of my day. They are all especially dear to me. Why? Because they lay who they understand themselves to be 'on the line'. I admire that quality in a human; and when it goes hand-in-hand with possession of values that I appreciate (and in some cases aspire to increase my own stock of) I get filled with a sense of awe for the power that we human's possess to reach out and be there for each other.

Enjoy your day.

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Mon 09/07/15 02:38 AM
Edited by Dreadaye on Mon 09/07/15 02:51 AM
For understandable reasons there will not be any further updates from my inbox :) However, while the spirit of rebellion is being mooted what's up with the sudden spate of spam messages on the site? Often at least in triplicate with assorted telephone numbers and products/services being offered. Should I beg forgiveness and offer my services as a moderator?

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Mon 09/07/15 01:49 AM
Edited by Dreadaye on Mon 09/07/15 02:31 AM

And because I predict today will be the same, I post this as a kind of advance instalment.

oops offtopic frustrated explode

Hi! How are you? Wonder-filled I do hope. As for me, I am being fantastically well and intend to offer my full support in seeing to it that I continue to be as i AM. 'Aint you just go to love life. Damn, it's good.

If you care to, use your aural sense to picture a continuity announcer on your favourite radio station requesting that you, "do not adjust your sets, for what you are about to hear (in this instance read) is especially seeped in the unique brand of insanity this particular ghost seems to specialise in. Thank you for tuning in and without much further ado let's get this show on the road....

I once bemoaned the fact that the forum software does't have a facility that allows us to give titles to individual posts (as is the case with phpBB forums). So the title for this is:

Have I been hacked? Or should I be outta here?! ... punchline being, "No I ain't a wannabe celebrity!

Back to reality. Received a strange message in my inbox 6 days ago advising that
We recently deleted photos from your account. Please only upload photos with your face clearly shown so other daters know who they are talking to. We are all more likely to talk to someone with their face (and smile) clearly shown in the profile picture right? Please upload another photo to get back in the dating pool! :)

I was stunned! So on the same day I replied asking if anyone would care to explain the rationale to me because that artists depiction done a few years back was in no way indistinct or un-representative or misleading. Should the the picture of HRH be 'deleted; from our notes because it is unlikely to attract malingerers to go chat with her?! Begging Your pardon Ma'am but you do get one's meaning don't you?

Six days later no reply. So I am wondering if my account has been hacked or .....

In my browsing this forum i have seen profiles with no picture, profiles represented by assorted cartoon characters, profiles with signs of the zodiac, profiles with mountains, profiles in which one can barely see the face, I have even seen pictures of men attached to a female. I have seen upside down pictures. I have also seen pictures in which more than one person is present? Has mingle2 written to them after having 'deleted' their picture. Answer: NO. So why me?!

Or am I just imagining all of this and the real issue is that my account has been hacked? And if it has been hacked, how come it takes six days to get back to me ... ?

Anyway I am still here with my insanity so I guess that counts for something, however if you look left you will see the manner of my protest.


PS: If this topic disappears you would have learnt how to 'disappear yourself from the www love

As always, respect & heartfelt regards


PS: remember, look to the left ... I promise I won't ever ask you to chat LOL

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Sun 09/06/15 04:10 PM
Edited by Dreadaye on Sun 09/06/15 04:37 PM
Ah well, sometimes it takes a child-like innocence to show the way. Thank you. flowerforyou . Profile has been amended accordingly. Don't worry it only makes sense if you are a little insane ... and like me are trying to make sense of this.



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Sun 09/06/15 03:48 PM
Over To You Now - Britney Spears

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Sun 09/06/15 03:43 PM
Not Afraid - Eminem

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Sun 09/06/15 03:37 PM
Mademiselle - Foxy

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Sun 09/06/15 03:30 PM
Edited by Dreadaye on Sun 09/06/15 03:31 PM
Let The Music Play - Shannon

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Sun 09/06/15 03:28 PM
Edited by Dreadaye on Sun 09/06/15 03:29 PM
Kaya - Bob Marley & The Wailers

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Sun 09/06/15 03:25 PM
Jive Talkin' - Bee Gees

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