The void inside can only be filled by the Creator God, who intricately designed me for His purpose.
This void cannot be seen from the surface, but lies deep within a place that's filled with space for Him to abide. There's a emptiness, a void inside, I cannot hide. Trying to fill it with earthly pleasures, beyond measures, leaving me thirsty for more. The void inside is real, intended to be filled with His goodness, which satisfies and intensifies the fulfillment of my soul. The tangible things of this life cannot fulfill me to the capacity of the richness that Creator God provides. For He makes me whole. It is His peace that fills me up, taking up space of every corner of my being, leaving no room for intruders to enter in and take His place. This void has now become a well that never runs dry, quenching my thirst, giving me my daily supply of true happiness. |