Community > Posts By > 907daydreamer

907daydreamer's photo
Thu 03/12/09 10:34 PM

907daydreamer's photo
Thu 03/12/09 09:24 PM
no Dan, I will not don a woody for you. quit asking.

907daydreamer's photo
Thu 03/12/09 09:16 PM
alright but I only have two eggs bigsmile

907daydreamer's photo
Thu 03/12/09 09:00 PM
how are you loverface???
I'm making breakfast for dinner come oooooover!

907daydreamer's photo
Thu 03/12/09 08:59 PM
I'm always scared I might fall in.

907daydreamer's photo
Thu 03/12/09 08:49 PM

Oh cool! So and so vandalized my pickup trucks new paintjob as a prank because I borrowed him money years ago and he gave me personal items as collateral and demanded said items back without paying me the money he owed me. So in anger he vandalizes my truck. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. I think draining his bank account and putting all the money under the seat of his car, and a bag of coke, and a gun, then calling the cops on him for reckless driving is a very funny prank. Not that I would ever do something like that. Slim jim car door lock jimmy- $1.98. Saturday night special .32 caliber pistol bought in da hood- $20.00. 8 ball of cocaine through people who owe me favors- $250. Look on his face as police find drugs, loaded gun, and money that actually belongs to him, along with the child porn in his trunk that I didn't know about- PRICELESS!!! Life is for things that move you. For assholes that really get what's coming to them- there's mastercard.

you need to submit this to mastercard because it really is priceless.

907daydreamer's photo
Thu 03/12/09 08:46 PM
I think sometimes we argue because we want to see the side of the other person
but admitting that would mean admitting that we might be wrong

907daydreamer's photo
Thu 03/12/09 08:38 PM

You can be the day time bartender but you don't own sh!t son!

I miss your face!

907daydreamer's photo
Thu 03/12/09 08:37 PM
I may or may not have mailed an economy size package of massengil medicated
to the workplace of a crappy friend under the guise of a gift :angel:

907daydreamer's photo
Thu 03/12/09 08:30 PM

of getting hungry?

:smile: I wish I didnt have to eat or sleep:smile:

oh Mirror, I see so much of myself in you =)

907daydreamer's photo
Thu 03/12/09 08:24 PM

Checked visually or did you buy a kit? laugh flowerforyou

there were a lot of mirrors involved but I got by without the kit.

907daydreamer's photo
Thu 03/12/09 08:22 PM

I think you might be pregnant

not possible. I checked.

Well in that case you have worms

Dr. Dan, my hero. smitten
now make me a sandwich biatch.

907daydreamer's photo
Thu 03/12/09 08:20 PM
I think you might be pregnant

not possible. I checked.

907daydreamer's photo
Thu 03/12/09 08:17 PM
no I mean I just felt my stomach and I thought "agaiiiin?"
and I've noticed that reaction a lot.
I enjoy food in the right setting
it isn't that I don't enjoy eating
but I find HAVING to eat inconvenient
meh nevermind, I'm kind of a weirdo.

907daydreamer's photo
Thu 03/12/09 08:13 PM
sounds to me like she gave it a try and wasn't comfortable

907daydreamer's photo
Thu 03/12/09 08:09 PM
of getting hungry?

907daydreamer's photo
Thu 03/12/09 08:03 PM

907daydreamer's photo
Thu 03/12/09 08:01 PM
definitely not going to miss it! hmm but I bet chocolate won't taste as delicious....

907daydreamer's photo
Thu 03/12/09 07:56 PM
hey psssst remember when I asked:

another thing about that article I don't understand...
if abortions are legal in the instance of rape, incest or the health of the mother
and these doctors performed the abortion for all three reasons
why are they just now being excommunicated?
I assume they have preformed other abortions in the past
and didn't just start because of this 9 year olds pregnancy

did I miss something or is there no explanation?
had these doctors never performed abortions before?

907daydreamer's photo
Thu 03/12/09 07:49 PM

I am I am!
Brandon will be headed up here on Monday....
so maybe a week or so until I see his face!
how have you been love?


You deserve everything good honey ... and it's not just the Diet Dr. Pepper talking either! :heart:

I'm "fab." I have Winx to keep me company in here. She's my friend ... despite what everyone keeps telling her. :tongue:

Whenever I get depressed, I give myself a Zoloft suppository. laugh huh ill scared

That was sooooooooooo not called for! shades

ok and then what do you give yourself to get past the whole
"I just gave myself a suppository" feeling?
j/k love glad to hear you're fab...but I already knew!