Community > Posts By > Ivbnredeemed

Ivbnredeemed's photo
Wed 02/27/13 02:54 PM
Hi, I just wanted to share my story of being scammed. I hope that by doing so, those like me who were scammed can stop blaming themselves, or be embarrassed, but instead will reach out to others in the same boat.
I met my husband while in high school. I went out with two other guys before him, but never had a relationship with them. I got married at 20, and spent the next 26 years happily married. My husband had cancer at age 15. The three years before we married, I took care of him. I was a teenager taking care of my loved one that we were told would die from cancer. He didn't then. What he did end up with was a lifetime of health issues because of the cancer and the effects of the treatment. In our marriage, we adopted four kids. All of them had significant medical issues. I took care of them too. ( and still do). My husband found out he had cancer again and for 18 months I took care of him as I watched him fade away. For 19 months, I was sure I would never want to get married again, I was determined to do it all on my own. But as I came out of my grieving, I began to feel lonely, tired, overwhelmed and just wanted someone to talk to and take care of me for a change. That's how I fell for the scam.
I had a man pretending to be in the service contact me. Yes the attention was flattering, and yes I did question it all. But here was someone who said they had my back. He understood me. He would take care of me. And he also claimed to be a widower losing his wife to cancer. Yes, I was gullible, naive and I believed him. I am a person who does believe the good in people, and expect others to be honest with me because I am with them . I fell for everything he said because I was lonely, tired, overwhelmed and stressed. Yes I did send money and yes people around me told me he wasn't real. But I'm pretty stubborn that way and had to discover that on my own. What this man did not realize is that I kept a record of everything. I have turned it over to the FBI and I hope it can be used to catch this gang.
If what I've gone through can help one person, then it was worth it. If it will keep one person from being scammed themselves, I would gladly do it again. I don't need pity or I told you so's. I made my own choices here. I've learned how to spot scammers now. But, what I really am angry about is how prevalent this is. And NO ONE is being held accountable for this happening, people are being scammed out of their hard earned money and NOTHING is being done. Why is this? How is it that millions and millions of dollars are being taken from unsuspecting people and no one is fighting for them?? Why is it being allowed to continue? We go after CEO's, we go after people who embezzle money from companies, or individuals, but, who is going after these scammers??
I could let this sour me on people permanently, but I'm not. I learned a valuable lesson on the evil in the world.I also believe though that God has someone picked out for me who will be there for me, for my kids, his kids perhaps. I'm still going to choose to believe in the good inside people. Or I will be no better than these scammers.