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Sat 12/24/16 10:15 AM
I believe that every person is approximately 15 billion years old as thats the age of space even though the Earths 5 billion years old...If we think of ourselves as the ingredients of Cosmic soup elements and particles then you have taken up many many different things throughout the stars and universe...If you wish to believe in Religion and your god of 2000 years old then do so,what ever floats your boat...The facts of your existence on this planet is that you have a spirit or soul(energy) all energy has to be returned one day and your body components are simply recycled..Perhaps your soul gravitates to the Stella nurseries of tomorrow awaiting another specific task...LIke it or hate it, Albert Einstein is correct in that
E=MC2......Energy your power is measure in calories that equates to Watts
Mass Your bulk or substance is calculated in Kilograms
C2 Light which travels at 186 000 miles per second

The upshot of who you are...You are a speck of dust in space rotating around a sun a million miles a hour in a galaxy doing the same but getting further from other galaxies...You are basically shadows and dust

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Tue 01/12/16 04:03 AM
how old are you?

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Tue 01/12/16 04:03 AM
You look very sexy,if you fancy seeing photos of me then contact

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Sun 04/05/15 04:23 AM
Lucifer and God...they are only 2000 yrs old,this planet is about 14 billion years old,what was happening before them?
Religion is man made and mans destruction,a weapon of power to destroy

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Sun 04/05/15 04:21 AM
The meaning of life in my opinion is to seek and explore,to communicate and evolve..You are a very minute part of the BIG BANG and have a role to play in the evolvement of the universe.You are a part of everything and everything is a part of you..You are an Alien who fell to earth like every human on this planet..You will die one day and your borrowed energy(spirit/soul) shall be returned to the Cosmic celestial soup of the Universe that will be recycled all over again..GENISIS or RENAISSANCE
The beauty of these sites is there doesnt have to be a shred of evidence in anyones opinion but if you listen and absorb you become the Pupil and Mentor in time..

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Sun 04/05/15 04:11 AM
They say with time and chances 17 million to one chance you can win the Lottery..To give you an idea of spaces size,if you take one grain of sand of a beach in your hand,there are more stars,planets and universes than every grain of sand on this planet..If we are here then i am sure are others..Problem with space that people dont understand is that our planet is 14 billion years old.There have been many civilisations in the unviverse who have existed and died as we will do one day without ever meeting...If you was a incredibly Xenomorph(alien) who could space hop,why would you want to bother with the equivilent of pond life earthlings,what can they gain from us..I reckon aliens are wizzing past us every second in space but we have the appeal of a dog turd on the highway as they are driving past..The beauty of communication is to open peoples minds

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Sun 04/05/15 04:03 AM
I think time travel works this way...The faster you go in access of the sped of light then time slows in your constant,that time isnt relevant to eaerth time

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Sat 01/18/14 03:34 PM
Forgive my ignorance but can you explain something to me of which i cannot understand as i am not an intelligent...
Lets assume theres two trains on a track heading towards each other,one north and the other south. If these trains collided with each other at 100mph then the collective speed would be 200mph.
Then lets consider the same scenario but instead of two trains,lets substitute two laser beams of light travelling towards each other. Wouldnt the combined speed be twice the speed of light on impact?

kev from the uk

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Thu 01/16/14 10:43 AM
Hey i am over here in Liverpool in the UK LMAO at you guys and this date...Its so cool that your so excited and youve already answered your question that you are NOT too old to fall in love again...Jeez..
Have a great time hun and remember,am sure your man is feeling the same way too...Bless you both xx

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Thu 01/16/14 10:30 AM
FWB is very cheap to run......Commitment on the other hand is very expensive

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Thu 01/16/14 10:25 AM

I have this slight inkling that I am totally not normal when it comes to dating and relationships. I've been single (by choice) for well over 5 years and I still have no desire to have a partnership despite my many options.

And yet -- I keep putting myself out there anyway in hope that something will "click" eventually and make me want one.

It just seems more like a hassle to me; and I fail to see how a relationship could ADD to my life instead of constantly TAKE more from me now.

Does anyone else feel like this too? Or am I a total alien when it comes to human contact? :/

Your just not ready to get back on the horse should we say...Ouch!! I think what ever it was that hurt you last isnt quite yet healed.. You are young and love shall find you again

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Thu 01/16/14 10:21 AM
You might think am a weirdo but have you ever found yourself,do you know who you REALLY are?
Most of us dont and end up on endless orbits on dating sites looking for the quick fix..
How can we have the trust to dare to love someone else when we dont know who we are?

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Thu 01/16/14 10:17 AM
Wheres that ,in the kitchen doing the dishes?

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Thu 01/16/14 10:12 AM
The most important thing you must invest in a prospective partner is NOT money .looks or the size of their assets.....Its their brain or mind as EVERYTHING about them is controlled by this..People are so shallow and never evaluate or should i say "OVERLOOK'' the mind...Money,sex,material things and especially lust and chemistry is controlled by the mind...Jeez without being unfair take a look at the most famous motor racing driver in a coma at the moment,all the money in the world amounts to nothing because he hasnt got his mind..

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Thu 01/16/14 10:00 AM
There are no rules in life other than not breaking the law of your lands....Live and let live and please...

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Thu 01/16/14 09:56 AM

Hi every1, need some advice.
Im starting to fall for a guy who is halfway around the globe from me.Will this relationship work?

Your having a cyber relationship,most people create a fictional lover in their minds of the person they are chatting too,your mind may be deceiving you...

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Thu 01/16/14 09:51 AM
Jeez am good ,i havent even messaged you yet and now your falling for me>.........

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Thu 01/16/14 09:49 AM
My understanding of inner beauty is something that you cannot see but you can feel..It has a gravity and draws you near without you even moving..Inner beauty has the power to soften the most hardened person hence the pen is in fact mightier than the sword..You will know when someones inner beauty or colours have affected you as butterflies will stir in your tum....Good luck sir....

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Thu 01/16/14 09:44 AM
Path way to wisdom is maturity and time.

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Thu 01/16/14 09:38 AM
With age comes maturity and wisdom,history and intelligence...The young are so eager to give their hearts away

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