Community > Posts By > tonyatoto

tonyatoto's photo
Sun 11/12/06 07:03 PM
To all that read this!! What Will didn't tell you is I have roommates,
and the phone is under my roommate name, also I told Will on my myspace
account the pictures there was model shots from about 5 years ago (
camera shots) I didn't play Will, I was there just miscommunication,
on I guess my part, As for as me and Will goes I thought we was talking
and working this out!! now for the ones that bashed me!! you've made
yourselfs the Judge the jury and convicted me, thank you, I am happy for
Will that he has the friendship, would hate for another to be judged by
you all!! because they also might think of you as there friends also!!
and they would be wrong, don't worry on kicking me off this site,
because I wouldn't want to stay on a site that has so many judges that
can't pick a fair jury!! Again for Will only you know my heart, this
will now be up to you on how we go from here!!
thank you judges and jury for your friendship!!

tonyatoto's photo
Sun 11/12/06 07:02 PM
To all that read this!! What Will didn't tell you is I have roommates,
and the phone is under my roommate name, also I told Will on my myspace
account the pictures there was model shots from about 5 years ago (
camera shots) I didn't play Will, I was there just miscommunication,
on I guess my part, As for as me and Will goes I thought we was talking
and working this out!! now for the ones that bashed me!! you've made
yourselfs the Judge the jury and convicted me, thank you, I am happy for
Will that he has the friendship, would hate for another to be judged by
you all!! because they also might think of you as there friends also!!
and they would be wrong, don't worry on kicking me off this site,
because I wouldn't want to stay on a site that has so many judges that
can't pick a fair jury!! Again for Will only you know my heart, this
will now be up to you on how we go from here!!
thank you judges and jury for your friendship!!

tonyatoto's photo
Sat 11/11/06 02:12 AM
my heart is broke
I want to die
I feel as though
I could cry
theres no words
no poems
no rhymes
to fix this pain
this time
I am the fool
I believed in love
but it's so curl
so my friends
have fun with your
duel, for theres
no thing called love
only poems and rhymes
and wishes,

tonyatoto's photo
Fri 11/10/06 09:11 AM

tonyatoto's photo
Fri 11/10/06 09:10 AM
as the eagle soars
the sky, soon my love
I'll be in your arms
an my heart how it charms
with your love
I'll feel more like a dove
for your my heart dear

tonyatoto's photo
Fri 11/10/06 09:08 AM
hmmmmmm sometimes you can
sometimes you cant
sometimes you live with
heartbreat, sometimes
the inner soul dies
but then you fine another
at that time you might
fear, and shed the lost
tears, but if you hold on
to his hand then love will
last forever

tonyatoto's photo
Fri 11/10/06 09:06 AM
thank you!!
I am happy to know
you all like my poems

tonyatoto's photo
Fri 11/10/06 09:04 AM
thank you everyone I am glad you

tonyatoto's photo
Fri 11/10/06 08:47 AM
wow very deep TJ

tonyatoto's photo
Thu 11/09/06 01:16 PM
thank you

tonyatoto's photo
Thu 11/09/06 01:14 PM
instant messenger or chat rooms

tonyatoto's photo
Thu 11/09/06 01:11 PM
has anyone suggested adding the link to there
Myspace account? or to there 360 account?
and also anyone with a blog anywhere
could ad the site also!
but would need a link to be able to do that?
also the who's online would be a great idea!
and also maybe a chatroom, or instant chat
area? I know that inforsek at one time was
actually up for grabs, which would give
the site instant access also a chat area
and instant message!

tonyatoto's photo
Thu 11/09/06 11:45 AM
you write nice poetry

tonyatoto's photo
Thu 11/09/06 11:37 AM
Hello Will
I was just missing you
thought i'd write and say hi
letting you know your in my mind
just a few more hours opps I mean
like less then 48, and i'll be in your
arms, i'm getting overly excited!!

tonyatoto's photo
Thu 11/09/06 11:26 AM
as I read your poetry
it brings me back to a
saying, but i'm not sure
if the saying is right!!
because it seems you've
put up a great fight!!
but here's the saying
I hope you like,
my granny who raised me
was a great lady, she took
me in when my parents love
was empty, but she always
refered to her son as my daddy
and my mom as my mother!!
because she said it took
just alittle of a man to be a daddy
but a true heart and a forever
to be a mommy!! But now adays
I think it's the other way around!!
it takes true love to be both
a daddy and a mommy!!
Your son is beyond lucky
for he has both within you!!
and more love then what probably
some who have both a mommy and a
daddy,so stop please with the tears!
and be proud with a smile, for
your true heart will help out!!
and one day when you son, becomes
a man, you'll look back again
and know your love suited him grand!!

tonyatoto's photo
Thu 11/09/06 08:33 AM
your poems are very touching

tonyatoto's photo
Thu 11/09/06 08:28 AM
A gift in the eyes, transformed to the hand,
To capture a moment, so frozen with ease,
Like a breath held tight, slowed down to observe,
And placed on canvas, a window a view,
The colours so vibrant, so vivid and bold,
Portray a true portal, of a sight which unfolds,
Unlike a photo, not perfect but flawed,
Yet it has its own life-force, it breathes it moves,
Not only in spirit, the emotions are bled,
And placed so flat, but stand out and alive,
Some views are obscure, and quaint in their way,
But others are calm, so soothing and warm,
The gift of the artist, the painter untold,
Their emotions of colour, still dazzle and speak........

tonyatoto's photo
Thu 11/09/06 08:20 AM
I woke up early just before dawn
And very soon I harpooned the sun.
He hoisted me high above the lawn.
It was scary but really quite fun.

The sun showed me beauty all around
With pristine lakes, green forests, and streams.
Such truly awesome sights we had found
I had only before seen in dreams.

Winding rivers, some narrow some wide,
Open pastures amid gentle hills,
Urban monuments and countryside,
Snow topped mountains that gave me the chills.

Time worn valleys and canyons so grand,
A modern dance troupe of swaying trees,
A patch quilted look covered the land,
Then the blue ocean with its cool breeze.

The ocean soon passed by down below
Beautiful mountains appeared once more.
But later there was an ugly show
We floated slowly over the war.

I looked to old Sol but was surprised,
Because he was nowhere to be seen.
In dark overcast he was disguised
Not one single ray showed in between.

An ocean appeared and passed again
And old Sol finally showed his face.
He told me that the war was a sin.
Or at least mankind’s awful disgrace.

He said he had to lower me down
Back to my awaiting family.
“Only one sad sight caused you to frown”,
He said, “the rest were just too pretty”.

I thanked him for the wonderful show
Then said “such an awful travesty”
“That two of the prettiest sights we know,”
“You will never be able to see.”

He said “I’ve seen all, that a surprise?”
“My view’s the very best you can get!”
“Ever see morning’s sky when you rise”,
I asked, “or the dusk sky when you set?”

He disappeared behind a dark cloud,
When I turned to wave good-bye.
Then I heard the sun sobbing out loud
And his tears fell from the sky.

tonyatoto's photo
Thu 11/09/06 08:15 AM
Softly we go into the night
As we remember the days light
Thinking of all the joy it has brought
Kindly drifting away to a place
Where we can hold that joy forever so long
Before the morning light.

But not all days are filled with joy
Some with pain some with sorrow
We must not forget that life goes on
No matter how hard it is we must not dwell on the bad
But embrace it and move on
Not to forget what we learn.

Tomorrow will always come
Yesterday will always be gone
What's done is done now to move on.

Sooner or later things get better
even when we are down so low
we only see darkness.

It's then we must remember
There is always hope
There is always light
You just have to look.

Some of us have trouble
Finding the light
Because we are too busy dwelling on the bad
and blaming others for our own wrong turns.

Sooner or later we need to realize it's us
who are to blame and then when we find out why
only then will the light appear
To where true happiness will find you.

We spend so much time looking for things
like love, happiness, and tenderness
but we first have to find it inside ourselves
before we can find it in someone else.

Our problems are not a burden
but a lesson
Most of the time it takes us way too long to figure this out.

We rush to fix one thing
When ten other things go wrong
All of us just need to slow down
Look around and realize.

The answers to our question not lie with our problems
but with the solutions that we find.

So as time goes by always remember
Slow down and find the light
wherever it may be hiding.

You never know when
and you never know where
But life goes right on by
Even when we aren't living it.

Everything we do from this day to the next
Will somehow be tied to our future
But remember
All of our futures
Come from our yesterdays.

tonyatoto's photo
Thu 11/09/06 08:11 AM
TJ and Countrygirl
as you once told me
hold on to your hearts
and let love shine!
true love is so
devine, and very
hard to find!!
Love will see
you both through
the hard and even
the brand new!!
your both such
beautiful people
and i'm happy
to call you
my friends
I hope and pray for you
both that love shines
through and strength
with be with you

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