Community > Posts By > justinc1431
Day off
Lately I've been spending it with my g/f. This last weekend I was hella sick. Took two days of vacation because I could feel it comming on. Spent two days in my bedroom, didn't eat for 3 days. Then when I was feeling well enough took my g/f to Olive Garden and made up for all the missing calories. lol
You wanna know whats wrong
Next time watch what car she gets into. Then the next time you're at the park you can stick a knife in her tire and laugh in the parking lot while she has to change it or have tow truck pick her up.
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You wanna know whats wrong
Time to teach the kid a right hook. Take him back and let him knock that kid on his azz.
need help with scary movies.
I saw Mirrors recently two. Other than the 2 graphic death scenes it wasn't totally disgusting. Ok story and decent thriller.
Event Horizon is pretty good. Haven't seen that in a long time. Kept me on edge. The Unborn had me jump a few times, but unless you can get it on demand you'll have to see it in the theatre. |
If it happened in my lifetime, I sure as hell wouldn't volunteer to be first.
It hasn't been over 25 here for the past 3 weeks. Windchill at zero or below. I work thirds, so I only see the coldest hours of the day and sleep during the warmest. We have more snow this year than we did all of last year and could break every snowfall record for this part of the state. It's been one hell of a winter, and it looks like it won't end until June.
"Do you ever want to execute the pit maneuver on an elderly driver? Just bump ole grandpops into the ditch? Do you want to yell "turn in your keys!" as you pass him helplessly trying to orient himself on the side of the road?" Sure, but how is this relevant to dating? Is this one of your planned activities? My kind of woman right there. |
Superbowl predictions
I have a hard time believing a team that didn't allow a single team to get over 300yds of offense all year will lose to the Cards. Pit 34 Cards 17
a naughty nurse outfit
I'll have a woman like that soon... she's gonna be tattooed on my back. lol No joke, I'll post pics when she's all done.
if you sold
Since the housing market has tanked I'd have to sell everthing to make up for the loss I would take on my home.
What does it take?
Except for the fact that he's batting for the other team. tsk tsk, Mr Music. You didn't know? They can't read or be bothered to look at other people's profiles. Which is why they just LOOK at the pretty pictures in the Cosmos. Seriously? Guys read Cosmo? I wouldn't be caught dead reading that crap. And thanks for the pup comment. She's a beast, but I don't have her any longer. Had to give her up to another family who has time to spend with her. Miss her a lot. |
What does it take?
Not just the first pic but the second one is so pixelized you can't even tell what's going on there. Get some real pictures up, drop the phone number and start hanging in the forums.
so i met asphalt today
I won't even get on my bike w/o a full face helmet. I don't ride with a windshield, so I'd be eating all kinds of rocks and bugs. Not only that, but I've heard way too many horror stories about people riding w/o helmets... not good man, not good.
Is it wrong?
Hard to say my girlfriend is a gamer. I got lucky I guess. We take turns playing WoW. Not letting this one get away. =)
What would you do....
Get between them and have fun? I mean, hello?!?! What other option is there?? ![]() I'm with her... probably #1 fantasy. Not so much with an ex, but beggers can't be choosers. lol |
How Can I Be More Unpopular?
If you want to become more unpopular to me, just start adding more and more dancing bananas to your posts. I can't even eat a banana now with out thinking of all the "loosers" who seem to think they're cute/funny.
Are we just friends?
Why do you answer the phone every night? It's possible you might be too available. Try skipping a night talking to him, see what he says the following night. If you want him to ask you out, try bringing up a favorite restaurant or activity and see how he responds. If nothing happens, then nothing happens. If you want it to, tell him that. If he runs, he is either scared or a pvssy or both. I don't reccomend the "skipping out" on him just to see his reaction. Most guys find that to be annoying and a turn off. But the idea of bringing up a favorite place to eat or activity is a great idea. If he bites... that would show interest. Or as stated already by several others, just ask him if he's interested... it's really not too hard. |
What is
Stupid people. Not just people who are dumb, but those who think they know what they're talking about but have no clue at all.
Are we just friends?
Life is a game. Play it or die. Follow this guys' advice and you'll be spending all your free time here on the forums, instead of being out with your new boyfriend. Life isn't a game. There is no "prize". It's not about winning and losing, it's about learning and loving. |